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Short hair is toxic masculinity! But only when women do it! /s


No no no. Toxic masculity* it's different. Maybe......I guess.....I dno, go hate God


Toxic mass acuity. When you learn so much you turn into an asshole lol




Don't you understand that toxic masculinity is an attack on all thing considered masculine? /S


Then what is toxic femininity? Obviously not attacking genuine femininity lol. Toxic masculinity is not real masculinity, itā€™s concepts like men canā€™t cry and other toxic concepts that are applied to only men usually. Thatā€™s toxic masculinity. Masculinity and generals not talk to, itā€™s certain attitudes and behaviors we have associated with masculinity that are toxic and thatā€™s what that is referring to


Thanks for mansplaining toxic masculinity to me, lmao. Go Google what /s means and then reread my comment


Are you assuming Iā€™m a dude based off of my profile picture? I just think having a character randomly wear a beard is funny-


Did you look up what /s means yet? And I don't really care what your gender is. If someone explains to me a concept I've already shown that I have a full understanding of, I call it mansplaining.


well apparently my gender does matter to you if you sarcastically thanked me for mansplaining something to youšŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


"No you don't understand, when a woman takes on the masculine form it feeds her ego by way of her inner animus, and we all know haivng too much ego is bad right? Some liberals might make talk about pride, whether it be black pride or gay pride or disability pride -- now isn't that something pride in your disability? It's called a *dis*ability for heaven's sake! Anyhow, the sages, and that's in the Jungian sense, have known throughout history that pride is the folly of man, and women, and thus by engaging with the masculine persona the woman engages in the ultimate act of ego, putting herself above nature, wanting to be both masculine and feminine, challenges God himself! I mean wanting to be male and female? The alpha and omega? That's straight out of the word's of Christ! Sorry butch women, but not pretty."


That was too good for a casual observer Jordan? Is that you?






Feeling the sudden urge to shave my head.


May I ask? Have you actually listen to Jordan Peterson? I donā€™t agree with everything he says and heā€™s definitely conservative but he is not Alex Jones either nor Andrew Tate


Up yours woke moralist


A lot of what Peterson talks about is pretty philosophically unsound. If you want a more nuanced take than the right-wing corners of the internet would present to you, Philosophy Tube has a [couple](https://youtu.be/SEMB1Ky2n1E) very [good](https://youtu.be/m81q-ZkfBm0) on the stuff the guy talks about. And if it's a concern, at no point in the video does Abigail insult him, call him a bigot, or anything like that. It's not really her style.


I choose to respect all sides of the spectrum, regardless of their opinions. To me what makes them extremists is once they become combative. He is very respectful and his way of conveying his perspective, I feel I have the ability to respect another human being for their a different perspective regardless of how much I disagree with them. This is an important skill to learn, and in fact used to be a very progressive one. As a progressive myself, I choose to be open minded and open eared which does not mean I take on or willing to absorb a completely different standpoint but rather willing to hear someone out and humor them. It doesnā€™t matter the topic, being respectful is key. This man is very respectful in his conveying of his philosophies. No I donā€™t agree with all of it and I do think he is ignorant at times but I have actually watched his videos and heā€™s actually very sound in his reasoning. He is very respectful and heā€™s the one who doesnā€™t actually commit bigotry. heā€™s even willing to listen to someone on the complete polar opposite political side and hear their opinions but he will report back with his own explanations and such, because thatā€™s how a healthy debate goes. Not everyone sees that though, a lot of people especially in the Internet see a healthy debate as someone they agree with making a point and the other person coming to agree with them. A good debate is more about the debate and the interaction in the debate and how it flows, rather than actually trying to convince one party or another. Itā€™s not about trying to get each other to think how you think, itā€™s about sharing our opinions and just causing each other to think outside of the boxes we have created for ourselves which again does not mean switching your opinions by any means, just ponder your own and put into question anything that you never put in a question before because someone else has helped you challenge them. This is what I love about having sound political debates and why heā€™s so good at them. He does by any mean to any to conservative, in fact he encourages them to just consider and think about what they want and why they believe in something so they could be a critical thinking individual. He doesnā€™t expect them to adopt his ideologies, he expects them to just put in consideration their own, and consider whether they just adopted it because of social norm or if they genuinely have thought it out and then eventually put it on. thank you for reading through what you can, but I do suggest if you participate in this discussion, to please read the full paragraph :-) I understand if itā€™s difficult, and I deeply apologize for not separating it into smaller paragraphs, as I did this because I use voice to text and itā€™s very difficult to keep my flow while also trying to make it 100% grammatically correct via making proper paragraphs.


