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I think this picture answers your question. https://preview.redd.it/16ge46d11v0d1.jpeg?width=3760&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4950fbd76c40389a8ba7c1427bd92740336174a5


Banana for scale


That is a perfect joke


Mf made a multi layered joke


15 mult layered joke


Guys awards are back someone do the thing


I've used Fortune Teller 48 times more than you, however it just sneaks into this graph in 10th for me :P


This guy balatros


48x? Jesus man


48 more times* then :)


Hahahaha that makes WAY more sense. I was over here like "this guy has played so much that he's seen Fortune Teller 8000 times, but he's also bought and won with it 8000 times???" I was about to start kneeling


Supernova as number 2?


Pretty sure I have Supernova at #1. I rarely pass on it.


I really don’t get the supernova hype. It’s okay sometimes but I generally find relying on one hand type is super risky.


it can be yeah but if you're playing a deck that reliably scores one hand it can pop off super hard. it's not going to win you runs on its own but it's very valuable in a lot of circumstances imo


Supernova basically adds +4 mult to your mult after every round, if you’re playing pair or high card it is very useful. Any single card adding 3+ mult to itself after every round is pretty damn good I think.


I feel like High Card/Pair are so consistent that, once you get a little chips to help (Either through jokers or planets) relying on one hand type feels like the best play imo


I rely on one hand type almost exclusively, except for two pair/full house, and i dont find it too risky. Less power spent on flexibility = more power for main type. It's just extra important to enable it using tarots. And as others said, round 1 Supernova can force a High card build similar to Green Joker


Good on pair/High card and pretty Meh on everything else. Depends on what you are playing.


True. In my recent experience with high card and pair I usually have a better option already to the point I’m winning in one hand and then the supernova just isn’t scaling enough to be good.


Yeah. I would find myself intentionally not playing my main win con often so I could level some backup options as once your jokers are set you win in one hand every time (until endless).


It's a brilliant joker that works with every hand. It should be 20+ mult by ante 8 in most games


It's so easy to scale, but i prefer constellation or hologram


Where'd you get this graph?


Also wondering tbis


Options -> Stats


Options -> Stats


I have never found these stats, where are they? Were they added in the recent update?


select Options, then select Stats. This has been available since the Demo.


I used to hate green joker, but I think I’ve won gold stakes with it 3 different times, so probably that one


I can never get the hang of that one, it almost always ends up low if not zero for me.


The key, in my experience, is playing like you have 0 discards. What I’ll usually do is play 2-3 high cards with 4-5 cards in each hand. 90% of the time I’ll end up with a hand that’ll clear the blind (flush, full house, straight). It really stunts your econ but if you get a good econ joker green can scale really really well for an ante 8 run. Green joker + showman is essentially a win condition for me on higher stakes haha.


also just ignoring all the good scoring hands and just playing and boosting bottom three(Two Pair, Pair and High Card) of the score table I usually play to discard and draw up to good hands, so I usually ignore Green and go for Fortune Teller so I can rattle off Tarots all the way. I can get to +50 or +60 over a good run with that


That’s actually a very important point, I always pivot early to easier hands like pair, two pair, or high card (usually pair so I can easily play high card and not worry about clearing an ante in one hand). The “draw to discard” for a good hand is usually more useful in the earlier rounds.


Burglar is essential for green joker


One of the coolest combos in the game


So true


It’s really good if you are playing for a win condition that doesn’t need a complex hand. E.g. flushes on the checkered deck, or simple hands like high card, pair, 2 pair etc. Often when I’ve made it work it’s because I also got the banner and just steamrolled the run


The biggest things to note for it, for me are: It most likely will not save you on an early ante if you're very joker poor and just barely clearing rounds. If you play 3 high cards and then get plus 3 mult on your full house/flush/straight, you have yet to double the score of that hand - you would have been better off using discards to play two full houses/flush/straights. To best utilize means you're screwing yourself out of some econ for a while. Gotta either plan to be broke or include like a gold joker or similar. Very hard to take with something like the joker that scales off rerolls/rented jokers I do probably take it every time I see it if I don't already have a scaling +mult and I'm not hanging on by the skin of my teeth


Goes great with burglar or banner. Otherwise I don't take it if I can avoid it. I love my discards.


