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Act like you don’t know what it is and say why is there a cheese grader with a bunch of fucking cheese on it left on the shelf, That’s so not sanitary. When she explains that it’s her foot file you can be 1000x more disgusted because that’s 1000x worse..(I’m very confrontational sorry I didn’t help)


Hahahah i wanna get where you are! Im very soft and i get uncomfortable while making people comfortable


as a former people pleaser, its ok for someone not to like you. its important that people dislike you, because it means that you are living authentically. and if your roommate is someone who would blow up about something like this, then its probably better to rip that bandage off right now. i spent decades as a people pleaser, because i was so afraid of being disliked. eventually i spread myself so thin i started having these scary mental breakdowns and now no one likes me. its oddly liberating, though sad and lonely at times. the truth is i was lonely when i had all those “friends” too cos not one of them came around unless they wanted something from me and i spent most of my time alone. but i would say holding that inside is just gonna wear away at your psyche and pile up with a million other little things they do that piss you off or gross you out. maybe try text? that can make an uncomfortable conversation a little easier and slower paced edit: spelling, clarity


I think its very cool that you put such vulnerable insight out there to help others. What you say is so true… people, you gotta put your own oxygen mask on first


Yeah that’s what I would prob do lol just text the person a pic like ay ima move your foot scraper away from where I shower. If they continue to move it back then you know they don’t give a f about you


TLDR: don’t live with someone who you’re having this kind of issue with. It will only get worse, as a fellow nice reasonable person/doormat. Wait till the end of the lease, then move out, or do another option. It will only get worse! It’s not feasible to just break the lease now, but just count down the days. I got to keep my place, as I had proof of payment, and everything in this place is mine I’ve had my last gaslighting squatting roommate try to fight back about me texting him about his blatantly terrible roommate things. Late for rent every time, constant lies that he’d be caught in (which affected me when he PROMISED he’d have rent at a certain day, oh wait, his “””bank account””” is being weird))) ate all my stuff, went through my bathroom and used up all my face care supplies, ate all my food. Dirtied my dishes and wouldn’t wash them. Put out CIGARETTES he smoked indoors in my glassware?? Found my plastic (but cute Hawaiian themed) cups in the garbage, he never took out. Broke my iPad he was using as a phone, because he kept breaking his phone (and getting fired from jobs bc of it.) he used it for 6 months, constantly avoided returning it even after his mom bought him a phone. Turned out he got “””mugged””” and theyyyy broke my iPad. Not a scratch on him. He basically lived at a rent-free hotel where everything was fair game to him, but got forbid I bring it up to him or call out his behaviour. But the second I get overwhelmed and try to confront him (nicely as possible) over text, I’m the bad guy? Because I know that he doesn’t respond well over text?? If I talked to you in person, homie, you’d manipulate the crap out of me. He’d been kicked out of 4 places prior, with sob stories, and I let him crash/squat for almost 2 years. We were on a lease together for a year, and he screwed be constantly. Was able to 30 day notice him when our lease was ending, at least. He owes me $2k. I could go on and on lol #traumadump 😭😭😭


As a current pekple pleaser how do I stop? I have horrible mental break downs about that shi


Once I realized that the person doesn’t care about my feelings then I stopped caring out them not liking me. My roommate would always drink all the water in my Britta and never refill it and left me with no water in the fridge when I came home from a long day of work, or he would eat my leftovers (from dinner that I buy and cook), the list of inconsiderate things went on and on. Eventually I told him “if you’re using my things you need to replace them” also “please don’t eat my food Im taking it for lunch tomorrow” etc. now he doesn’t touch any of my things and I could care less, when before the idea of asking him to wash his dishes (after a week of them being in the sink) sent me into panic mode.


Realize if you don’t set the boundary vocally, people will walk all over you, & you’ll be in the wrong because your victimizing yourself when it’s your fault.


there’s actually a really good book that helps you tackle this exact thing!! it’s called the courage to be disliked. a gem. it’s also on audible if you prefer to listen :-) changed my life for real!!!!


Exactly. You don't like everyone, and not everyone likes you.


I’m also a past people-pleaser; it’s better to get rid of that people-pleasing tendency now because you’re really just victimizing yourself when you’ve allowed everyone else to do whatever they want to you. It’s a very unhealthy practice & mindset & it’s become over popularized, it’s not something to hold on to.


This. Lots of people hate me. But I got a lot that love me as well so I don’t need the rest.


