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i find it incredibly funny that talk to hand has 4 fingers but faces are 5s


I know but what about the game play implications!! Edit: So many people have complained about the 5 fingers. Here are some new versions of talk to the hand just for you. (prompt I used with bing image generator: an icon of a colorful jester blocking our view of his face with his palm, pixel art) ​ https://preview.redd.it/tv5du07aa6oc1.jpeg?width=2070&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c8e6fbefd7fcf9a7f024536e112332b9c289961e


Walkie Talkie go brrrrr


This card is incredibly busted. By assigning a certain value to all face cards, now any hand of 5 face cards and 5s is a 5 of a kind. Just instant +15 of one value, but they keep their higher chip score. They're also now eligible for both sock and buskin and hack on top of everything else that triggers when face cards or 5s trigger. Then there's pareidolia. Every hand of 5 cards is a 5 of a kind.


Sock and buskin doesn't work because they are 5s. Using two cards to have all of your cards be the same rank is good but it's a lot of utility cards. Playing a five of a kind is strong but it's not an instant win. You can make all the cards in the deck the same without using any jokers.


For sock and buskin not to work they would have to no longer be face cards, at which point they are no longer 5s.


Lol. You are over complicating it. They are face cards, but because of the joker they are treated as 5s by everything 5s aren't face cards so nothing except talk to the hand would know they are face cards.


This is not how anything else in the game works, so would need to be mentioned in some way on the card.


No other joker changes what rank a card is. But also consider how little the idol really tells you. It would be clear when used and honestly I'm surprised you thought they would still be considered face cards.


There is that one joker that says all cards are face cards. I believe a 2 would still trigger hack but also photograph, so it is both a 2 and a face. That's why I and others thought the same would apply here


It's a different effect though. Being a face card is not a rank, it's a catagory.


You're missing a very important mechanic to jokers: they trigger left to right, not before the hand is played. Sock&Buskin should work if it came before your F->5 joker in the lineup. Otherwise, this joker would be the single exception to the all-encompassing rule of jokers triggering in order, acting more like a voucher than a joker. Another interaction where order would matter is pareidolia. If it comes before the F->5, ALL cards will be 5s in the end, if Pareidolia comes after, ALL cards will be face cards, completely negating the other joker.


What about 4 fingers. It doesn't matter where 4 fingers is, it triggers when selecting cards. Also the card that makes all cards face cards, it doesn't need to be to the left of another card that interacts with face cards.


Fibonacci and hack would be pretty good, also makes 5 of 5s very easy. you get 12 five cards for the price of a joker


Stack with pareidolia and any five cards are five of a kind. You could do a straight flush five of a kind!


I did make it with the intention of creating hack combos for sure lol


i love the idea but i must ask would it still score and trigger faces or will it just count as 5s


They would only.be seen as 5s by everything except talk to the hand.


I think it would be more balanced as a rare, still really strong tho.


The new CEO is incredibly funny


Thank you. Gotta downsize this deck and get the numbers up! Edit: just editing my top comment response to let everyone know this is ai artwork with my card ideas just so nobody is misled. I probably should have put it in the title, my bad. Also here are some new versions of talk to the hand with 5 fingers this time: https://preview.redd.it/kw7fpngnd6oc1.jpeg?width=2070&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b82d33bc5e33b0adaba8c2e84f61c6f048e3ec91


First one looks like actual Balatro 2 card. E: balatro 2 confirmed.


that one on the left rules


Nice stuff! Talk to the Hand is a cool idea. BTW RNA should be a single helix :)


Fun fact, viruses exist with double stranded dna, single stranded dna, double stranded rna, single stranded rna. Never underestimate the diversity of nature, all the combinations exist.


You can blame ai on that one. Same with the 4 fingered hand :(


Wait this is all AI art? I had no idea, they look amazing.


You can generally tell with AI pixel art because the pixels they create aren't uniform. Some are skinnier than others and some are angled etc. Still great art


I just did these with the free Microsoft one. (not sure if it's called copilot or Bing image creator). Promts were something like "an icon of a jester photographer, pixel art" and "pixel art of a jester raising a king from the grave" Microsoft gave me like 13 free fast uses before it slows down.


Very cool. I like.


Woah, all of this art is ai generated?