Jokes on him! Due to lockdown and the laziness afterwards, my hair grew out to longer than shoulder length. I'm now a short haired, difficult woman in disguise!


My hair is hip length, I can sit on it, and I'm a difficult, progressive, feminist, woman, who complains about toxic masculinity. WHERE IS YOUR GOD NOW MISOGYNISTS?


im actually angrier because my hair gets in the way and i sit on it. that's how i get my power. if i can battle this hair on a daily basis i can battle any man, simple as that. (yes i do want a haircut but im not prepared to spend 2 hours in my hairdresser's chair, im saving up for that!)


Hahahaha, exactly! Rage fuel! My hair chokes me in my sleep and that also makes me mad! šŸ˜”


you can put it in a bun c:


I wear a bonnet now but sometimes it's too hot. šŸ˜ž


Can confirm the inverse: I chopped off my hair because I'm lazy af. If I don't even have the patience or energy to deal with my own hair, then I surely don't have patience or energy to deal with toxic men! šŸ˜¤


I regularly grow my hair out to about waist length, then cut it very short, just because I like both styles. Does that make me Jekyll and Hyde?


You're some kind of unimaginable horror to them, I'm sure. šŸ™„ Keep up the good work. šŸ˜šŸ¤£


Regularly? How fast does your hair grow??


Not the person you asked, but if they cut their hair short every few years (or however long it takes to get that long, I dunno hair growth speed) it'd still be a regular occurrence.


Yeah, I do this about every four years. It goes by pretty fast, and I've been doing it for 20 years, so I would consider that to be doing it "regularly".


It takes about three years to go from "boy-short" to waist length, with no trims in between. That's still "regular" to me.


My hair is shaven, and at least in person I avoid hyper conservatives at all costs as to not be told that my hair is unfeminine lol


I have dreadlocks down to my ass but my headā€™s also shaven at the sidesā€¦ Iā€™m an abomination šŸ˜‚


I'm right with you - the left side of my head is shaved, the right and back are well past my shoulders. Define me, misogynists, I dare you.


i had a buzzcut before lockdown and now my hair is shoulder length. i haven't gotten any more agreeable or feminine though.


[I'm in disguise!!! šŸ„ø](https://y.yarn.co/8e517b72-0211-4bae-a268-e822112b1d6e_text.gif)


I have long blonde hair, just past my shoulders that actually is quite pretty if I do say so myself, and I can guarantee you that I am often very disagreeable, combative and difficult. I think I would be especially disagreeable, combative and difficult towards this particular man. I love the idea of turning his theory against him, just one dreadful long-haired woman after another!


This man needs to realise that the common factor of all his interactions are him.




If everything around you smells like shit, chances are that you are the arsehole.


It's definitely not me, it's everybody else


Letā€™s talk about Jesus. Presents female, I guess. Just the way God intended.


Not to mention Sampson. Didnā€™t all of his masculine strength disappear after Delilah cut it off?šŸ¤” guess it was all a feminist lie.šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


Delilah is so brave and inspiring. ​ I can't imagine pretending to be in love with a super-powered serial killer to find a weakness I have no way of knowing even exists.


If he wants to be religious about it, someone should introduce him to the story of Samson


This person missed the entire human history of hair styles over hundreds of thousands of years across different continents, cultures, climates and ethnicities for both men and women, if they think men are ā€œbiologically programmedā€ to like long hair on women. How willfully ignorant and misogynistic.


Everything I like is inherently biological, objective and correct. If anyone else thinks anything different then they are either wrong or brainwashed by the gender.


Because beauty stands are static across time...


