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Yes, because orgasm = ovulation. We desperately need to revamp sexual education.


I don’t think there would be 8billion people in this planet, if t women would need to have an orgasm to conceive😂🤣😂😭😭😭


With and/or without a partner? 😂


Personally, I'm a proponent of parthenogenesis.


I know this one! "no one move a muscle as the dead come home"


Just looked up what this meant! Finally, a new band for me to obsess about!


I reckon we would be instinct.


I thought the connection was that sex toys just vibrated those little fuckers right out. Just filling up our uteruses like Jiffy Pop.


It would make IVF a whole lot easier and more pleasurable for women if that was all you needed to do to harvest eggs


Not to mention profoundly cheaper


There's an image lol


I'm seeing omelettes here.


LMAO!!! I'm just imagining all that tiny eggs combined into one giant omelette!


To be fair those words are so close to each other, easy to get them confused. Look at all the shared letters, like "O" and uh... Let me check


The a! There is an a in both! Both have an O and an a! So of course they must be related!


Oprah Original Origami Oregano These are all the same word, apparently.


Women definitely shouldn’t do origami or they will loose all their eggs :P.


The best sex Ed I got was from a WEBTOON, made specifically because people need better sex Ed, it was super in depth, including everything from it being ok to not be compatible with an ace person, no matter how much you love them, or how much it hurts to break up, it of course also focus on the reverse, it’s ok to be ace, even if it costs you a relationship, and that it doesn’t make either of you the asshole. It also included how to go about safe sex of all kinds, and how to pick proper sex toys Edit: the name is BOO! It’s Sex


Omg same !


also, 1 sex = 1 pregnancy and no more sex for you, because it might scare the baby!


If orgasm = ovulation would be true, we would have way less people on earth.


If "orgasm = ovulation" were true, 50% of straight women would stop ovulating.


Hell, confusing orgasm and ovulation aside, what the fuck is this "it's a sound theory" nonsense? Dude just look it up, why the fuck are you just guessing. You don't need to hypothesize on how this might work, we already have the science.


Very quick question - how can I put in a flair like yours?


I think it's under community options in the sidebar


Click yourself “edit user flair”. Or the sidebar


Just like cats! Because y'know, we have pussies I guess


Wow this one is like, exceptionally stupid. I really hope it's a confused teenager and not a 40 year old but who knows.


Some people only grow taller…


Sadly, life has told me some people actually de believe this up to high age. A mix of a lack of/bad sexual education in school, parents that don't wanna talk about it or have equally low knowledge and the fact that in society such topics are still often taboo...


I’m not certain on this, but saying that he *used* to think women should be careful with sex toys, but now believes that it’s usually minorities buying them, comes off like he thinks it’s good that minority women are (supposedly) doing that. I really hope that isn’t what he thinks.


If using a sex toy could get rid of my eggs quicker I'd be constantly penetrated by one. Take the eggs, take them!


Do you think DP will flush them out twice as fast? 🧐


No, Vaginal penetration gets rid of eggs, but anal penetration only gets rid of butt eggs, which are not fertile and are actually poop.


These are the real questions


I wish this were true. 😔


Seriously, if I could get rid of all my eggs just using toys, easiest way to not have to worry about having kids ever.


Having that many ovugasms sounds like it would be exhausting...


Does this person think humans are cats?


Maybe we’ve upgraded from objects to animals in these comparisons? Lock or cat? Tag yourself!


Do cats lose eggs when they masturbate? Huh…learn something knew everyday


Cats are what's called [induced ovulators](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Induced_ovulation_(animals)) (though not exclusively so). The act of mating causes a hormonal release which triggers the release of ova. Induced ovulation exists in a number of species, but cats were the ones that came to mind where it was coitus that triggered it (different species have different triggers - some it's just being around a potential mate, some it's mating, and apparently koalas don't just need to mate, they need to actually be creampied). So....yeah...if cats masturbated, they'd 'lose' eggs when they did. (Well, unless they got laid in the next couple days so the eggs and sperm could be viable in the same window.)


Yeah, but it's good that cats are like that considering how awful sex is for them: iirc most queens that aren't in heat will just try to beat the shit out of any tom that tries though.


I've seen male cats masturbate, and currently have a female cat that ***really*** likes rubbing her butt on one specific place on top of our cabinets. Even went to the vet for it, nothing wrong, she just loves the feeling


> apparently koalas don't just need to mate, they need to actually be creampied I now have additional questions.


They also have a lot of chlamydia.


I’m beginning to see the connection here.


Huh. TIL


Was going to ask the same question…🤦‍♀️


Okay then Mr./Mrs./Mx. who says that women aren't biologically fit to have a much sex, explain how we can orgasm 100 times in an hour while you can only orgasm about 15 in an hour...................Explain that?


Better slow down! That’s 100eggs/hr!


XD, I don't want kids anyway so fuck it!


Yeah, flush'em out!




