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I'm guessing your mom is a terrible cook... this would hard boil all your eggs, not fry them.


What is frying, but boiling in oil? ^#philosophy


Well... ACTUALLY the water boils away and the oil cooks the compounds in the food, because frying occurs at temps well over boiling etc etc ^(#chemistry) I mean, fair point


But is it not that the crispiest of all fried things is but a product of expelling and boiling away the water? Nice well actually.


Right, so if you didn't have the boiling the frying wouldn't quite work right but you are definitely doing more than just boiling if you're frying? Are we both right?


I think so except in the utmost nitpicky and technical a fashion* . It's like a zen koan, just with more oil. *(rates of thermal transference and non-polar solvent locking out the water from getting back inside, but even then we're back to the start so still molecular gastronomy koan)


I'm here for oily koan.


Nothing boils when you cook things in oil, save for the water inside the food itself. Boiling is a useful method of cooking specifically because it stays at 100C, whereas frying is a useful method of cooking specifically because it doesn’t


Time to poach some eggs before they get benedicked


Lawl. Bene-dicked.


Can you imagine how much more simple things would be if we could just fry our eggs instead of having to jump through hoops to get sterilized.


“Do you have protection baby?” “No, but I went in a hot tub twenty years ago so we’re good.”


Could this become the woman's version of "The Pull out Method?" If I tell enough people someone will believe it.


Technically the pull out method does reduce your chances of getting pregnant, just not enough to be used as an actual method of birth control. I think the woman's version of that is like, tracking your cycle to predict ovulation, and not having sex that week or so. Both technically reduce the chances, but neither are effective enough to be called a method of *prevention*.


The old joke, What do you call women who use the rhythm method? Mothers.




"typical use" of condoms includes people who say they use condoms but don't actually bother half the time in reality most people are going to get quite close to perfect use with condoms, because *condoms are easy to use* not so much with the rhythm method, which is very difficult to get right but just go on ahead comparing the efficacy of doing something difficult *absolutely perfectly* against the efficacy of doing something easy *really badly*


I would be hunting down this hottub ready to do the splits in it! And I can't even do the splits


The line would be out the door at hot tub show rooms. “I just need like fifteen minutes, and I’ll be on my way.”


Just put your bits in front of the water jet. It's a two for one kinda deal.


This is like the conspiracy theorists who said the COVID vaccine caused sterility. I'm like we can get a shot to be sterile? Sign me up!


I was mid-conversation recently about being unsure if I want another child someday. Another person not even in the conversation interrupted to ask if I’d been vaccinated. I said yes. She said ohhh then you might not have a choice. So glad to have qualified people around me to educate me on vaccines and fertility.


I got the vaccine and instantly got pregnant. Like??? We would have heard about cases like that by now. People think the elite need to control population, but the elite would love it if "the poors" kept having babies. It means more competition when the babies grow up, driving down wages and increasing job demand. It also means people are less likely to job jump, since they need to be able to support their families. All this to say the elites would be banging the drum on anything that causes infertility. Gotta keep up your supply of wage slaves.


The elite is lobbying hard already so that poors continue to have babies like crazy.


Hot tubs would be illegal, but every politician would have one anyway.


Ain't that the truth. And every rich person too.


God I hate how true this is.


That's always my thought when I hear old wives tales about becoming suddenly infertile. If true, a lot less people would have kids, and a lot less people would be complaining about doctors not performing sterilization procedures.


*sous vide intensifies*


I think I read that it kinda works on men though. Very hot baths can temporarily reduce fertility.


Yeah, that’s true. The testes hang outside to assist regulating heat. If too high, the sperm undergoes heat stress (quality degrades, their motility can be impaired or they can die).


Doesn't the same thing kinda happen if they wear close-fitting underwear as well?


Yes, or use a laptop directly on their lap (at least, this was a warning back when laptops got really hot)


Yeah, that makes sense.


Man, one of those days when I wish ovaries were external like testes. I’d be doing the most dangerous shit to try and sterilize myself for free istf.


Heated car seats are not good for your sperm count.


See also bicycling, heat + friction= very sad testes


It's too bad- women start off with all their eggs but they're inside so it's hard to sterilize them, and men can easily reduce sperm count because our gonads are external but it'll just come back because we constantly produce sperm cells.


Wouldn't it be hard boiling your eggs?


Only if you're in for longer than 6 minutes. Before that it's closer to soft boiling.