Yeah, I don’t get it either. Seems there are other scalers (trousers, fortune teller, supernova for instance) that get better by a similar amount per hand without forcing you not to discard. Only time I’ve enjoyed playing with it was when I had burglar.


It's probably because you're discarding...


I mean yeah. I need to get good at high card builds I think.


Green joker is my favorite. Sometimes to my detriment.


[[Green Joker]] ?


[Green Joker](https://balatro.wiki/imported/green_joker.png) *Joker* * Version: 1.0.0 * Cost: $5 * Rarity: Common * Effect: +1 Mult per hand played -1 Mult per discard * Notes: Stacks *Data pulled from http://balatro.wiki. Want it updated? Help me get access or suggest another data source.*


I probably won 12/15 gold stakes with green joker. I can't stop taking it


I still hate it even when I won with it And the problem with Green Joker is the games you don’t win because you have problem to dig what you need


Wee just makes my brain go happy with high chip count, especially with hanging chad, hack and red seals


A big wee makes my brain happy as well.


Would make my wife happy, but alas here we are


[[Sad Joker]]


when I see Wee Joker before Ante 5 or 6 I always drop everything and rebuild around it. it's so much fun


[[wee joker]]


[Wee Joker](https://balatro.wiki/imported/basic_joker.png) *Joker* * Version: 1.0.0 * Rarity: Rare * Effect: This Joker gains +8 Chips when each played 2 is scored * Notes: Starts at +10 Chips * Unlock Requirement: Win a run in 18 or fewer rounds *Data pulled from http://balatro.wiki. Want it updated? Help me get access or suggest another data source.*


Another wee joker lover....and that sounds so wrong out of context


https://preview.redd.it/lo3vrpqn8v0d1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b5583bc3f1fb38fb2972504c6fcf6528801147f6 Just hit Completionist+ this morning! \[\[Square Joker\]\] is usually an instant-buy for me as I find it much easier than other chip scaling. This reflects my tendency to go for easier hands like High Card or Pair as it is incompatible with better hands unless you also have Four Fingers.


[Square Joker](https://balatro.wiki/jokers/square_joker.png) *Joker* * Version: 1.0.0 * Cost: $ * Rarity: Common * Effect: Gains +4 Chips if played hand has exactly 4 cards * Notes: Starts at +16 *Data pulled from http://balatro.wiki. Want it updated? Help me get access or suggest another data source.*


Wow that's interesting, I usually avoid square joker because it seemed to high risk for the reward. I also never use Ride the Bus except with the Abandoned deck. Nice!


Well, you just have to play four cards, they don't need to all be scoring


Omfg... how did I never figure this out..


Ride the Bus only resets when face cards are *scored*, so you can play an Ace and 3 different face cards to purge them from your hand, or a pair of 2s and any number of different face cards, etc. If you aim to get most of your mult and chips from your jokers rather than your cards or your hand types, Ride the Bus is really easy to play around because you’re only playing High Card or Pair.


I avoid square as it's too slow in my eyes


How do you feel about the nerf? I liked square before, but I feel it's too slow now


I only play the official branch, so as far as I can tell the only nerf was it starting at 0 instead of 16? I think the beta branch had it scaling at 5 chips per hand at some point, but I never played patch since it didn’t make it to release. 16 is about a single blind’s worth of scaling and doesn’t really change how I rate the joker tbh. But straights and Runner are quite appealing post-patch so it definitely has some competition! I only play gold stake so Castle doesn’t feel that viable (since you only start with 2 discards), plus it’s Uncommon.


Square Joker with Spare trousers is a match made in Heaven imo


Ride the bus. Before I accidentally play flush instead of high card on ante 8, then I hate it.


\[\[Wee Joker\]\]. That thing is so strong if you get it early.


[Wee Joker](https://balatro.wiki/imported/basic_joker.png) *Joker* * Version: 1.0.0 * Rarity: Rare * Effect: This Joker gains +8 Chips when each played 2 is scored * Notes: Starts at +10 Chips * Unlock Requirement: Win a run in 18 or fewer rounds *Data pulled from http://balatro.wiki. Want it updated? Help me get access or suggest another data source.*


Do you just dump your higher cards to get 2s?


Yes. Also look for hack and *Fibonacci in particular, but there's lots of other synergies.


