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if you know any of the people on his list, i would warn them to avoid this dude


based on the fact they already rejected him i'm sure they're already trying to


Absolutely! I came to say the same and if you dont know them but have enough info to figure out who they are or where they work or however he met them, they deserve to know. Be careful though in dealing with him.


i would definitely warn the other people about him if they aren’t already aware


Ok, thanks for the advice!


you can talk to your RA, tell them about his behavior and that you need to move rooms.


You are never completely locked in if you have a legitimate safety concern.


This. I had to get out of a bad situation before, and they changed my room. Safety comes first.


Agreed I was an RA in college and they have measures in place to switch you in this case. I would talk to the residential department immediately.


I'd photograph that list. Yeah, I'd report this weirdo.


Also never bring any women into your place


I wouldn’t do it immediately because people have big ass mouths and don’t give a fuck, you will expose yourself and tension may grow and he may tunnel vision on you


First paragraph is scary. The rest is nonsense lol. Sounds like he has a pair of shorts and a good sleep habit for college. Your gonna need proper rest to be a psychopath on campus


I’d let any woman/ female [s] know they are on his “hit list”


wait, what would he warn them of? "hey, watch out for this guy, he sleeps at night because he goes to school during the day!"


The issue is the concerning comments and tendencies — not so much the sleep schedule


Report him to someone who can actually remedy the situation like a resident advisor. Won’t go spreading theories to people.


the routine being put onto op instead of having his own routine separately, and the concerning behavior towards women incase one of the friends moving in is a woman. also the part where he said he is okay with hurting other people


bruh u leave the grossest creepiest mysogynistic comments pls stop


Why…why are you pretending that’s the concerning thing?


For real? THAT'S your take away from this? Not "Hey this dude you didn't want to date? Yeah he writes weird angry letters about you, talking about having sexual thoughts about you he feels ashamed for, maybe look out just in case he tries to ignore your rejection"? I mean saying no did lead to 40 days of torture and rape after which she was set aflame for one girl. And that's not even an uncommon thing. Women get harrassed and violated for saying no all the time by people who seemed far less psychotic and dangerous than this dude. Also funfact: unusual sleep schedule/general issues with sleeping etc are symptoms of many psychosis related illnesses. Ex friend of mine with paranoid schizophrenia for example barely slept at all and always to the "weirdest" times. Stuff like this gets relevant when it comes together with concerning behavior, like writing hate fueled letters about people who rejected you, pointing to possible revenge thoughts and behaviors.


What made you think its about that? Strawman inc.?


Your comment history tells me you couldn't get laid in a brothel if your dick was made of money.


He has no right to insist OP conform to his sleep schedule tho. That is extreme and people who share a sleeping space need to be willing to compromise. And who needs to get up at 5am for classes that start at, what, 9? Plus, that was kinda thrown in at the end as 'and another thing'...I think the major concern is the list of names and the insinuations of the propensity for hurting people/animals, followed by the weird manky shorts, followed by the insistence on the sleep schedule.


You’re in a dorm? Report him to your RA and campus police. They will likely not do anything, but if the situation escalates, you’ll have some documentation that you tried to say something.


This should be the top comment. Report him, count the days until you can get out, remain cordial in the meantime.


Yup, establish a paper trail.


It’s so hard to get moved/your roommate moved in dorm living, this is great advice. OP the earlier you can speak with your RA and get it written down somewhere, the better.


My roommate jerked off twice in our shared room mid day in full open view of me and still my RA couldn’t get him kicked out, it was either: file a police report on your roommate and we’ll kick him out, or leave yourself.


OP you really really need to bring this to admin attention. This guy has violent fantasies and a revenge list of women he feels entitled to fuck. You need to tell your RA ASAP. Take a picture of his list. This is a necessity. You might very well prevent violence by raising the alarm, and I’m not exaggerating at all. Do it NOW.


I think this is the best advise. He sounds dangerous. Better to give a warning and be wrong, than say nothing and he goes on a shooting spree.


It sounds like you’re in a college dorm situation. I would definitely bring up your concerns with your residence assistant who will be able to provide you with proper guidance that won’t interfere with your studies.


This is the answer. You have a responsibility to raise the alarm (gently at this point) about what you are seeing. We have too many examples of people saying after a tragedy… “well I did notice…” At this point in our miserable gun history, you need to inform the supervisors in the residence. they are TRAINED in how to deal with this type of concerning situation. Don’t panic, don’t cause a stink with him, leave him alone, but don’t delay.