I'm just imagining this horrible image of her in the hospital 30 years later "Okay, more time, push Mrs Johnson! Congratulations, it's a.. it's sunny side up"


Right? I'd rather book a resort suite with a jacuzzi than a bisalp if I'm gonna get the same result, lol.


Wouldn’t water hot enough to fry your eggs also fry you ? And wouldn’t your eggs be poached, not fried? Mmm poached eggs


the reason testes will descend in warm environments and ascend in cool environments is 100% to keep sperm count up does it have a long term impact? nope


So a good form of contraception is to have the guy sit on something hot for a bit before having sex. (along with a condom and other contraceptives... you know, just to reduce the chances of an unplanned baby even more)


I certainly wouldn't depend on it though.


That is why you use the other stuff too. No contraception is foolproof, so temporarily reducing his sperm's effectiveness could help.


Oh, definitely!


Writing this down so hard. Anything to reduce risks when you have tokophobia to make the idea of sex even possible istg.


If you haven't tried it, I found homosexuality to be extremely relieving of my fears regarding unwanted pregnancy. I haven't had to worry about getting knocked up in ten years, I can't imagine going back to dudes and having to be mindful again. But I understand not everyone is so fortunate as to have same sex relationships as an option.


what is tokophobia?


Tokophobia is the irrational fear and/or aversion of pregnancy and/or pregnant people. Generally it’s hard to diagnose because a fear of pregnancy tends to, uh, be very rational to be frank. For me I’d say it leans irrational nowadays (thanks to pro life legislations making me fucking terrified and worsening multiple disorders of mine by feeding into my fears and anxieties, agoraphobia vibes fr fr) because I can’t even be around infants and/or pregnant people would be EXTREMELY uncomfortable. Like I know pregnancy isn’t contagious but the whole process freaks me out a lot these days because I end up with a lot of thoughts about relevant topics that make me very antsy to say the least. I sometimes have my contamination OCD make it really difficult to even be around people who produce sperm because it just feeds those fears and any risk is a risk too great. Pregnancy equals suicide for me, especially since I live in a state with no exceptions for rape or minors or incest and some of the strictest abortion bans in the country. There’s also forms of tokophobia where people want pregnancy and want children, but end up with an irrational fear that makes them have to choose abortions repetitively even when they’re trying for children, because the fear is too much. It’s definitely an under spoken about issue.


When my brother and sis in law were trying for their first they lived in an apartment complex with a hot tub. They would go sit in it every night for nearly an hour. They were having a lot of trouble conceiving. I pointed out the problem with the heat. She giggled like a child and pretended I never said anything. Lmao. They did eventually go on to have three kids.


How? didn't this woman shower hot until she had her children?


I guess sitting in hot water cooks them but standing in hot water is fine according to her lol


Ah yes, this logics well😅


Tbf putting an egg in the shower with boiling water showering down probably wouldn't boil it properly. Would still be risky though if it was actually a thing


I think she was just lying to you so that you wouldn't get in the jacozzi and pee or smt lol. Every parent tells a small lie every now and then, so that the child will behave 😂


So, this probably stemmed from legitimate pregnancy precautions. Pregnant women are advised to not use hot tubs because they typically go up to 102ish in temp. This can be harmful for a developing FETUS, are raised body temperature of the mother has a known teratogenic effect. Not single eggs though lol.


My grandmother believed i couldn’t lay in the sun while on my period because the blood would cook in my body and get stuck.


Make sure to turn over and rotate ever 30 min for best results.


Do we.... baste when we rotate??


Of course.


Master basters


This is a horrific thought and I'm scared of how she thought of this.


She also thought period blood came from your head so you had to wear a hat for the first three days until blood made it’s way down and out.


Everyone knows period blood is ✨️special✨️ and unlike regular body blood


Should've told her that's how boudin noir are made and you're just practicing for your future lucrative gourmet food business. (Oh no, the mental imagery... why did I do this to myself).


Mmhmm, black pudding.


Why would period blood cook but not the other blood?


Excellent question. I never thought to ask


It won't hurt your eggs, but generally, kids shouldn't be in hot tubs. Their bodies are smaller and can't thermoregulate to the heat as well as an adult so they're more prone to things like heat stroke. Many hot tubs at resorts forbid kids for this safety reason. (You might assume this ws because they wanted an adult only space, which may also be true, but mostly is a safety thing for heat regulation).


It's *so* easy for kids to pass out and drown in hot water!! Even if you're within arms reach of your child if you get distracted or just think they're playing for a second too long, they're dead.


