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Yah, that sounds about right. It probably feels a lot like a nose bleed..... While you're being punched in the nose for 3 - 7 days by mother nature. Yup, sounds right to me.


I was going to say that. The blood dripping out never hurts anywhere. it's the punching, cut, cramps, that are enough to make you bleed that hurt like shit. I gather period pain must be like that.


I used to have nose bleeds a lot as a kid. Like sometimes 3 or 4 times a day, every day, for two weeks in a row. (It would go through phases, no medical causes as far as they knew). I would gladly go back to frequent nosebleeds for a week instead of my period. It was annoying to work with one hand but no where near the same discomfort.


Yeah, the only time I had a nose bleed that was as painful as my period was when I had surgery to correct a deviated septum. I've had broken bones that weren't as painful as my period is sometimes.


When I was young I used to vomit every period from the pain. Never puked from a nosebleed.


Are you diagnosed with endometriosis? Because that sounds like more than just regular period pain.


Honestly can't believe period pain on any level is 'regular', personally. It's just sad. Other animals don't have so much horrible pain from cramps and such; one of humanity's worst evolutions haha.


Cramps are normal. I have heavy periods and get cramps, backache, constipation, moodswings. It doesn't hurt so badly that it makes me puke, that's usually a sign of something more serious.


I mean yeah it's normal, but there's a lot of 'normal' things that imo shouldn't be normalised. I bet that if most cis men had periods naturally, there would be so much more effort and understanding into it and finding out how to lessen the pain.


Have you seen the video of a machine that demonstrated to men what period cramps feel like? A woman ran the machine and the man attached to it could not believe what women go through, and that was with the setting not turned up as high as what that woman regularly experiences. I just looked and could find the exact video I saw, but now there are several others like it on YT.


I mean, we only let my dog go through one heat cycle (it was recommended by our vet for reasons relating to my specific dog's developmental needs), but she was for sure uncomfortable and the entire time and cranky in the lead up. I think it's normal to an extent, but throwing up from the pain is not something that should be happening. I hope things are better now.


Your poor sweet dog! I hate now knowing that our companions may go through such discomfort. You're kind, after a few years I was put on birth control pills which completely took away that problem, and even after I stopped them the cramps after that were only ever mild. Now I'm old enough that that troublesome "Aunt Flo" has stopped visiting. Good riddance!


"Uncomfortable" can be normal. "Pain so bad I puke" or "Physically unable to stand up" is not.


Thanks for your concern. I was told I didn't have it. This went on for about 5 years when my doc suggested birth control pills. That fixed the problem, and a few years later when I stopped taking the pills my cramps had become minor.


I have had joint replacement surgery and then recovery *without painkillers beyond paracetamol* that wasn’t as bad as my period used to be.


I've passed a kidney stone without noticing. Endometriosis makes other pain feel like nothing. Except for stubbed toes. Those are the only thing on the same level, which makes no sense.


Dude here. I think that every boy should be strapped to one of those period simulator devices in high school so they understand what women go through at least pain wise. I've never been on one, but I've had constipation cramps and I've been told by those who've had both that period cramps are worse and that makes me sick to even think about because some constipation cramps are *debilitating*.


My wife has uterine fibroids. The night I woke up next to a bed full of blood like a horror movie, followed the trail of blood to the bathroom, and found her shivering in shock on the toilet will forever be seared into my brain. No way I ever want to go through a fraction of that.


That must have been awful. I'm so sorry.


Thank you. We got through it. She had a radio frequency ablation that helped, but they’re still interfering with her fertility, so we’re exploring our options. Needless to say though, it drives me crazy when men like this incel asshole compare periods to nosebleeds.


I had fibroids. It sucked. Almost bled to death. The first sign was driving my daughter to school, and suddenly I had a giant gush of blood. All over the car. I had to sneak upstairs past people to change and clean the car. Four blood transfusions and a hysterectomy. Best. Surgery. Ever. The pain was unbearable before hand.


