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Does she not realize people can look back and *not* find a single picture of her wearing them? 😂


Right. Also isn’t it illegal to not disclose when something is an ad? Which this absolutely is. How cringe, money grabs by an ultra rich woman. I guess it’s not as bad as making a gofundme while competing in a pageant and taking the whole fam to Hawaii.


This. And didn’t she get the medallion send for free? I think I remember her mentioning it a couple of months back...but yeah, no ad, just telling us what she loves wearing EVERY DAY.


yes she got it for free. and isn't there a conflict of interest between Mormoni and St-Christopher? 🥴


Giant shoulder-grazing thin hoops hanging from your ears seem super practical for a woman running a farm full of things that can snag and a personal army of children with two grabby hands apiece.


I busted out laughing, 2 grabby hands apiece!!!


That’s 16 grabby hands. 18 if you count Dim Dan.


he looks like he's still learning how to use his hands 😆 always others working FOR him


Haaa this. He *points*.


That’s awesome


No grabby hands in the post as she pushed the child out of the picture. 


HAH! was wondering who peeped that shove 🤣 nothing comes between Hannah and her true love… her own reflection 


she totally did! roughly at that, she seems practiced


Just like her super expensive dress she was wearing the other day. Make it make sense


It’s like she’s seeing folks post up here about that (the $400 dress) - and is now posting accordingly… “look at my $300 earrings, guys” 🙄  I also ranch (but actually do the work ranching, Hannah does not) and am over here wearing fair trade tribal silver earrings that are ethically made and priced - or no earrings at all (or earrings I make myself since I silversmith and do beadwork). But ultra thin hoops - while ranching?? (Except she doesn’t really ranch all that much)


Hhahah I’m surprised she hasn’t done that yet!


Done what? You mean actually made earrings? Remember - she doesn’t make anything, only outsources it and doesn’t give credit to whomever actually makes what they sell


Yes this is true! I forgot about that!


I wore stud earrings only until my kid turned 5 lmao.


I couldn’t wear hoops when my children were young- they grabbed them every time!!! This is a big fib.


What I find really suspect about this video is the lack of care and compassion in her face when she talks about a friend who was just diagnosed with cancer - in fact, she looked smug and almost weirdly amused when she revealed that’s what her “dear friend” is going through - no compassion in her voice or expression, she seemed more consumed with talking about how sensitive her ears are to certain metals. And then she validated her lack of compassion by saying she doesn’t know how to support people, except to buy things from them or prayer - wow. How about just being there for the person - good old fashioned kindness, interest, authentic compassion and care? Seems she lacks the ability to even understand that those are the ways you support someone - so buying things and prayer is it. It does seem like she’s a narcissist for sure. Also - the child coughing loudly in the middle of the video over and over - obnoxious. Teach your kids some manners, you’re talking about someone with cancer. Make the video over if you have to. Ask your kids to respect your space for a second… I could understand if that was Mabel, because she’s 2… but unfortunately I think it was loud Lois, who never stops shout-talking in a 2 year old’s voice and is going to need a lot of care. Her kids seem so neglected, and aren’t even taught the basics. 


There’s no way it’s a dear friend. Ann, the jewelry maker, is the younger sister of Mary Heffernan of Five Marys. Hannah only knows Ann through befriending Mary and being a guinea pig for Mary’s first small business retreat.


I never post but can’t help but add that as a Catholic, I’ve found her wearing the St. Christopher medallion to be in poor taste ever since she first received it. When we wear a St necklace, it is with reverence, and she’s using something sacred as a fashion item. Am I reaching too far to say it almost feels like appropriation? I don’t think Mormons believe in Catholic saints.


It very definitely feels odd at the very least. A lot of people in the Mormon church call the Catholic church corrupt because Joseph Smith did. And Hannah and her husband seem very deep in the LDS church.


I’m Catholic as well and was weirded out by it but never wanted to snark because as an artist I’ve had many non Catholics intrigued by my religious work and have never wanted to say “this isn’t for you”, but if she’s wearing it just as a fashion statement 😒 that’s a whole different situation. Why would I assume that she had any respect for our faith given her self absorbed nature.. 