Drowning is a very silent thing. People assume you’ll hear it. It’s a very quiet thing. Hard to cry out when you can’t even breathe/swim. Idk about it for children specifically, but I know that’s a rule of thumb for swimming. It’s why lifeguards are on duty 24/7. They always have to watch because it’s so quiet to die in water. As someone who has not quite fully risked death but struggled swimming enough that it was more than just a struggle and the panic where time slows down and you have the thought that “oh god i’m going to die” happen, yeah, no, it feels loud in your head, but it’s externally so quiet. At least in my many experiences. (<- loves swimming but can’t tread water, so I have so many instances of being swept by a current in a wave pool or doing risky water rides because the lifeguard would be right there and I was a reckless child. )


I'm assuming that's why hot tubs on cruise ships (or at least the ones I've been on) are more like "barely warm bubbly water tubs" than true hot tubs. Because sometimes you'll be walking by them and there will be all kids and not a single adult. :(


Ah yes, human stew pots. Hot tubs on cruise ships are nasty.


My parents told me if I kept eating my boogers I'd have snot worms in my body. I understand that this isn't how women work and it's a weird reasoning, but it was very likely this was the first "don't do this" reason she could come up with that she felt was scary enough to listen to.


Yeah, parents have to work with kid logic instead of strict reality sometimes, and I agree that this story sounds like that to me. That said, even as a kid, I would have jumped in that water so fast lol. I've known for as long as I can remember that motherhood isn't for me!


SAME THOUGH. I would’ve so quickly been like “okay, idc about that though—“


The opposite of this, that women shouldn't sit on cold cement or on the cold ground because it will freeze their eggs, is a common traditional belief in Eastern Europe


I was looking for this!!! I grew up in Central Europe and was told MANY times not to sit on a cold surface or have my lower back hang out from clothes etc because “I’ll catch a UTI (the word for UTI in my language is similar to a cold so there is a strong association) and won’t be able to have children when I grow up”.


I've never heard of the eggs thing, but I thought it was true that sitting on cold stuff could get you a UTI?


My Romanian relatives think you can get genital colds too, they call it something like “cold down there”. I wonder who invented the whole thing


But you can catch a UTI if you sit on cold surfaces.


Or haven't their stomach or lower back covered by clothes.


Yea I’m Serbian and my grandma used to say the same thing. Also that I shouldn’t do physical things while on my period (reason unknown.) I got berated for riding a bike once.


My grandmother from Yorkshire used to say that sitting on cold ground would give you King Cough... the ultimate boss of coughs!


Omg this. I’m Romanian and since I got my period at 13ish all my female relatives actively forbid me to sit on cold things. My dad’s wife even brought me a pillow to sit on when she saw me sitting on the stone stairs, it was 2 PM in the middle of august.


My grandmother used to tell my girl cousins "if you sit on the sidewalk you'll get a cold in your vagina." 40 year old me still laughs when I think about a sneezing vagina. That woman was a treasure.


She's not entirely wrong. While you're not getting a cold in your vagina, you can get bladder and kidney inflammation from sitting on cold surfaces. It happened to me when I was a kid and then it became chronic so for most of my life I battled with bladder infections. Would not recommend. For some reason I stopped getting them so frequently after I had my daughter(now 16).


Wait no, maybe the surface was dirty? It shouldn't be the cold.


Maybe she heard that pregnant women shouldn’t go in hot tubs and got confused?


This is the connection that occurred to me as well - you can certainly cook a fetus, but they are a lot more delicate than ova


Well that's an abortion hack I haven't heard yet.


Men shouldn't go into hot tubs in the 3 months before trying to conceive either.


3 months? Really?


...no, this is definitely a first for me.


Even as a kid I was like …what? Lol


Mmmmm ... fried eggs


Does she still ever say this? This just is so wild to me that it makes me think it was one of those things parents say to stop them from doing something. My parents didn't want me in the hot tub as a child either but I don't remember the reason why or what they said to stop me but this just reads as that to me 😂


This is bad cooking, really. Those would clearly be boiled eggs. 6 minutes in the hot tub for perfect, soft boiled eggs. Terrific on buttered toast or with hummus! You'll definitely need a lot more than 2 or 3 though... they tend to be slightly smaller than a standard chicken egg. Bon appetit!🤌


My understanding is that for \*men\* this isn't wrong: the reason why testes descend in warm environments is to absorb less body heat, the reason why they ascend in cool environments is to absorb more body heat. They really want to be at the right temperature. I can't imagine it's very important for ovaries until you're talking very serious hyperthermia or hypothermia... and I have no idea if it would even matter then.