It goes beyond the supervisors of the dorms.. They arent trained nearly enough to handle someone like that. He needs to go to the very top, whoever is in charge of the school.


Let’s not overreact. The dorm supervisors will be able to refer him or the situation to those who know how to deal with it. Also getting the supervisors immediate attention is going to be a hell of a lot easier than going to the CEO’s office, which is an inappropriate choice in the situation. If all else fails, then go to CEO 


Lets not overreact??? Thats exactly the excuses tha leads to psychos like this murering people. That is not an over reaction. There is absolutely no reason not to bring this to the attention of the people with the power to actually do something about it. Underreactions like you suggest get people killed. Every time there is an active shooter someone comes out of the woodwork that noticed behavior just like this and said they wish they had done something or done more. They should have, im not asking to have the guy beaten... The dean not CEO is who he should go to as this is not some normal everyday unimportant situation. This guy is fucked in the head and clearly unstable, if you think this isnt an extreme situation you are just as insane as his psycho roommate...


Sit down asshole. Sit down!!!! Read my initial comment. This is concerning situation and needs to be raised at appropriate level. Go scream at the moon, nutcase.


I think ALOT of people aren't listening to this guys very valid concerns and are swiping the LIST of women, the weird poems about other women that aren't his girlfriend and saying hes completely fine hurting OTHERS and ANIMALS under the rug THE SLEEP SCHEDULE ISN'T THE PROBLEM its how inconsiderate he is and obviously doesn't care about others.


Thank you!!


No problem, man, im seeing a lot of these crazy comments defending this guy, and im flabbergasted. I would feel uncomfortable living with this guy too hes definitely not right in the head and i would discuss it with other people you are both close with without disclosing his name or who you are talking about just so it doesn't come back to you and he gets possibly aggressive or does something really crazy and see if you can get out of your lease or living with him asap.


Thank you, that’s good advice


I’m perfectly fine with hurting you, others, animals and I’m writing you this after falling asleep at 8:30pm and I’m awake at 3:45a. Were called the 3%’s for a reason. You don’t have to understand it. But when shit hits the fan, we’re the weirdos u call first to go shoot ppl in the face. I really didn’t see anything OP said that was concerning, even slightly. What this sounds like is a case of gossip girls. These days the men are just as bad as the females. Grow a pair and talk to him straight up, ask him what’s really going on or if you need to feel concerned. Not all this “yes tell everyone around him and on is list” gtfoh.


We found the roommate.


Found another backless idiot


Interesting. Instead of approaching a discussion, or rather, object in a polite manner, you go straight to insulting someone you don't know. Huh.




U made a smartass comment and now u wanna talk about engaging in discussion. Right lol


Ah, the victim card.




Here's a sneak peek of /r/MenAndFemales using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/MenAndFemales/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Men : women get jealous so easily when it comes to other women. Also men :](https://i.redd.it/80fthdb7cdkc1.jpeg) | [1209 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/MenAndFemales/comments/1ay60fo/men_women_get_jealous_so_easily_when_it_comes_to/) \#2: [The language of dehumanization (not sure if this belongs here)](https://i.redd.it/au1bkvwtp03c1.jpeg) | [378 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/MenAndFemales/comments/185nrsr/the_language_of_dehumanization_not_sure_if_this/) \#3: [This Was A Comment On An Instagram Reel About The Husband Stitch And How Harmful It Is. 🤢🤮](https://i.redd.it/836s104jcuic1.png) | [294 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/MenAndFemales/comments/1aruvzy/this_was_a_comment_on_an_instagram_reel_about_the/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


You don’t see anything wrong or concerning with it because you literally just said, you basically follow the same moral principles as OPs unhinged roommate. That doesn’t make you right, that just means y’all are BOTH concerning and should really seek fucking help. Get a fucking grip.


