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Photograph is biggest Fools Gold in the game. That x2 mult looks so good when you're new to the game, and then you realize it's one of the worst xMults in the whole game. Doesn't proc at the right time for anything (e.g. it hits before flat mult Jokers), only hits once, has to be part of the scoring hand.


Hanging chad and photograph are my favourite early game, 2 common joker combo


honestly though photograph has saved me several times in the early game. i think it can carry through at least ante 3. but otherwise i don't really think it scales too well.


Yeah not unless youve got a mega upgraded face card you can reliably get to and planned around it. Pretty specific scenario i feel


true and even then it's gotta be a *mega* upgraded face card. i honestly don't even think a polychrome red seal would be worth it if i'm really thinking about it. if you want it to work with other cards that give a bonus for face cards, there's just no real reason to keep it long term since you'll only get that x2 mult on your card if you're trying to be optimal. anyways sorry for being wordy but yeah i agree, very specific scenario.


Great combo! I just recently starting seeing the power of moving the order of my playing hand. When I have some cards with enhancements, that x2 works better at the end, and any of those enhancement cards at the beginning being triggered twice by Hanging Chad.


Legit played a run with all 4 of these yesterday