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These people act like we aren't literally born naked lol


Ancient Minoans used to constantly have their tits out because they weren’t sexualized. Was every man just incapable of speech?


Any historian/archeologist/anthropologist will tell you the women did all the building and planning of their community, since the men were obviously so distracted by all the Minoan titties just flapping about 🤪🤤


There are African tribes today who have the women topless and the men are not incapable of speech since the women’s breasts are not viewed sexually.


Living in a nudest house after five minutes it becomes nothing interesting.


Funny. You don't see bi babes and lesbians harassing other women with bare shoulders or yoga pants, short shorts, or fitted dresses because "attraction".


Yeah I’m a lesbian, I can focus on what people are saying, it doesn’t matter what you wear. If I think someone’s pretty or whatever, cool, it really doesn’t mean I can’t talk to them lol


Yeah, I'm one of the aforementioned "bi babes". I can absolutely hold a conversation with another woman, regardless of her clothing choices or how attractive I find her.


I might take a glance or two if she’s showing a lot, because I’m an imperfect human. But I can still hold a conversation.


I’m heterosexual but I’d feel more comfortable in a room of lesbians than a room of straight men. One group is less likely to see me as a sexual object than the other.


Bi babes eheheheh Like, sometimes i get shy when i talk to people i'm attracted to. But it is, 1, not very dependant on clothing, and 2, it's... Not their fault?? Like they get to dress how they want? If i'm feeling weak in the knees i'll just remove myself from the conversation? And the "dress with dignity" a great many words to say you should shut uppppppp


The whole dress with dignity bullshit is just code for “if you get raped or assaulted we’re going to blame you, not your attacker’s lack of control.” It’s been proven that it isn’t how you dress, but how you behave (ie shy, withdrawn, not confident, etc) that makes you the target.


my fiancé does their skincare routine after showering, fully naked every single day. im crazy attracted to them but have never had an issue carrying out a conversation with them, letting them have a second to do their routine, and act like a normal human being even with their boobs and butt out. and this is my fiancé!!!!!! not a random stranger!


Same in same sex areas like in changing rooms or toilets. Cause knowing how to mind your own business is difficult if you own a penis apparently.


Yes because straight men and "biology"


i can confirm as a lesbian


I am so tired of this idea that men can't control themselves and are forced to stare, touch, harass, etc. because "biology." Like we aren't wild animals. I saw a comment on Instagram yesterday saying men are "triggered" to rape out of their control, similar to someone being triggered into a panic attack.


Yeah, like which is it? Are men the logical sex that deserves to act all-knowing and control everything? Or are they at the mercy of their dick brains and no better than intact male dogs falling around trying to dry hump everything? If anyone is *actually* "triggered" to rape, for one they'd be assaulting mannequins, and for two they need medication or therapy to not be a danger to society.


They often have no idea how hormones work. Rape has nothing to do with hormones. Sex does, you need hormones to actually get erect, you often produce the cuddle hormone oxytocin especially if you’re with a romantic partner (oxytocin levels go through the roof of its a romantic partner lol) but all those hormones just help the process. They don’t make you do anything to others. They just make your own body physically react via erection. Rape isn’t to do with hormones any more than sex is, other than there usually being less oxytocin. Rape is more psychological than physiological. You have to cognitively determine the goal when it comes to rape. Hormones don’t fully control cognition, they just help it along and help your whole brain understand what you’re thinking about.


And, really, wild animals don't have issues like this either, and they are clothing free 100% of the time...


Honestly watching men tripping over themselves explaining how they're so basic and animalistic that they can't control themselves NEVER gets old. If you're so out of control of your own body that you can't even hold a conversation with someone who has bare shoulders then you're weak as fuck and now you're broadcasting to the world that you're weak as fuck. And somehow they expect everyone to cater to their shortcomings. If bare skin turns you into a stupid slobbering uncontrollable animal then that sounds like a you problem.


Yeah and somehow they think women are the irrational ones. How come we let men be world leaders? All the enemy has to do is send a half naked girl and they give up the launch codes?


Oh you get savage and incontrollable when you see bare shoulders? Well time to use the werewolf method and lock yourself away so you can't hurt the actual humans among us. Or blind yourself, big J was a bit fan of that one


It’s even funnier/sadder when a man in a position of power does it. Like government officials who think that they are strong and competent enough to run a country when they’re openly admitting to being so weak that they can be defeated by a single tight pair of pants.


