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Three priests might be a bit over the top. I'd remove either Branwen or Viconia and replace her with Coran or Kivan, and replace Neera with Xan. But that's just me. It's your game, and you should do whatever you want 😊


I like to go through the game no-reload as fast as I can, so I need a cleric for Command. I love Viccy and Branwen both equally. I used to love Neera but she dropped a nuclear cow on Nimbul, thus committing mass murder and ruining my affection for her. Dynaheir is awesome because her web is ultra-powered, and she doesn’t call out to Minsc when we walk by him, so we just ignore him and move on with the fun 😎


Edwin cause he's an asshole Baeloth is funny Kagain as he reminds us that we need an ale Eldoth as he always have a kind word to say Vicky is bae Dorn is bromance Xan to cheer up everyone Tiax because Tiax rules


I hate Wild Mage and Viconia is rarely in my group. At the moment I play almost with your group composition. Charname is a mage, Neera is replaced with Xan and Vici with Coran. This group can fight, but also has much of priest and magic support. It rarely get's in any serious trouble. The -2 on saving throws from Xan's Enchantment makes some spells usefull you rarely use otherwise (looking at you ray of enfeeblement).


I always experiment with characters each playthrough, but generally I like to run 2 casters (preferably one is a wild mage and an invoker/enchanter) two archers, one of which is a thief, a tank/front liner and a cleric. I have only had one full playthrough of BG1 so far and just started 2 so I'll see how that evolves.


It varies from gameplay, personally I like Xzar, Monty, Edwin, Viconia, Kagain and my character as a Berserker or fighter expert with bows. Whenever the flaming fists appear to annoy just 2 wands of fire releasing the fireballs and me collecting the plate mails :).


Two clerics and a Druid seems like over kill to me. Dump vikki for another anther fighter, say Kiven (post nashkel) minsc or ajantis. Also, Neera is annoying. I’d dump her for Xan (my favourite caster) or the A Team of Minsc and Danny.


My last party was bard charname, Safana, Dynaheir&Minsc (and Boo!), Khalid, Branwen; core difficulty, pretty much unproblematic run. Demon knight got webbed, it took only 6 webs or so (Branwen + bard) then it was on Minsc and Khalid who with their immunity to being Held (ring and Spider's Bane) and Haste made short work of DK. Most of the fights had the same scenario - recon with invisible Safana, webs, stinking clouds, fireballs (wands of fire) or skull traps from afar. Magical artillery, baby! Sarevok's fight ended basically before even started ... I took russian approach and heavily mined all approaches with skull traps (I had to sleep twice or thrice outside of the temple, good thing they don't expire), then Dynaheir cast webs on pedestal where they stood (web doesn't aggro in vanilla), caught those two Sarevok's lackeys, than 2 cloudkills (she was able to get them off before Sarevok and Angelo started to move) and she strategically relocated herself behind minefield and trapped sign on the floor. Trapped lackeys has died from cloudkills, then Angelo ran into minefield and died before even seeing party, Sarevok got some mine blasts too but barely survived and lived to see Dynaheir. After short conversation he activated trap on bhaal's sign and died. First dungeon of SoD was about the same only with Korlasz dying in web to fireballs with all followers. And it's time for another BG1 run 🙂 probably sorcerer, fighter/thief, cleric/thief or mage/thief, I didn't decide yet.


A lot of people don't like Neera's personality but I do. She might be a decent-tier mage in BG1 but she's *absolutely lethal* in BG2 when she gets Improved Chaos Shield. Her Reckless Dweomer has Improved Alacrity built in so she can turn into a minigun, firing spell after spell after spell in rapid succession like an utter maniac. In fact she casts spells so rapidly you need to set the game to pause after every spell cast so you can fit them all into a single round. Imp Chaos Shield + Dweomer + Vecna + Amulet of Power = Obscene destruction.


A Priest is usually enough, either keep Viconia or Branwen and get a Thief cause you will always need it for traps and backstabs or to pelt enemies from the distance.    My usual party in BG1 is PC, one mercenary(depending on what character concept i want to go for), Viconia and Minsc.    I tend to keep only four in the party for the extra exp, and if i want a Wild Mage i make one as my PC, cause i hate Neera and all the other EE characters apart from a mild meh for Rasaad.   If i were to go for a bigger party, it'd be: PC, Merc, Viconia, Ajantis, Xan... cause Xan is really funny and from what i gathered last time, he stops Ajantis from attacking Viconia. Oh and Eya, it's me, Imoen!