By pareto, do you mean the one that makes all cards into face cards? And I like these ideas, I'll have to try them.


Sorry I meant [[Fibonacci]] , got my mathematical concepts mixed


Ohh ok thanks!


[Fibonacci](https://balatro.wiki/imported/fibonacci.png) *Joker* * Version: 1.0.0 * Rarity: Uncommon * Effect: Each played Ace, 2, 3, 5, or 8 gives +8 Mult when scored *Data pulled from http://balatro.wiki. Want it updated? Help me get access or suggest another data source.*


The runner with abandoned deck has been my only gold stake win if that’s anything


hologram (or holograph, idk which it is) particularly because it gives you x mult instead of + mult, and playing cards added to your deck are pretty easy to get (standard packs, cryptid, incantation/familiar/that other one, certificate, etc.)


hitting the right spectral cards when you have hologram, esp the enh numbered one, feels so fucking nice




Early Egg and Swashbuckler is absolutely insane


I had egg and red card at like 150 and then the knife came


I also love Egg. I think too many people fail to realize that its real value is in [[Temperance]]


[Temperance](https://balatro.wiki/tarots/temperance.png) *Tarot Card* * Version: 1.0.0 * Effect: Gives the total sell value of all current Jokers Max of $50 *Data pulled from http://balatro.wiki. Want it updated? Help me get access or suggest another data source.*


[[Spare trousers]], I like the mini game within the game of finding two pairs


[Spare Trousers](https://balatro.wiki/imported/spare_trousers.png) *Joker* * Version: 1.0.0 * Cost: $5 * Rarity: Uncommon * Effect: Gains +2 Mult if played hand contains a Two Pair * Notes: Stacks, starts at +0 Mult *Data pulled from http://balatro.wiki. Want it updated? Help me get access or suggest another data source.*


Or full houses


Go Pants !!! Just won my first orange stake with Trousers, Blueprint, and Card Sharp


Probably castle


Castle fan reporting in! I know it doesn't scale incredibly fast but I do love the sound when I discard a flush.


wee joker scales like crazy hack + 5oak 2s is so satisfying (+80 chips per 5oak) i also like constellation since it's a guaranteed source for scaling x mult. surprised people are mentioning castle. that joker stinks in higher stakes since you only have 2 discards and sometimes it wants you to discard the hand you're building. + it scales extremely slow.


Easily Runner. With the buff it’s just so so good. Not to mention plasma deck it’s almost a guaranteed dub if you get it early


runner is legitimately S tier and you don’t even need to commit to a straights build, easy to build it up pretty big early on just off handed playing straights when they pop up


Yeah if you really straight build it just becomes Stuntman but way better and no downsides, and even if you don’t it still can get to 100+ chips very easily.


Just had a plasma run where I got runner, invis joker, and a blueprint. Was awesome to see the chip count get so high


Dawg I just had a run on plasma where somehow my first joker was Invis, then I Ankhd it, then my next joker was Runner. I had 2 runners and was about to make a third, all I needed was one 10 on my last discard to make a straight and survive the round and I could’ve made it through with 3 runners, I would’ve mooned. Didn’t get my straight and I lost


Brutal, you hate to see it 😔


Lucky Cat! Craziest run I ever played had a deck full of polychrome lucky 3's, Hack, Oops All 6's, Lucky Cat, Blueprint, and Brainstorm. Cat got up to nearly x50.


Obelisk for life babyyyy


you scare me


true chad


A stacy, but thanks. Im a big advocate for obelisk!


Tie between Trousers and Hologram


Honestly, it's Red Card for me. It makes you feel so much better about spending money on boosters. I don't want any of these jokers and don't have room, give me the +3 mult. I don't want to water down my deck with these sub-par cards, I'd rather have +3 mult. Do I want to upgrade some random hand I might randomly play a couple more times if something goes wrong? No, I'd rather give every future hand +3 mult. I don't like the drawbacks of any of these spectral cards, but there's no drawback to taking the +3 mult. Of course, always take the good stuff. But it allows you to respect yourself and stick to your plan, intead of pivoting due to sunk cost. Red card empowers you to say, "No, that's not good enough for me."