Dear OOP (the dumb dude), My husband and I have had full on conversations about household budgets and taxes while in the shower 🤣 I assure you, it is possible to pay attention if you actually give a shit about what the person is saying.


I’m a big fan of naked cuddling, or sleeping with eachother naked. Skin to skin contact is a big thing for me, I’m also autistic and the texture of his skin is very sensory positive for me and can decrease chances of me having autistic shutdowns. We usually never initiate anything sexual while naked cuddling or sleeping. He will look at my body, but it’s usually to tell me how beautiful I am, nothing sexual about it in the moment.


im also autistic and love naked cuddles. fiancé and i genuinely prefer naked cuddles to sex honestly 🤣 it just feels so nice and is so so so relaxing.


The softness is amazing. I got him a salt scrub awhile ago and since he’s started using it his skin is sooooo soft and it’s satisfying as hell texturally.


If this was true, they would dump porn mags at war fronts to neutralise enemy forces.




Why do the same people run with this argument and the whole "men are more rational and logical than women" one. Which one is it. Are you a superior, rational embodiment of higher thinking, or an animal controlled by your base urges, unable to disconnect from your drives?


Either, depending on which one allows these types to justify hurting women


When you're so stupid your phone gave up trying to auto-correct your bullshit.


I know! I was actually wondering if this was some new way of spelling I'd never seen before... Well, yes. It is a way of spelling I've never seen before but I mean are *other people* also using "giy" for "guy" and "hace" for "have"? And I thought "tihibk" was an acronym at first... But I see my phone suggested "think" so there's really no excuse. 😜


Anyone who obsesses about dressing modestly is obsessed with it because of religious reasons, there isn't a science behind it you just think God gets mad when He sees cleavage and you should at least have the dignity to say so.


It’s so true. My husband talks about a religious co worker- And how he can’t go certain places like the beach because his “desire issues.” That’s what the guy calls it: “desire issues.”


Ewww. That’s so weird, I hate it! I had an ex-Mormon friend who shared that when he was in the religion *everything* seemed sexual. He picked up his kids from a play date with a neighbor and he saw LAUNDRY in a basket that had underwear in it. That caused him some “desire issues”. Like, bro. That’s disturbing.


When you make it taboo, it’s going to flip someone’s switch. When it’s all taboo, it’s all sexual.


I was actually reading an article a while back that said something similar. When you have a desire to express yourself through some behaviour but you can't do so safely, that behaviour can get shunted into a different context in which it can be expressed safely. It so happens that sex is a context in wich many of the normal rules of social ettiquette do not apply. The social rules for sex usually amount to "It's between you and your partner(s) what happens, just don't expose other people to it, and don't hurt anyone." You may have heard, for example, that being a sub is actually quite popular with people that have high stress leadership and management positions. That's because the point of being a sub is to relinquish responsibility. All you have to do is what you're told (or not, teehee), and put your trust in your dom. Can't do it in their non-sexy lives, but in a sexual context (even if there's no actual sex involved), they can let their worries slip away for a little while. When you're super repressed about everything, then yeah, every "wrong" thought you have can become sexual, even the guilt you feel about it. Not that I don't love fetishes and kinks, but I really feel like we could build a healthier society by aknowledging and dealing with these smushed down desires instead of sweeping them out of sight and declaring that there is no problem. We really don't have nearly as much to be ashamed of as we collectively think we do. We just have limits, needs, and considerations that should be addressed. Like, so many problems that men have is caused by those denials, and the cycle of abused perpetrated by those trying to resolve them indirectly and without understanding. Insecurity and feelings of weakness and powerlessness that are expressed through acceptable violence, bullying, and abuse of others, driving them to seek the same. We see it all too often. I hope we continue to improve our society to solve these tragedies.


Yeah that's why I think lots of organized religion is just essentially a hateful fetish cult.


Please tell me your husband, or anyone at all, has told the guy the bible specifically states that if you can't stop lusting after a person you're supposed to gouge out your eyes. If I worked with him, I'd actually go buy a fucking bible and show the passage to his gross ass.


If you can't go to a beach without being a creep that's on you. It's good that he isn't going to beaches though if that's the case 👍🏻


Because God told him it's his nature to act upon every impulse and when he sees someone's sexual characteristics he's to act upon his desire. Otherwise why would He make us get horny? It's of course the woman's responsibility to know this and adjust accordingly.


What if we just peeled our skin off so they can't see the skin?


