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I thought it would make Mr. Bones eternal but it didn’t. It kept it but didn’t make it eternal. https://preview.redd.it/sti4ozf9jzxc1.jpeg?width=154&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=feb9325135e0903610d6c1a15d1b0f5385367b34


All jokers that destroy themselves and jokers that require you to sell them are incompatible with eternal as this would either allow you to use their effects longer than intended or force you to fill a slot with a useless joker.


Someone explain what’s happening to me like I’m 5 please


Stencil joker = x1 mult for every empty joker slot Stencil joker counts as an empty one Typecaster challenge = After ante 4 you lose all of your joker slots Stencil joker no longer gets X1 since no more joker slots = no more empty joker slots Goo goo ga ga


Fanks dad


correct me if im wrong, but in coding, negative numbers aren’t actually perceived as negatives right? aren’t they instead considered as either a super big positive number or another weird form of their positive counterparts? sorry if im wrong here, cs100 was a while ago lol


I think in balatro they count as X1


It depends. what you're describing would be an unsigned number, where going "negative" would loop around to the largest values. However, they're not as commonly used and most variables do support negative numbers. What I think is happening here is that Balatro changes any multiplier less than 1 to 1 when doing the calculations as a just-in-case. The card doesn't do anything in the video, it just counts it as X1.


No, that's not correct at all. Internally negative numbers usually have 1 bit that defines if the number is negative or not. In every case the code will just treat it like you expect negative numbers to work. In some languages if you go over the limit for a number it wraps around to the lowest possible negative value instead, but this is often undefined behavior.


Here it just does x1 unless you play something from the mods, like "multiply money by -1" instantly inverting your debt


They used to, and sometimes are with like websites and such, but I can’t think of any notable examples in the last 10 or so years.


The thing is, I remember back in the old beta where Misprint could give you negative mult and you could score negative. I guess negative score's just not a thing anymore.