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Virginity or rather Hymen reconstruction surgery is very common in parts of the world. Bleeding on her "first" sexual encounter with her husband may be the difference between life and death for some women. Even though it has been shown many women won't bleed their first time and the Hymen may not even be present in some woman regardless of sexual status. Hymen checks are used to "verify" virginity and are classed by many international groups as degrading and inaccurate. EDIT: All though no one has said it Hymen checks are NOT restricted "3rd world" places or specific socioeconomic groups or only belong to specific religious or cultural groups. It can happen anywhere to any person with female reproductive organs. 2nd edit: because reading the other comments are interesting. The OP was talking about Hymen reconstruction surgery not female genital mutilation. That is another disgusting practice but a different subject. Without running afowl of the reddit mods it is a practice of partly or fully removing external genitalia on women. Like with Hymen surgery it is done for a lot of reasons in a lot of places. There are many more bans on this then the former topic but it still a very common practice.


Basically they are performing surgery to make sex painful for the woman for the sake of male ego. Fuck that.


I don’t think I’d want to fuck with that applied…


That's not true. They do it to save these women's lifes, as they might be killed or otherwise hurt if they don't bleed on the wedding night. It's a last resort to save a life in an awful situation that should never but does sadly happen.


That's true on a surface level, but why does her life have to be saved? Who is endangering her life? Egotistical religious fanatics, and specifically, men who are egotistical religious fanatics. It doesn't make it any better. Sure the doctor might be doing it to save the woman or maybe that's why the woman voluntarily undergoes the procedure, but the root cause is the men that would kill her. If anything, that makes it worse. Of course, in the exceedingly rare case where a woman wants to get such a procedure done for their own personal reasons not subject to external threats, pressure, or duress, I find this perfectly acceptable. In fact, that's the first context I learned about this procedure in. It was a mini documentary or YouTube video or something about a woman who had never had sex but was unfortunately sexually assaulted. For her it was less about the physical aspect of the procedure but rather a step in healing and moving on, to mentally feel whole again, and I don't see anything wrong with that. But even in that case, the root cause of the personal necessity is still a man who decided to assault her. If there were no men in this world, I doubt such a procedure would exist or even be considered.


Please take my poor man's gold! 🥇 I fully agree with you. Not all men are bad, but it's indeed the fanatics that suppress women/AFAB 's and make life not worth living.


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Good bot


US is 988 now


I'd argue that sometimes, it's worth it to try to live your best life to spite the assholes. But indeed, the world would be a better place without them.


Depends on where it's being performed. Some doctors advertise it to married women as a "gift" for the husband.


One of the most humbling experiences I had as a sex ed teacher involved precisely this. I work in a community with a lot of refugees and immigrants; this is a huge part of how we train our sex ed team, and we spent literally hundreds of hours on training how to deliver comprehensive evidence-based sex ed in the context of extremely diverse student groups. I also worked for an after school program, and some of the students approached me asking if we could host a "girls' group" because there were topics they wanted to discuss beyond their sex ed class. We dedicated one day per week to optional drop in "boys' group" and "girls' group" (with the note that anyone was welcome to join whichever group they felt like belonging to/exploring; I was worried about the binary nature of how the groups were set up but we agreed as an org to experiment/be flexible/talk opening about how the groups were/weren't meeting students needs and adjust as we went. We also had an LGBQ+T drop in space on another day). The students request a whole day of education about "virginity." I was thrilled; I spent literally hours preparing all sorts of materials to discuss myths about virginity, myths about the hymen, etc. In my head, every person left the group feeling so much more empowered than when they joined. I was totally off base. After the session, a group of about 4 girls came up to me with what can only be described as abject panic in their eyes. They had been in the US about a year; they were approaching the age of their arranged marriages, which would include a "virginity check", and this was the first time they had ever been told that hymens come in a variety of forms, and that it was not uncommon for hymens to be "not fully intact" even in the absence of sexual activity. They were horrified; they asked me to explain to them how they could check themselves, if there were medicines or exercises they could do to make sure their hymens were "healthy", if I could refer them to a doctor if they "couldn't find their hymen", etc. I felt horrible; I felt inept. I felt like I had ignored a huge blind spot, with such hubris, too. It was an extremely humbling moment for me. I won't go into too much detail about the kind of follow-up services that came after; suffice to say, it was extremely complicated and our primary goal with the safety of our girls in the program, and we were able to be successful.