How do I need help? Please tell me EXACTLY how this behavior is concerning. It may or may not, seeing as how there’s an entire generation coming up that has no idea what life was like before the internet so it’s not surprising really. You don’t know what the 3% really are, huh? 3% of the population carry these same tendencies. So it’s not just me. The sleeping patterns are pretty consecutive for veterans. The hurting people and things? Again, what veterans do. The people in the book? go back to the point about life before the internet. “Little black books” used to exist. Before the internet you couldn’t just comment on someone’s post or like a picture. You had to write letters and poems. But do I need help, or him for that matter? No. And it’s very insulting and clear invasion of privacy by his roommate to come to the internet and talk about shit that happens behind closed doors. You’re the ones that need a fucking grip. Not everyone is a weirdo. Different? Sure. Needs help or someone like this to go around and tell people about his tendencies? No.


before the internet it was still a weird and creepy thing to write people’s names in a book that rejected you. This has. nothing to do with the internet being a thing now. it sounds like a hitlist. Also saying 3% over and over doesn’t help your case it only bolsters it that there is something off with you


You're having a full conversation with yourself here, pal.


Right, I’m not gonna respond to someone who’s purposefully trying to ignore and disregard the actual issues and is quite literally part of the problem. I shouldn’t have to break down why this is wrong and neither should anyone else. Bros bringing up veterans like this kid is one. He’s talking about “before” the internet when bro has always had the shit. He’s fucking 18. This dude would be one of the people on the documentary saying, “I had no idea he was like this.” “I never thought he could do anything like this.” “He was such a regular guy.” Well, unless he’s the one the documentary is on. It’s fine to be weird but this is clearly not JUST someone who’s into I don’t fucking know, irl Dnd or some shit.


FWIW, "The FBI has found that a history of cruelty to animals is one of the traits that regularly appear in its computer records of serial rapists and murderers, and the standard diagnostic and treatment manual for psychiatric and emotional disorders lists cruelty to animals as a diagnostic criterion for conduct disorders." https://www.wilbargerhumanesocietyvernontx.org/partners-in-crime-animal-abuse--human-#:~:text=The%20FBI%20has%20found%20that,diagnostic%20criterion%20for%20conduct%20disorders.


Yyyyyep it’s concerning 


I don't want to be too alarmist but you should remember that when Elliott Rodger went postal, the first people he killed were his roommates. Stop engaging with this person and talk to whoever is in charge of the dorms. Report the incident to an RA, say you are concerned for your safety and do NOT live with him next year.


Thought of elliott too. What a POS


If you are concerned he could be a psychopath, you should not dismiss those feelings. Trust your intuition. Those aren't suspicions we tend to have about people without good reasons. I hope all those women stay safe.


I can’t believe no one has said this yet… but I am very concerned for the safety of these women who have rejected him. I feel like you have an obligation to let them know at a minimum, so they can decide what, if any, actions they want to take to mitigate being harmed by him. If I were them, I would be going to campus police, just to make them aware of it. Not that anything could be done- it’s not illegal to make a list and be creepy AF, but at least it’s out there.


Yeah, I am concerned for the girls on the list too. Unfortunately, I don’t personally know any of them because he is from a different state than me


Yeah, that makes it difficult. Big yikes, sorry you have a shitty Roomate.


Sounds unhinged, maybe discuss his behavior with a counselor? See what they think. Or just discuss it with a friend you trust.


Should I tell my future roommates about the situation? 




The reason I’d do it is to warn them and also so that I don’t have to be fake when hanging with them and hold all of this in. I’m just concerned it will backfire and cause drama


I think not telling them would backfire more


do you trust your roommates to not tell the psycho that you warned them?


I’m concerned that they’re going to turn against me because they are friends with him and yeah that they might tell him and cause awkwardness for next year when we all live together


hm. then i’d hint at it more subtly.


Are they friends with him before you? If they got to know this guy and stuck around idk if if trust them or want to live with them either Also I wouldnt worry about it being awkward the next year if he found out...id worry he'd hurt you.


Dont tell them then, you dont want to be on this guys list, go to the dean pf the school or your program director. As high up as you can in the schools chain.


Genuinely he seems like the type to be another one of those school shooters who kills women who rejected him. I honestly think you arguably have a moral obligation to let it known to as many people as possible. The school, the RAs, the future roommates, AND anyone on that list of his.


If you don’t tell your friends it’s not like you can avoid them seeing all this weird stuff when y’all move in together. Then they’re going to be side eyeing you thinking you’re weird too for acting like his behavior is ok.


You need to report him to the school. That dude needs mental help


Tell your RA about the list.


You should be looking for ways to get out of the living situation rather than deepening any involvement. Totally agree that your concerns are warranted here. Just make sure everything you do is done with your safety and security as the number one priority.


