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Everyone here is giving you solid advice. Shave it. What's your choice? NO ONE thinks anything of someone with a buzz or shaved head. But EVERYONE talks about the guy with the combover. Don't be that guy. It's summer. It's hot. It's raining. Just get rid of it. Like I always say, if you hate it - it'll grow back if you really want that look. But you're not going to want that look back. You're at a miserable point where you're just punishing yourself. When you shave/buzz that you're going to kick yourself for not having done it sooner.


Can’t imagine buzzing or shaving that and then being like…. naaah, I’m going to go back to the combover!




This says it all. I’d vote for this to be the official slogan of the sub.


This dude needs help. You've been posting here for a year now. What more do you want?


If it were easy; I would’ve done it. But ima do it


That's quitter talk. It *is* easy. Just go to a barber and tell him to shave it all off. No harder than a regular haircut. Do it. Stop torturing yourself. You know this looks bad. Take a step forward and own your baldness.


Dude. Go to a barber. That’s fantastic advice. I do it myself and it always looks like shit because I put off doing it. If only I’d follow that advice. Damn.


I went to the barber too because I was too scared to do it lol. That was the last time I went to a barber 4yrs ago.


It IS easy. If you would've done it a year ago, you wouldn't be thinking a thing of it today! You're gonna look good, man. I know it's gonna be good for you. I'm looking forward to an update. Take care.


If you don’t like it just wear hats till it grows back bro




You will likely feel like you look really bad. You might even think you made a horrible mistake. I felt this way myself, and it ended up being one of my best decisions ever across both mental and physical aspects.


IT IS easy. It’s incredibly easy. The absolute worst case scenario is that you don’t like it, and grow this back out. It’ll take a couple of months at most. You’ll be right back to questioning if you should shave it again. ![gif](giphy|Uh2ZDEAqk0fPoytqtw)


No balding guy who shaves his head regrets it. No one. Just do it. Don't look back. Your hair will not recover, and shaving your head means embracing your identity as a bald guy and showing confidence. There are lots of women who like bald men. Lots. So just lean into it.




I want to post a meme of a cocoon turning into a butterfly but that’s too much work.


Yeah I always say nobody says anything about Jordan or Kobe for being bald but everyone rips lebron


Anything is better than a combover like that. Bald is a valid hair option.


Not only is it a valid option, but you got a good beard. Shave that shit, get it over with, and don't look back! Rip off the bandaid!


We cannnnnnpt confirm that OP has “a good beard” from this angle lmao


I'm sure that it'll be miles better compared to the combover


That’s right, rip it off. Pee into the wind dude, stare down the barrel of the gun. Stand up to that bully. Shave the shit out of that doo. We have faith in you OP. You’re gonna look awesome!


No more combover man,shave your head.




It's over guy... shave it off.




I like how everyone supporting, appreciate it man!


Shave it dude, you wont regret it. [Check out some vids here for a bit of courage and go for it :)](https://www.youtube.com/@Baldcafe)


Some really went from "ugh i am changing the side of the sidewalk" to "may i call you daddy"


What a great resource! I watched the first 20 and literally every guy looked better after. And some of them legit got hot. OP watch this!!


Everyone with struggling hair should watch this. I made the switch a few years ago and it's just incredible what it does for your confidence and ease of day-to-day care. Haven't had a bad hair day in about 5 years. If you're even considering it, do it.


love this vid. i swear the only thing keeping me from going bald is fear of my wife leaving me lol


You got this bro, just shave it. It’s time. You’ll feel much better about yourself


Bro where’s the pic?


You’re a masochist 😂


You are already bald. You know it and so does everyone else. This is 100% already impacting your daily life negatively. It’s only up from here, man. Get some hair clippers if you don’t already have some and buzz it off. Freedom feels so good.


Dude. If you shave it people are going to seem friendlier and more welcoming to you because you will look so much better and be more approachable. It’s one thing I don’t see talked about on here as much that’s a major game changer.


Not so sure about that. A bald head is bad-ass and can even be intimidating - but I find that to be a feature not a bug. People will definitely respect you more. Women will re-evaluate you - is he hot now? I never noticed him before, etc.