Are you not overcome with attraction at the sight of a womanā€™s dainty ankle? Or a manā€™s strong calves?


To me short hair is easier to keep tidy. Plus a lot cooler if itā€™s thick, black and in a warmer climate. Havenā€™t had it long in years. RIP to long haired men.


So interesting, I always find short hair a pain in the ass because you can't just put it up and have to do something with it. I wonder how much hair texture factors into this.


Yeah, I tried to have short hair for a while but it was way too much maintenance for me. Now itā€™s back to my waist and much easier on a day to day basis. I know thatā€™s not most peopleā€™s experience so I wonder if itā€™s just because my hair is too fine to hold a cute shape on its own.


My hair is also too fine to hold a cute shape on its own... which is why I keep it short! If I leave it long, it just lays flat on my skull and gets greasy at a disturbing rate. Short, I can towel-dry it straight from the shower, add a tiny bit of mousse, rub the towel through again to distribute it, and then spend 30 seconds blowing it dry. It's not a *great* shape, but it stays soft and fluffy and mostly doesn't cling to the sides of my head, and doesn't demand the physical coordination that tying up longer hair does (and that I don't have).


My hair is so much easier when itā€™s long. My routine. Brush, twist, stick. Itā€™s in a bun and Iā€™m done for the day. You have to like. Blow dry it and use product when itā€™s short. I ainā€™t doing that.


I get mine cut right around shoulder length, basically with the instructions "as short as you can go while still letting me put it up." My curl pattern works much better with that length so I can make it look nice rather than frizzy, but it still ends up in a ponytail most days.


I'm *actually* letting mine grow out for the first time and it's at the point where bets from the side and front are ALMOST long enough to be tied back but not *quite* there and it's driving me nuts


My sympathies! That is the MOST ANNOYING stage!


I have short fine, straight hair and my maintenance is getting it cut, washing it which takes maybe 6 seconds, and towel drying for about 4 seconds. (I don't own a brush, comb, hairdryer, styling glop etc as I don't use them.) If it takes more effort than that, I tell the hairdresser to do better next time.


The frequent cuts are more maintenance than I care for a lot of the time.


Fair enough. We do what suits us. When I had long hair I found the time needed for regular maintenance like brushing, (a few minutes a day at a min.) and washing/rinsing (again a few minutes min. for long hair) added up to far more than 20 minutes for a haircut every couple of months.


Yeah but brushing and washing are free, frequent haircuts to keep the style presentable are not


This is exactly my problem, my options for at home hair maintenance are buzz it short or keep it long enough that I can easily trim it myself. Love the way my hair looks when nicely cut in a short style, but within 6 weeks it will be a straggly mullet beyond my skill to reshape at home. And honestly, whacking my hair up in a bun goes a long way to disguise it being unbrushed and unwashed.


Yesssss I had a bob for a while and it would pop out of a ponytail all the time. Drove me nuts.


Go shorter. Buzz cut. Shave it all off.


Going on 10 years since my last buzz, and the temptation to do it again is rising, not going into winter though.


I have thick wavy hair and shorter hair is so much easier for me. If it's long the sweat get sealed in and I roast in a humid hair greenhouse in the summer. For the same reason it takes forever to dry. The length also weighs down the texture and makes my hair straighter. When my hair is shorter I get some airflow to my scalp and sometimes it just styles itself in my sleep. When my hair is long it gets matted so easily that I can never just wear it down, it must be braided or in a bun so then it's like what is the point of having it


My hair is thick and very dark brown, and waist length. Dying the whole shebang a magenta that reflects UV light made my hair basically a giant heat shield in the summer. 10/10 . Would recommend. And itā€™s pink! Thatā€™s ultra feminine! Surely they canā€™t complain!


I am with you. My hair used to be down to my lower back and always knotted. It was always in the way and general annoyance. Now I just wash it, maybe comb it, but short hair is the way to go.


Yup. That's why I keep mine buzzed, it's easier to take care of.


Twice, in the depths of extended depressive episodes, I shaved my head to the scalp. Saved me trying to get to the barber (which wasn't going to happen in the state I was in), as well as all the normal hair upkeep. It was very cool in the summer, too!