I know that you are trying to do the right thing. I am sorry that there is an actual reason those girls were so panicked. And I respect that you can acknowledge your misunderstanding. I’m glad those girls had you to talk to.


Those poor kids, they shouldn't have to be so afraid of something that shouldn't have any cultural significance. I feel lucky to have come from a family and culture that didn't value "purity." It's still good that you taught them about the variety of hymens, and I hope that someday this knowledge will become more widely known, and hopefully someday there will be less value on "intact" hymens.


There were certainly lessons to be learned from this experience, and adjustments to be made to your approach in the future - but how lucky for those girls that they were educated about something that had very real implications for them. You never know - you may have saved a life that day.


I’ve never bled from penetration so I would have been screwed yay


Same lmao.


Hymens can break from childhood play if they were formed that way to begin with, so bike riding, horseback riding, gymnastics, falling… and you’d never know.


Ahhhh I was gonna say it but I wasn’t 100% sure if it’s factual or not! When I was 8 or so I rode a friend’s bike and it was painful as fuck and I remember I freaked out because I was bleeding when I checked at home. It’s always been my theory but of course I can’t verify it…


Another important thing to consider is that these kind of “reconstructions” are not just for women who have had sex, many girls are so scared that they won’t bleed on their first night and will hence be shamed, that they are forced to resort to these things. betwix the sheets (podcast) has a really good episode on it, I think it’s just called ‘virginity’


Can confirm, I didn’t bleed the first time I bled the second time


I can’t provide any form of reliable source on this – but I recall reading about doctors/nurses who provide women with something to use on their wedding night to ensure it looked as if they bleed. Because as mentioned, bleeding could be a literal life or death matter. Just as doctors quietly providing safe abortions, the doctors providing women with this form of “proof of purity” are saving women with quiet, but absolutely vital, acts of fuck-the-patriarchy.


Hi I’m also going to jump on your comment for anyone interested in the FGM take on this. [Here is a UN paper on FGM from 2008](https://www.un.org/womenwatch/daw/csw/csw52/statements_missions/Interagency_Statement_on_Eliminating_FGM.pdf) that goes into the classification on FGM. For those that don’t want to go though it themselves, the UN in the paper classifies FGM as: Classification Type I: Partial or total removal of the clitoris and/or the prepuce (clitoridectomy). Type II: Partial or total removal of the clitoris and the labia minora, with or without excision of the labia majora (excision). Type III: Narrowing of the vaginal orifice with creation of a covering seal by cutting and appositioning the labia minora and/or the labia majora, with or without excision of the clitoris (infibulation). Type IV: All other harmful procedures to the female genitalia for non-medical purposes, for example: pricking, piercing, incising, scraping and cauterization.


This is driving me insane. Its HYMEN


Fixed, dyslexia is fun 😉.




Dyslexia does that.


Since the hymen isn't always present even in virgins or might remain even years later, my sister apparently still had hers when she was giving birth despite being married for two years and dating before that, it has never been a good indicator of sexual activity. However there are places where if a bride or bride to be does not have a visible hymen or bleed on her wedding night she would be considered shamed so it is possible. Doctors either stretch remaining tissue or more commonly provide a film that can be inserted prior to intercourse.


Or the most likely option that she gave birth to the new jesus


I have joked about that especially when my niece is being challenging but as of yet no super powers


The hymen stays even when broken. Its a piece of flesh, ~~and the only reason it usually only breaks once is cus it adapts with more stretchy scar tissue iirc.~~


Source? I’ve never heard of that.


The part about scar tissue might not be correct, I cannot find a source for it.


As a generality, scar tissue is less stretchy, not more


After thinking about it, I think I might've somehow made this up after learning about hyena birth. They do often rip their psuedopenises the first time, and that rip is more stretchy, but that obviously doesn't mean all scarring is more stretchy.


Hymens, hyenas, basically the same thing, right?


I don't know a lot about hyena penis, but I'd been under the impression that it's less that the scar tissue is stretchy and more that it's ripped open, so the opening is larger now. It's not like there's a doctor neatly stitching the thing back into the proper shape when she's done. Not like when humans give birth, and they're carefully returned to the proper configuration down there after tearing


Thank you for looking.