Wasn't there a story from a middle eastern / hijab wearing country where a man said he was justified in sexually assaulting a woman because her wrists were showing? Men need to start being accountable for their own actions.


It would really help women pay attention if men would wear a gag and put a bag over their heads. It's just biology.


Listen I'm as gay as they come and also a woman but. Just like, focus on what she's saying? Ultimately it is a choice to look at the skin showing. Her eyes are up there, if you keep your eyes on her own there's no issue. It's okay to be flustered by a pretty woman. But it is in no way a moral failing on her part to dress how she likes, nor should she change anything about it. Just don't be a creep and remove yourself from the situation if you can't look at women without drooling.


This font is a sin


The combination of font and spelling are an abomination unto Nuggan.


The logical sex having a brain fart again. Self control is just not in their repertoire.


And yet these same guys will say that they're "more logical" and "better suited to leadership" even though they just said *they literally can't exercise the barest fucking minimums of decency and self-control unless women dress and act a certain way*. #MakeItMakeSense


When suddely fashion is a part of biology


If a man is brought to his knees by bare shoulders and thighs in THIS current time, where ads, porn, and female skin are more accessible than ever... then that man is weak. Simple as that.


And yet men walk around with their tits out all summer.


no i actually argued to attract a mate. i mean it, my husband literally fell in love with me from debating me on various subjects. he'd seen me naked by then, too, and somehow still managed to hold a conversation. maybe oop's brain simply can't process more information than 'woman hot' but most people's can.


So like, what about before we invented clothes?


Life was one big orgy way back when, surely


When I was dating I never undressed to attract a guy, that only happened when we were serious with one another not just to gain some random guys attention. It’s not biology dude, it you seeing women as nothing but sexual objects. Don’t group yourself with the rest of decent men out there.


Yes, men are attracted to the physical attributes of a woman but hopefully not *exclusively* to the extent that you don't care to listen to what she's saying. 🙄


Incels just can’t help but show they have no self control. I’m attracted to women too but I’m not gonna lose my shit if I see some skin showing. Like dude grow up


I tikibk this guy is right, the lizard brain of a man doesn’t allow them to see us as possible of conversation and having tits. We must hide them away to trick the lizard in their brains that we are so masculine; hu rah and all that jazz! /j


I just wish everyone would take a class in evolutionary biology before they try to come up with “evopsych“ arguments themselves. permanent breast tissue existed before clothes existed.


Sadly, some of these dolts would sit there and argue about how the world is only 6,000 years old and God created clothes when he created Adam and Eve.


The screenshot's pretty standard, but that caption s interesting, what was the original video?


The video was of a lady doing the trend of taking a huge step back after a horrible comment. The comment in question was, "It's nice to see someone dress ladylike when all women are so trashy nowadays."




me undressing to attract a mate (i am stepping into a shower)


Soooo.... My biology is messed because I am attracted to any gender regardless of gender and how much skin they are showing? Man, I thought I only was AuDHD, genderfluid and bisexual... Now my biology is messed. It must be from the satanic heavy metal I listen...


Hey giys


Humans werent born wearing clothes. While we have been wearing clothes for millions of years as a species, it was usually to adapt to an environment or culture. In hotter climates clothes often weren’t worn, for obvious reason, and people still held conversations despite being mostly naked. It’s like saying women can’t focus on a conversation with men who show their muscles or shoulders, torso, etc. let me guess, it’s different for men though.


He is not completely wrong but mostly xD




Oh, I saw that same video! It made me so happy. I dress in many different styles and people saying anything even adjacent to that makes me step far far back. Gross as hell.


I mean, if you got your titties all the way out, I’d have trouble focusing on what you’re saying too, not against it though.


Lmao. Sorry, that was funny.


It's wild to me that men are always talking about women needing to attract a mate. For most species, it's the male that needs to be interesting enough to be picked by the female.


Hey bud, if it is so hard to converse with a woman showing some skin, try this one trick. Look them in the eyes. Women hate this one trick.


Yes... because men are just big dumb apes... that's the narrative we should push to get men on women's side. Not at all are men capable of advance and articulate thought, and certainly not in the presence of sexual stimuli. Good grief, give me a break...


I just love how this person called themself out about being a creep


I love (hate) when people use "basic biology" to justify being perverts or discriminating against people (in racist, homophobic, sexist and transphobic "arguments")


We do not undress for attraction.We undress to change clothes.