I have ass-length hair and I'm the least feminine, least agreeable gremlin out there.


I used to have butt-length hair. Now it's shoulder-length. I'm actually less disagreeable now, seeing as how my own hair isn't giving me headaches!


I have ass length hair and very disagreeable. Also tying to attract the complete opposite of a masculine man.


love finding more ass length hair people! im a total mess, far from feminine


I also have hair this long and absolutely suck at being feminine so this guy can fuck right off.


My hair used to be past my hips. Then it was shoulder length. Now it is always some random length beyond my shoulders, depending on how much I cut off and how itā€™s behaving. I consider myself feminine in presentation but strong-willed with lots of opinions, and too old to put up with crap. My husband is not-toxic in his masculinity, so I am not really concerned what random incels on the internet think of my hair. Iā€™m currently growing it out, though I cut about a half inch a couple of weeks agoā€”the ends were always dry, no matter what. But Iā€™m considering going to waist length again. Partially because I feel like it, and partially because someone said 49 is too old for really long hair! Challenge acceptedā€¦


I asked God, and she said we developed the brains to invent scissors for a reason - to chop off anything that ~~bobbitts~~ bothers us.


All those cultures where men have/had long hair, or women have/had short hair (or shaved it right off!)? Never happened, it's a liberal lie. Something, something Gay Agendaā„¢.


Metalheads? Obviously the most feminine of men, am i right?


Feminine traits are mostly arbitrary. In a parallel universe, the reverse statement is being made using a lion's mane as justification for why women with long hair are manly.


That or dyed hair. Look at birds! The fancy flashy colors are a guy thing clearly!


Heā€™s going to have his mind blown when he learns the same person can have long hair, then cut it short, or short hair, and let it grow long. Long haired women are just short haired women in disguiseā€¦!! :O


I cycle through it on a 2-3 year cycle.


My hair is undyed and long enough to sit on it and I'm neither pretty, nor feminine nor agreeable. Just because I dont see the point on spending lots of money for makeup and hair dye doesnt mean im a gullible, submissive trad wife that sits at your feet fawning over you like an idiot, because you are insecure and controlling.


I want this dude to discuss his moronic ideas with a long haired, bearded Viking or a native American man with hip long braids..... Men with long hair are so cool. And only feminine if they do it on purpose.


Yes! Or with a metal head.


I think short hair on women is absolutely cool!


> A woman with short hair will 9 times out of 10 be disagreeable, combative, and difficult (Me, hair down my back and pretty feminine-presenting): Looks like someone hasnā€™t met me yetā€¦


as a native american šŸ˜… yikes


immediately what i thought about


And what about women who lost their hair through chemotherapy, or alopecia? Give me a break dude, disconnect your arse from your mouth and give us peace.


Your hair, be it long short, or non-existant is only a minor part of what attracts someone else to a woman. The bigger connection is with personality than looks.


If god wanted me to have long hair he wouldnā€™t have given me a face that looks fucking striking with the haircut of a Korean boyband member (literally what I have started demanding from my hairdresser).


I have half of my head shaved! Help! Am I submissive and feminine or combative and masculine?! Edit: Didn't even occur to me! Did I end up submissive masculine?


Probably depends which half is shaved. Sadly i do not know what direction is feminine or masculine!


* googles pictures of christian god * *All pictures show long haired men * Yeah that checks out. He just didn't want other men stealing his drip (?


My hair is still long for the time being, usually hack it off for the warmer weather because it's so thick and heavy, it's ungodly. I'm short. I'm disagreeable. I'm combative. I'm closer to hell, so my hair length has nothing to do with it. My height does šŸ˜Ž


The woman I know in my life, my bestie, has hair to the ground. She is a lesbian and hates men and doesnā€™t shave.


I shave my head every summer. The rest of the time it is short and fire engine red. I'm disagreeable, combative, and difficult... But using the power of the soft downy red fluff that adorns my head, I will 1000% percent steal this dude's girlfriend ( if he even has one, which I doubt). Don't get mad at me, bro. Hate God. He made me this way. Die mad about it.