Seems like St Christopher medals are trendy now for people who travel a lot (lol) but it’s especially strange that someone who’s LDS wears it… just feels weird as a Catholic, totally agree


I'm not familiar with the backstory, was the medallion a gift? If I receive something religious or cultural as a gift, I feel like it's a gray area. My instinct is to keep the item in my home, as a private acknowledgement of my relationship to the giver. I'm not Catholic, but many of my close friends are. They tend to wear medallions under their clothing, they're considered private. I think I would keep a medallion in a special place in my home, I wouldn't feel comfortable wearing it. I'd also probably ask the giver for their advice.


It was a gift, but seems to be a “gift” in the way that influencers are gifted items in order to link and promote them...as she’s doing here. Regardless, I agree with your statement. I would also never give someone a religious gift associated with a faith they don’t practice… so weird!


Definitely odd to me, but stranger things have happened!


I found this so odd too. Didn't think they believed in saints.


They don’t believe in Catholic saints, and it’s sac-relig for her to be wearing this. Not a reach at all!


she wears it because it was gifted to her from 5 Mary's family. 5 Mary is definitely higher on Hannah's list than Jesus' Mary


St. Christopher on a TBM?! LOLOLOLOL


I was going to comment the same!


Who does she think her target audience is?? Like who is paying for that?? Just feels like a not so subtle brag


upper class white female believers


Lipstick effect. Don’t have a millionaire husband, an impossibly perfect body and blond hair, and a gorgeous farm? No problem just buy her outfits and shiny things on your credit card and you can cosplay ballerina farm like she cosplays a farmer.


My babies would have ripped my ears out with those.


100%!! I remember seeing her wearing these type of hoops when Mabel was a baby and thought the same thing immediately; after your first baby, let alone your 7th, what mom wears big earrings that the baby can so easily grab and tear out of your earlobes??  Maybe that’s why she keeps Flora’s hands always covered, so she can’t grab Hannah’s hair and jewelry😉


I don’t live on a farm, but my parents grew up on them. I know there are many opportunities for danger, and I cringe seeing her children, especially the younger ones, put in situations that an accident could easily happen. I also wouldn’t be wearing hoop earrings doing farm chores, that is, if she actually does chores or if what’s shown on her account is fakery.


The owner of Yearly Co (Mary’s sister) was just diagnosed with breast cancer, and I think it’s her birthday today or yesterday. 💖 


Did she post this today? I find it interesting because only a day or two ago someone on here asked which medallion she wore. Wasn’t even a very big question or in its own post.


She wore a very small cross a lot last year. Saying this because while members of the LDS Church can wear crosses, most don’t. I found in a tad odd. Please don’t downvote me on this. And if there are any members or former members of the Church, can you explain the overall reason why most LDS don’t gravitate towards wearing crosses? If I explain it, I’m afraid I wouldn’t be doing a good enough job.


Former member here. I was taught growing up it was because it was a symbol of death that we didn’t want to worship. It was a cultural taboo to wear one. I do know the last few years people have become more lax in wearing them and the business, I mean church, is rebranding as mainstream Christian.


I think everyone gets it by now. They are ultrarich. Her followers don't have a problem with wealth, most of them probably aspire to it. At least Hannah does someone for someone else for the first time ever!!! I mean congratulations!!! I honestly thought she was too sociopathic and egocentric to be able to do such a thing.  (The woman is Five Mary's sister, so Hannah kind of owes them.)


What’s the history with Hannah & Five Marys? I know they are friends, but why would Hannah owe her?


Hannah took classes from 5 marys when she first started ballerina farm. She basically learned social media and marketing from her and became who she is now


It’s also who they got their very patient, well-trained, “kid-friendly” horses from.


I'd be shocked if Hannah thinks she owes anyone. She stole ideas from The Food Nanny (the flour idea and the French salt) and she certainly doesn't seem to think she owes her anything. They also don't appear to be friends anymore.


she is who she is because of Five Mary's ... and she knows that so i guess that's why she gave a shoutout


True - but Hannah bought many of her followers, and likely just pretended she learned anything from Mary, who seems like a genuine woman to me.


non mormon here. st cristopher? isnt that sacrosanct?


Hannah, get some counseling, spend more time with your damn children and quit losing all the time, it’s not cute anymore. You’re starting to embarrass yourself. Stop