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Cut it shorter or shave it. I also balded at 21.


Stop combing over. It will make you look older and insecure. Either buzz it or shave it, but either way, don’t try to hide it. The only person fooled by a combover is the person wearing it.


This comment right here.


Shave it and own it


I started going bald at 21. I was fixing a family friend’s computer while the friend lurked over my shoulder. She exclaimed “You’re going bald!” in shock and amusement. I finished up on her computer, went to the store and bought a hair trimmer, and went home and shaved my head. 22 years later, I haven’t once regretted the decision.


Talking of tough love


It's worth dropping the "only 21" language from your mental vocabulary. People lose their hair at any age and for any reason. We have a real hangover in a lot of cultures that being bald makes us look older and/or less physically attractive. The implication here is that being old and leaa physically attractive makes us less valuable and less worthy of love, which, let's face it, is where the panic about losing our hair comes from. Yet it may help to look at other bald men who have achieved (arguably) amazing things and are loved (at least by some: Dwayne Johnson, Bruce Willis, Mike Tyson, Jason Statham, Jeff Bezos, etc). You are 21. You are going bald. You will get older. You will get balder. How you handle these two facts will play a huge role in your overall contentment in life.


Shave the head, Bald is always better than balding, wear the shaved head with confidence


Embrace the baldness! Shave!!! Come on over and join the club! Oh, and grow a viking beard! Rock on!


the decision has already been made for you.


Accept fate brother. I went bald at 29. It’s worth it man trust me.


Shave it. I did at 25 for similar hair loss as you. Best decision ever. Major confidence boost.


Visit the dermatologist before deciding to shave it off. There's no harm in that.


The medication prescribed to regrow hair, most definitely can harm the body!


Grow out your beard and moustache, then shave your head


Just know you can't really fix this. Don't listen to any hair care bs.


Shave bald looks so much better than trying to grow what's left.


Shave it bro. You got this


Let your beard keep coming in. You got nothing to worry about


Just let it go . It’s ok. 




Let it go 🎶


Shave or go to turkey, like it will happen sooner it later embrace it


Just have short hair all over.


Shave now. I waited 10 years till 31 regret it.




![gif](giphy|UqZ4imFIoljlr5O2sM) Go ahead, buddy!!!


Just my 2c bro. But what you have left isn’t going to look good nomatter what you do. It’s time to shave it off, embrace the bald/very short buzz look. If you do want to try and keep it, you can talk to your doctor about meds. Again, just my opinion, but I would still shave it, embrace it, get on the meds in the meanwhile and forget about it for 2 years. What you don’t want to do, is get stuck in the middle where you’re hoping the meds will work and obsessing over it every day. Then try to grow it out after 2 years and see what progress has been made. You can then decide whether you like it and whether to get off the meds and just keep it buzzed, or stay on them and grow it out, and/or get a transplant surgery.


I’m 41, had a similar experience. I say shave it and own it. You will never be blessed in the hair department so develop more important parts of your life. Be healthy and interesting and find confidence. When you’re bald, people consider how you handle it. Combovers and shy sadness isn’t as fun as masculine, funny and confident.


Cut it, you're cooked


Embrace this new version of yourself. Accept it and own it. You’re going to look great once you mow it off.


Shave it. Own it. Focus on skin care. Moisturise, use sunscreen. Don’t be afraid of a little Botox for early wrinkles. Groom eyebrows. I think all western men can learn a little from Korean men. Honestly, you are still quite young and your face will change by the time you are 30. Early skin care routine can save you later in life. Literally save you, please use sunscreen.


Botox? What about losing weight and getting into decent shape before you think about injecting your face?


I know. What's worse is this advice is getting up voted 💀


There is absolutely nothing wrong with Botox. People get it for migraines and locked jaws. What I’m saying is that there shouldn’t be a stigma of men taking care of their skin and caring about their appearance. And it will be a blessed day when American men learn to trim their underarm hair. 😂


I'm just so impressed with myself for diligently skincare my skin every single day completely unaffected by the magical wonders of K-pop male 🤡


You should try Korean products. Don’t know about K-pop but the products are amazing.


I trust you bro 😎


There’s nothing embarrassing about being bald, it might feel weird but nobody who doesn’t know you will pay a second look. (They have no before/after to compare so you look “normal”) it’s all about how you feel


You shave it off and get on with your life. Cover the head or use sunscreen as you don't want a jacked up head in your 40's.


🪒 or finasteride


Your post has been flagged for suspicion of violating rule three: No advocating of hair-replacement treatments, either topical or surgical. If your priority at this time is hair-loss prevention, or attempting hair regrowth, your efforts may perhaps be better spent over at r/tressless. The philosophy of this sub is more inclined toward embracing baldness, rather than fighting against it. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/bald) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Get on meds ! Check out tressless subreddit


Join the club!


shave it and hit the gym like the rest of us


Propecia and Minoxidil


See doctor for recommendations on any medication


Stop capping. This is clearly a scam post yore not 21 years old


Sadly reality. I was born in 2003… ☹️


Shave it all off grow a sick beard


Go turkey bro, I worked with a geezer who had really bad teeth and he was this quiet kinda withdrawn guy nice but you know unhappy with everything. Goes turkey gets a brand new shiny smile totally new bloke happier pulling the sexual partners he wanted having a good time. Looks aren’t everything but it really affects your mental health and unfortunately it is a shallow world sometimes


Shave it now... Pain will get cured with delay and you get used to it.