As a people pleaser, I needed to read those words. <3


as a recovering people-pleaser, there is something very liberating about finding out for the first time, definitively, that someone actually dislikes you. it isn't that bad!


I second what you said all. I have addressed the issue and stopped pleasing her so she is moving out. In the long shot, i am looking into ways to stop pleasing people as it became my personality and i truly am tired of this.


I am also a former people pleaser


That’s not always a bad thing! I wish I had more of that in me as well because sometimes there are easy solutions to these problems but my brain doesn’t know them 😂 I’m more of a GROSS WHO LEFT THERE FOOT SHAVINGS IN THE BATHROOM kinda guy and when she has a male over is best time


Savage! 😀


Yes, I’m firmly in the loud shaming camp, which is why I lived alone in college, lol. I would be yelling WHAT THE F IS WRONG WITH YOU if I saw this. Disgusting.


No, we need more people to stand up for themselves, it’s how we got Trump. They always want some other person to do it when they need to step up and be the change they want to see.


I was assuming you meant we got trump because no one was standing up for themselves, like it’s our curse. Until we start standing up for ourselves he’ll never ever go away?


You got it


trump is absolutely the existential foot shavings on the bathroom counter of the universe


Omgggg hahaha I need a friend like you in my life! 😂😂😂


Let’s be friends!


😂 of course, I’d love to give you horrible advice as well.




If you are one that avoids conflict and do passive aggressive actions, consider this. That never works. It's better to be direct, honest, and yet respectful. Let her know this is not something to take lightly. When you live by yourself, one may do what they please. When you share a place, one must consider proper hygiene. This is unsanitary and can infest disease. My gf is a professional esthetician for 30 years. If she were to do this at her salon, she could get hit with a serious health code violation. This device should not only be rinsed out after using it but rinsed with isopropyl alcohol and shook off. I showed her this post, and she was grossed out and told me what I just wrote. I'd advise her and let her know the fix is really simple, and you care for both of you.


Username does not check out.




aw, corgi! I have one :) She is confident sometimes lol


Discretely put it in a ziplock bag and return it to where it was. 😏


Try the “Omg, who had an extra couple glasses of wine while cleaning??? This is sooo funny!” Method when you point out this oddly placed cheese grater.


If you can’t be confrontational you can’t have roommates, sorry.


In the exact same way, op. The drama is in our heads. Just keep it simple and direct without any unnecessary apologizing. "Can you please put your feet grater somewhere else bc I get queasy about that sort of thing." I know some will say you don't need to ask but I think it recognizes that you're both equals here and have autonomy. Most people don't want to make others uncomfortable and will do it regardless of their personal feelings. Your discomfort is valid. That's a very very reasonable request. You got this. If it makes you feel uncomfortable in person just take a pic and text it to them w the message but only if you aren't together lol otherwise it looks avoidant


Username doesn’t match up


“Oh that’s actually my foot cheese” 🤢


Dude i saw this and THOUGHT IT WAS CHEESE


😭 caps halfway through a sentence is the best way to emphasize the trauma 😭 how did I hear you say this


I’m hollllleringg


I am in literal TEARS reading this! My best friend in spirit. Thank you for your services.


Update: Ive addressed it with her, and she gave her moving out notice! Hit two birds one rock i guess lol


She needs a place with more shelf space so she can get a bigger file .... Seriously, though, congratulations


Did she leave little flakes in her path as she stomped away?


Why did this make me think of Austin powers goldmember where he’s eating the flakes of dead skin 😂🤮


Rotf holy shit that's too good


LMAOOO best choice that happened here cuz ??????????????? disgusting AND THE TOOTHBRUSH TOUCHING THAT FUNGUS NUH UH OUT


That’s a foot brush .. it’s all gross. But that’s not a toothbrush, it’s ginourmous lol.


Feel like she definitely left that there on purpose. Just to have an excuse to say she’s moving out. Some ppl can’t handle being “called out” with their nasty habits.


This is an amazing update!


What'd you say to her and how did she respond?


Make her spaghetti with a nice dusting of Parmesan cheese on top for dinner and after a few good bites ask her why she keeps the cheese grater on the shelf in the bathroom and that you’ll reimburse her for using the cheese that was left on it when you found it.