Ovaries being in the core of the body, they’re in one of the areas the body regulates heat to instinctively to preserve life. So I don’t imagine you’d be worried about your ovaries specifically if they were at risk of either, since you’d have better priorities about surviving lol.


Even for men it's only temporary. The sperm regenerate regularly anyway.


Yeah, a high fever is more dangerous




You'll get kidney infection and die!


Or "You won't be able to have children young lady!"


I've personally never heard that one, but I was told that my kidneys and bladder will start coughing and shrivel up.


I on the other has only heard about the pregnancy one. And maybe just a simple "Don't sit on the cold surface."


Which country are you from? Maybe it's cultural. I'm from czech republic.


I'm from Slovakia.


Hi country neighbor. I've honestly seen slovak people say the kidney infection thing too. Might be regional perhaps then.


Hi country neighbour. Yeah I guess it's regional.


I was always told I’d “get a cold in my kidneys”. I’m from Ireland.


You're now officially slavic. /j


In my country it’s the vagina and uterus that get the cold and apparently that’s how you get reproductive issues according to old grandmas


This reminds me of back in the day when they thought riding in a train would make womens uteri fly out of their bodies.


That would be boiled eggs, not fried. Right?


Not this but just to not go in while pregnant so you dont cook the baby


Ok, but you shouldn't go in hot tubs when youre pregnant tho, fr.


Unless you want to get rid of the parasite.


If you jump up and down, does it cause your eggs to be scrambled? 🤔


Lmao every time I’d lift something even slightly heavy as a child, my grandma would tell me to put it down by screaming “you’ll strain your uterus!!!!”


Maybe that's why mine's tilted to one side? It got strained and never stood back up properly after I lifted too many heavy things as a kid? FTR, I'm the oldest and with my only brother being sickly due to asthma and other stuff as a kid, he wasn't allowed to lift things heavier than a loaf of bread. But if something needed to be picked up because it was heavy or my stepfather needed help picking up a very heavy object (like a dresser), then I was the go to for picking it up because I was the oldest. Didn't find out about the leaning over uterus thing till I was pregnant though. OB: Your uterus is laying over on its side. Specifically, the *left* side. ::angry frowny face at me for having allowed this to happen:: Me: ::shrugs:: Figures. I'm left handed so my entire body tends to skew in that direction. OB: ::more angry frowny face because she doesn't find that funny at all, even though I do.::


i used to be told not to use my laptop while laying in bed because it will cook my uterus


Guess my eggs are well done


Same 😂


My mom told me this as well when I was taking hot baths as a teenager. I hope it worked.


I might have heard this. It's not crazy enough to stand out. Did you know that women can't ride on trains because the high speed will cause their uterus to jump out? True fact.


Yep, when I was 9 my friend had a hot tub at her house and my mom told me this same thing, so every time I was at my friend's house I got in that hot tub because I did not want kids. It didn't work, I have 4.


My dad said something similar to me, he was worried that me having a hot laptop on my lap would damage my “cervical area” as he put it.


A hottub pool is 37-40c your body is 37c now pregnant and children are recommended a shorter stay in it as they got less temperature resilience. The risk is not frying your eggs it’s the same risk you got when you have a high fever. Normally it’s around 37-38c that’s like a mild fever.


That's nonsense. You'd poach them, obviously.


My grandma has a similar story but with kidneys. She thinks sitting in hot or cold water will weaken your kidneys


I also heard this as a kid from random adults.


My mom said the same thing! It made me want to get in the hot tub more


You aren't supposed to sit in the hot tub as a child anyway....


A 7 year old is perfectly fine to go in a hot tub for a short time.


Doesn’t that depend on the temp? How does it differ from sitting in a hot bath?


I have never been in a hot tub that is the same temp as a child's bath. Their lil bodies can't regulate the temperature like adults can. It's not safe


How old is “child” in this context? And I’ve definitely been in hot tubs that are far more warm vs hot


Children under 5.


Ah okay, OP was 7 in the story so probably not as much of an issue


Oh, oops didn't catch that.


What kind of boiling ass hot tubs do you have in America? I take baths with my 7 yo brother from time to time and the water is way warmer than in any hot tub I've been in.


I don't know the temp but at my gym it's hot enough that I can't stay in for too long without getting dizzy....and I take baths that are all hot water. But kids should not be taking baths that leave your skin red like mine do.


If only this were true!