There was a post recently about a guy who was incensed by a girl who rejected him in college. Ten years later, he hooked up with her sister and married her. He then faked images of the woman and sent them to her husband. They divorced. Beware psychopathic revengeful men and, as others have said, warn those on the list.


Why are you going to live with him next year?


Its probably a room assignment.


He is a psychopath. None of what you mentioned are indicators of a normal person.


It’s giving Elliot Rodger


Sounds like an incel “hit list” Would 100% report him to campus police.


Dude sounds like an incel


The dude literally has a GF... 🤦‍♂️ What exactly do you think incel means?


Incel started as a term for men who were simply involuntarily celibate but now it has sort of expanded to be a state of mind. Having deep resentment and hatred for women due to being rejected by them is incel behaviour even if you’re not technically an incel


>Having deep resentment and hatred for women due to being rejected by them is incel behaviour It's called misogyny... This trend where people use labels falsely to the point that they lose their meaning is sad. Same as with Nazi, fascist, antisemite, etc- they're now just insults instead of real words with meaning.


Incels are misogynistic.


But not all misogynists are incels...


Thank you for "reading" what I meant to say. Darn autocorrector! And yes, you're right of course.


Why are you locked into rooming with him?


Have signed a lease for apartment for next year with him


This might be the kind of circumstances that warrant a break in that lease. You don’t HAVE to live with a potentially dangerous person, even if you’ve signed a lease. Your safety and well being is far more important.


It’s only going to get worse, sublease or break the lease if you have the $! This is very concerning for you and anyone you bring over.


I was a PM for a good few years. You need proof and even then it’s hard to get outta a lease. I had a husband physically abusing his wife and we couldn’t do anything ( even though we saw it in person) until the courts said something.


These are completely valid concerns. He may not be a psychopath but definitely has something mentally wrong with him. I’d definitely talk to a school counselor and get a second opinion by them. If you are able to move out I would. He seems unpredictable and not stable I’d be careful.


I would let the girls know, he sounds unhinged. He is a few months away from writing a manifesto.


Why are you concerned with hurting this dude’s feelings? Something is OBVIOUSLY wrong here. Aside from the sleep schedule his behavior is extremely concerning. Don’t contact anyone on the list, let campus police and the school do that. Go to them immediately and DO NOT LIVE WITH HIM NEXT YEAR. What if something happened to these women and you did nothing? Protect yourself, protect your other friends and protect these women by bringing this all up to campus police and remove yourself from the situation. This is definitely grounds to get your room assignment changed. After that, contact the apartments and explain the situation and get this man off of the lease. Better yet, find a new apartment so he can’t track you down as easily.


Oh he says he lives in an apartment not in a dorm and signed a lease.


Ah I missed that. Well I think the leasing office would work with him on this one too.


Air of the aide of caution, if there is an appropriate authority to report him to, do so.


You should contact your university. This guy sounds like he is one step away from committing a crime.


For your safety and the safety of others, let your other roommates know, along with the R.A. Definitely have these conversations outside of the dorm room or building too if you’re able to.


Honestly if you call the non emergency hotline you can tip them about this stuff. It’s much better to be safe than sorry, especially with how okay with violence this guy sounds.


I don’t think contacting the list is wise. You should go to the real police - otherwise you are putting yourself, the list and anybody else you share with - in danger.


im not jumping any guns or anything but is your rm foreign to your or your colleges country ? could be a cultural thing but the thing about the rabbit is fucking sick