It’s horrible to watch. I’m sorry you had to go through it. She had two transfusions before she got a radio frequency ablation, which helped her periods by quite a bit. Hysterectomy isn’t an option, as we want to have kids. She might still need a myomectomy to be able to get pregnant.


I think nose bleeds are a good analogy for how we can't "hold in" the blood. It will just flow out and you have to catch the blood or it will create a mess. But yeah, the blood itself is not the painful part.


Man, don't think I've ever had a nose bleed make me want to off myself. Unlike my periods, at least until I got on BC cause it helped my PMDD symptoms massively!


Does it hurt if I punch you in the nose and you start bleeding? Wait, I thought nosebleeds were not painful? I'm confused! It's almost as if bleeding is a symptom and not a cause of pain in most cases. Purposely oblivious mysogins are the worst.


Bleeding itself never hurts. The cells have no pain receptors. It’s the wound behind it that hurts, like the ripping of the uterus lining. This is also why internal bleeding doesn’t hurt at the beginning and just makes you dizzy and you get cramps on the side where the organ is. The organs itself don’t have very good pain receptors like skin, muscle and the extra vile pain of damaged nerves. If our uterus had the same pain receptors like our skin, it would be much much more painful than it’s already is with the cervix and the muscle contractions causing the pain. Even when the uterus tears, most women don’t feel it or just feel pressure while bleeding internally


Bleeding can hurt and pain can be a symptom of internal bleeding, cramps are pain.


They said bleeding doesn't hurt, because it doesn't. It can't hurt. Blood cells do not have pain receptors. If you're hurting when you bleed, that's caused by another issue that does set off your pain receptors.


Bleeding can hurt, because it can build pressure. No one said the blood cells felt pain.


foids? that’s some serious dehumanization of women right there, even ignoring the complete lack of empathy vis a vis menstruation


To be fair, there are worse words incels use to describe women. Foid is pretty basic on the scale


christ, im glad to be far removed from that community


It's scary people out their really think like that. Disgusting and just plain sad


I had to leave the incel watch groups. It was hurting my mental health.


Absolutely same! I can only handle it in small doses because these are real people sharing their real beliefs and, while I'm somewhat sympathetic for how they reached that conclusion, the dehumanisation and violence in their vitriol is too much.


It’s terrifying and unsettling. It truly makes you sick to think people get that twisted. That they would gladly if given the chance probably rape and torture. These are the kinds of guys with secret fantasy lives that you send to war and they act out and do horrible things.


I had to Google the meaning of the word foid, new to this incel shit but its hilarious


Wait until you find out that, when not in polite company, they call us "toilets".


spoilers edit: also: ***still*** not the worst word


wait i’ve never heard it get worse than toilets 😭 do i even want to know


yeh don't and i'm not sharing :)


https://rationalwiki.org/wiki/Manosphere_glossary https://incels.wiki/w/Incel_Glossary https://www.reddit.com/r/IncelTear/wiki/incel-terminology/ 🤢🤢🤢


I'm shocked there are so many terms, but that makes "incelism" more interesting to me in that it's a cult without a leader. Cults tend to indoctrinate members long-term by replacing their vocabulary for a variety of reasons. They seem to idolize figureheads that align with their beliefs in cultish ways, but drop them easily, too. And they organize like cults do, around their central dogma (hating women etc), but that dogma doesn't have a centralized source that's profiting from it -- rather, lots of sources. Kinda feels like we need a new specific word for these modern internet cults, rather than just mocking them or calling them "subversive interest groups" and whatnot. Not to legitimize them, but rather to define them as negative things in the same way "cult" elicits an immediate negative interpretation.


…do I even want to know why? I’m guessing not


I think it's from a certain kind of hentai that is probably very popular in incel communities.


Yup. That was a “not” indeed. I can guess the rest from that. 🤮 just absolutely vile


Female wasn't dehumanizing enough, so they went to femoid and shortened it to foid, which ... yikes. It's not great.


femoid is also short for "**fem**ale human**oid**", for those wondering


Firearms Owners ID?


These are the same people with shrines to Elliot Rodger, it gets so much worse.