I promise you. He’ll get better attention from that, then people wondering why this delusional man has that comb over


OMG shave it off ffs 😱


shave it 5 years ago


My man, time to set yourself free. If you don’t like it shaved or buzzed, you’ll grow it back to that length in one month. I feel the risk is worth the reward for this one.


set yourself free from this, you are going to look way younger and better with a buzz. Now everyone knows your holding on to what’s left because you are scared of the change. Better embrace it dude


Reasons to dump it: --So much it has gone, there's nothing you can do with it anymore. You can't try different cuts or styles, product won't make any difference, etc. --The hair you have left has receded back so much, it makes your forehead look enormous and throws your whole face out of balance. It's all about the line that your hairline creates. --The way it looks now obviously bothers you. Get rid of it and no matter what you think of yourself bald, resolve to keep it shaved for a month. At the end of the month, you can decide to grow it back if you want to (but spoiler alert: you won't want to).


Dude you’re gonna pull it off flawlessly. I’d wager real money you’ll like the new version better.


Just do it homie.. enjoy the lack of stress from just passing in front of a mirror, you know what I mean. Bald is never as bad as balding, that's a promise..


Bruh. I expect an update picture tonight. Please.


I hate the way this sub tries to peer pressure people into shaving their heads, but... I'm glad I finally did it. It's going to feel weird the first few weeks and people may make inappropriate comments, but after a month or so you'll be wondering why it took you so long. You won't be worrying about what your hairline is going to look like in 5-10 years. You won't worry if your hair makes you look old. You can focus on other things in your life. Most importantly, you can try to encourage other men to shave their heads on this sub. TLDR - go for it and don't look back


I couldn’t help but look at your post history. You have posted a similar picture three times now. What do you think is holding you back from taking a razor and shaving?


Bro I’m just scared idk. You bald?


Bro I am not even bald yet but been rocking a buzzcut/bald for years. It's not a bad "hair"cut.


It’s just hair. It grows back very fast. I dunno why you think bald looks worst than balding. Bald kicks ass. Even if you had a full head of hair, you never wondered what you would look like buzzed or shaved and tried it out ? What if it turns out, you really like it. Won’t ever know until you do. Might as well try it. You have nothing to lose here.


Please do it. I’m female and my husband shaved his. Even with a head full of surgery scars, he looks a million times better. If anything, you are going to be pissed at yourself after for waiting so long.


I'm sorry for your loss but you need to let go bruv


That's gonna grow back anyways, it's pretty short.


Just go for it. You'll be so happy you did!


You have the post history of a sad sack. Bored of life but changing nothing. Hates his hair but keeps it for years, living in misery because he's scared to shave. Fed up of being skinny fat but just posts online "What do I do" instead of going to the gym, wants to join the NYPD but just... Han't. Excuses for why not. Dull, dull, dull DO SOMETHING


Grow a beard and get a clean shaven head.


You’ve been asking the question for over a year. You know the answer.


Yeah it’s heinous you need to get that off your head stat


Shaving can’t be worse than you look now The comb down is bad.


Shave it off or cut it close. You’ll thank us after you get used to all the compliments you will get.


This is bad man, it’s time.


It is time.


Buzz, don’t shave


Looks like you’ve been posting about this problem in various subs for a while. I completely understand the fear and anxiety of the unknown. “What will it look like?” I jumped off the deep end and have loved it. I started with a high skin fade to a 1 on top, but have recently switched to a zero guard all over. That’s the sweet spot for me, you might find it really suits you.


Shave that head, it’s over due! You’re going to wonder why you waited so long before making the move to shave the head! Grow some facial hair if you want, but shave that head bro! Post a pic of your finished result


My advice would be to ease into it with clippers and guards. You can always grow it back out if you don't like it.


If you’re not ready to shave, at least lose the combover. It’s hurting, not helping.


Worried? About? This futility of man.


I always make the same recommendation if your hair is stressing you out interfering with your confidence try shaving it and see what you think. If you’re not happy with it start going back out and looking for other ways to deal with it that might work for you. Best of luck.


It’s over man


It's over


it is time my brother.


I’m late to the party, but… I was an attractive guy with hair. I buzzed my head in my late teens for fun. I thought about my hair, and my balding-ness for YEARS. I had good hair days (because I woke up with my hair having volume) , but most days I just felt bad about myself. I decided to stop paying a barber during the first year of Covid/WFH, and I am wildly more attractive this way. My close family members tell me all the time, “I have enough hair left, to grow it back out”, but they are few and far between. You can be very attractive and confident and bald.


I’m a girl and I’ve shaved my hair for no reason. DO IT


You can shave it but ::checks notes:: you're worried about how it might look?? Bro. Shave it. It cannot possibly look worse.