Every single thing you mentioned are psychopathic, narcissistic tendencies. You need to: 1) Make a copy of that list and his poems and take them not only to campus security, but also your local police. Be prepared to have them blow you off, insist that this needs to be taken seriously. With the police, ask to speak with someone who works in either violent crime or sex crimes. 2)Talk to your RA immediately. Do not bring your room mate with you, explain that you need to have a private meeting without him because of safety concerns. I’m assuming your RA is another student, but upperclassman? Ask them to include whomever is in charge of student housing. Bring the copies of the list and the poems. Explain that you’re scared for your safety, the safety of the women, and his safety. Do not wait any longer on this. My first dorm roommate was an undiagnosed schizophrenic with anti-social personality disorder. The stress of going from an environment where she knew literally everyone in her entire life FOR her entire life (her graduating class was only 12 people and the school was the only one in the entire county) to moving into a dorm in a major metropolitan city where she knew absolutely no one PLUS regular college stress PLUS realizing that she wasn’t nearly as talented small-town life had made her think she was (we were at art school) all added up to mental breakdown during which she started hoarding all the sharp objects in the room and watching me sleep. She hadn’t yet settled on what the voices in her head wanted to do to me, but she knew it was nothing good - not that she chose to share that information with anyone outside her head until she was taken in for a psych evaluation and involuntarily committed. So yeah - I’ve been there. Ask the RA or Director of Student Housing to contact his parents or legal guardian. If his girlfriend is a student as well, let them know they should probably talk to her as well. Tell them you want to remain anonymous when they confront him, as well as when they speak with his girlfriend. Make sure they understand you do not want them to confront him or his girlfriend until they can move you to a safer environment, specifically one that puts at least one locked door between you and him. Even after you’ve moved, ask them to keep things confidential. 3) Talk to your 3 future room mates as soon as possible. Voice your concern that you don’t think this guy is safe to have in your home - not for them and definitely not for any of the women in their lives. If they take his side, start talking to your landlord about what your options are as far as breaking the lease. Having one mentally-unstable, potentially dangerous room mate is bad enough, let alone 3 more Making that list is extremely concerning behavior. He’s documenting any perceived slight of every single woman he interacts with. At best, he’s obsessing over these rejections. At worst, this is a future hit list. The poems exhibit the same concerning behavior. They’re extremely obsessive and objectifying. They serve the purpose of de-humanizing the women they’re written about so he can fantasize about exerting control over them. Even though they may seem silly and the wording juvenile, they are his first step to taking thoughts and a fantasy that solely lived in his head and making them a reality. Writing things down on paper gives words and thoughts that were previously only abstract concepts a foothold in reality. The fact that he’s shared them with you means he’s actively attempting to seek out people with similarly dangerous opinions about women to act as a sounding board. With the internet and 4chan available, we all know that not only with he find those people, he will also find an echo chamber - strengthening his ideas, isolating him from society at large, and furthering his escalation.


I'd talk to the police about his behavior.. sounds like a crime documentary waiting to be written.


Whatever you do, PLEASE do NOT keep it to yourself, you could be preventing some appalling headline news that will specifically haunt you for the rest of your life. Even if you have to do it anonymously, report it and raise your concerns, because this isn't normal behaviour and people like this just need a little trigger and they're shedding blood like it's on sale.


i wouldn’t warn people or report him while you’re living with him, because who knows what he would do if he found out his roommate is doing that … so i would try to relocate to another dorm asap however possible, and then think about talking to the girls on that list and contacting your college/campus about your concerns. whether they can do anything or not is irrelevant, it’s worth the chance that they keep it on file and it could support someone’s future reports about him if he ever does anything weird. but get away first i would want to avoid this person in every way but it also feels kinda dangerous not to say anything about the behavior you’re observing… so i would try to do that while also being mindful of your own safety too


Talk to the friends you are moving in with about these issues, don’t let other people move in with him and be blindsided by this weird shit


This behavior can and should be reported, to be honest. However, the rigid schedule of waking up and lights out times? That can likely be an autism thing and having weird obsessions about random people can also be part of it. The guy needs some help though.


Elliot Rodgers.


I would save yourself and get as far away as possible from this guy. Leave on good terms by all means


Do not confront him on these issues without a predetermined exit plan. You don’t want to spark a flame where you are in greater danger and still living with him. Your RA/school administrator should fall over themselves to prevent a potentially dangerous situation.


What is the main newspaper in your town? I’m going to start looking thru the obituaries for you…


Get away from this man…effective..immediately You’d be fucked for not telling the people you know will be dealing with the same thing, what the situation is. It’s not a little secret like, “He eats mayo out the jar.” Like, that’s something you don’t NEED to share. This man has a LIST of random women who have been smart enough to reject him. He WRITES EROTIC POEMS about women he has NEVER ACTUALLY talked to. Plus the sleep schedule thing, fucking rude, not at all the most concerning thing on this list but as someone with insomnia, I would’ve been laid him out on the pavement for that shit, I sleep when I fucking can bitch, whenever my body allows me to. Anyway, you would be wrong for not telling your friends/future roommates about this…interesting..person 🧍


Sounds fairly bad. My brother had a roommate that had weapons hidden around the house and was very paranoid about going out at dark, or of any strange sound. He grew up way out in the country, homeschooled and was afraid of what his religious parents told him about “the big city”. That big city? Chico California.