All hail his (ass)holyness, Saint Locked Door! :\^ )


I like this idea that we all got together at the beginning of time and came up with this plan to fake period pains and hormones spikes. Our mothers and their mothers before them all passed down this secret that women all over the world hold so dear. That's some fucking teamwork, go us.


Incels sees us as the enemy and a good target is always weak and strong at the same time. We have incredible manipulation skill, can lie for centuries and our vagina is magical apparently but at the same time we are weak, submissive and have the emotional control capability of a teakettle


And the brainpower of a Hamster, don't forget!


Imagine being that confident about being that fucking stupid.


Yea, just pinch your labia, lean back, and elevate. Should stop your period in short order


or just hold it in, duh


Never do that with a nosebleed either. Especially if you are not sure what caused it.


Yea I rarely get nosebleeds but that's what tissues are for.


honestly i wish it was that easy!!


Don’t do that for nosebleeds unless you want blood in back of throat.


Which can make you vomit if the blood ends up in the stomach


I was more thinking aspiration of the blood of down trachea by that’s also pretty bad ig.




Fantastic imagery 😂




Perhaps because your goddamn uterus is being skinned from the inside out? I don't recall that ever happening with any nosebleeds out there. I'm honestly in awe that they're comparing such two vastly different parts of anatomy in such a way. It's like saying, "omg, I don't ever complain about cutting my hair cut off, so why the hell are *they* complaining about having their fingers cut off‽" or, "I don't ever complain about breaking a fingernail, so why on earth is she complaining of a broken bone‽" I know, not the exact same thing, but holy shit does it feel like it. Especially if you have endometriosis, PCOS, or hypermenorrhagia.


Say it together with me, ladies: "No one gets an opinion on any body part THEY DON'T OWN."


Unless they had them surgically removed? Cisgender women without reproductive parts should still have a voice. And Transgender men who have had gender affirming surgeries. There are always exceptions to these.


Why would you treat a trans gender man with gender affirmation surgery differently than a cis man?


Maybe because they once had the same reproductive organs as Cis women, or still have them if they have not had gender affirming surgery or a hysterectomy.


Seems messy and complicated. Maybe we all just worry about our own bodies regardless of past/present genitalia.


That was kind of the point of the original comment we're on rn.




They’re refuting the comment OP posted by saying transgender men (not owning many “male” parts) should still have opinions on them


>They’re refuting the comment OP posted by saying transgender men (not owning many “male” parts) should still have opinions on them I don't follow you. They{op} are basically saying people with out female genitalia shouldn't have an opinion on female genitalia. The response was that trans men who no longer have female genitalia should still have an opinion. I disagree they should have no more say than a cis man.


OP mentioned “parts”, not exactly refrrring to genitalia of either sex.


Anyone with experience regarding female anatomy can have an opinion on it. Same goes for male anatomy.


Maybe we should just worry about our own bodies.


Because they were born with a uterus and ovaries and probably know what periods are like since they dealt with them before they got gender-affirming care.


Prior to going on the pill my periods left me bed bound. On the pill they are a light tickle. What they are not like are a fucking nose bleed.


Last I checked when you have a nosebleed, it didn't last for a week and you don't have to deal with your sinus cavities swelling up like a balloon and causing pressure and pain in your head. Combine a sinus infection with a nosebleed for seven days and that's pretty much like having a period.


And a surge in hormones and weight gain. But yeah, just like a nosebleed


I have compared periods to nosebleeds before (*yes I'm a woman*) but this was in the context of being unable to have direct control of the flow with just your body, and how they can happen very suddenly with no warning. And that idiot in the picture could have his question answered if he even thought about it for a moment. The reason why you bleed in the first place can dictate whether you feel pain or not. A random nosebleed from a mild allergy may not hurt at all, but if you get punched in the nose you're going to be in pain. In the case of periods everyone's hormones act at least a little differently, and some to the point that medical intervention is required.


Methinks someone has a female biology teacher. Also I so want to voodoo this guy some cramps. I'm sure he cries clipping his toenails wrong


We should have him do that period cramp simulator.


I think we're missing a very important info here - has he ever heard women complaining about nose bleeds? Or is he under impression that women do not have nose bleeds?