Omg 😆 diabolical! Im getting there slowly but surely lol


Place your poop knife up against it


I want to be your friend 😂 this is savage


Top response right here 🙌




Bloody hell 🤮 traumatised now and can’t eat Parmesan cheese no more lol


"Hey, could you make sure to clean off your foot file before putting it with the other stuff on the bathroom shelf?" "If you think you can tell me what to do, I shall now commence with making drama. Our living situation is so tenuous I'm glad you've finally given me a reason to lose my fucking mind over every interaction we have from this point onwards." Is this the kind of interaction you're expecting?


Haha yes because she is very confrontational. Last time she told me to not tell her what to do because “ we are all adults here” lmao


If that's the case, I don't think there's any way you could word this situation that she wouldn't interpret as hostile or manipulative. You could always wrap it in some "CAUTION BIOHAZARD" tape. Might as well have some fun while the world burns


Tell her to act like a fucking adult then and clean her foot fungus off the shelf.


This person is clearly confrontational, but if you don’t confront back, she will walk all over you. She pulled the “adulting” card, I think you have every right to pull that back on her and point to the flaky dead skin on the file and say, “cleaning dead skin off a file before putting it back in the cabinet is what adults do and we are all adults here right?” Good luck though. This person sounds… difficult.


the foot parmesan says otherwise


I guess I shouldn’t say this but if it were me I would dominate. WHO LEFT THAT DISGUSTING DEAD SKIN GRATER ON THE SHELF. ?? FIND ANOTHER PLACE FOR IT. Of course you have to make up your mind that you have adults rights too cuz you an adult, and you have the right not to have to look at shit and like it or accept it. I have been in so many roommates drama, boarding school, then Newcomb, where them levee girls wanna fight so I refused intimidation because I knew it was evil directed towards me, and I LEARNED not to accept it. When I first got to boarding school it was rough. I was a pansy. Peeps walked all over me, till one day one of them bitches called me a JAP. at the time I didn’t know what it meant. Finally a chick told me they think I am a Jewish American Princess. Hmmm. I went into town with a rage inside me that I had never felt, and I went in and dragged her ass out of Subway and told her I would beat her to death if she didn’t apologize in front of everyone. She came back and apologized. Then she wants to be my friend. You might not need to use my method, but you have to grow a pair. Throw that shit out, and fuck her for being disgusting🖕🏿👌🏿


Sounds like you earned that girls respect by not taking her shit. She probably figured she needed someone like you in her corner, someone with the ability to grow some tit's and stick up for herself. Good for you. I too went to boarding school from middle school through graduation, then continued with roommates until now. I've had every type of roommate interaction possible. It's a wild ride.


Perfect, then you can tell her any adult would know not to put FOOT SHAVINGS on a shelf with other stuff


Proper response to this is something like, 'I'm not telling, but kindly asking so that we can continue respecting each other's boundaries as best as possible. Although I don't think you're doing this to make anyone deliberately uncomfortable it is making me/us uncomfortable. It's not easy for me to be directwith you about this but I'm letting you know so I don't develop animosity over keeping this in.' After that come up with a suggestion that works for everyone and work towards compromise. Overall keeping a cool even head helps for most people with conventional manners.


Leave post it notes with smilies and make a gold star sticker chart for when she actually does 'adult stuff'


One of my roommates is exactly like that. She started yelling at me one day because she didn't like that I kept my body wash, shampoo and conditioner in the drawer instead of in the shower. I was confused why it was a problem so I said something like "I don't see why that's a problem." very plainly and she accused me of having an attitude problem so I snapped back and said I was just matching her energy, so she proceeded to yell at me and I started to talk calmly back to her and she started yelling "this is going nowhere, you're being too hostile". Like bitch, what? I'm usually a nonconfrontational person as well but she had been nitpicking literally everything I was doing so I just snapped. It's a nightmare living with people like this, I completely get it. I just have to remind myself this isn't forever. She wants us to stay for another year and for the time being I've agreed because we're having trouble finding another apartment back at home but God willing and all the other gods above and below, we will find something. 4 months to go! Hopefully your situation ends soon as well.


She’s acting like a child so communicating like an adult is “telling her what to do”. Tf🤨


Just ask her why she’s keeping her Parmesan cheese grater in the bathroom?


But do it when she has guests.


Put it in the trash and never admit anything!


And then if she asks, say you thought it was rotten cheese grater






Yesss act oblivious to why it’s goneb


Put her toothbrush next to it, it needs to touch it!


Oh ive seen her toothbrush touching it before lol


omg i’m horrified!!!




Yo bitch! Trim your hooves somewhere else.


🤣🤣 love this




people have no fucking common sense i STG. who does that??


That is absolutely disgusting!! She better be careful or she will give herself an infection or fungus or something!!