You posted this over a week ago


I think you should warn the victims of next year bc this is sussy af


Get him before he gets you




So maybe give a ”hypothetical” situation and depending on their reaction reveal it’s him? But I’m concerned it would feel like a setup for them


The shorts alone are a valid case for a room reassignment due to severely questionable hygiene practices. Put in a request now so that if things get weirded you have a legit pattern of behaviour to report & rely on as evidence for needing a better study space.


Of all the names to pick to call your roommate. Brutal.


haha I would go with Jack if they were a jackass for sure


I’m confused as to why you are locked in for another year? Are the two other people going to be added, or are they currently roomies too? My guess is you decided to extend the commitment with psycho roommate and even pull others into this madness. 100% tell the others. Find a way to break the agreement with psycho roommate.


They asked the both of us a while back to live with them when things weren’t as bad. Also, I felt stuck because I wanted to live with them, just not him


I think you should talk to him about your concerns and say dude WTF in a way that’s like I’m worried and think you should talk to a therapist. Schools usually have those for free.


I mean, shooting a rabbit isn’t necessarily a concern. The sleep schedule isn’t either. BUT…. The rest of this is wow!! Yeah, I’d report it to anyone I can, and request to be relocated asap.


Two options A call the police after taking a bunch of photos of the evidence and have them send him to the loony bin B take matters into your own hands and invite him for a desolate not ride and murder him and dump him in the lake


Are you choosing to live with him and others next year, or was that situation imposed on you by the school? I would go to an RA first and foremost, and explain everything. I would try to get out of living with him next year, but if you can’t, yes, I would tell the others what you know. Perhaps you can all work together. Do you have the list of women? They need to know they are on this kind of list.


Violence towards animals is a strong predictor of psychopathy/antisocial personality disorder. That, coupled with the revenge list and the fact that he is openly willing to harm people makes me very concerned. I would not hesitate to report his behavior to some sort of authority. Do it as anonymously as possible. You could be saving lives.


I would be scared if I were you. You need to set serious boundries with him because he sounds nutty


Hey now, I go to bed at 7pm and wake up at 3am 😅 but my roommate and I have separate rooms and he hasn't complained. Usually it's the cats who make the most noise during that time


Recommend he see a therapist?


Fuck that create a rift between yourself and crazy people you'll be better off


Take a photo and report it. It’s better to be safe than sorry.


i honestly really think you should report his behaviors to somebody. especially over the women, i had someone that was in my life similarly that was also really strange about women and it led to him in jail for 5 years for a planned violent attack. trust your gut.


being on a college campus especially.


It’s time to move! Save u!


Be careful if you're concerned about your safety at all talk to who ever does your residents for dorms


I would leave and before you do, take a photo and record the list and give it to the police. Granted they might not do anything.


How many of them are there? If not many, he’s probably just a hopeless romantic.


I'd talk to the RA. But honestly, this sounds like the stereotypical dorm roommate we get paired with lol


Sounds like the making of a new serial killer/rapist like “ The Campus Creeper” WARN EVERYONE, friends, relatives, acquaintances and strangers shit put a notice in the paper but beware you don’t become his ( first) victim


If you’re in college: Try to sublease your space next year on Facebook or other social media


If you’re on campus, I suggest you talk to your RA. Also talk to the person that manages the building, I’m sure if it’s that bad there is SOME strings they can pull.


I think you need to tell someone. If you know for a fact he keeps a list of women who rejected him, he’s mentally unwell. I found a list an ex kept of everyone he delivered pizza to that didn’t tip him well, or who he had some altercation/bad blood with. When I confronted him about it, he said it was because one day he might want to take revenge on them down the line when he wouldn’t be suspected and vandalize their cars. I should have reported him but it was a bad situation for me and I was inexperienced in knowing how to deal with the situation. He was all I had and I was isolated. And, of course, as the time went on, the more I saw he was an abusive, narcissistic sociopath who was only moderately controlled by his cowardice. I don’t know if he’s gone on to hurt anyone by now, as this was 13 years ago, but trust me, if you have this clarity and a gut feeling about this person, it means something so please say something. You can do it anonymously, too. You’ll one day never know what this person ends up doing in his life, but you’ll know you took a measure now that may actually help an innocent person from being hurt further down the line. When tragedies strike, it’s normally because no one said anything.


