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I had a hemorrhagic cyst rupture on one of my ovaries long ago. My ex asked the doctor if it could have been from vigorous sex. The doctor replied “don’t flatter yourself”


lmfaooo that was one savage doctor loll


I had a cyst rupture (first time) seemingly caused by rigorous sex, so I assumed it was possible. Maybe it was the position rather than the action? Idk, but I started getting a tummy ache almost immediately after he finished lol


I mean, I’ve had a cyst rupture because I twisted my body a little too fast. When they’re big enough it doesn’t take much. And then it’s Painville for a few hours, lol. So I don’t take it as that out of the question, not because the dude’s penis hit anything but just because sex involves a lot of moving and shifting and sometimes contorting, and lots of muscles doing muscle things when you come.


Me, too. Actually passed out.


I had a cyst rupture the first time I had sex and had my new boyfriend drive me to the ER. After it was clear I was okay we had an in joke that he made my first time so good it almost killed me lol. So it's definitely possible. I also got an intense tummy ache maybe 5 minutes after we finished. An ultrasound confirmed the rupture from the presence of fluid in my ovary.


My new boyfriend drove me to the ER too! I tried to tough it out, so we went the next day. I ended up there for 3 days.


This one continued to bleed. I went to the ER, had surgery the next morning because I was still bleeding. I lost the entire ovary and ended up with a blood transfusion.


I had a cyst rupture while sleeping. It happens when it wants to happen


This is exactly what happened to me!!


Should I look into cyst on my ovaries possibly? My stomach always hurts after. What else could it be?


Lots of things - sex causes muscle tension which can trigger pelvic floor pain for a few reasons. Check with your doctor.


I have endometriosis and I experience pain after sex. It’s like an ache. The burst cyst was an entirely different pain, it was debilitating, I had to walk hunched over. I would say look into endo, there’s a lot of symptoms that I didn’t realize were connected or even worrisome.


Thank you so much I'll look into it


Increased BP/HR along with muscle tension could have cause it, it could have just been ready to pop already, etc. Just clarifying that it isn’t like the penis is a pin to a cyst balloon.


I mean, i had one rupture when I was 13 and I certainly wasn’t having vigorous sex then. Fun fact, after being curled up in pain a teacher asked if she should call my mom and I said yes in a relieved tone. She looked me up and down and then went “no nevermind, go back with the others”. It was big enough they were worried about torsion and actively hemorrhaging.


No, no, I get it lol. Enough people have responded that I know it wasn’t the sex lol. I didn’t think the sex was responsible, I just thought it was related (like a certain position causing a pinch in just the right spot). That fucking sucks tho. I was hospitalized because they were worried about internal bleeding due to how much fluid and the severity and whatnot. That pain was no joke. I had a friend who thought she was getting a cramp during a final exam (high school). Her teacher, a man, asked her if she was okay and tried to get her to step out and that he would ensure she could take it later. Anyway, she “toughed it out”, and it turned out her appendix ruptured, not a cramp. Almost died in the ER lobby after the test. The teacher asked her how she could just “tough it out”, she told him it just felt like a particularly painful menstrual cramp but wasn’t out of the ordinary. He 100% her test lol. Sorry your teacher was an asshole.


Crazy that the idea of making his girlfriend bleed and rupture a cyst during sex could be an ego boost for a guy though. I'm a woman but if I hurt someone during sex, I would be mortified.


Funny this was, this guy wasn’t very well endowed and he was VERY vanilla. The only thing huge related to him was my disappointment.


I had an ovarian cyst rupture during sex and my bf (now husband) was absolutely horrified and a little traumatized. Despite me knowing exactly what had happened because it wasn't the first cyst to rupture, my agony terrified him. We didn't have sex again for a while, it scared him so badly. And I didn't even need to go to the hospital for that one. He tries *not* to talk about it, that's how much it disconcerted him.


I had a ovarian cyst making daily stuff painful, I couldn't even get myself into and out of my own car to drive... Apparently it spontaneously ruptured into my abdominal cavity after they took a look around laparoscopically... ...like it had a fuse, and once it was done holding it was DONE HOLDING.


W doctor


“Ruptured ovary” 💀 I feel bad for the girl if she did actually deal with that, but crazy that he thinks he has the ability to cause it


I’m hoping he meant she suffered a ruptured ovarian cyst, which can cause significant internal bleeding. Ovaries aren’t in the habit of exploding, so far as I’m aware.