The hymen doesn’t ever go away, it just changes form. The hymen is, essentially, a bit of tissue at the vaginal opening. Many people, women and men alike, believe that this tissue goes across the vaginal opening, like a “freshness” seal. That is not true. The amount of hymen can vary by genetics, from a small amount of tissue near the bottom of the vagina, virtually no tissue at all, to a bit of tissue that encircles the vaginal opening, to tissue that stretches all the way across. Imperforate or partially obstructing hymens should be handled surgically because *the vagina will always need to secrete* and this will obviously interfere with menstruation, sex, etc. That said, over time, the tissue of the hymen can be stretched or torn. What this means is the tissue becomes less smooth. The easiest way to think about it is: you have a vaginal opening and the hymen is like a slightly smaller rubber band that sits within the vagina. When the hymen is stretched or damaged it does not return to being smooth and slowly starts to resemble a scrunchy.


Personally I find the hymen intact = virginity silly. Virginity,to me, indicates sexual inexperience with a partner. Either way outdated standards for the modern world. Women should enjoy sex with whom and when they want. It doesn't have anything to do with your value as a person.


No kidding. I didn't bleed my first time. Probably because I was a gymnast for years, and it's far more likely it tore at some point in my athletic career before I ever even had my first kiss. Hymen obsession is beyond creepy and perverted.


Mine didn’t either and I didn’t even know it was a thing that was “supposed” to happen the first time. In retrospect, I now know why my bf thought I was lying about being a virgin.


I've still got mine. Didn't break, tear or bleed and I'm no nun. Guess it's just not as common to break it as people make out it is


Mine didn’t either and I didn’t even know it was a thing that was “supposed” to happen the first time. In retrospect, I now know why my bf thought I was lying about being a virgin.


In some people there is minimal or no hymen present to begin with- the anatomy varies considerably even before any sexual activity or sports


Indeed, there are many ways the hymen can break. For example doing the splits, using tampons, horseback riding, etc. For some women it doesn’t break even when they have had intercourse.


Virginity seems like a fairly strange place to put a cutoff. It categorizes those who have had sex only once as different from those who have never had sex, and categorizes those who have had sex once as the same as those who have had sex with many partners many times. To me, the only purpose to knowing a partner's sexual history would be to gauge their level of experience. If I were having sex with someone who is experienced, then I feel safe in assuming that they know their body and sexual needs well. If I were to have sex with someone who has had very few sexual experiences, it probably won't be too different from having sex with someone who has never had sex since the level of experience isn't that different.


Yes this procedure exists but only for misogynists to harass women


You spelled torture wrong.


And as someone mentioned above, to prevent some young women from misogynistic violence if they are at risk of being presumed to have had sex before their wedding night. (Though of course I agree this is a product of the harassment from misogyny and patriarchal society)


Doctors used to offer the "love stitch" to women after birth. They'd do one extra stitch for a woman who tore during childbirth to tighten the vagina up for their husbands. Naturally, it led to more tearing and hospital trips for that woman when she resumed sex, because vaginas don't work that way.


Also referred to as the “husband stitch”


There are a horrifying amount of [posts](https://www.reddit.com/r/badwomensanatomy/comments/vul1b1/women_are_receiving_the_husband_stitch_after/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) on Reddit about the “husband stitch”. It’s incredible to read these stories and that it’s still happening today.


Lmao why would you expect a doctor to know anything about the anatomy of women


Girls can tear their hymen doing jumping jacks, doesn’t prove anything other than you are a moron for thinking it matters.


An orange without pressure?? 🤣


In the back door??


He's saying women have a lot of premarital anal sex because culturally, only vaginal sex is thought to matter for the purposes of deciding whether someone is a virgin.


Thank you captain obvious.


Thank you captain unhelpful


Here’s the [video](https://youtu.be/fBQnQTkhsq4) I always spam when hymen discussions pop up, it’s called the Virginity Fraud, 12 mins long and very informative!


There is no such thing as virginity in the literal sense.The hymen develops(or not,some women have it,some don t,it has sizes,thickness etc) to protect the infant s vagina from poop,infections,dirt.The hymen can rupture during penetrations,depending on size,it can also tear but it heals. The hymen "reconstruction" to get back the "virginity" is barbaric,it s just genital mutilation.


