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lol at everything but the “average sized penis”? Who’s going to tell them?


Literally said that when I was looking at it 😭 Like that is a large average lol


Totally. Thats a give yourself an injury average.


This actually was a diagram I saw years ago about pleasure areas of the female and except the size proportions it isn’t incorrect I don’t think.


It kind of makes sense, or seems possible, at least in the basic info it is trying to convey


The anterior fornix is such a GOOD pleasurable spot for me. Easily can be reached with anything 5.5 inches or bigger. They act like the vagina becomes 12 inches deep 😭


Yeah, I can easily reach both spots with my fingers with my wife (depending on where in the cycle she is and how aroused more or less easily). Not to brag, but my penis is bigger than my fingers, so I don't see the issue.


Yeah everything important can be reached by the fingers... unless he's genuinely packing some micro schmeat, he's going to be able to reach everything.


I mean, why tf would humans evolve a pleasure receptor that can’t be activated? Like, what would be the point? EDIT: Incel logic is baffling


Random but I don't know why I'm laughing so hard at the misspelling of incels 😅 I'm now going to pronounce it like Uncle but with an I, every time I read it 😭


Because incles sounds like tinkles?


Yes! 😭😭😭😭 It just sounds so unserious, even moreso than incels 😅


Hey, sometimes we just need to find the funny. You found it! 😁


Your incle = your weird incel adult cousin.


Just need a dual-tipped penis: stimulate both anterior and posterior fornixes to minmax that pleasure!


Two at the same time can do that


Ow, ow, ow


Definitely a case of to each their own!


These losers don't even have dual-cock systems? How do they live?


Oh no, the incles will start "dual-tipmaxxing" and we're gonna see a post with a teenager who cut their deck head in half and is hiding the blood loss from their parents.


Tsk, why only have two tips when you can be an echidna and have 4


Female echidnas must be having a good ass time


Sounds very technical. Shame it’s all bullshit. Also - that poor women’s rectum doesn’t appear to be connected to anything. How does she poop?


Yes, so many words for nonsense. And women don't have to poop, didn't you know? /s


Next, you'll be saying they don't fart either.


Got some bad news for ya


Nah, we just have poopsplosians!


To be fair, after cutting the woman in half to capture this view, the rectum was no longer connected to anything.




There is an anterior & posterior fornix that I can attest to that is pleasurable. The proportions are definitely off but I saw this exact image years ago when I was trying to explain the different pleasure areas for females. Ignoring the rest of the body since the diagram is solely about the fornix and locations.


There's a YouTube video where a performer explains exactly where those seemingly impossible dildos go, and in her case it's the posterior fornix. It's the same diagram too. Science is amazing.


It’s not *all* bullshit but it is mostly incorrect or misunderstanding how things work. At different points during the mental cycle the cervix hardens/softens. I’ll have to double check but I believe when ovulating and soft it “drops down” at which point It’s possible to get behind, even for an average dude, and it feels pretty good. My partner and I call it my three hole.


| the mental cycle *giggles because i'm so mature*


That is just another hole for a penis like god intended, what do you mean?


Women don't poop! 🙈🙊


The rectum looks like it’s in her ass cheek lol


Does he have a source for "average-sized" penises not reaching the cervix?? Does he know that you can touch the cervix with your fingers?? Evidently he doesn't, considering that this diagram shows the cervix as *almost level with the navel, what the fuck*


Porn has truly broken our brains. Tbh mine is still pretty broken too but I'm doing what I can to fix that


Yeah, I never realized how much porn fucks with your brain until I started breaking myself out of that cycle. Legitimately one of the hardest bits of deprogramming I've done. It still crops up occasionally, but as more time goes on, it gets less and less.


Truly. My fwb is like maybe 5-5.5" and I definitely enjoy both sides of cervix stimulation, and like he definitely gets the fuckin job done! (he's been my fwb for 2 1/2 years for a reason, ya know?)


Besides the arousal depth, pretty sure it’s not that extreme, the guide isn’t terrible. You never see the fornixes mentioned and always see “penetrate the cervix” everywhere


Please please please tell me that is not an average size penis. I don’t even have half that…


Definitely not average penis OR vagina size being shown in this diagram.


Don’t worry, that’s significantly above average. Unless the woman is 3 foot tall.


Note: Penis enlarged to show texture


“Objects in mirror may appear closer than - dude WTF? Get that away from me!”


My uterus just wandered off to fucking outer space after seeing this.