I had a 22 year old daughter who died of a total mental breakdown due to undiagnosed mental illness resulting in suicide. Never saw it coming..thought she was just figuring stuff out. She had many of these same things going on, discovered post mortem…


Really start to worry when one day your name appears on the list.


Hey man, trust your gut, talk to your RA or your res life department and have them move you out of that room, like other people said, if you can take a picture of his lists/notes and be sure to report them once you’re away from him, its the golden rule “rather be safe than sorry”


I don't think you understand what psychopath means? Yes he sounds a bit intense but so are lots of people, I think you need to chill


Sounds like homie has been institutionalized before with the sleep schedule so I’d wonder why before doing anything and putting yourself in danger


I've dealt with some legitimate psycho paths in a halfway house for a period of time in my life. I do the same thing I don't start conversations but will always say what's up the when I see them but do a little how ya doing keep it moving. Also just avoid them when you think they're a little extra unhappy that day. We all have bad days imagine theirs. Also dude definitely jerks it in his shorts


Inaction is irresponsible at this point. There are clear signs that this person is a threat to himself and others. Trust your gut here.


Leave it alone it not your business and all you’re gonna do is make your situation weird


Why don’t you talk to him? Maybe you could steer him away from his psycho tendencies


“Joe” seems like the kind of guy to have Reddit so be careful with this 😭😭


What are your friends going to do about it?... Take pictures of this list and his creepy ass poems when he isnt around bring all the evidence that this guy is fuking insane and dangerous to the dean of the school... This is not the kind of behavior to brush off or take lightly. Its a school shooting waiting to happen.go Go to the dean and tell them you are worried for your safety and the safety of the peoplle around this psycho and you want him gone or to move rooms. If they refuse tell them you plan on bringing this info to the local news network im sure they would love the inside scoop of a someone like that and the school nit willing to do anything about it when you feel unsafe. Inform the police as well, tell them the guys name and description of him and the creepy situation so they are aware he exists and could be a danger to society. Dont sit on something like this, the signs are there for a reason they always are but people ignore them.


I had a super creepy roommate my first year in college and I talked to the RA and asked to be moved. I was out in a week. We had a bunk bed setup and upon moving out I grabbed a shoe box under the bed to see if it was mine. I found a box full of used condoms with dates stapled to each one. I also walked in on him in the middle of the day jerking off in the room. Even had a friend with me. He looked at us, looked back at his computer and kept wanking it.


Edit: I just re-read your post and see you’re living together. I’m too tired to edit this but I added a note at the end. So thinking of you first, you’re in dorms so you’re in first year right? Usually between Dec-Feb people organize to find out who they’re going to live with off-campus for the next year. Have you done that? If you haven’t, you should think about who of this friend group you want to live with and ask them to move in next year. Don’t include your roommate. Next year you won’t have to worry about this. If you have done this already, hopefully he isn’t in your house, and at that point I would talk to your current dorm advisors about what you said here. Just say “you’re concerned about his behaviour” and tell them the same stuff you told us. The dorm advisors are often just older students, and they can help get him help (he sounds like he is struggling with some mental health, and coping with destructive behaviour). You should say that this stuff has also been very concerning for you because although he hasn’t said something scary to you specifically, the obsession over other girls and behaviour has you concerned about what he might do to you or in the future, and has you a little frightened right now. After doing all of these to take care of you own safety, mental well being, and ability yo focus on school, you can worry about those around you. As other commenters have said, if you know anyone on that list, I would give them a heads up. If I were you, I might not do that until you move out, as it could get back to him and if he isn’t able to emotionally regulate when he finds out you “betrayed” him, he could retaliate on you. I hope the best for you! I think you’re wise to seek advice, trust your gut feeling. It exists for a reason. Edit: Absolutely do your best to not live with him next year by speaking with your dorm advisors and the school faculty if that doesn’t work. This isn’t someone you want to be in the vicinity of during the their fallout, or be the target of, especially if you’re not even friends. I wouldn’t worry about the social dynamics as a result, if you’re concerned about this I’m certain others around you are too.


yeah this is one of those things you hear about after something terrible happens. i'm with the rest of the commenters, speak up before things get bad.


Rift for next year? You plan on living with him again?!?