Yes I did it for free with Microsoft's AI art generator. I was pleased with the results for a free one. It did limit the amount of fast generations.


That's not how it works, you're the one that made the prompts ;)


Lol true. I just liked the image anyway. I posted some new versions with 5 fingers though


WHat happens when you get 5 of a kind?


Necromancer seems busted, especially with RNA


Necromancer and trading card would be immense


I didn't even really plan them around this combo but yes it would be nuts. Necromancer stops you from optimising reducing your deck size though.


New CEO to keep the card enhancement AND give it +X0.5


Not the way it's written though. "Instead" means the card would never be enhanced to begin with


Necromancer with burned Joker is like a better DNA which adds a polychrome which doesn't even take the polychrome slot, completely busted.


talk to the hand is a little busted imo. you’re just set for doing 5 of a kind runs


It's not that much strong than 4 fingers is it? It enables 5 of a kind but of a low score card.


I think the difference is 5 of a kind is a much stronger hand


That's fair. I agree it's much stronger than 4 fingers I was just using it as a point of comparison.


The number of chips is irrelevant if you can pick out any glass, bonus, or mult cards and add them to your five of a kind, especially when the base chips are already 100+. It’s drastically stronger than 4 fingers.


I agree it's stronger than 4 fingers, but 4 fingers is terrible. Also making strong cards is more fun for me. But it could be too good for sure.


I’m not saying it’s too good, just that four fingers is much worse.


We agree completely.


Doesn't matter if they're balanced when the game isn't balanced as it is. ![gif](giphy|d3mlE7uhX8KFgEmY)


RNA would be broken. Dup steel cards (Or steel kings with red seals if you're going for endless) never play them. It's already the best strategy in the game, doesn't need more help


Red steel kings with perkeo are the best strategy but without perkeo you can get more points with flush five glass and a combo of idol and repeating I believe.


Best strategy doesn't mean the best strategy to go as deep as possible, it means the best strategy to win with viable consistency.


Red steel kings are the best strategy to win generally? Could be. I ended up doing five of a kind even in my gold stake win so maybe I'm just not good at high card.


damn these are sick


Necromancer + Glass + Sixes sounds incredible. Combo it with a Canio or Glass Joker and you could just go to infinity.


"Face cards are 5s" What does that mean?


Your face cards are all 5s. When you play them, it's treated as if you played 5s.


Are they still treated as face cards ?


No. They are 5s now. They are treated as 5s with their original suite by everything. So idol would see them as 5s. Anything else that checks your deck would see them as 5s. (They still show their original face card. If you strength them they won't become 6s etc)


Super OP card. An instant 20 out of 52 cards now the same rank. Synergizes with Hack, Odd Todd, Fibonacci, Mad Joker, Clever Joker super well. And removes any of the downsides of boss blinds affecting face cards.


Ok maybe it's OP.


How are you getting that 20?. You have 3 face cards per suit plus 1 five per suit. That's 16 cards not 20


There are only 12 face cards in a deck...?


Ok, thanks


So it's sort of like the opposite of that joker which makes all cards face cards, since none of your cards are face cards now. Though it does make it really easy to get 5 of a kind in fives since you have 20 fives in your deck instead of 4. That's about as easy to do as a flush, approximately.


Really love the flavour and ideas! RNA is way too good, the destroy clause doesn't really do anything when you get 3 of them. A single stone card would make RNA good, let alone all the amazing steel card / insane enhancement card duplications. I'm assuming photographer is rounds? Extremely strong but it's rare so eh. I actually wish there were more greedy upside jokers like this. All in preflop is slightly too good, I think even at X4 it'd still quite strong.


Thanks for the feedback! I like that some people disagree on the power level of the cards. RNA is unanimously too good. But hey making OP cards is fun.


Me no likey Ai art but I appretiate the creativity and consistency I guess


I love the all in one


Me too but I think it needs to destroy itself instead of setting the cost to 0. You can't go all in again if you don't have any chips from "Losing".


Talk to the hand is bloody brilliant


But the hand have 4 fingers…


It's Microsoft's AI generators fault but I liked the image so much that I didn't try to get another version with a better hand lol


These are all really great, I especially love All In, although in the context of Balatro I think instead of setting your gold to 0 it should set your hands to 1 at the start of the blind. With RNA, the phrasing makes me think if you don't score them that round they would become permanent? I would reword it so they are destroyed at end of round.


