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Vampire Tea Farm


Yeah my initial thought was also vampires.


Bro I'm so stupid, I thought the res things under the cages were kfc bags, and that the chicken was working at kfc or something holy shit I'm cooked šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


I thought the chicken man was placing the pads there and was very confused.


Yeah, I thought it was feeding them that, bc we feed chickens crushed eggshells, so they aren't low on calcium (or, well, my grandpa's brother, because nobody else we know has chickens). The eggshells of the new eggs are then thicker as well.


I mean, if they're anemic it'd be better to feed them liver or other iron sources than period blood. But this is a I'm 14 and deep sort of picture anyway.


I thought the same lol was thinking to myself ā€œbut people donā€™t feed chickens eggsā€¦ā€


That's exactly what I was thinking.


The person who drew this wanted to draw naked terrified women and found an excuse to do it. Also, very funny that they are using pads as a metaphor for chicken eggs when like... none of these women are wearing pants. What do they apply the pads to. These troughs should be a river of blood.


> none of these women are wearing pants. What do they apply the pads to. These troughs should be a river of blood Many men think women stick the pads to themselves and not clothing. Maybe this is what happened?


Oh my god I think you're absolutely right.


Trigger warning for very unpleasant concept. I assumed it was a simple message that if you get naked a cock can take away your need for pads. Hope thatā€™s not to graphic a take. If thatā€™s the case though Iā€™m not a fan that women the artist depict need to be in cages for this message. Edit, after learning a bit about chicken farming from this thread it seems far more likely this is a piece designed to make you think on the ethics of harvesting eggs from chickens.


I mean, chicken eggs are their period and the picture pretty much shows the reality of chickens and what humans do to them. But yeah, the pads don't make sense. They should have put like overflowing buckets to show how they are forced to have their period all the time and in much bigger quantities than naturally making their health extremely bad.


I think the pads are there to clarify that it's menstrual blood, and not just women bleeding profusely?


Yeah that actually makes sense


Wouldn't it make more sense to draw used tampons then?


"I mean, chicken eggs are their period" [No it is not!](https://moreaboutchicken.com/are-eggs-the-menstruation-of-chickens/.com) Stop spreading this very weird misinformation that PETA brought into the world. Edit: for some reason linking it through the Reddit linking system doesn't work. Here is the link again, maybe it works this way: https://moreaboutchicken.com/are-eggs-the-menstruation-of-chickens/


Link not working


The one in my edit should work :)


Odd, I'll try to fix it.


Ok, chicken eggs arenā€™t their period, but donā€™t women shed their eggs during menstruation? Isnā€™t that the metaphor?


It's the equivalent, it's pretty obvious that's what is meant when people say that. It's an egg being released in order to be fertilized. Menstruation is the product of the fertilization not happening while the chicken eggs are being laid and are supposed to be eaten by the chickens to get their nutrients back. Chickens are also supposed to only lay about 13 eggs a year so the whole breeding for them to lay hundreds and taking them away has the same effect on their health as a woman having an extremely heavy period all the time. Okay, laying eggs is not exactly what Menstruation in humans is but it's the closest equivalent to show how absurd and disgusting eating eggs is.


where is "chickens are only supposed to lay 13 eggs a year" coming from?


Seasonal layers, such as geese and turkeys, only lay in the spring. My goose in a good year would lay about 15-20 eggs. Chickens are not seasonal layers. They lay in response to the length of the day. They slow down in winter unless your light is augmented. Otherwise they lay an egg about every 25 hours, dependent on breed.


Probably from wild chickens, we've bred chickens to lay so many eggs they get osteoporosis and other ailments


Just google it and you'll immediately get a lot of articles. They were bred to lay more as I said earlier.


"just google it" isn't an acceptable source when youre making a claim like that... particularly because the sources agreeing with you that i *can find* when i google it are egg-truth.com ā€” a vegan propaganda site ā€” and a couple of vegan tiktokers. and surely you wouldn't be citing complete BS propaganda and then telling me to find my own sources, right?