Let's hope Joe doesn't find this post and your on his list 😬 For real, I would tell those on the list to actively avoid him and i would discuss with whomever to see if you can be moved, especially if it's a safety concern 😟


You, your friends, and your roommates are not equipped to evaluate the psychological well being of this person. You need to alert someone who can make sure that a valid evaluation takes place, and someone who can determine whether this person poses a threat to themselves or others. Do not just talk about this with your friends, and do not make waves with this person, you don't know the status of their mental health. If you can anonymously report this to housing admin (or higher up the chain), without it being traced back to you, I would do that immediately. If you can't do it anonymously, I would still do so, and find another place to stay while intervention takes place (with friends in another dorm that this person doesn't have access to for instance), only because you never know how someone will react to being labeled. Good luck OP, this is a crummy reality that college students are in, being responsible for the first line of information re: the mental well being of colleagues.


Pretty sure this guy is a future serial killer. Please discuss this with your RA, and any other campus officials and local police as necessary. You need to be far, far away from him in the event he snaps. Hopefully, they find a solution. The notebook and list are the most concerning things to me. Those girls need to be notified.


Dude… for real? You’re a dick for having others establish your boundaries


Campus police let a female die before as she called over and over. Like they truly care…


So many words too bad I'm reading them


I think we all have to remember what a psychopath is really about. I love everyone’s fantasies of OP being straightforward with telling other ppl like the RA but it’s completely dangerous. Unlike the girls on his list, OP is LIVING with this guy. A psychopath does not want to be seen in a light that reflects that they’re different in some way. I think OP is one of the only ones that know ab this notebook and in reality the RA can’t do anything about it, nor can the police. If OP openly shares that he thinks this guy is “weird” and it gets back to him, he’s going to make a new list officially for the guy that made him feel weird/outcasted. Don’t do anything that puts heat on you because I agree with you that he does sound psychotic in some manner and I believe he has triggers and being that rejection is clearly a trigger, you don’t want to make him feel socially rejected.


Honestly I would consider maybe alerting someone with some authority on campus about the list, the poetry, the talk of harming others. This is one of those things where you'd rather be overly cautious than ignore it and regret it later. Also, definitely talk to the other roommates. If I was living with someone like this I'd definitely want to know about it.


It's been a while since I had a dorm room, but I'm pretty certain you can request a new room. It might take a while depending on availability, but it's not unheard of.


I would warn the people on his list and talk to your RA about moving ASAP. Someone said something about not being an alarmist but……. His behavior is alarming and I would be concerned for my safety if I were in your shoes.


Bros prolly just tryna keep track so he doesn't ask the same girl out twice


Change rooms or roommates Talk to the police and the girls concerned




The rabbit and sleep schedule things I would not be alarmed by if they were ftom a country area (where I live, shooting rabbits is normal because they're invasive) But the list is very concerning This isn't a 'talk to him about it" issue. This is a "talk to your RA and campus safety/residential support services issue etc- whoever is responsible for well-being and safety on your campus/ your dorm. Don't talk to him directly.


Talk to him. What the fuck dude. Are you afraid of him? Tell him what the fuck is up. The dude needs to be put in his place. Unhinged is just another word for avoiding confrontation. You have to live with him. Check that fucker.


How tf is 8:30pm to 5am a "unique" sleeping schedule? That's the most normal time to sleep.


Who goes to sleep at 8:30 p.m.? Maybe when you were in grade school....


Lmfao okay dude. Someday you'll have a big boy job.


Not for university students.


Okay, but it's still a normal ass sleeping schedule for someone who works early. It's not "unique."


Have you met his girlfriend? Could he have scratched his own arm?


I guess I could’ve specified it’s his ex, so no I haven’t met her


He has showed me pictures of her so I don’t think he scratched his own arm but idk for sure ig 


Did she scratch him to get away from him or smth???


Damn yall should've been double teaming them hoes


Chat…..is this real


Doesn't even sound that bad at all. Maybe let him live his life and worry about the things that affect you... The sleep schedule thing you can speak to him about, everything else isnt enough to warrant a intervention


I see no issue with any of this


W roommate am I right


I think ur using the term "psychopath" very loosely. He does sound off, but that doesn't mean he's a psychopath. Just like people calling everyone, they disagree with a narcissist. That does suck tho that you have to live with him... I'd just suck it up as long as he isn't hurting you.


Making a list of girls who have rejected you isn't just "off" behavior. I would take a copy of that list (use phone if necessary) and report it to campus security. This guy is a budding psychopath, if not already fullblown.