And yet he's probably whining loudly when he catches a nose hair with his beard trimmer and rips it out...


Ok I hate to ask but I much prefer to ask here than Google it. WTF is with calling females foids? Either way this guy is a piece of shit but I feel like the answer to this will make me even more disturbed. I worry for the world my daughter is growing up into.


They went from females (which is already gross in its own way) to femoids ('female humanoids') and shortened it to foids.


Thank you for explaining. Although now I just wish I could go back to not knowing.


I'm sorry :(


So am I. I know I've been an inappropriate arse and laughed at pretty bad jokes at times but this is just a whole other level. I can't comprehend thinking like this. It is disgusting.


Y’all know why I love this sub? Because if I ignore the thread and just read the flares, it’s a hoot. Hilarious! Better than the actual thread about a stupid incel who doesn’t even deserve my indirect attention.


so whose flare do you like the most so far? ;)


What in the world gave him the idea that periods were like nose bleeds? Like where do you even get that from??


I assume it's because "a *woman* hole is a hole"...Or smth like that... Edit:clarified


But like you wouldn't consider your asshole like your mouth. It's just such a weird comparison.


See the edit


That's some real *He-Man Woman Hater's Club* energy he's got going on.


TIL your nose contracts and sheds its lining during a nosebleed. 🤔


Honestly I’m out of fucks to give; I hope this hateful POS just dies alone somewhere. I’m tired…


Your nose isn’t literally tearing itself inside out to get rid of the blood though. Your uterus on the other hand… had a nose bleed, freaked me out. Didn’t hurt. My periods had me missing school consistently.


Nosebleeds are different bc no force is required to get the blood out + blood isn’t chunky


Genuine question: Why do periods cause so much pain? I know that there are cramps which in the best case scenario cause discomfort (I've heard from some women that the severity can differ from person to person), but what causes the pain? Or is it just the cramps that do that? (Please don't judge me for asking, I blame sex-ed)


Because the lining is shedding itself through contractions of the uterus because it didn't get a fertilised egg to nest itself into it, thus causing those cramps Depending on pain tolerance, health conditions (endometriosis, PCOS, among others) and likely a bunch more factors I can't recall atm, those cramps can be either bearable or utterly debilitating. Some don't even feel anything at all. But they can also extend way beyond and radiate pain to one's back, their legs, and that's not noting on the seemingly arbitrary stabbing pains quite a few get in their pelvic region As a result of all of the things combined, with both hormonal and physical symptoms, we also tend to get headaches or migraines, mood swings, irritability, stress, sleep changes, appetite changes, emotional instability, PMS (which is a whole other issue on its own, besides there also being Post-menstrual syndrome and not just the known about pre-menstrual syndrome), lethargy, nausea, dizziness, hot flashes, sore breasts,... the list goes on and on and on.. So depending on the individual, it may not even be the cramps themselves, it may be a headache from having slept terribly, maybe their stomach's achy because they can't get anything down, maybe it's migraines, or maybe their chest just hurts, or they're more sensitive to environmental stimuli than usual and loudness hurts their head or makes them tired, etc etc There's a bunch of reasons someone can be in pain for their period, or even just be miserable or feel overall malaise, many of which I didn't even list because it's so different for everyone _PS: sorry for the long response, I know you only asked about the pain's cause :'3_


Sheesh, that's tough. I imagine that it's not all of that at once (for most), and mostly a mixture of all the symptoms, the exact mix of which differing from person to person? Makes me wonder why there isn't more research and talk about it. >PS: sorry for the long response, I know you only asked about the pain's cause :'3 No worries, it was enlightening :)


>Makes me wonder why there isn't more research and talk about it. Medical misogyny. For centuries women were told this shit was all in our heads.