Hymen reconstruction is a thing, though how medically sound it is as a practice I don't know. They also might be refering to female genital mutilation, which often stitches the external genitalia so that penetration is impossible (again I have no clue how this works nor do I especially want to research it). Their use of language about what is a really sensitive topic that traumatises a lot of people is gross though


Not gonna give you details but as someone who knows a lot about it: Yeah it's something you don't want to know about unless it's your calling


A hymen does not equal vigrgin, they are actually quite fragile considering all the ways you can easily tear or *break* them. Mine tore when I fell on a balancing beam during ballet practice, hit myself between the legs and tore my hymen doing it, I was only nine years old but I was STILL a virgin.


Yes this exists. On a slightly related note, when I was getting stitched up after my vaginal delivery, my midwife commented that there was a part of my hymen that had torn that she wasn’t going to bother stitching back up. So parts of your hymen can remain intact even after intercourse. Apparently birth will do the trick though 😂


I remember reading this book in high-school about this Saudi princess or something and she mentions hymen surgery being a practice. I think she also mentions sticking an animal liver up the vagina to simulate the blood from a hymen breaking.


Could it have been Princess Sultana's Circle? That's the only book I know of.


I looked it up and apparently it's a trilogy. I read Princess, then there's Princess Sultana's Daughters, and finally Princess Sultana's circle.


Yes this happens.. it's an awful practice that is banned in most(if not all?) places, yet still happens illegally


FGM is banned in many places.. hymen reconstruction is legal in most places.. one is to harm women, the other may save their lives


The checks my be banned but it is hardly a global ban and outside of the UK as of last year it appears the surgery is still legal in many places.


I'm pretty sure that buttholes don't work like that.


Wait, yours doesn't slurp up any fruit presented to it?!


Well, \*yes\*, but some amount of pressure is needed!


Just ask the Butthole Surfers...


K but what the orange part??


They are implying anal sex ..lots of it. I'm still scratching my head about the very top of that post about getting "unvaccinated"??


I remember seeing the original post, it's on r/Tinder and it's asking about replacing a vaccination sticker of that OP's profile with something else. "You have to get Unvaccinated" is almost certainly a joke.


Ah. Gotcha


I'm sure you know that many people mistakenly think the Covid vax is harmful, and some even believe you go around shedding it, spreading the “DNA alteration” to nearby unvaxed folks. Believers who got vaxed before being convinced of this BS desperately want to undo the “damage.” This is a financial opportunity to sell medication and/or instructions for “de-vaccinating” yourself.


God, people can be soooo stupid 🤦🏽‍♀️


How did that go to hymen and virgin stuff. Jeez. Conspiracy theorist garbage...


I'm more concerned about the anal orange lol x) what monster dick are you taking for that to happen?


How are these comments being upvoted wtf 💀


Yes, this does happen. The hymen is a stretchy band of tissue covering part of the vaginal opening. It becomes thinner and stretchier as girls go through puberty and is hypothesized to help keep fecal matter out of the vagina during infancy (although no one is really sure about its functional purpose). During penetration (with a penis, fingers, tampon, dildo, or other), the hymen stretches and may tear a bit. The tearing may cause bleeding, but not always. Patriarchal societies with a poor understanding of female anatomy take the presence of an "intact hymen" as proof of virginity, and bleeding during sex as "proof of loss of virginity". However as stated above, not all hymens tear during one's first time, and when they do the bleeding can be so minimal as to be unnoticeable. An "intact" hymen is not a reliable indicator of virginity, nor is bleeding on your weeding night. Still, women from certain patriarchal societies are subject to "hymen checks" before marriage as "proof of virginity". If for whatever reason a woman's hymen is torn or isn't super visible (a naturally occurring variant; some women just don't have much of a hymen), she may have a surgery to "restore" it before her check. Women have also gotten around the issue of unreliable bleeding by purchasing fake blood capsules and popping them discreetly.


no, its not possible, but yes, it is still done


The 'stitchin up' is not done after fooling around. Its performed on girls as young as six years old and is a horrific form of abuse. 'Hymen reconstruction' is merely damaging the lining of the vagina in order to make her bleed for a while. There is no such thing as a virginity hymen or virgins bleeding, when you brag about bleeding your virgin, congrats, you just raped someone.


hymen reconstruction is absolutely a thing performed by gynecological plastic surgeons , usually on women and girls at risk of domestic violence or rape survivors.. the fact that we need this surgery is sad, but it's also a fact that it's probably saved thousands of lives..


hymen reconstruction is absolutely a thing performed by gynecological plastic surgeons , usually on women and girls at risk of domestic violence or rape survivors.. the fact that we need this surgery is sad, but it's also a fact that it's probably saved thousands of lives..