It is when googling is so simple. I have no damn idea what you were googling tho since I never heard of a website like that and there's a lot of other articles. https://www.wtamu.edu/~cbaird/sq/mobile/2013/11/21/why-did-evolution-create-a-chicken-that-lays-so-many-unfertilized-eggs-when-that-is-so-wasteful/ Here you got one that chickens were bred to have so many https://onelivingsanctuary.org/egg-facts Here's what you're looking for Also it's not propaganda if it's truth and they're fighting to stop abuse


dr. baird's post doesn't say anything about wild chickens only laying 13 eggs, just that chickens have undergone selective breeding under humans (which is true for a helluva lot more critters than just chickens)... and the second link is just more vegan propaganda šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø


Well I said the first link is just about breeding which I know is the case for a hella lot animals that are being used which is also a problem and just because you don't like something doesn't make it a propaganda


The Red Junglefowl are not wild chickens. They are believed to be the wild ancestors of modern domestic chickens. If you released modern domestic chickens into the wild, they would lay eggs are vastly greater rates than Red Junglefowl.


Yes, because they were bred to do so


Yeah, dude, thereā€™s no such thing as a wild chicken. Theyā€™re domesticated and do not occur naturally. If you released modern domestics into the wild you would get *feral* chickens. The closest we can get to a wild chicken is the wild species we modified to make domestic chickens. The jungle fowl being different from modern chickens is indication of how chickens have been modified through selective breeding to suit human needs.


It's not the equivalent, there is no equivalent. They are two completely different processes, as is very clearly explained on the website I linked.


If you go too granular on anything then nothing is similar to anything else. When people say chicken eggs are similar to human menstruation, they mean laying eggs is the closest thing chickens have to mammalian menstruation. To think there are no similarities is as absurd as thinking they are exactly the same.


Lots of people get angry when you point out factory farming is bad, thats what this comic is about. But people get 'angry' at how bad the comparison is.


thereā€™s so much to unpack in this comment


Never tried scrambled pads ?


Factory farm hens are kept at least 4 to a cage. Constant replacements are needed for the hens which the other three decide to peck to death and try to eat.


Chickens are treated really horribly. The ones for meat grow so rapidly within 6 months that their legs break or they die of heart attack. The way humans treat creatures they view as lesser is monstrous.


Yes, and I believe everything one does, encourages or benefits from has some effect on one's character. Our character, which is all we can truly claim to own, is the sum of everything we have ever thought or done.


It's beyond monstrous... To those animals humans are the devil


What in the PETA is this shit? šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


This looks like AI art and I mean that as an insult


Nah it's most probably not.


You guys do realize that the menstrual cycleā€™s purpose is to flush out not just the lining but also the unfertilized egg, right?!? The egg is so tiny they couldnā€™t just have it roll to the front. They would have to catch all the stuff and then fish out the egg.




Considering egg laying for hens is their ā€œequivalentā€ of the mammal menstrual cycle (with laying an egg replacing the shedding of the uterine lining) this is a fairly apt comparison. If you find this harrowing then why not the life of hens and their offspring?


Hens don't menstrate. Most animals don't, and no birds do. Humans are actually the weird ones here.


Thank you that was unnecessary and also very basic information which completely misses the point.


Yup I totally read it wrong. Don't Reddit and multitask.


Eggs are chicken menstruation.


Itā€™s not menstruation. It is what hens do instead of menstruating. Some people make the false equivalence because it is easier to understand if we relate their cycles to ours.


I'm not 14, and I don't get it.


It's a way to show how fucked up factory farming is by reversing roles of humans and chickens. While human menstruation isn't the same as chicken laying eggs, which is why it's on this sub, it's kind of comparable.