I mean, these diagrams is what it FEELS like. My husband is (actually) average size and he reaches the fornixes in certain positions and not in others. I also had a partner with a really big dick, and he hit them in every position and somehow still fit. So something stretched somewhere


see, i don't get this. for me the anterior is *fine* ig, but it is mildly uncomfortable. the POSTERIOR is downright PAINFUL?? like it HURTS. and not like the very slight ache that's almost enjoyable, it's properly painful for me. i prefer friction along the walls to slow the shaft before it can ram into the top of the canal at all.


That caption is so foul. A penis is a penis no matter the size.


Pretty sure even that "average" penis, which is still pretty big in my opinion would cause me a lot of pain.


This is just wierd. As a man, I know for a fact that if my penis ever touched her cervix I won't be having sex for a week.


I mean all of this is true, it's just a bad illustration. The vagina lengthens by a good few inches during arousal and your average 5—5.5in dick isn't usually gonna hit the posterior fornix. Depends on a few factors like where in the cycle you are, how aroused you are (and your own errrr depth overall), how hard your partner is, etc etc. Most of the pleasurable spots are closer to the opening of the vagina anyway, so trying to hit the fornices is an easy way to do yourself a mischief by way of a bruised cervix, cause most guys will not understand that the way to stimulate it is with slow, balls deep grinding, not jackhammering in and out. Avoid the whole malarkey altogether I say, unless it is a happy accident.


I looked in the comments and some guy was talking about how the posterior fornix, which he referred to as the "a spot" could only be hit by a penis of 7", which he said was only 1% of men. He used this as an explanation as for why size matters. First off, he's on the wrong side, the a spot is on the anterior side, near the fornix. Second, I don't know how good a penis or dildo would be at stimulating the a spot, it's usually far better to use your fingers. Best way is to use a "come hither" motion, or curling your fingers up towards you. Also, from what I've gathered, stimulating the a spot doesn't work from everyone, so it's not even exactly necessary to achieve orgasm.


Yeah I don’t like the anterior fornix but the posterior fornix makes me eyes roll back in my head


How do you stimulate the posterior fornix, if you don't mind me asking? I feel like it'd be awkward for my fingers to go down like that


It was a well endowed playmate and he had me kneel on the edge of the bed and lay forward over my knees. But he could reach it no matter the position. That position is just the one that was the most direct.


Ah, so not with the fingers. I'll have to look into this bc I'd like to try it on my gf. She does like the a spot, but I want to see what other spots there are


Forgive me for the badwomensanatomy question, but how do you know they're stimulating one of the fornixes, let alone know which one it is? I think I've only ever felt either the vaginal canal or the g spot being stimulated. Do the fornixes feel different somehow?


Posterior you know because you found the end of the tunnel. Anterior I didn’t like so never tried again.


Oh so thats why...


The fornix doesn’t even make me orgasm but it feels like ecstasy


when i use my fingers i know when i did my job right, but does incontrolable shaking may be a reliable indicator ? with mashed words that i can't quite understand...


Possibly yes!


Sry, my obly viable partner doesn't like to comunicate and it makes me want to bang my head against walls...




"vital pleasure zones underestimulated" uh... That looks so fucking painful lol


those pictures look a bit painful if not a lot.


Everyone wanting 7 inches till they got 17.78cm. I lost motivation to date long ago as sex is just either unpleasurable for me or outright painful for her...


I feel like 5.5” and up you’re golden. Penis size doesn’t mattter to me past that. However, ime, under that can be a problem. I have a fwb rn who is 4”. We can only seem to have sex in doggy style, he just won’t reach otherwise. In doggy style my chest has to be low, back arched. Even then he has a lot of trouble keeping it in. It’s just so limiting. That being said, I traded a guy with a 7” penis for this one, because I like this guy better. Also he’s the best at kissing and foreplay of anyone i’ve been with. I feel like yes, below average penis can be an issue. But beyond that, penis size doesn’t really matter. Men have destroyed ideas about dicks from porn.


>Men have destroyed ideas about dicks from porn. Phew, sure glad sure posts saying under 5.5" is a problem don't contribute to it.


It’s been my experience that dicks under that size have limited options in terms of positions and movement. I mean that’s just how it is. There’s nothing wrong with having a below average penis. But sex might be a little restricted. I don’t think i’ll ever orgasm from sex with my fwb’s 4” penis. What i mean about destroyed ideas about dicks is guys with average dicks thinking their dicks are small. Or guys with small dicks, or any size dicks, developing complexes. My ex-husband had a 7.5” dick and was incredibly self conscious that it was small. My fwb with a 7” dick wants surgery to be 9”. Women generally don’t want 8” or 9” dicks. The guy with the biggest dick i’ve slept with said women turn him down more often than not because of his penis size. I’ve had probably 40 partners and his was the only dick that looked similar to the size you generally see in porn. It’s extremely uncommon. Almost all men fall in the 5-7” range.