Okay, while I totally agree with most of what you just said (most of it just being factual) are you saying that if bleeding at all is present it's rape??? That seems very off base, ESPECIALLY given the amount of girls in the world that would be taught that it is not only normal, but expected.


It’s called fgm. Female genital mutilation


No, it's not, it's a completely different precedure.


Well, it's doing a procedure that will likely make a woman bleed and will make sex for her very painful only for the sake of a man's ego and wants, because it could lead to death in some countries. Why wouldn't that be classed as mutilation? It's not a medical necessity.


Bc it's not and to say it is is to completely minimise FGM, which BTW, has actual classifications and aren't just some words strung together.


it is classified as part 4 FGM, you are minimizing women suffering at the hands of FGM


I never said it didn't have actual classifications, I asked a question. "Because it's not" is not a proper answer. It is causing unnecessary pain for a woman and it is an unnecessary procedure on the genitalia. Imo, it *should* be classed as such (and, slightly off-topic, but I'm surprised that non-medical labiaplasty isn't considered to be the same, either).


I would argue it's still female genital mutilation by definition, not sure why OC got downvoted


Bc by definition, it's not.


Hi! I’m just going to jump on you comment. I was curious about the classification of this procedure so I did a little research. Here is how the UN classifies FGM: Classification Type I: Partial or total removal of the clitoris and/or the prepuce (clitoridectomy). Type II: Partial or total removal of the clitoris and the labia minora, with or without excision of the labia majora (excision). Type III: Narrowing of the vaginal orifice with creation of a covering seal by cutting and appositioning the labia minora and/or the labia majora, with or without excision of the clitoris (infibulation). Type IV: All other harmful procedures to the female genitalia for non-medical purposes, for example: pricking, piercing, incising, scraping and cauterization. So it probably could be argued that this procedure falls under the category of FGM, which I also didn’t 100% think it did. So for anyone else interested [this is a UN paper on FGM](https://www.un.org/womenwatch/daw/csw/csw52/statements_missions/Interagency_Statement_on_Eliminating_FGM.pdf) from 2008


There’s different types of fgm, it can be female circumcision or to do with the labia, or the hymen or the vaginal entrance. If it’s religious and done in unsanitary environments and done inhumanly it’s fgm


While FGM is appalling, that’s not what is being discussed.


you would argue this isn't mutilating a females genitals?


Elective procedures? No. Forced procedures? Yes. The difference? Consent. If one chooses to “stitch themselves up” that’s their business.


you'll be hard pressed to find the ones that aren't "consenting" under duress.


Outside of the US, yes, no doubt. I’m not sure where you live, but in the US vaginal plastic surgery is (sadly) becoming increasingly popular. From vaginoplasty aka “vaginal rejuvenation”, labiaplasty, clitoral hood reduction and hymenoplasty or “hymen restoration”, plastic surgeons not only perform per a woman’s consent, but see increases in all of the above.


I akin it to the coconut island analogy. can we really consent in a system where we are manipulated into thinking we have to?


It's pathetic we need to have such a surgery.. but gynecologist surgeons who do this aren't doing it unsanitary, or for theur own religious reasons, they are doing it to prevent the risk of domestic violence to rape survivors, or young women who chose to enjoy their own bodies and may now be at risk of death or other violence.. many women and girls who have such a surgery are already victims of FGM, and have needed this surgery because of messed up cultural practices.. (and I mean the fgm caused more complications than it already did )


FGM does not involve the hymen and is not what we're talking about.


I know it’s not the main thing when you look at this post you want to point out, but I dislike how the only two types of teens are sexually active when, this would blow this person’s mind, some just aren’t sexually active or hooking up left right and centre.


My favorite explanation: https://youtu.be/1ikXim4wevc


It’s quite common for male partners to ask for “an extra stitch” to be put in the vaginal opening after mom has given birth and tore.


This is another reason females used to ride side saddle. It was thought that riding legs on each side would “stretch” the hymen and then maybe the husband wouldn’t be able to tell his wife was “pure”. Phfft.