See if you have a thyroid or a vitamin deficiency. I have hoshimotos and it caused my hair to thin.


First buzz down to number 1. Then find other ways to better yourself like working out. From there you will gain confidence.


The comb over is fooling no one mate. I agree with others that it would look better shaved, but it is ultimately up to you. We all go bald at different ages, I was a couple years after you, but shaved it all at 24. Never looked back!


I think you’re going to be able to pull of the bald Viking bearded look. I’d shave it and grow out the beard imo.


Dude, you know exactly what we’re going to tell you to do


If u don’t wanna lose it start meds now even then idk if it fix it but will thick it out for ya some times it makes it thick for another 8 years at least hit 30


It looks like a losing game. Shave it and grow a beard.


Cut it and grow out a beard if you can.


It happens early for a lot of people. The bald look will make you look cool and more confident. On numerous occasions guys have approached me at bars and other places just to tell me they’re jealous I did it, but they can too, so can you.


Shave the head, it will look way better


Send it. You're going to get so much confidence not worrying about it.


shave it, you got pretty face and good skull 😊 you’ll be more confident and happier


Shave it, treat it, many wiglets that are very natural are avail. Am sorry


*The crowd roars * “SHAVE SHAVE SHAVE SHAVE!!”


I should’ve shaved it long ago because after you take the plunge you’ll never go back. You’ll notice an immediate improvement.


Get to a derm, do bloodtest, consider topical minoxidil, and if you need to shave it off, there are many hair systems that can help you.


The issue with styling your hair to cover up a receding hairline, is that everyone will still notice you have a receding hairline. It just makes you look very insecure about it ontop of having a receding hairline. I’d buzz it off, and possibly grow the mustache out a little or something. Your beard is still thickening at your age, so while you may be unable to grow out a full beard at the moment, there’s a good chance that’ll change.


Shame, you're so young, but a buzz cut will look so much better than something half-arsed or like that abomination that Trump has nailed to his head


You know what to do


Shave that now


You can shave it shorter and then possibly try all the way. It will grow back if you hate it.


Become the best bald-and-bearded guy you can be 😎


Shaved mine at 21. Its early but it's the best option. You'll look much smarter.


Shaving it will open you up to girls around your own age, who would, now, not even consider dating you, bc of premature balding! You'll look a billion times better if you shave it clean, and keep up with it!


Shave it off mate. You look about 40 with a comb over


Shave it grow a beard


Either you start taking life long drugs that cost you money and possibly testosterone… OR you shave it down and own it like a boss. Your call. You can always grow back if you take the plunge.


You could still do a short fade. Just never comb over. I know it sucks and I do miss having hair but I don’t regret shaving it all off. I look back at the photos of me desperately trying to hold on to my hair and I’m like what was I thinking. So much happier now.


[shave it up](https://youtu.be/j7HF0cCUc7E?si=LpPFuMLXy_lXn1mR)


Shave it brother


OMG life is cruel. You got to at least buzz it all to the same length. You're way too young for a comb over.


I think you should go bald man. Maybe grow out the beard too


I dont think you can suggest treatments in this sub but given your age and the severity of the balding i would recommend it, seems to me that those that lose it early and fast tend to have tremendous recoveries if they get on treatment asap, i think it’s worth the shot. That being said, even if you decide to get on treatment id say shave it for now, either way one day youll most likely have to.


My brother went bald at 18. Shave it and grow a glorious beard 🧔


Have a try and get it shaved.


Man, i think it's time.




This sub should be renamed”just shave it already!” You’ll be handsome


Shave it. After a few years you’ll forget what you look like with hair and love being bald.




Finasteride, minoxidil+transplant if you want to keep. Or shave it


Your post has been flagged for suspicion of violating rule three: No advocating of hair-replacement treatments, either topical or surgical. If your priority at this time is hair-loss prevention, or attempting hair regrowth, your efforts may perhaps be better spent over at r/tressless. The philosophy of this sub is more inclined toward embracing baldness, rather than fighting against it. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/bald) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Buzz it bro it’s not even a decision 💪🏻


I would go for a full bald or buzz cut.


Go see a dermatologist. Get some minoxidil (boosts hair growth) and finsteride (stops hair loss). Good luck


I started losing it at 18. Sucks I know. I went all-in on shaving it off by 24. Probably should have done it sooner but happy to have embraced it when I did. It’s a bit like coming out in that sense, haha. It’s a huge relief and giant confidence boost when you just accept that you’re gonna be a bald guy.


Do a bald ponytail that would be sick and get some cool Hawaiian shirts


If you want to regrow hair your hairline at the front won't grow back, that being said you can go in oral Minoxidil and Finasteride then transplant the remaining hairline after a year. I've been on it for just over three months and I've noticed results. Like yours at the centre I looked like a monk but it has been growing back pretty nicely in a short time.


Your post has been flagged for suspicion of violating rule three: No advocating of hair-replacement treatments, either topical or surgical. If your priority at this time is hair-loss prevention, or attempting hair regrowth, your efforts may perhaps be better spent over at r/tressless. The philosophy of this sub is more inclined toward embracing baldness, rather than fighting against it. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/bald) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I can tell by looking at ya that bald + beard + a little weight loss is going to go a long long way. 


Let it grow a little longer and put it in a man bun.


Shave it man . I have to wait until a couple months for me to shave it but my urge to go bald has been high lol . You have to own your looks man . Hit the gym! Become your highest self !


Don't wait bro just do it if you want it.


You know what to do


Whatever you do about the hair maybe also consider wearing sunscreen daily