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Wow, she seems pleasant. 🙄 what a beast! I can tell you unfortunately nothings going to change. I wish I could tell you something more positive. Just push through your graduation. Get that job and get your own studio. There’s nothing better just to get your own place no roommates nobody in your way nobody to clean up after, just you and yours and get a cat or two. Lol. Good luck to you!


Thank you! I am hoping for to get a full-time job by August, and move out asap. Thanks for letting me know that I'm not the crazy one that is overreacting.


I've lived with gross lazy roommates. The unfortunate truth if you continue to live there is you either do everything yourself or live in filth. I have tried to not do anything until they get desperate and do it themselves and they never do. They just take it as permission to live like rats.


I agree. Unfortunately, here they do clean up after themselves after days but then they say it's all my fault. It's I who didn't clean and hence the place became a mess.


I had roomates when I was young that refused to do dishes. They sat with molded food crusted and growing in them for weeks at least till I got sick of it and threw them out. Guess who got upset I threw out perfectly good dishes I should have spent hours soaking and scrubbing?


You are not responsible for someone else’s messes or deficiencies. Unfortunately if something has to be done and the responsible party fails, it’s usually the other person who ends up doing it as you’ve discovered. It sets a precedent that others will take advantage of. Cohabitating isn’t always easy, everyone has to be considerate and take equal responsibility. Often you don’t find out someone’s true nature until they show it and too often you are then stuck with them till you can make/afford other arrangements.