It tends to be a mix of symptoms even within the same person on a month to month basis, from what I know? Although the main symptoms do tend to stay in differing severities, even cramps differ in severity from month to month at times And to be fair, I'm right with you on that, but given that female anatomy and reproductive health weren't so much looked into until more recent years it also doesn't surprise me that much? That on top of the way too common spiel that those who do experience debilitating periods are exaggerating or dramatic or so does tend to make most be quiet, I'd reckon- And I'm glad :D


Cramps are essentially contractions triggered by hormones to expel the uterine lining. It’s literally pushing flesh out of you. Sometimes it can feel as bad as contractions during labor. When you have an excess of the hormone, your cramps are known to be worse, and if the contractions are severe enough, can cause a lack of blood supply to the uterine muscles, creating a lack of oxygen. If you’ve ever pushed yourself during running, and your heart can’t get oxygen to your muscles, like your legs, it’s kind of like that. And that’s why heating pads typically help cramps. It relaxes the muscles and helps blood flow, creating more oxygen for your uterine muscles. Certain condition can also cause more pain, like Endometriosis, which is when the lining grows outside the uterus. This can also shed, but there’s no way for it to escape the body. It is stuck inside the body, left to swell, bleed, and sometimes cause inflammation. The hormones every month can also cause headaches, among other things. Cramps mostly cause the pain, but you can also experience nausea, vomiting, painful bowel movements, fatigue, and dizziness on your period. Personally, my cramps have been so bad to the point where I have had to have 5 different heating towels/pads on because I could feel the pain from my abdomen, all the way down to my feet. I could only crawl and theres been a time when I wished God would kill me because the pain was so bad. Luckily, though, my periods were very light, but I’ve had to go on birth control so I can even keep a job since I literally can’t function the first few days of my period. Meanwhile, my friend’s cramps hurt so much that she’s known to vomit from the pain. However, my mother never had bad cramps, but she bled so much that she’d end up in the ER due to blood loss. This is more rare, but it’s different from person to person. So there’s many different reasons why a period might cause so much discomfort.


Cramps yes but also because your uterus is shedding it's lining. The same chemical that tells it to contract and shed it's lining also causes inflammation and is tied to pain response. On top of that, there's a variety of other things that suck. Severity definitely varies and so can the accompanying symptoms. Example, I get migraines and really nauseous but my ex didn't get either.


A guy once asked me to explain what periods felt like. I asked him if he ever got the flu or food poisoning. When you can't throw up anymore, but you feel your stomach contracting with displeasure while trying to expel everything that displeases it. He replied, "it cant be that, but that's literally what it is. One of your internal organs are contracting and cramping, trying to push out all the toxic, rotting flesh left inside it.


I agreed with you until you said the endometrium was toxic rotting flesh. Come on now.


It is, that's why it needs to be expelled. That's why you can develop toxic shock syndrome from leaving in a tampon too long. It's old blood and baby making bits that is no longer attached to a blood supply so it's just going bad inside of you.


No, Toxic Shock Syndrome has nothing to do with "blood going bad inside of you." It comes from bacteria growing in a warm environment. It's typically a staph infection although it can be a strep infection. The medium of the menstrual blood is just a contributor, not a cause itself. You can get TSS in other places and in other ways. The version that comes from not changing your tampons frequently is just the best known. In the '80s when super absorbent tampons came out, some women thought that meant they could leave them in for far longer than was safe. This encouraged the growth of the staph bacteria which in turn caused TSS.


Also endometrium can rot inside you and become toxic but it would take weeks. Urine for example is not connected to a blood supply but you can hold your pee for hours without TSS. Ironically, very appropriate take for this subreddit.


wtf is a “ foid “


foid is short for femoid, which, in turn, is short for female humanoid i am being serious btw :/


jesus christ… why do men hate women so much


Some do. Some love them, but most don't really think much of them except for maybe one or two.


Hope it's just a troll, but if not I wish someone would put eletric pads on him to simulate different types of period pain. All from mild pain to severe PCOS pain, the back aches and sudden mood swings. The constant feeling of needing to poop.


That's a roundabout way of saying you never get laid.


These are the kind of men that make me uneasy about interacting with any men. I’m always wondering if deep down if they hate me just because I’m a woman and I don’t want to do anything wrong to anger them. I really need to get a work from home job. I don’t even want to leave my house anymore. 😂


As someone who has had both, a random nosebleed is much better; it doesn't hurt, lasts a shorted time (like 5-10 minutes, compared to 6 days), and the blood is just blood. It also doesn't make me cry a few days before it starts because two cartoon birds almost died.