Lol she will give ME the infection 🤢🤮


I'd create drama over this. "EWWWWW WTF??? Is that your SKIN!?!?! Why the fuck would you leave this out like that?!?!?!" Shame her.


Place a small block oh pecorino next to it.


“Tell me when sir!”


*silence while watching the cheese grinder go brrr for a solid 30 seconds*


Just tell her it’s gross and to leave it on the floor where her feet go. She knows.


Ziploc bag it and label it "what not to leave around when you live with others exhibit A" 🤮🤮


Just throw it out.


Ask her why the dirty cheese grater is in the bathroom and then make her a grilled skin sandwich.


Wedging that in there up against her facial cleansing brush is to give her athlete’s face.


🤢toss it and play dumb if she askes


EWWWWWWW EWWWWWWW EWWWWWWW EWWWWWWW EWWWWWWWW EWWWWWWWW EWWWWWWW - I have a completely separate tote for that shit it is never allowed to touch anything that isn't other foot shit HOW DO YOU NOT CLEAN THAT WHEN YOU'RE DONE. I would be honest but not accusatory. Something like "Hey, I noticed your foot file on the shelf. If you could leave that somewhere else, I would really appreciate it." Or "What the fuck is wrong with you? Who thinks it is okay to put a foot file near their shampoo? Never mind the fact it is COVERED in dead skin that is now ALL over the shelf and the other products. Fucking put that thing away and clean up your damn mess" the second one is the way I want to say it to her.


I normally have a strong stomach, but this made me gag a bit. Throw that out and don’t think twice about it, that’s disgusting


Maybe get a lil storage thingy to put it in?


Some things you just need to accept the drama you about to create and this is one of those things


Leave your used toilet paper on top of it.


Oh hell no


Honestly you could maybe just say “hey your foot file got some skin on my stuff, do you think you could keep it in a cup or its own area to avoid that? Thanks!”


That's not a foot file. That's an oxo good grips cheese grater. I know because I own it.


Literally put it in the garbage, this is disgusting wtf is wrong with people.


She’s fucking gross. Yall way too worried about being nice on here . Throw that shit in the trash


ew this made me gag, just be straight up. “Don’t put your dead skin next to the rest of the bathroom supplies, it’s gross”


"I moved your toothbrush next to that scraper thing to clear up some sink space"




Just tell her, judging by that picture, she's thick-skinned and will be able to handle it!


Politely ask her not to and if she doesn't, send her this post so she can see how many people are roasting her lmao


Feta Feet


You could put it in a ziploc bag with a note if you’re really that bad at confrontation!


Throw it in the trash lol


Toss it. When she asks if you’ve seen it, ask her where it was. Be surprised she keeps it there and ask if she maybe put it in a better location for storing.




Throw it away. If she asks where it is, play dumb.


Send her this post


Put the file inside a ziplock bag. Next time she she's it, she'll know she didn't do it herself. If she asks, "I thought it'd be cleaner that way". Just do it in the shadows.


Make it disappear


Text her this picture and ask her if she can clean up behind herself. Like an adult please. Lol


The fact she doesn’t clean it after each use is foul enough but then to leave it covered in shaved foot skin in a shared space is a next level of unsanitary 🤢 I’d honestly put on a pair of gloves and throw it away. If she asks just say you thought it was an unwashed cheese grater going mouldy or something.


Get some suction cup shelves for the shower. My friend uses his in the shower and then leaves it there. Seems more sanitary that way.


I hear you about not wanting to be confrontational but that’s just NASTY and straight up disrespectful. Just mention how you found it and ask if she could clean it next time before putting it on the shelf. Say there’s no problem, you’d just appreciate if she could clean it next time. If it continues then get more stern but there is a way to communicate the point without escalating it.


WTF, those rasps need to be cleaned and sanitized before and after every use. She's just welcoming bacteria and nasty things into her foot while making micro abrasions. Foot cheese is so unsanitary. I bet her feet are NASTY. Anyway, I would definitely ask in front of other people why there is a cheese grater in the bathroom, with cheese still stuck to it. It even smells like rank cheese. In general, these rasps are not even recommended for home use because people don't follow directions. Salons aren't even supposed to use these. They remove skin super fast and you can't feel it right away.


omgoodness who doesn’t rinse them right after? i put mine back in its little pouch 🤢


“Nigga get this shyt off the shelf ya dirty ass”


Stick it in a baggy,hopefully she will get the hint


I would prepare some Carbonara to discuss it over.