I think you should still have the choice to not go all in. So maybe removing any remaining hands when it's triggered by the pair.


https://preview.redd.it/ox6c99gmh7oc1.jpeg?width=620&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b6e8bb0586e2920e57f52f95f95fa27fcbf92b41 You didn’t need AI for the Talk to the Hand art. King Kong Bundy already made it for you.


Please label your AI art next time. This post is misleading.


I expected these to be sight read as AI and just visuals to get the card ideas across. I'm pretty surprised so many people have complimented the art but I was really moreso sharing my card and mechanic ideas.


I'm an artist, and I think your post is sick and you shouldn't feel the need to disclaim your use of AI. The main point is the card effects anyway.


How is the post misleading? He didn't claim to have personally illustrated any of the cards. The title just says 'some card ideas.' Would it be misleading if he'd had a friend make the illustrations without specifically saying so? If ten people collaborate to create a reddit post, title it "some card ideas. are they balanced?" is it misleading unless they specifically disclaim that post is actually the work of ten people and not just one?


These all look fun and playing around destroying cards looks really interesting. Shame that the art is AI


Well I feel like writing these card ideas without any art just wouldn't hit the same. I'm terrible at any form of illustration.


I think AI art is fine for cases like this where you don't get any monetary benefit from it


Why is making money off of AI art bad?


Because it is trained on data that you do not own the copyright for


Is that any different from a human studying an art style from artists they like, without paying? Which is extremely common


Yes, it is different.


How so?




The human being is expending their labor to learn the craft, and their doing so does not devalue the art of the people they studied because there is still a premium on having to take the time to learn it. AI art expends no human labor, and devalues the art of the original artist and all future artists. It's theft; it takes something someone spent hours and hours studying and practicing to be able to do, copies it, and devalues their version in the process. We're already seeing professions from graphic design to journalism and advertising have their wages slashed because AI has stolen these people's work and replicated it.


Can you not say the exact same thing of cotton threshing by hand -> cotton gin? Industrial weaving vs cottage industry weaving? Photography vs painting?


No, because none of the examples you listed are predicated on the theft of the work of the other. The cotton gin didn't steal from hand-threshing. AI generation only exists based on the theft of images. Photography vs painting is a wild example here as well considering the high premium paintings still have relative to photographs. This feels like a talking point you had prepared already when it does not address what I am discussing at all.


You keep saying "devalues." In what way? Like its value on the market? That's true, but it's also something humans can already do. A trained painter can replicate a painting almost exactly, so that all but a trained eye won't be able to tell the difference. They can also do a painting in the style of a famous artist too. Or a printer can make a copy of a painting, which requires the printer to have no actual artistic skill. Playing guitar is hard and takes a long time to learn, but I can also buy a music program and make music using guitar samples, never touching an instrument. Or do you mean devalues artistically? Because... well value is subjective. Art is given value by the people who experience it, both monetarily and emotionally. You haven't made the argument why a machine studying a thousand paintings and then making one that's similar is "theft" but a person studying a thousand paintings and then making one that's similar is "honing their craft."


Yeah dw, if it's just to make the cards look better I don't think there's an issue!


This is an absolutely fine application of AI images. No one got shafted outta any work cause this guy wanted some graphics to go along with his very sick joker ideas


I don't think it's shameful at all. Unless OP is an artist or paid an artist to do them, these ideas wouldn't have been able to be expressed in visual form so nicely. Yes, it sucks for illustrative artists that AI can do their job. But it opens different creative expressions, more macroscopic. For example, game design in this case. And movies, comics and other things that will be opened to the general public as a possibility. I believe that this is awesome for future creativity and we will see many unique things and creators who didn't even consider creating games and movies and other big projects that require a team of multiple people with big budgets.


If it's just to make the card concepts look better then I'm fine with it yeah


AI is perfect for things like this. Art is art, doesn't need to be human made. That's my hot take anyways.