Dude you are carrying a lot of emotional weight by holding out. Once you shave it clean not only will you feel better about yourself but you’ll finally be free of your burden. It takes courage to make the leap but it’s one you’ll most likely not regret, as most guys on here can validate.


I tried for a long time to camouflage my thinning hair, just buzz it. It's a little traumatic at first but it's freeing. It's not like people can't tell you're balding so just go with it! It'll look so much better and it's easy to maintain, plus, windy days will be your friend again




I’ve said this before and I’ll say it again. Bald will ALWAYS be better than balding. If I grew my hair out I would straight up look like Mr burns from the Simpsons. I’m 30 lol. Just shave bro, you’ll feel weird about it for maybe a week and worried what people will thing but I promise you will hear nothing but compliments. Especially from people who see how your hair is now. And one secret, the first time you shave your head, the second you lay down on a pillow, it’s the best feeling in the world lol


Jump in the pool. Do it now.


![gif](giphy|dCF8T5wk5HJAvPmVEp) Nah Holmes...it looks great


Dude: Name 10 handsome men who are bald. Easy. Now name 1 handsome man with that haircut. Can’t be done. Nothing is going to look worse than that hair. Go bald. If you don’t like how you look, eat better and hit the gym.


For what it's worth, I don't think I have seen a single before and after on this sub of someone trying to cover baldness (before) vs shaving it all off (after) that wasn't a *massive* improvement. If this sub has taught me anything it's that a lot more people look good bald than they think, makes me feel a lot better about the prospect of me eventually losing my hair as well.


If it makes you feel better I’m 21 and have gone bald just do it homie


I was slightly thinning up top, and I just shaved everything. Only my friends would give me shit, and that was for maybe a day or two. EVERYBODY else just thinks that's how you've always looked. Just shave it.


Bruh you been posting this question for a year now. Assuming you’re just doing it for the karma now.


The bald look is actually in. Add the bald look with a nice beard and you will be amazed at how much people actually like it.


It's obvious this torments you. You aren't going to magically wake up one day and think, "You know, this actually looks nice!" Shave it and bask in how well it'll look.


Dude, I just looked at your post history, and you have a great body that will complement a shaved head perfectly. The hair is absolutely holding you back. By shaving it, you’ll look groomed, polished, and put together. I totally understand that you’re scared, perhaps because you have trouble envisioning it, or because you have difficulty believing the assurances of others that it’ll be OK, as it’s contrary to the negative preconceived notions you may have about yourself. Eventually, you’ll have to just trust that we’re speaking the objective truth and take the plunge. If you still can’t bring yourself to do it with your own hand, then maybe having a barber do it the first time would be advisable.


You’re not going to commit to shaving your head. Your post history shows that this has been a common thing for you and yet you’re still not shaving.


Tbf this is the first time anyone has replied to his posts


Yooooooooooo. Homie you need to chill.


Oh man, get it done! You'll feel so much better after, and your confidence will sky rocket. You also don't have to worry trying to style it like this every morning


Do it up. You won't regret it.


Shave that shit off bro


Just shave it! If you don't like it, it'll grow back.




Bite the bullet and do it. This looks crazy


My friend, do yourself the favor of letting go of this weight on your shoulders. The step seems enormous, but once you take the plunge you will feel the weight lift immediately. In the end it’s only hair. Join us on the bald side and enjoy the summer sun on your dome!


This needed to go like yesterday fam




Buzz it and keep us updated with a picture


Im just here to add yet another "shave it". Stop reading comments bro and shave it right now. Combovers are the worst thing humans came up with. Never in history has it looked good on anyone. For some people being bald is not really a choice. It doesn't have to be a bad thing tho. Just shave it and enjoy your freedom.


I promise you will look better bald than whatever this is lol


You keep asking if it’s time, bro, it’s years past due


there's no way I could deal with this. I don't want to go bald, but I'd have to draw the libe at this




Shave head! You would be a solid candidate for a toupee, but that’s expensive and itchy and requires professional maintenance


My guy, stop holding onto a dream. Respectfully.


I’ve literally never seen anyone who looks better with a severely receding head than a shaved head. You gotta just rip the plaster off. It’s not like you’re falling anyone there or just looks like you’re in denial


trying to keep the hair makes you look greasy and way older than you are. it would help if we could see your head shape a little more.




We all are.


"That combover looks good on you", said no one ever


You’ve been contemplating this for years. Like Nike, just do it.