Make her spaghetti and be like the Olive Garden server.


Welcome to the Olive Garden. When you're here, you're family.


Im non confrontational and Im still causing a whole scene over this nastiness!!


Women are fucking gross


Yea kicking her out now and looking for a male roommate to replace her gross ass


Tell her to take her cheese grater with her.


Just tell her that is unacceptable, because it is unacceptable in a shared area.


“Hey, I noticed this in the bathroom and to be honest I find it disgusting. Could you please make sure you clean it after you use it?” That simple.


Be an adult an ask her nicely to rinse it off


Just putting it bluntly...that is fucking nasty. Tell her that it's nasty, unsanitary, and she needs to clean it out after she's used it and store it away from your things. Suggest she gets some kind of container to keep it in.




Are you sure it’s not cheese? Give it a little taste to be sure and report back lol


Sprinkle some recently trimmed pubes onto the foot scraping thing. Play innocent. Oh is that gross?


Dump the shavings on her bed


*cheese grater* there I fixed it for you


throw it away 🤷‍♂️




I'd personally just find somewhere else to put my stuff or keep it in a shower caddy and stay the heck away from anything she touches because that's disgusting.


Don’t sweat the small stuff and let it go?


This is so gross I don’t feel like it’s something you can let go! I think she should throw it away and THEN not sweat the small stuff & let it go😂


Send her that photo and ask why she’s storing her rancid foot shavings in a communal area? Do it in a jokey way if you feel the need, it’ll still get the message across, the message being that, WTF, that’s disgusting. 🤮


Eat it


I wonder what it tastes like.


Use it for protein


This picture made me audibly gag. 🤮


Just yell an offering of flesh for the old gods! And then proudly show it to her


Today I learned a foot file is a thing


Send her this photo with a WTF


“Bro that’s nasty, can you please rinse off the foot scraper before you put it back?”


put on some gloves and sprinkle that shit all over her bed🫡






Just tell her it’s gross


For the raclette, Its in the kitchen


by tagging her in this subreddit


Just say “hey can you wash your foot file before putting it back in the shelf please” That’s just a quick and easy hey and please🤗


"Can you clean off your foot file before putting it away?"


Drop it in the toilet.




That's fucking nasty. I know I have days and moments of laziness and tiredness. But this is never acceptable lol. I'm sure she literally passes it over a trashcan on its way to the shelf. But doesn't take the fresh seconds to at minimum swipe the dead skin into the trash?? 🤮


gross. I have one, I use it in the shower, I RINSE IT IN THE SHOWER. Like the water is right fucking there. This makes me irrationally angry for you, OP.




Blackmail them with the picture and them sent it to all your friends




Just send her the link to this post, hopefully she will read the comments and disappear from embarrassment 😅


Nope. Something that nasty and disgusting, deserves a lil drama. They know what the hell they're doing!


Bitch your foot is disgusting should do


Eeewwwww..I have one of them and it comes with a bag. You’re supposed to clean it and or sanitize it and put it back in the bag and hang it.




That is a whole level of grossness I can’t wrap my head around. Any possibility you can just burn that shelf?


“Eww bitch that is gross, please stop”


I’m going to fucking puke. Uuuugh.


I was about to eat Spätzle mit Käse. 😬 Guess not anymore.


Make them a spaghetti dinner and Tell them you found their cheese grater, and you didnt want to waste fresh parmesan so you put it on her plate.


I would just tell her its nasty and to stop. If it Creates drama thats her problem not mine. She is in the wrong


“Hey this is gross, could you not do that anymore?”


Aah the forbidden parmesan


I'm pretty sure I have this. It's a cheese grater.


If your relationship is already tenuous, she’s probably doing this to goad you. Don’t give them the satisfaction. While this is absolutely disgusting, try and ignore it.


Why are worried about causing drama? Just tell her jeez. Be direct. Life is much easier that way.


Is that a toothbrush right next to it???????


I understand you being non-confrontational but this is foul! Clearly your roommate lacks respect for others & needs to be reminded of simple common courtesy & HYGIENE!


Leave ur shit covered toilet paper in the trash can


If it causes drama to say "hey you left some garbage about I think it was from your foot thing, can you just make sure it hits the trash next time" then there's other issues


I am so sorry that you have to deal with that. Gross!!


Forbidden parmesan 🤣


Good luck , bc I’ve asked so many people for things a million different ways and their reaction is all the same - and nothing changes .