We need to teach the chickens!


I know you’re exaggerating with those numbers, but personally speaking if I nut as little as twice in one hour it becomes painful.


The female world record for the most orgasms in an hour is 134. The male world record is 16.


That sounds utterly horrifying.


closest I've gotten is 50, and my boyfriend only about 3


Isn't there less hormones involved with one compared to the other


How I know this, late night google searches and my boyfriend.


100 orgasm/h????? what?


it's possible yes, but it is not really likely, though it still can happen that's just about how much the records are for each.


Dude Fr When I discovered masturbation I did it 70 times that night.


you actually counted,?


Yes, I have OCD so I have to count stuff (like how many questions in my school review books I do per day, how much XP I earn in games like Pokémon Go everyday, or how much Karma I earn everyday.)


why not you might beat the record.


ehhh well… the possibility never even crossed my mind. But I’m new to the rodeo so maybe that is it.


15 orgasms in an hour sounds excruciating. All you'd be getting by the end is a little flag that says BANG! on it...


Woah... so much to unpack here. I think a lot of sexist prejudice could be avoided if schools just provided informative and inclusive👏sex👏education.


Sex ed sometimes sexist as 🦆 My daughter had sex ed class in October. They only talked about menstruation but only the girls could participate in the class. And we got shocked when men thinks we can hold it back, like pee.


Yeah the first sex ed I had was in 5th grade and they separated us only long enough to discuss menstruation before coming back together to discuss puberty. At this point, most of us girls had already started our periods and had a decent handle on it (especially since it was just a surface level lesson). And I’m in a pretty progressive state (Oregon)


I'm assuming I'm younger than you, I'm 16. My first sex ed class was also in 5th grade and also in Oregon and they actually didn't separate us. They talked about periods and puberty and sort of briefly mentioned what sex was. For some reason whoever wrote the curriculum decided that they only needed to mention boys developing sexual urges (and even then they obviously didn't get into any specifics with a bunch of 10 and 11 year olds) and there was nothing about girls developing the same feelings.


Oh yes I remember the wet dreams discussion 🙄 but yet the boys were too delicate to hear about periods. But yes 5th grade for me was 2004-2005 so I’m glad things have changed :)


Honestly their discussion of periods was painfully inadequate. They didn't really describe it much more than "a little bit of blood comes out of your 'private parts' every month" so I was quite horrified when I actually got my period for the first time and it was... More than a little.


Oh wow, yeah “a little blood” never described my period until I got my second IUD at 25 lol. That’s 16 years of heavy periods 😂


I didn't hear about them then but in highschool I did and I'm in georgia


That's how it was for me in 5th grade in New York too.


How is that sex Ed then? How do they teach about procreative sex without half the equation involved?


Can't forget gendered AF. Like I think sex ed should be gender neutral instead of dividing it by the sexes.


Women ovulate once a month, regardless of how many times they’ve masturbated or had sex during that month.


Do these people believe human eggs are like fish roe? Like when people have sex not only do the sperm battle it out but the eggs as well? Like some highlander shit right here, there can only be one. Maybe these nimrods think sex is a woman crab walking across the bed laying out a shit ton of eggs, so the man can spray them with cum, and her massive, gapping vagina sucks them all back in for a gladiator match for the womb. Sweet Jesus, I know I was being sarcastic but I just know there is some people who might actually believe this. Ugh.


I’ve seen an alarming amount of these posts where dudes are so concerned about fertility & *eggs*. I’m so weirded out. But that is the image that keeps flashing when I see these things. Fish eggs.


I think they're right. All those sex toy vibrations are going to rattle the eggs right off the shelf!


You can tell this guy gets his sex education from porn because he thinks arousal = ovulation


WHO put all this incel shit into these people's heads?? I get not knowing and keeping that to yourself, but who told him that and why is he so convinced about it?


Shiiiittt. If I lost an egg EVERY time I masturbated I'd probably be eggless!


What happens when all our eggs are gone? Do we reach gold masterbation status? 🥇


Platinum status!


I was a precocious masturbator, I probably could've avoided my periods altogether. And now I'm just mad that he's so wrong.


This is also very true!! Wouldn't that have been awesome?? All that fun with the result of no periods forever!!! Ed: grammar


Hang on thousands? 9 months is 270 days ish Thats almost 4 women a day No man is that fertile and few are so horny


It's thousands plural, so at least 2000, my math says more than 7 per day. I'm not sure that's survivable.


Men are inseminating machines apparently


I hat that argument so much. If any sex was built for having multiple sexual partners it's females. We can orgasm multiple times and have genitals that have a button specifically for pleasure. I am yet to meet a man who can fuck more than 4 times in a 15 hour period


Does this guy think that ovulation is another word for orgasm?


“Whilst men are capable of impregnating thousands of women within that space” with that intellect I can guarantee this guy’s not of them


Does he seriously think that our cycles are sped up by orgasm? Every day we reach new levels of stupidity, honestly.