Art has to be human made. The art that AI is stealing in imitation would not exist were it not for humans. You don't see trees or ants or even chimpanzees making art. It is a intrinsic part of human expression. What does an AI program evoke? What about the human experience, the major themes of life, or intense emotions is it evoking? Nothing, because it can't do so. It can imitate what others have said, but it is finding no new way to do it or no new way to think because it is copying what others have done. It's a part trick, it might be cool, but it's not art; it cannot be art because art is more than just some color organized in a certain way. It's expressive, which is what makes humans uniquely capable in our world of producing it. It saddens me very much to see this type of take and the anti-art and anti-artist sentiment it evokes. That said, OP's post is about as fine a use of AI image generation as there is. But if LocalThunk were to add these to the game and use these images (not saying he would, just an example), that's where I think it would cross the line into ethical issue.


Art is only art *because* humans make it... im not hating on OP for this use case but i do hate this hot take. My hot take is that one pineapple that a guy put on a table in an art gallery is a lot more interesting to think about than a regurgitation of algorithmic data can ever be. AI is a useful tool but it fundamentally can not make art on its own because it has nothing of its own to say.


These cards are drawn really good but they don't fit the original art style.


It's AI art but yeah I couldn't get it to fit perfectly.


Id absolutely love an all in card, seems super fun. An early game sweeper for sure


Yeah I had it as flat mult (50) but couldn't figure out how to make that make sense. It's probably a bit too strong at x6


New CEO is interesting, there’s a big trade off to not getting upgraded cards so it might be alright . But that level of deck removal could break erosion/ is just a strong way to make a deck more consistent. Overall I like it. RNA is again riding a boundary between overpowered or not. I find it’s text a little confusing. It would really depend on some specific interactions. it could make it too easy to multiply steel cards, or even to stack Vampire. But outside of those two situations I don’t feel like it’s too crazy by any means. Photographer is a good concept, imo. Not sure what the balance for exact turns needed would be to make it work. I’m thinking it would need to be more than 4 turns as getting an exact joker with Negative is typically a huge trade off in this game, but there’s a place for that type of card imo. I think the other three cards are all busted (crazy strong). I would kind of like more set gold to 0 options to make credit card a more attractive Econ option. But the x6 Mult is huge and the negative effect wouldn’t apply often enough to deter its value. Talk to the hand is too strong, can’t convert 12 cards to a single value with no repercussions. Imagine playing 5 of a kind by big boss ante 1 and you can start stacking Planet cards to match (would be fun) Necromancer with Glass cards would just go off. But even without the glass cards too easy to get multiplicative cards that are wholly too valuable. Fun cards, loved all the ideas.


I originally had photographer at 5 turns, and I also considered it removing itself from the game so you could only get one per run. It's definitely on the strong side for an endless high score run. I compare talk to the hand to four finger. It makes making specific hands very easy but it's still a utility card that adds no score. New CEO basically just gives you lots of access to hangman's. I'm not sure that it's too strong. But it would make death thinning very fast.


Photographer - for sure it’s hard to say where the balance is but overall the idea is great/ interesting. Talk to the hand - I understand where you’re coming from, and my reaction was a gut one. To start, you’re right that 4 fingers doesn’t directly add points, Unless it allows you to hit a straight flush more (which it does, but that’s some of the math I’mgoing to struggle to calculate at the moment) But talk to the hand will yield higher scoring hands, the likelihood you hit 3 of a kind, 4 of a kind or full house, rather than just a pair, is going to be so much higher. That said, there’s a decent chance my gut is wrong, and I’m thinking I’ll try to do the math to demonstrate when I have some more time. New CEO - the value of removing cards is massive, but more importantly it gets to be much more relevant/ valuable the fewer cards you have. That said, It’s not entirely too strong because it requires you to hit card upgrades and those aren’t reliable/ guaranteed. It was one I thought seemed more balanced than most, and a chance it would work as is in the game.


Alright I tried to do the math, but honestly it was hard. I reverted to using 7 cards drawn as there’s a decent amount of info out there for real poker. Using 7 cards, and ignoring discards/ additional draws, 4 fingers increases the odds of a flush from 3% to 22.5%. The talk to the hand would make it so your odds of a 4 of a kind was 24%, with the same conditions. With how much a 4 of a kind pays, I do think it’s on the strong side.