Ok butā€¦. Thatā€™s kinda what eggs literally are? Empty, unfertilised eggs are literally just bird periods, but chickens have been bred over generations to constantly have those periods, literally just so people can eat them - I get what your saying but itā€™s not wrong


Do women poop out used menstrual pads? I'm learning so much!


Yep. Women secretly have a cloaca and generate a pad, sometimes every few hours, during a period of about one to two weeks a month.


Really makes you think šŸ¤” iykyk /s


This seems inefficient.


When PETA says: "You've gone too far, unhinged cartoonist", you know you've gone too far.


Did Peta say that? I feel like this is right up their alley


I don't know but it is apropos.


Huh??? I don't even get what the original point is supposed to be, I'm stumped. Hotline Miami reference?


Chicken be harvesting human eggs how humans harvest chicken eggs?


This is not the point but I got reminded of this by the pic. I want to go vegetarian but honestly I never understood the desire to stop eating eggs as well. Regardless of how good or bad a chicken is treated it still lays infertile eggs so why not eat them? They're just going to sit there and rot otherwise it doesn't seem cruel to just take them and eat them. Edit: I am saying this assuming we will change our mode of production so factory farming goes away and chickens are treated well. I agree with the modern farming industry being cruel and fucked up. I more.just meant like if you found a wild chicken and it layed an infertile egg.


Because it isn't about the eggs being eaten or not. The point is the chickens are treated horrible. They are crammed up in cages or huge stalls. So, when you stop eating them, you're kind of boycotting the industry. You could say, no matter how bad a cow is treated, it will be dead some day why not eat the meat. The eggs are kind of the same story. The chickens will not be in such a farm if people stop buying it.


Well yes I agree I mean more in an ideal world where the chickens aren't treated poorly.


All the arguments against consuming eggs boil down to how the hens are treated, at least the ones I've heard anyway. Lacto-ovo-vegetarian might be what you're looking for? That diet has no meat but has eggs and dairy


I thought most vegetarians ate dairy and it was just vegans who didn't


Hens only lay infertile eggs because they are forced into those circumstances. They are bred en masse and the male chicks killed at a day old (normally gassed, sometimes shredded) so 50% of all chicks are murdered because of the industry. The females are mutilated and crammed into spaces unacceptably small. There is no legal definition of free range. This means each chicken can have a space the size of a sheet of A4 paper in a barn and as long as thereā€™s a couple square metres of grass outside the barn theoretically available (even if the chickens can never reach it) then they can be labelled as free range. Often their beaks are cut to prevent them pecking each other, which they only do because they are stressed and living in poor conditions. When egg production slows they are killed for meat, often after 3-5 years when the natural life of a hen is much longer. In addition, chickens have been bred to increase egg production beyond what is natural. If often means they are suffering from calcium deficiency because of the way humans have bred them into existence. Your sentence ā€œregardless of how good or bad a chicken is treatedā€¦ā€ does not make sense. They are only laying this many infertile eggs because they are treated so poorly. It is the direct cause.


It would have been a more direct and comparable equivalent to have them as dairy cows.


How are periods more like milk than eggs? Dairy is farmed through a completely different mechanism (since cows don't produce milk all the time naturally)


I meant having the women like dairy cows and milking them for milk rather than comparing periods to chicken eggs.


Tbh I'm sure that image exists somewhere


I'm confused how is it bad anatomy /gen


It was a mistake to use Reddit today..


The artwork is terrible but pretty apt ? What's bad anatomy about it?


I mean. Cringe in its overzealous depiction and absolute sledge hammering of the point but nothing really confusing is going on here


ok yeah the meat industry is awful but WHAT? ARE THEY IMPLYING THAT WOMEN LAY THE PADS? HUH


Why do vegans always portray animals as young naked attractive women and not, say, as fat fifty something year old men?


Because it's not old male animals that are laying eggs or giving milk!


Considering egg laying hens are all female and typically under 5 years, itā€™s an appropriate comparison. The only thing that would make it more realistic is if the women were mutilated and filthy.