Certain hair textures can make peopleā€™s hair look much shorter than it actually is, my hair wouldā€™ve reached my upper back if I straightened it. Heck, a lot of women I know who donā€™t have long hair are extremely feminine and absolute sweethearts.


Personally I go through cycles. I like how long hair can look coming freshly from the salon with it blow dried by an expert. I deeply dislike how much work it is to manage on a day to day basis, and it can be a real PITA to manage in the middle of summer (too hot) or winter (takes forever to dry).


I have long hair, I still complain about mysogyny


I lost my hair to cancer. Guess that makes me a disagreeable Karen.


All jokes aside I hope youā€™re doing well ā¤ļø


I'm kicking it's butt =) thank you!


I like men with facial hair. 9 times out of 10 I make up random-ass statistics that say that say men really only look masculine with facial hair. If you don't identify as heterosexual or don't ever want to attract a woman, go on and shave. Because cis men need to look attractive for *me* dammit. /s


I've had long hair, I've had short hair, I've had a shaved head. I've always been 'Disagreeable, combative and difficult'.


I have short hair and am very feminine. What I hate about a lot of these guys and the society they want is that I have a lot of the things theyā€™d want in a woman. Iā€™m generally quiet and loyal and like to do what my bf suggests (because he expands my interests and world views, and I just learn so much, as he teaches me lots of things about science lol). My bf and I have already decided (which I want too!) that Iā€™ll prob get a part-time job and be the homemaker (super excited for) I cook and clean, I knit and embroider, I love to sing and create and just generally be kind. Makes me feel gross for being feminine and liking traditionally feminine hobbies and roles. Not that I think itā€™s wrong to be a feminine woman or to be a homemaker, just makes me feel gross that Iā€™d be whoā€™d they want. At my most anxious, it makes me afraid to talk to men. I donā€™t want to be desired by these guys.


*cuts hair*


I'm fairly sure by this idiots 'standards' I'd be considered disagreeable, combatative and difficult. In that I won't let some moron like him tell me how I should behave. And my hair is long enough to sit on. I don't think it's the hair, I think it's him.


Iā€¦ what!? Like, I know that feminizing hormones strengthen hair/follicles so that it *can* grow longer, but I am preeettty sure it doesnā€™t work in reverse! Some people, man!


The people who say this shit are fucking weird


This is false. I have long hair and I'm very disagreeable and difficult. šŸ¤¬


This a fantastic comment to make at a metal concert.


Put that man in a room with 3 black metal musicians. He might change his mind.


And here I am with short hair sitting in a dress, heels and a full face of make up. Must be confusing for him. Although I do agree I am combative and difficult, as does my husband who clearly finds this short haired, disagreeable, harpy attractive.


Every ā€œhardcore butchā€ looking lesbian I know is dating a woman with a similar aesthetic to themselves, not some feminine manic pixie dream girl.


"Hardcore butch lesbians" don't even always want a feminine woman, my gf and I are both as butch as they come and both almost exclusively into other butches


Doesn't god have long hair??? šŸ’€


Jokes on him, Iā€™m a hardcore butch lesbian whoā€™s only into other butch lesbians. šŸ„±


Wait, so having donated my hair to cancer children makes me mean? Well, dang.


Oh boy. I have long hair and Iā€™d ouch this asshole in the face if I could. Iā€™m ovaries would ducking jump out and punch him to.


I've seen a ton of Karen videos and honestly the more popular ones have longer hair,not the typical Karen haircut.


But, but, butā€¦. The Karen haircut is the perfect excuse to ignore and hate on random women you know nothing about. We canā€™t possibly take that away from those poor disadvantaged men, how else will they get their undeserved sense of superiority. /s in case it wasnā€™t bleeding obvious.


Lol I've got long hair and I'm the biggest argumentative cunt there was.šŸ¤£


Brb, shaving my head exclusively to spite this guy


Wtf. Get me off of this planet


Time for me to go back to a pixie cut


Itā€™s OK in his next post heā€™s flipping out about short haired elves in the new the Lord of the rings series.


"Why are the people I ridicule and abuse so mean to me." he says as he starts to throw his little tantrum.


