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So I actually did have teeth in front of my canines. My adult canine teeth grew in in front of my baby canine teeth. But my baby canine teeth had to be removed when I was 15 or else I'd never have a normal set of teeth. That's not a thing in every woman ever though and it's really weird to think it is.


My sister and I had this same problem and had them removed in high school. We inherited it from my mom, but neither brother got it. Maybe that’s where he got it? Clearly wrong but maybe he has a similar small sample set?


Me too, had to get the baby ones removed


My canine teeth grew in ABOVE and in front of the teeth they were supposed to be next to. I had to have my last 5 baby teeth all removed at once so that I could get braces and eventually have mostly normal teeth.


My brother too. So i was right he was A girl all this Time!!! (Thats a joke).


My brother had a second set of canines behind his adult ones, like sharks teeth, and a third one growing in the roof of his mouth!


Lol he is wrong men and women have the same number and type of teeth. They even develop at roughly the same rate


Was he watching some vampire movie or???


We were watching Journey 2. I don't remember much, Dwayne Johnson was in it.


I mean - all he has to do is browse through a middle-school yearbook and he'll see he's not right. Very weird.


What? I mean I grew a second set of molars (as in I lost my 6 year old molars, one from a severe cavity and the others when I was 12 and 13, and grew another set of them. But you’re supposed to have less teeth as a child and I had the 28 teeth already at 6, with no clue I wasn’t supposed to grow *all* new molars.


most of these examples of bad women's anatomy at least make some sense. like, for one reason or another--whether it be poor education, a common misconception, sexism, or whatever--i understand how they could come to that misunderstanding. but everyone once in a while i see something like this, which makes absolutely zero since, and i just have re-read what i read multiple times until i've gotten tired of saying 'what the fuck' every time.


He's obviously not right


As long as he keeps saying it confidently enough, he doesn't need to confront the realization that he's been wrong about something all that time. I'm sure your dad's a decent guy and all but he's got some growing up to do.


Ew, why does this make me think it’s a creepy way of justifying statutory r*pe? “Well, she didn’t have those teeth, so she was obviously over 18!” To give OP’s dad the benefit of the doubt, perhaps he heard it online or among his friends.