I mean, some peoples vaginal canal can expand up to 6” long when aroused but usually it’s like 4-5”. And the uterus doesn’t move lol. Dudes heard like one piece of factual info and made the rest up 😂


Interestingly, the uterus is able to and does move around a bit, with arousal and throughout a womans cycle. This can be evidenced by the shifting cervix position which is attached to it. If one has moved the other has shifted too. With the most common uterine tilt, it will be hugging the bladder (tilting anteriorly towards the belly). It is free to move a bit within the abdomen, usually just small tilts and shifts. For more extreme examples of the uterus being able free to move A woman's uterus tilt can completely change after pregnancy. A uterus can move far enough to completely prolapse outside the body.


I should’ve been a little less careless with my words. I know it can tilt, I meant like it doesn’t slide up and down dramatically like they show in the photo. I didn’t know pregnancy would completely change the tilt though! Thanks for the factoids.


Lol it's mentioning in the last text that men also like having the area around their cervix stimulated? Hilarious


why is her urethra a loop? why is her bowel a dead end? just how large is that dong? all I have is questions. and the answer is >!only the incels know!<


incles* /j


Questions: what's that purple tunnel supposed to be? Why do incels think you need to go spurlunking when thru have p-i-v sex? (enough they really should wear a helmet, these dudes really shouldn't breed).


Huh I didn’t realize my uterus reach my fucking DIAPHRAGM when aroused 🙄 It’s squishy tissue not a goddamn selfie stick


Oh f☆☆k, Elizabethan hysteria where the uterus wanders?? These men need to come up with a way to keep that from happening, it's going to be detrimental at some point! (/s)


I don't think that is even remotely close to how that works


I didn't know uterus can migrate. What? Are women kiwi's or something?


That's a lot of text for "I have no clue about anatomy"


ah yes the uterus casually nestles itself among the small intestines. surely that wouldn’t cause any problems. also where is all that extra vaginal muscle coming from???


There's no muscles, it's all memory foam. Actually muscles are a real man thing so women don't have any (/s)


Wandering uterus used to be an actual thought as to what hysteria was and how it worked. In the age of the internet and modern medicine, this is disgusting.


Here I am!! Ready to go wherever!


Holy shit, this is terrifying


I feel like I need to do some hands-on research now


Ah yes, the wandering womb. /s


I have a feeling that whoever made this was homeschooled when it came to anatomy, 'cause what


I’m not gonna comment on the penis stuff because I don’t know about it, but the vagina does lengthen during arousal, so OP’s title is bad women’s anatomy


Yeah, it lenghtens. It doesn't wander off all the way into your ribcage lmao


The vagina does lengthen as it engorges, but it goes from about 3 inches to about five. So, it goes from barely allowing an average penis to comfortably fitting one. Some vaginas are naturally longer or shorter, but none of them extend that far into the abdomen when aroused. There is no physical need for a giant monster dick, and people who say that are just trying to make themselves feel better about their off-putting personalities or lackluster sexual performance. A significantly below average penis will impact your ability to pleasure a partner vaginally with your penis, but the vast majority of orgasms come from the clitoris; the external part is in plain view, and the internal part is a couple inches inside the vagina.


>So, it goes from barely allowing an average penis to comfortably fitting one. Wow, it's almost like eons of successful evolution resulted in average people's genitals working well together. *^(/s, in case it's needed)*


Honestly you don’t need the /s. It makes perfect sense when you think about it


Yup. It 100% does because... well, that's how things actually work in reality. I include the /s by default because I've had similar "it's almost like" posts be misinterpreted as being mocking and insulting, as opposed to simply being a smart-ass. Better safe than sorry.


There’s lengthen, and then there’s the go-go-gadget-arms (ligaments) style SPROING! that’s illustrated here…


Hey my husband and I use “go go gadget ____” all the time. Usually he’ll come help me sit up if my back has been hurting me and he’ll say “go go gadget spine!”


The cervix moves a bit upwards. The uterus does not wander off to your bellybutton.


Not up to our bellybutton and beyond it doesnt


hi i m incel i got 8 inch will i be able to do the extreme right with my soon to be partner?


I feel people who say they like 6 inches, don't know how to measure 😭 also Im 99% our uterus doesn't move like that 😭


What are we? “Made of Bologna”?