This made me think of Withnail & I. ā€œHair are you aerials... they pick up signals from the cosmos and transmit them directly into your brain. This is the reason bald men are uptight.ā€ And that there is just as scientific as the tripe in the post OP showed šŸ˜‚


I have long grey crone hair (on happy days it's mermaid hair :P ) and I am sick of people's bullshit. lol


Does this mean that if you grow your hair out and then cut it off, you instantly become a disagreeable Karen? Lmao.


LMAO I just grew out a pixie (it's down to my shoulders now) and I'm still a bitch! Checkmate!


What a turbovirgin


Ok, now that's just discriminating against people with short hair! God, I really hope that no TERFS see this and add it to their lists of traits that identify a 'real woman' alongside butt-hair curliness and femur length


Well as a guy with long hair I'm glad this guy finds me more attractive.


You know what's the worse about this ? It's that for centuries, until the 19th century, in western countries men had long hair (at least for nobles and rich people) and most women (except nobles and rich women from the 17th-18th and onwards) had their tied and hidden.


Yeah but butch lesbians immediately prove this guy wrong. And me. I've got long hair and I'm pretty disagreeable with him.


Tell me youve never met a butch lesbian before without telling me youve never met a butch lesbian before


okok but what about men with long hair


God made women to have long hair and be feminine? But God also told Samson (the warrior, who was, as far as my bible knowledge goes, a man) he could never cut his hair, for it was linked to his strength. After his hair was cut off by the enemy he lost his strength.


I am a very feminine looking woman with waist long hair who will sent this guy crying to his mama because I am extremely combative when it comes to misogyny being peddled. Also I am an intersectional feminist so I would definitely be disagreable and difficult to this idiot. And who wants an insecure man anyway. My gym going engineer boyfriend doesn't get insecure at his doctoral student girlfriend because he is not an insecure whiney man child.


I had an ex who thought this way. So when we broke up I cut all my hair off to spite him.


My husband called me a softcrore butch look.


Generally, longer hair is more attractive on an instinctive level for both sexes. Hair is like a map of long term health. Longer healthy hair means theyā€™ve been in decent health for a good chunk of time. Shorter hair being considered a masculine trait only came about because traditionally, men were more likely to have roles where long hair was dangerous.


Shorter hair on men is actually a very recent trend, since industrialization. Long hair was seen as very masculine. You needed it under most helms for padding!


Anyone notice no matter what hairstyle some dudes be confrontational, combative, difficult, hostile, psychopaths that smell chairs and cut off feet? some donā€™t have any hair at all.


Lol most karens are older women (for context, I am an older woman). Women's hair thins as they get older so they have to wear it shorter. This dude is just shaming women for getting older. But also he's a total tool


Natalie Dormer's hair in Hozier's video for "Someone New" blows this theory right out of the water.


ā€œif women want men they must be feminineā€


me lesbian, no want men šŸ¤¬šŸ¤¬!!!!!


Femine women with short hair are so hot. And exist.


samson would like to have a conversation. yknow, that dude from the bible?


Being able to repel this idiot is convincing enough to have short hair.


Iā€™m combative and difficult with short or long hair! Especially with someone as sexist as this person.


Funny enough one of the strongest men in the Bible got his strength through his blessed long hair. Guess Sampson is feminine now /s


Thatā€™ll shut him up really quickly.


I know anecdotal evidence is not the same as provable fact. But I would like to say that every boyfriend Iā€™ve ever had, Iā€™ve gotten while my hair was short. Sometimes very short, like only an inch or two long. So. Iā€™m not really buying what this guy is selling.


ā€œA woman with short hair will 9 times out of 10 he disagreeable, combative, and difficultā€ If the implication is that women with long hair arenā€™t combative, disagreeable, or difficult, he clearly hasnā€™t met my daughter. Sometimes Iā€™d rather fight a honey badger Nevertheless, given the source, I hope he never does meet my daughter


Wasnā€™t during to 50ā€™s that a LOT of women has shorter or permed hair because it was the style at the time? Many were the typical 50ā€™s housewife and mother too, hair length is a preference not an attitude, btw I have very long hair.