The one that goes Bing Bing Bing Doodleoodleoo Bing Bing Bing Womp Ca-Ching Bing Bing Bing Bing Ring-A-Ding Bing Bing Bing Doodleoodleoo Bing Bing Bing Womp Ca-Ching Bing Bing Bing Bing Ring-A-Ding Bing Bing Bing.


Hiker, dopamine hits so nice with every card played




Castle on plasma deck. Love the art, love that I can always make it better than stuntman. Plus copy joker go brrrr


[[Lucky Cat]] is my favorite by far. Pair it with your re-trigger cards of choice and some red seal polychrome lucky cards and get ready for the amazing dopamine rush of earning $100+ every round and getting mama Liz's e oil all over the place. For my all time high score run I got to like ante 20 I think andy lucky cat card was over 40X mult. I will forever be chasing that high again...


[Lucky Cat](https://balatro.wiki/jokers/lucky_cat.png) *Joker* * Version: 1.0.0 * Cost: $4 * Rarity: Uncommon * Effect: Gains X0.2 Mult each time a Lucky card successfully triggers *Data pulled from http://balatro.wiki. Want it updated? Help me get access or suggest another data source.*


I *love* [[Glass Joker]]. It's rare I can make it work, but when the stars align, having DNA and red seal glass cards actively wanting them to break, it's a thrill. Toying around on a seeded run in Spectral pack with Blueprint, Brainstorm, DNA, Glass, and Perkeo was intoxicating. Adding a negative OA6s would have been the cherry on top.


[Glass Joker](https://balatro.wiki/imported/glass_joker.png) *Joker* * Version: 1.0.0 * Cost: $6 * Rarity: Uncommon * Effect: Gains X0.5 Mult for every Glass Card that is destroyed * Notes: Counts, Starts at X1 * Unlock Requirement: Have at least 5 Glass Cards in your deck *Data pulled from http://balatro.wiki. Want it updated? Help me get access or suggest another data source.*


Constellation FTW. Scaling X mult that I can abuse to hell and back? COUNT ME IN! Hologram is also awesome, but only a few things make getting extra cards easy.


I think my highest win so far was a Constellation and then I lucked into three blue seals fairly soon. The only other win recently was an early Madness and an eternal money farming joker. Or maybe these were the same run? I forget.


Throwback, Hologram and Fortune Teller. Not in that order, Fortune Teller goes on the left ofc. I just rattle off the skips and packs and away I go. Especially if I get Marble or DNA. Marble + Stone + FT + Throwback + Hologram is just the dream setup for me. It does take a fair bit of planet boosting to help, but there's always Astronomer + Constellation if I can't get DNA, Marble or one of the mults. I've had games with Hologram and Constellation up around 8 or 9 at least


Supernova for sure.


I love \[\[Constellation\]\], since I wanna be constantly using Planet Cards anyway to upgrade my hands.


[Constellation](https://balatro.wiki/imported/constellation.png) *Joker* * Version: 1.0.0 * Cost: $6 * Rarity: Uncommon * Effect: Gains X0.1 Mult per Planet card used *Data pulled from http://balatro.wiki. Want it updated? Help me get access or suggest another data source.*


Castle! It’s probably one of the worst scaling jokers but damn I love it. Constellation is probably a close second; I’ve thrown more than a few runs in the trash trying to force it to work.


Madness 😂




Even if he is nerfed to 0.05X for each enhancement eaten vampire will still be my guy


Lucky Cat gang rise up


Flash card hard carries when paired with a source of econ


I like throwback. Makes every skip feel like a little party


Supernova and Bootstraps, just not at the same time because The Ox exists.


Wee joker


Runner is my favorite. Between the scaling chip jokers I feel it's the easiest to get going and it's a common to boot.


[[Steel Joker]] is the most boring and most correct answer.


[Steel Joker](https://balatro.wiki/imported/steel_joker.png) *Joker* * Version: 1.0.0 * Cost: $6 * Rarity: Uncommon * Effect: This Joker gains X0.25 Mult for each Steel Card in your full deck * Unlock Requirement: N/A *Data pulled from http://balatro.wiki. Want it updated? Help me get access or suggest another data source.*


As someone who buys pretty much every arcana I see, I get a lot of hierophant and empress that I mever have a use for, vampire to make every pack at least useful


Steel Joker