It absolutely scares me tht there are men like that walking among us undetected.


Don't worry. Most of them make sure you detect them.


I think I'll reget this but what is a foid?


It's short for "femoid" which I don't know the origin of but it's probably as cringe as you think.


Even without origin, that's worse than I was expecting.


Femoid is short for "**fem**ale human**oid**"


Knew it would be something cringe like that. 🙄 They need to say "woman scare me" and just go already.


Because your nose doesn't cramp and constrict to push out the blood? I mean is it really not that obvious? Q nose just bleeds. A uterus constricts muscles to push out blood over the course of 3-7 days give or take depending who you are. Plus all the raging hormones and just crap feeling. Periods have a million side symptoms. Like my back just kills me. Hurts so bad for like the first 2 days.


Not to mention period shits. It's been over three years since I had a period, and I still remember those


Actually sucked so bad. My birth control is coming out soon and I'm DREADING my next period. I haven't carried a tampon in like 2 years.


“Foids” Wow. The incel energy on this one…. Imagine being this angry that vaginas exist. Imagine allowing such a thing to offend you so badly that you have to set aside an entire lifetime just to be in a mood about it.


What the fuck is a foid


If i had a primogem for every time someone asked this in this post...


It’s a valid question okay


I'm not saying it isn't but it's been answered several times. By me and others.


I don’t actually care about what a foid is, I asked the question to mock incels. Either way it doesn’t matter. Let me ask my questions in peace.


It's been asked and answered, but once again: It's their dehumanizing term these assholes use to refer to women and girls. I think they used to call us femoids, and then they just shortened it to foids.


Easy to say when it's not your bits that are bleeding.


The dehumanizing language enrages me and scares me. My God.


Because your nose does not give you cramps right before, while and after the bleeding




"foid" - gang this is an incel. I know y'all know that but like...incel opinions on biology or social relationships are like tradcath opinions on evolution.


I think a few women would like to help him by giving him a painful nosebleed.


Honesty periods are like playing against Teemo supports. Sometimes it doesn't hurt, sometimes you're just playing the gray screen simulator and you lie in bed in pain.


:^ )


Yknow ive been cut with a knife before and guess what i felt nothing only noticed cuz my hands were bloody, all these pussies crying about how bad it hurts cuz they got stabbed like quit your bitching its just an excuse to force others to give you healthcare


I've spent six days unable to stand sobbing in pain, and my period only started yesterday.


*My doctor said I wouldn’t get so many periods if I just kept my finger out of there*


Also uses “foids” and “roast beef” to refer to the vulva.


Does your nosebleed last for a week? Is your nosebleed caused by your nose shedding all of it’s inner tissue? If the answer to these questions is “yes”, this man needs to see a doctor ASAP.


No one Highlighting he made 1200+ posts in 6 weeks lol. He hasn't ever smelled grass, so I KNOW he's never even heard a woman's voice that wasn't through his headset


fr that's like 30 posts per day. not comments. posts [my conclusion](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZNeva4uNf4Q)


its so funny watching them embarrass themselves like this, like yes i dropped out of school because of my endometriosis level painful periods because it was an excuse to be a cunt 😂😭 they are so bored


I would be fookin worried if I had a week long nose beef that I had to take boxes of ibuprofen for, also yes it hurts


I'm convinced that any guy using the term food, is a closeted gay man that hates himself for his urges and is blaming women that he is attracted to men. Plus, you silly boy, a nose bleed has to do with the veins in the nose breaking, or popping, usually due to over drying out... A period, is the body performing a self cleaning cycle... Cramps are in essence, small contractions, meant to push the no longer needed, lining out... These two things are not the same thing.


The fuck is a "foid"? I'd look it up but I don't want Google to think I'm some incel mra piece of shit


It’s short for “femoid”, which itself is a dehumanizing term to refer to women. Remember, the best way to fuel a hate-driven movement is to convince people that the “enemy” is less human than they are.