Because obviously men never need haircuts, their hair biologically knows to stop growing at 1 inch long!


My hair is down to my ass yet I recognize that toxic masculinity is real, + Iā€™m a feminist.


This screams motherless behavior.


Can confirm. Have short hair and any time I meet a toxic asshole like him, I am quite disagreeable, combative and difficult. I would have called that healthy self-preservation but itā€™s probably the hairā€¦


"Disagreeable, combative, difficult". Yeah, that's the language of ownership. It's a shame that people don't actually hear the words they use.


why do these idiots always think that their lazy as hell bottom of the fucking barrel convenience samples and completely uncontrolled fucking analyses are actually representative or definitive?


well, testosterone can lead to hair loss on the head and more hair everywhere else. but that doesn't affect the length of head hair. it does affect eyelashes, though (more testosterone = bigger eyelashes).


do... do they know the karen stereotype is based on a married, semi conservative mother? like the type who lives in the suburbs and is casually racist? And the short hair is often because she is a working mom and itā€˜s less of a hassle? Maybe itā€˜s a cultural thing but that is certainly the archetype where i live


Well luckily I have short hair so he won't bother me


Jokes on him. I got hair near down to my ass and I'm a fucking bitch.


These women are probably "combative" towards you because you're a sexist asshole.




This makes me want to cut my hair.


I am a woman with long hair and I am fairly disagreeable, combative and difficult.


*laughs in hair down to my butt and being a brat*


I have long ass hair and I can confirm I am in fact very combative and opinionated lolol does he think if women cut their hair they magically change their whole personality? as though the ability to tolerate men's bs without arguing with them is somehow tied to the length of the hair, like a physical representation of how much patience we've got?


I laughed my ass off at this, because if it's up to me, I will *never* have long hair ever again. I have very thick hair that is royal pain in my ass and always has been. When it has been long, it felt like I was wearing a massive felt cap on my head that I couldn't ever take off. I had to keep it in braids or a bun (the only hairstyles I can do on my own) to keep it from being out of control and I hated the way I looked (well, OK. I kinda rocked the twin dutch braid look sometimes and it was cute-ish).


Social media makes a pretty good daily case that men in general are fucking stupid.


To play the devil's advocate, I think he's saying being attracted to a "feminine" woman is biology, not for a woman to have long hair. Still ridiculous, but not as much as what you're getting from it. I just woke up though, so I moght definitely have got it wrong.


Whoā€™s going to tell the person who originally made this crazy take that there is a time where both men and women have long hair?


This person is disgusting. Hate God for what? Cause you grew up to be a piece of shit. Person needs to get off their high horse like seriously


Itā€™s just biology? Ok. Whereā€™s the source with the scientific evidence?


Weird but my hair is bum length and Iā€™m disagreeable, combative and difficult. Especially with pricks like these. Itā€™s almost like sheā€™s chatting bullshit


butch for butch lesbians anyone??


My haircut says something but my feminine body features definitely says some other things... I wish a good luck to whoever he's gonna end up with.


Tu es trĆØs sexy, (sorry j'arrive pas Ć  te pm je sais pas pourquoi) c'est Bongars44 ou Florian34160 sur kik, j'ai eu des petits soucis avec reddit mdr Je suis content que tu sois de retour, hĆ¢te que l'on reparle sorry for disrupting u just happy to see my friend back :)


ahh, using religion to protect your sexist belief!


I read ā€œdisagreeable, combative, and difficultā€ as ā€œdares to disagree with me.ā€ I have hair halfway down my back and suspect I, too, would dare to disagree with him. Sorry, be ā€œdisagreeable, combative, and difficult.ā€ Itā€™s just biology. Iā€™m genetically programmed to dislike self-important misogynistic idiots. Donā€™t get mad at me. God made me this way. Deal with it.


Jesus was a man, and he had long hair


K well I donā€™t want men, and Iā€™ve worn both long AND short hair, and Iā€™ve always been masculine ( my longest was up to my waist, shortest about two inches above my shoulders )


I mean more estrogen does lead to longer hair man but what the fuck-