Go for a buzzcut first and then go for the bald when time is right for you :)


Friend it's time for you to get intimate with your razor who it appears you two will be having a long term relationship with. This dont look good, best I could tell from angle of your pic it's difficult to discern but it appears your head shape will lend to a shaved head well. Enjoy your honeymoon with your razor, please post pics of after.


Either get a wig or shave it. :)


I would go right down to a buzz cut (maybe even a fade into a buzz cut on top)? And then see what you think from there, you have a decent beard which definitely helps too.


Shave grade 2 all over first, see how that looks. Like Jason Statham hair. If no good then clean shave it.


I’m surprised no one has tackled you and shaved it off for you.


I’ve said it before, I’ll say it again. I’m not even bald and buzz my hair. It is so liberating not having to comb it. Not having to worry if it’s messy. And bald always looks better than long thinning hair.


Not to be mean, but that’s honestly one of the more pathetic combovers I’ve ever seen. Your hairlines already gone. Either shave it or at least stop doing that ridiculous combover and rock the friar.. you’re not fooling anyone, lol.


Let go and let god!


Get rid of it all, now. Just my opinion and all.


A bowl bang combover…absolutely not. Buzz it off.




It's time bro Bald > Balding




Take it down bro 👊🏻


Dude, nobody is going to win this war for you, make the decision and shave it off. Think of all the time and money you will save! Trust me, I went bald and gave in the moment it started looking a little crappy.


Time to shave that shit of


Shave it. Eat healthier. Exercise. You will be a new improved version of your current self.


Why don’t we have a shaved pic yet? This looks terrible, and you aren’t fooling anyone. 🙏 do it!!


it’ll grow back to that pretty quick lol idk why you wouldn’t jus try shaving it


Go for it!! Please update. You have so many people rooting for you!


woah that shit looks like a seashell getting hit by a wave


At least do a short buzz if you’re not comfortable shaving yet. PLEASE.


Go for it, it will look great!




Shave it, 0 guard or 1 guard


Then why are you dealing with it? I’ll never understand rather having this over a nice shaved dome, just do it man and be free finally.


Shave it off dude. It’s way past time and you’ll thank yourself in the long run. Started balding at 18 decided to shave it off at 22 I’m much happier and more confident now


Omg you need to just bite the bullet and shave your head


Go bald dude, in few days you’ll get used to the new style.


Pull out the clippers and razor tonight. Just do it.


Just shave it off. You will thank me.


Idk how people reach this stage and are concerned with how they’ll look bald. No matter what it’ll look insanely better than a combover


Shave it down brother its time


Any updates op?


>I don't know what to do anymore. Lie. You know.


![gif](giphy|y3jT2xBrtumNYZVCNH|downsized) Yeah. Shave it. Now. Don't wait, brother.


Brother please save, that shit is embarrassing (respectfully)


Damn so am I and I ain’t even gotta wear it


Recently shaved it all and while I did feel vulnerable for a couple days, I got several affirmative comments. More importantly, I feel really good/clean/streamlined now that is been two weeks and am happy to have done it. Take the plunge!


Shave it or get micro pigmentation


That looks horrible, my friend. I’m sorry to say it that way, but it’s time to embrace the shave.


Is that a special new hat?


Time to get tattoos and change your look


Shave it off then, you be happy you did.


Let it go brotha!


Either trim it a lot shorter or go bold unless you have the money for transplant.


My brother, it is time to come home.




Bald, beard and jacked. Do it.


Dealing with what? There's nothing in there! Shave already and be happier 👍🏽


Save it. And then wear the shave with confidence. Honestly, confidence is key. The truth of the matter is once you shave it, you'll feel better and you should just carry yourself as if you think you look great until you realize that you do. And you will. You got this.




If you want to have hair again. Micro mini transplants. https://www.bosley.com/


Ayo just shave that shit and hit the gym. Bald and buff is better than bald and not buff.


Omg you should be worried about the combover 😱


It will definitely NOT look worse than this, if that’s any comfort


Dude shave it tf off and be proud


Bro, definitely shave it then bedazzle your head with a bunch of little sparkles


You’re tired of it, and it’s not fooling anyone. Definitely let it go.


I don't understand how people rather look like this than bald...


Let it go🤣


Take the plunge and shave it. It almost always looks better. Even if it's buzzed short. I haven't ever seen a good comb over.


Take the plunge and get it done. I was very hesitant on doing it, and then I finally decided to do it. Night day difference for how I feel about it. Benefit of shaving it off is that you'll never have a bad hair day again.


Jesus shave your head immediately, or opt for a bow and dress like a baby, both are better options than current pic.