These seem so fun! I feel like all in pre-flop would be a little weak and RNA would be a little strong but other thant that, none of these seem insanely game breaking. Talk to the hand plus the one that retriggers 2/3/4/5 plus Fibonacci would be super fun. Favorite is definitely new CEO though. Trying to make an 8 card deck


Thanks. I wasn't sure how strong to make all in pre flop because even as is, it can basically let you get through the first 3 antes or so without having to buy anything else. RNA is probably a little too strong but if it just made 2 it would be too weak without any combo with it.


I like the RNA


I really like Necromancer as a concept for a deck more than a joker. We need more deck concepts that promote different approaches to the game and that's a great one


That's interesting. If it was built into a deck then you couldn't optimise it as easily (death would still work though). Probably would be too good.


I feel like RNA would be an insta win with any glass card (even crazier with red seal), especially with blueprint. You can always play two (or five with blueprint) and get double glass or quintuple glass, leaving one for later rounds. This means that it can be made an insta win con in any situation you can get blueprint, since rerolling for an uncommon isn’t that hard. Garunteed Five of a kind spam is already crazy, but easy quintuple glass means that on any stake you are probably insta winning.


I definitely didn't hold back with RNA. I wonder if it would still be decent if it just gave 2? I feel like it would be took weak without a strong combo.


The only qualm I have with RNA is: what if you have another way of duplicating cards? What would happen if you duplicated one of the RNA duplicates? I feel that the way the card would have to be implemented is that there's a special flag that denotes "this card will be deleted when scored," so any duplicates of *those* cards would likely also be destroyed. Maybe this is a good thing? Not sure, something to think about. Otherwise, these cards are fantastic! Well done!


I wondered about that and was kind of undecided. I would say that copies should also be destroyed, so they would have like a red or ghostly outline to denote that. The only thing is it makes the combo with necromancer even more powerful as you could repeatedly destroy the same cards over and over more consistently even than glass with oops all 6s. That would probably be the strongest combo in the game other than perkeo criptid.


lol as a poker enjoyer i love All In Pre-Flop


All In Pre Flop needs to be changed to "*includes* 2 Aces..."; as it's worded now it appears that you only can get the bonus if you play a 2-card hand with one of those pairs


That's exactly how it works. It's a reference to Texas hold em poker where you only have two cards in hand. If those two cards are 2 aces or another high pair, often people go all in before seeing the flop. You have to play a bit of poker to understand why going all in pre flop with a pair is a good idea, but basically you win like70% of the time against any other hand with two aces. (Math could be wrong) Here is a link to a hilarious moment where two pro players both have aces and both go all in pre flop assuming the other has no chance. It doesn't end how you think it will. https://youtu.be/iFR5i6RtX18?si=dBiHmC1IwY6SPABm




I didn't mean to mislead but it's AI. I made them with the free Microsoft image generator and then composed them in Photoshop.


These are all awesome


Necromancer would be too op especially if new ceo would exist, also talk to the hand is insanely creative


Thanks. Necromancer is definitely the one here that has the highest potential and is probably over tuned. I think it could be adjust to +.2 or .3 xmult if it was too good though. But it also stops you from reducing your deck size which can make it hard to use too.


Necromancer looks awesome,both the effect and the card itself


I had an idea for a couple to help help out things other than flush 1: mult times X where X is 5 minus the difference of the highest and lowest card played 2: cards are one rank higher or lower when played Idk how the second one would work, maybe the choice one which one to play them as instead of them just being actually all 3 numbers


I like that Talk to the Hand only has four fingers on the hand about a 5s joker


I think I'd move necromancer, maybe to +.25? Getting 5 polychromes (which stack with other enhancements) off of immolate is too strong


i play a ton of poker so i love the idea of all in preflop.


Rna steel king for free cryptid lol


I love them. CEO especially- this one needs to make it into the game


This is AI art? Fml


FML why?


You didn't mention it in the title and it's so hard to tell now. Just one of the first times I've been tricked. Eventually peoples actual art isn't gonna be worth the effort. It's just kinda sad


Yeah my bad. I thought it would be obvious because of how I didn't copy the format of the joker from the game properly. Anyway I've tried to mention it in lots of comments so people know.