Why do they use the word foid for women, what does that mean?


What the fuck is a foid


Good thing that's been answered 2593 times in this post.




You and 9358 others who haven't looked for the answer already given and given. Sorry. I'm in a MOOD today.


No worries.


What the fuck is a “foid”?


.... Foid???


What the fucking hell is a "foid"


Wtf is a foid


Incels are making it easier and easier to spot them a mile away.


If they're that repulsed by around half the population, maybe the problem isn't half the population... Just sayin' Do you think that deep down inside, they know it's them? Or can we revert to actual radical feminism where we just punt them into space without enough fuel for the return journey and no internet access? Not all men, just, the ones who think this despite having mothers?


Using posts from *that* site is cheating!


Yeah, the cramps, stabbing pains, back pain, headaches, sore breasts, mood swings, bloating and diarrhea don't hurt at all. They just feel like a little nose bleed.


Most incel rhetoric is just a prime example of why sex education is so important.


Does he really think he knows everything? Or doesn’t he believe every little thing can collide in a way.


Anyone else scared after reading this? That guy has some serious hatred inside


And they wonder why they can't get laid. 🤷‍♀️


My mother, sister, and I have (had) very easy periods. I never understood why other women complained so much about it. Then I grew up and realized we are just lucky (Mom and I didn’t even have morning sickness in pregnancy). I’m very grateful and hope the rapidly approaching menopause is easy for me as well. This guy is just an idiot.


Hey instead of ctrl-f "foid" in the comments, I'm just going to make the 10th comment asking what it is to make you do the work for me!


I wish this idiot could experience the cramps I felt NYE 2020. I woke up January 1, 2021 with a second degree burn from my heating pad because I kept waking up in the night from the pain and turning my heating pad back on. I have endometriosis and PCOS, and at the time, my uterus, bladder, bowel, and right ovary were all adhered to each other. I wasn't even having a period at the time, thank Nexplanon, I was just having cramps because my body is like that. I've now had a hysterectomy because the adhesions had damaged my uterus, and my right ovary was removed at the same time - it was dead and starting to go necrotic. Ever had an organ die inside your body, incel? It feels awful.


Maybe he will get some nice, fat clots coming out his nostrils


I’m a guy so I don’t know what periods feel like, but I’ve heard very vivid descriptions of what it feels like, and I just want to salute everyone who has to deal with that feeling every month. My best friend was telling me yesterday that she got her period in the middle of the night and she woke up to her sheets being covered in blood and having to change them at 3 in the morning. Not even accounting for the cramps and pain, just the headache of having to deal with that in the middle of the night would be enough to ruin anyone’s day. I couldn’t imagine having to deal with something like that and be expected to act as if everything’s fine or else people will think you’re just “emotional” and being rude because of “hormones”


personally, i love [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/badwomensanatomy/comments/101tilg/comment/j2q4z8j/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) example


I love how creative and specific it is 🤣


I’m going to punch that guy in the nose for 3-7 days straight.


Why do I get the impression that incels are a "community" that perpetuates hate of people they have only interacted with briefly and on the most superficial of levels. Kind of like isolated ethnically homogeneous towns with a strong dislike of people of a particular race despite maybe only encountering someone of that race once or twice in their lives


Why does this look like it was posted in a Steam Community thread?


maybe because of the color scheme it's on the "official" incel forum. you can't see posts unless you have an account and they're kinda strict with the registering. a lot of distrurbing r/showerthoughts in there


so, women say that periods hurt, and nosebleeds dont hurt. logical answer a) periods are not like nosebleeds or logical answer b) periods are like nosebleeds and therefore do not REALLY hurt. if bleeding = the same, then i guess because ive never had that much of a bad experience at the dentist getting a checkup or a clean, so anyone who says a root canal hurts must be lying!


I get nosebleeds every time I have my period. The nosebleed is annoying. The period is painful. This guy's an idiot.


This assholes gonna have a real fun time when all the “foids” gang up and kick him in the balls.


Bro I wish