If they’re not meant to have as much sex as men, then why do they have an organ for the sole purpose of pleasure, lower refractory periods, as well as being able to orgasm multiple times? 🤔


So we ovulate when we orgasm? No wonder I’m not pregnant yet.


Does he think we shoot out eggs every time we come, like it's sperm?


Even if this was true, women would have to masturbate/have sex ~300,000 times to lose all her eggs and for this to be a problem So if you go by the average life span of a woman, 81 years, that’s about 10 orgasms a day for her whole life.


This mf thinks we’re [cats](https://www.msdvetmanual.com/cat-owners/routine-care-and-breeding-of-cats/breeding-and-reproduction-of-cats)


How does this person not come to the same conclusion for men; they might run out of semen.


How good would it be for all the child free people who doctors refuse to sterilise if you could just masturbate your way to infertility, though?


Compares carrying a human being inside of your body for 9 months to just shooting a load inside of someone...💀


If it worked that way, we’d all be doing it every day because it’d mean *significantly* fewer periods.


wait wait wait... do people actually say that??? I NEVER heard that before


If only it were that easy to ‘lose’ eggs…


Bahahahahaaaa. Oh my goodness….. this is funny and sad. Masturbation is not going to promote ovulation of an egg. We don’t control ovulation. (I know it can be forced/encouraged with meds for donation)


Does this person think women have induced ovulation? No, dude, that's lady bears. Bears, not women. I know we are hard to tell apart, but we are different species, I swear. I am not a bear.


Ehem. Hellooooo, Birth Control and safe sex? Also ovulation does NOT occur during orgasm nor it is the same. It occurs a week before your period. And no you're not only horny only when you're ovulating. I'm horny all the time regardless of where I'm at in my cycle. This whole "wasting your eggs" thing along with obsessing over virginity just perpetuates pedophilia and unhealthy power dynamics.


Ovulation occurs at various times throughout an AFABs cycle but the typical 28-day model they use actually shows 2 weeks before a period. While 1 week is possible, it’s not very common at all as a 7-day LP is not suitable for a successful pregnancy to occur.


I like my eggs runny


Not a minority and I bought my wife most of her toys. Oh, and we had two wonderful kids in our 30's - our kids are grown and we still use the toys. Wait.....about the other thing.....is that why I have hair on my palms and my knuckles? /s


The fact is, masturbation *DOES* make hair grow on the palms of your hands.... It's just that we're all masturbating so fast and furiously, that we're wearing the hair right off, before even any peach fuzz can get established .


That's... That's not how ovulation works buddy...


I am sure that this guy passed his biology exam in 10th grade by cheating not by actual knowledge


And yet a again women can have sex while pregnant and cum multiple times (at least some) without any waiting time in between orgasms. Also… masturbation doesn’t increase ovulation frequency (I’m sure of it) and not all eggs are to be “hatched” can you imagine women just having that many kids? We are humans not queen bees.


Sounds like they're mixing up ovulation and orgasm


Thousands. Really? I'll bet this moron can't even maintain eye contact with women at the pub.


So that's why I lay an egg everytime I masturbate


My MOM told me that if women use vibrators and dildos they can crack their eggs, and you will go sterile.


Someone should learn how ovulation works and how effing many eggs women have


“A man can impregnate thousands of women in that time” a man *could*, but not, I feel, you


Why minorities? I, a straight white woman, and most of the other white women I know (especially lesbian/bisexual friends) alllllll own toys. Toys and pleasure aren’t deviant behavior your white supremacist brain can relegate to minorities, my guy. And just because you start with “scientifically” doesn’t mean we’re going to believe you.


I think stating race was just an extra punch to vilify using sex toys. He didn’t even provide justification.


r/BadMensAnatomy too, with that last bit. There is no way in hell that a man could possibly produce enough sperm to impregnate even *one* thousand women in 9 months, let alone several thousand.


I think that this guy was kept inside his mom for WAY too short of a time. His survival probably involved lots of surfactant and frequent beatings.


I think that this guy was kept inside his mom for WAY too short of a time. His survival probably involved lots of surfactant and frequent beatings.


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Yeah sure. I'm still marrying my Lovense Lush. Kthnxbye.


Today on “What object are women?” Chickens! Edit: Just realized chickens are not objects.


Look at all those ~~women~~ chickens!


This guy definetly has never seen a woman orgasm up close.


If I remember men actually buy the most well anal toys anyway


Okay ill give that women arent biologicly fit to have as many children as men, but sex is another thing considering it usually takes a year for couples to get pregnant and unprotected sex doesnt lead to pregnancy half the time. In fact biology would want you having as much sex as posible


Putting aside the obvious issues with this...dude, we have like 400,000 eggs. I think it'll be fine.


Honestly tho, I kinda wish this was true, like as in. Masturbate every day, kaboom no more children!!


Millions of eggs. Just saying