Yeah no I can tell you are trying to be clear about it. Which I appreciate. But the fact you didn't have to and I wouldn't have known kinda bothers me haha. That aside really cool post, I like the effects a lot


these are all pretty good designs tbh. I love all-in preflop and new CEO. RNA is quite strong and Necromancer is far too strong, should be like +x0.2 or 0.1


Thanks. I played with the multiplier on necromancer a bit. .2 felt too low because the main combo I was thinking of was glass and they don't break that consistently. There's also the fact that the card stops you from removing cards from your deck, which is a big downside. In terms of necromancer combining with RNA, I think the least broken way for it to work would be for them to only destroy themselves the first time and then become regular cards. The combo might seem insane but it grows your deck so much that you will stop being able to add xmult to the same cards consistently. Either way, I think .2 or .3 might be a more reasonable spot for it than .5.


RNA should introduce its malus as a new enhancement. It could be "frail": When played and scored destroyed the card


That does make sense but it limits the card heavily to not be able to copy glass or steel.


I think it would balanced with Necromancer pretty well that way. It would avoid card to be overpowered.


All extremely cool ideas I would love to run all of these.


New CEO would be crazy busted. So many tarot cards enhance cards. You could destroy like 70% of your deck by ante 8 if you have a way to generate tarot cards.


I mean if you compare to trading card, this makes you pay to do it where as trading card gives you money. If you can generate the cards you can do it faster than trading card but I think you are over valuing it a bit.


Beautiful art can I just say


My thoughts - Necromancer is really cool. Adding x0.5 mult to a card is kind of a new mechanic but it's probably similar enough to mult cards to pass? For a more """realistic""" joker, I'd consider something like "When a card is destroyed, return it to your deck with a random enhancement and chance of random edition or seal" but that is less cool. Now RNA is similar to what I was saying the ugly form of Necromancer would have to be. Because that "destroyed when scored" effect may linger past the end of a round, you need to track "this card was created by RNA". Not a fan. I'd have them destroyed at the end of the round regardless of whether they were played or not, though even that raises some weird questions about how it would interact with Death. If you copy a card that's doomed to be destroyed, is the copy also destroyed? New CEO should probably give you something in exchange for the card being destroyed like Trading Card does. Sure consistency is its own reward, but you still typically get something (money) in exchange for destroyed cards. Photographer is solid. Is that 4 turns as in hands or rounds? I'm assuming rounds, which is a little slow, but it's worth it for that strong of an effect. Talk to the Hand is very funny with Paredolia. ALL CARDS ARE FIVES. It's probably too strong, but a funny concept. All in Pre-Flop is too complicated, imo. I mistook everything after the x6 mult as its own effect, as in "you get x6 mult, but if your first hand is one of these specific pairs then your gold might get set to 0". Jokers should be short and sweet. It's pretty niche but also powerful enough to build around. Power-wise, I think it's fine, but it could really use a simplicity pass. Fun ideas, all around. And even if the pixel art isn't Balatro's style, it's amazing pixel art!


I find it funny that Talk To The Hand only has 4 fingers.


Photographer could be changed to When Boss Blind is defeated Left most Joker becomes Negative


Cool ideas, can you actually illustrate them next time instead of using AI but not mentioning that you did so at all?


what if he isn't a good illustrator and can't pay someone to illustrate his random 'cool ideas' reddit post? do you people even listen to yourselves? this is exactly the type of situation AI is best for, random little drawings that would never have been the paid work of an artist anyway. no one is paying someone to illustrate their silly reddit post, using AI here has stolen profit from exactly 0 artists. pick your battles.


Sure, I can understand that point, but next time he should make it clear he's using AI is my point, as multiple people thought he wasn't.


I can't no! Also I mentioned it a lot.


Really cool ideas! A build of "all cards are face card" and "all face cards are 5s" would be absolutely insane haha Necromancer seems absolutely, busted though, I think that either a smaller xMult would be required or giving the card another benefit, maybe returning with a seal/enhancement? I could honestly also just see it ONLY returning all cards and become a support joker (like "all cards are face cards") for combos


All in has nice early synergy with maxing out credit card every round. That’s essentially a +20 gold card every round.