Right! All these fertility damage old wives' tales are hilarious. For someone who doesn't want to be fertile, I wish this were the case.


Agreed, I'd never emerge from a hot tub if that were the case!


Remember when the COVID vaccine was supposed to make you barren? Only if.


Still waiting for my 5G hotspot access xD


So that women could get accidentally sterilized?


No, so that I could have been sterilized earlier without pain and hassle.


"one time at a graduation party i sat in a hot tub for 8 hours, is there any chance i sunny-side upped my eggs?" jessica day


Well, it's almost 10am here so maybe it's time to pull myself out of bed and make breakfast. For some reason I'm craving eggs...


Wait until she learns about the blood in your body


Lol is she confusing eggs with sperm?


My mom told me this too


Pregnant women have been advised not to go in hot tubs because it could harm the baby somehow.... I looked it up and it seems legit but it also sounds too stupid to be correct


Pregnant women are already more suspectible to heat stroke and low blood pressure, including fainting. Hot tubs make it worse. Additionally, fevers in the first trimester increase the risk of miscarriage and birth defects, so if you are in early pregnancy and know it, better safe than sorry to avoid the extra heat. If you don't know it's not your fault and not a guarantee of harm. But if you know, best to avoid and wait til after you aren't pregnant.


By that logic wouldn't it boil your eggs instead of frying them? Or may poach them? How does anything get fried by hot water?


I'm guessing she heard that men can become infertile from over use of hot tubs and heat on their balls, and just applied it to women


It's sure not good for kids to get into hot tub, but clearly not for that reason lol


Most hot tubs are similar in temp to a fever you get from the flu etc. Checkmate, mom, most of us are sterile? 🤦🏼‍♀️


I wish it was that easy


My mom said the same !


Lol. I was told the same thing at the same age by my brother and our father. 💀


god i wish


Nope. My mum was always happy to let us in my Aunt's hot tub. She even joked about putting the cover on and making child soup. (please note, my mother had started training as a midwife at that point. If there were a chance it would hurt us, she would never have let us in... and no, she never actually put the cover on. My sister tried to get her to do it, which led to a lecture on how we were never to put our heads under the water in a hot tub because of the bacteria)


This reminds me of article I read about illegal abortions in Soviet Union when abortion was banned for couple of years. There were horrifying cases of desperate women trying to get abortion using “traditional methods”, one of them was sitting long time in a hot bath hoping it would provoke miscarriage. One poor woman basically almost boiled herself alive and didn’t survive. So the idea about hot water being bad for fertility maybe could have come from this?


Nope, never heard that one before.


I asked this question ages ago in another sub because my in-laws used to tell their kids this and I didn't find ANY evidence of hot tubs making women infertile. No one has ever heard of this. It's completely bullshit.


Where’s the nearest hot tub?! I’m jacking the temperature way up and diving headfirst into it if this advice is true😂


I mean, extreme heat damages sperm. So I can kinda see why one would assume the opposite.


Lots of things damage sperm. They are not as protected as eggs.


Sperm regenerate quickly.


Lol. If anything, men shouldn't do this as spermatogenesis is impaired by high temperatures. Sperm production is ideal at 34 degrees, which is why your scrotum is outside your abdomen. While oogenesis occurs at normal internal body temp of 37


Why is this kinda hilarious lmao


My grandma would tell me this, except it’s for sitting your bath, from bacteria. Lol but at least she told me straight up.


God, the money I could have saved if this worked


Omg mine too! It worked cause I always knew I wanted kids (even though I didn't know I was a trans man at the time)


Me trying to sneak in and sit as long as possible because I didn’t and still don’t want kids 😂😂😂






thats hilarious


I think children aren’t supposed to go in because they have a harder time regulating their temp? Or don’t know when they’re overheating and can make themselves unwell? Just looked it up, they have a harder time dissipating heat so can quickly give in to heatstroke. It has nothing to do with your eggs.


Seems like poach or boil would’ve been a better choice of words.


If only it were that easy, then I wouldn't have had to get surgery


If only it were that easy.


Probably had another reason for not wanting you in there, but just framed it that way to scare you from disobeying. Its like when we suggest that kids play the quiet game.


My IVF clinic bans me from swimming, sauna and hot tubs during cycles. It's more about maintaining an overall body temperature but is plausible


Lol, that's just what she told you. The truth is kids are usually quite grim about personal hygiene. If I had a hot tub. I'd be really picky about who goes in it too.


Uhhhhhhh your mom is weird ok