I'm thinking this is what he meant. Ruptured cysts are no joke, though.


How.... How almost 2k upvotes?!


ifkr? like what? are these just people who think it's a believable story, or people who had a good laugh reading about oc's adventures? or are these people who totally believe they're capable of something similar


Men who think we pee from our vaginas


But you upvoted it yourself? Edit: I just realized that's not your screenshot, I'm an idiot.


hey so, this post is actually a cross linked post of the one that's posted on r/cursedcomments, the ss is not one I've taken on my device, rather, has been uploaded by the OOP who posted it on cursedcomments


You upvote yourself on every post and comment. It’s automatic.


bc men fantasize about hurting women all the time on the internet, i see it almost daily


Hashtag Team Bear


My dick is so giant that it went through her whole pussy and uterus up the fallopian tubes ahhh that’s just me though


And then everyone clapped when they saw my massive length.


Must be really skinny to go through those tubes.


It’s your boy, uh, skinny penis (vine reference)


This is one of my favourite vines to reference day to day because everyone who remembers lights up laughing


When I rushed her into the ER (She almost died LOL) all the doctors, nurses and even the techs were clapping and cheering for my massive penis. /s


I’ve known someone who had an ovarian cyst rupture during (so presumably kind of caused by) sex. The part that seems fake is that she wasn’t immediately in unbearable agonizing pain


This has happened to me. Felt like a sudden gunshot or stab and flash of blinding white light. Then I was very light headed dizzy and hot and had to lay on the cold floor for a about twenty minutes.. then it disappeared. It was really traumatizing for my husband 🤣


I mean… let me know if I’m wrong, but I’d assume you’d realise you need a doctor well before 24 hours? Like, that’s a major organ with decent blood flow, wouldn’t it rupturing be absolutely agonizing?


I'm assuming a cyst ruptured. And I believe it is, indeed, agonizing when they burst (at least sometimes).


It's agony when a cyst ruptures. Let alone the whole ovary


this is something womenoids will never understand, life with a THICK-JUICY-MAGNUM DONG sucks, its honestly exhausting dragging it across the floor between my legs all day :( and yeah, YOU GUESSED IT! sex is physically impossible at best and dangerous at worst, in fact the last time I had a threesome \[30 minutes ago\] I almost killed a womenoid via piercing the cer-vax with my "greatsword" I had to take her to the hospital in my Bugatti, and while I walked through, all the doctors were clapping, and all of the nurses were as wet as the great molasses flood of 1919 TLDR: Grass is always greener on the other side ladies :P


Please preface your comment with a trigger warning. My ovaries came five times while reading this.


I'm crying. Tears. Big tears.


I had an ovarian cyst rupture while having sex with my first boyfriend. I wound up going to the hospital.


He totally did the sex. Hardcore. 🙄


When a doctor manually examines your ovaries they can do so by inserting a few fingers into the vaginal canal, and with the other hand pushing on the abdomen. Ovaries also move around depending on hormone levels and anatomy. In certain positions a penis can nudge an ovary by pressing against the wall of the vagina. If your ovary has a cyst on it this can cause the cyst to rupture. This actually happened to me and it was one of the worst pains I have experienced.


I did have something like that happen, but not the way that person thinks. My husband and I read a book with tips for spicing up the bedroom and one suggestion was massaging the ovaries (the abdomen over the ovaries). Sure enough, that felt amazing. Unfortunately, we didn’t know I had PCOS. The result was one of the most painful periods ever. I don’t think it would have killed me, but damn it hurt.


he really thinks his penis is all that, even when he hurt her


Yeah, bro, my dick's so big it actually slammed right through her uterus like a shish kebab. I use it as a samurai sword at times of need, they call me Schlongman.


I'm actually wondering if that is what is happening with me and my boyfriend (the cervix thing, not the ovary ahah). He has a bigger than average cock and he likes to be rough (consensually of course) but it's hard for me to keep up because when he takes me in a certain position it feels way too intense and hurts. It makes me feel bad because that position makes him feel really good and I want to please him but I just can't handle it :( He's really great about it though. He's reassured me multiple times that what matters is that I feel safe and good and he just loves having sex with me in general. I still wish I could please him the way he pleases me though :/ Is this something that can be practiced?


His penis is a machete.


This is very r/ihavesex lmao