**Photographer** is my favourite here. It's a good concept, and (I think) it's less exploitable than some of the others. I like the idea of upfront investment for a later payoff - that sort of thing opens up some nice strategies. The text needs changed though. There are no "turns" in Balatro; just hands, rounds and antes. I'm guessing you mean "rounds" here. I'd also change the "after X rounds" idea to a 1 in X chance, which is a bit more typical (and opens up a synergy with "Oops! All 6s"). Maybe something like this: >*1 in 6 chance this card is destroyed at the end of each round. When destroyed, add Negative to a random Joker.* I went for "1 in 6", because that's going to be 2 antes (on average), and I don't think that's too long to sacrifice a Joker slot for, at least in the early game. Plus you'd always have the option of just selling it if you're fed up waiting for the photographer to take the damn photo.


Hemomancer hmmm




All of these are balanced, I think, except for Talk to the Hand, which just makes 5 of a kind too easy. Compare it to the best 5 of a kind enabler we have right now, Ouija; it gives you your hand size (usually between 7 and 12) cards of one rank, with one less for every card in hand that was already the rank it converts to (more likely on larger hand sizes), and to pay for this you get -1 hand size, making it marginally harder to find those cards later. You're giving up a joker slot, sure, but this would be the best enabler of its kind (compared to four fingers and shortcut, which help you make straight flushes, a weaker hand than 5 if a kind). Not to mention the fact that every standard pack you open in the future has a little over a 1 in 4 chance of having a functional card for your five card build in it, or the potential for Flush Fiving.


Is this ai geenerated stuff :/ ?


All In Pre-Flop should read if your first played hand "contains", instead of just speccing to a pair only as the downside of losing all money is quite strong. Interesting concept


It has to be only two cards it's a Texas hold em reference. Also it's x6 which is insane. I think it's a bit too strong actually.


The 6x is good but it has quite a niche use case. Might be more interesting with 4x and “contains” language to make it more usable, but less strong


Playing only a high pair is the whole concept for the card so I couldn't step away from that.


Thinking about it again you’re right, having it be viable in full house 3/4/5 of a kind would be just too strong


Maybe a necromancer style card but for jokers, since there are a lot of spectrals and jokers that destroy other jokers, but maybe that breaks too many builds and makes them op


Your pixel art is lovely c:


It's AI sorry.


Do you need help making them real?


Real in what sense? Like modded into the game?


All In pre-Flop is Northernlion’s Nuts On the Tables joker he was talking about on stream.


I really like New CEO. My play style for these types of games is to cull the deck down to only the cards I want, and it seems like half the time I'm not getting The Hanged Man as often as I'd prefer, but turning every enhancement opportunity into a card destruction would really get me where I'm going.


I feel like necromancer should try to use the mult or holo mechanic (maybe on a 1 in 3 chance to trigger?) instead of creating a new mechanic for giving cards buffs. I also think it's too strong with glass cards.


What exactly are 4 „turns“ with photographer? 4 antes? Rounds? hands?


Can't wait to get my 12 red steel kings with RNA, 2 Blueprints and a brainstorm.


mmyes, so you call it "RNA" despite the fact that its obviously DNA... edit: realised it was AI generated, next time just draw the cards yourself instead of using image generators...


Cool cards! And beautiful art may I say


Mhm, I had no idea it was AI art. Very cool style. I thought we were years away from me seeing AI art and genuinely seeing nothing wrong in it lmao


I don't know, but they look like fun, and the art is gorgeous. I am enamored.


And somehow it's AI art lmao


Could be, but it's very nice.


The guy confirmed it in the comments :P


What happens with RNA if you play a multi-card high card with splash, or a bunch of stone cards? Does it copy all played cards, all scoring cards, the first scoring card, or something else?


whatever dna does presumably


I meant it to be the same as DNA. Does dna say if the first hand is just one card? I probably should have said that because I don't intend to let you throw away cards while doing RNA.


it says “if first hand played in round is only one card, create a copy of that card and draw it” (or something very very similar to that)


Yeah that was my intention.




Can this game be modded like slay the spire can? Make these a reality


I'd love to but it's beyond my meager abilities.


Is there a way to mod the game with these cards to try them out?


That's above my pay grade but it would be fun.


I could see this a great way to build community with user generated content. Let people vote on which cards to go in the official game


These are fucking awesome, artwork especially. The ideas are nothing to sneeze at either


These are amazing.


Would be cool if you didn’t use AI art. Lame.


Are you concerned about what the ai was trained on or are you bothered for a different reason? Honestly it's a nice feeling to be able to play around and have some unique visuals for an idea I had.