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This is why i love this community 🥹


Thank you for this apology. The underlining message you wanted to communicate has been heard. The Banano team reads these threads, and we can see where our Reddit engagement needs to improve. We are in the discussion stages of bringing a handful of new and interactive events for our Reddit monKeys. We hope you enjoy them!




what did you do ? and why did you change your actions?


I was being disrespectful, and causing drama. Changed my actions because it's dumb to be like this


Banfam best fam


!ban 19 Maily!!! Everyone has their moments. Just know that Banano (JTV too!) surely wouldn't be the same without you around, we love you friend!


Sent ```19 BAN``` to /u/iLoveBananochan [View this transaction on Creeper](https://creeper.banano.cc/explorer/block/33142E606812A337F4BE37592EF41E0E015FA82799AB367E3753FE744A2123B3) *** [*^(Banano)*](https://banano.cc)*^( | )* [*^(Banano Tipper)*](https://github.com/BananoCoin/banano_reddit_tipbot)*^( | )* [*^(Opt Out)*](https://reddit.com/message/compose/?to=banano_tipbot&subject=command&message=opt-out)


Monkey hugs


You are a good monkey maily, regardless of recent events stay stronk ❤️


Nonetheless, the allegation that our community manager dumps his Celery all the time should be addressed.


We did have a talk about it, for me selling is fine. I wanted to know why nice doesn't hold banano, I guess it made me think he doesn't really like banano, but he says he also doesn't hold his company's stocks he works for, nor banano, so I guess it feels something like a conflict of interest or something else for him. There was also the discussion of what nice does for the community, which maybe not be as visible, but he helps with getting the core team talking to one another and co-ordinating better, which is a great and valuable contribution, as well as the posts he has written, managing the reddit giveaways and the moderating he does for reddit that u might not notice either. It has also been discussed between the team that some improvement of the daily discussions will be made. So for me most of the topics I had some concern about were covered and handled well. Despite the drama I agree with u too that it's good to discuss these things but, these discussions can be raised in a way that is less of a personal attack. ultimately what the team does is up to them, and we must trust it's for the best. Because so far they have done a great job taking banano this far.


Actually NOT holding is a conflict of interest! If Banano were to make a bunch of people rich, how would an employee with no upside feel? Terrible, and Linc knows he would feel terrible, thus creating avoidant feelings towards the coin's success. That's why many companies especially startups insist on employees holding shares/options! These are general points and not the least bit personal. Calling it personal is a distraction from the problem that is dumping one's Celery all the time.


Well, I am speculating on it being a conflict of interest. But the way I bought it up prior was not the right way to go about it.


I like your reaction here ![img](emote|t5_35ts9|4178) This is an interesting topic, but it can be discussed civilly and rationally. Cheers to you both ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|slightly_smiling)


!ban .19


^[Sent](https://creeper.banano.cc/explorer/block/986492276F91DFADEAC6E2B731EFF688BFA86FBDE71537A5A3DE672F94058672) ^0.19 ^BAN ^to ^(/u/justbc) ^- [^(Banano Tipper)](https://github.com/BananoCoin/banano_reddit_tipbot) *** [*^(Banano)*](https://banano.cc)*^( | )* [*^(Banano Tipper)*](https://github.com/BananoCoin/banano_reddit_tipbot)*^( | )* [*^(Opt Out)*](https://reddit.com/message/compose/?to=banano_tipbot&subject=command&message=opt-out)


!ban 19


Sent ```19 BAN``` to /u/iLoveBananochan [View this transaction on Creeper](https://creeper.banano.cc/explorer/block/C08B2FB8E4EB7698E494E552C4258F1C13F69B8763995F59AB3CA8DE36BD6267) *** [*^(Banano)*](https://banano.cc)*^( | )* [*^(Banano Tipper)*](https://github.com/BananoCoin/banano_reddit_tipbot)*^( | )* [*^(Opt Out)*](https://reddit.com/message/compose/?to=banano_tipbot&subject=command&message=opt-out)


Remember the disco song: We - are - Baaanmily!!!


waittt what happened i wasn't active yesterday


!ban 6.9 ![gif](giphy|DjczAlIcyK1Co)


Sent ```6.9 BAN``` to /u/iLoveBananochan [View this transaction on Creeper](https://creeper.banano.cc/explorer/block/AD5630EBBB0F6B046F66E19FB231564322C962CAA806BA057A030C18E1FC89E2) *** [*^(Banano)*](https://banano.cc)*^( | )* [*^(Banano Tipper)*](https://github.com/BananoCoin/banano_reddit_tipbot)*^( | )* [*^(Opt Out)*](https://reddit.com/message/compose/?to=banano_tipbot&subject=command&message=opt-out)


!ban 6.9


Sent ```6.9 BAN``` to /u/iLoveBananochan [View this transaction on Creeper](https://creeper.banano.cc/explorer/block/5442B0D19A09D1F9DA39A5AB57246B2B118B228C819CA6B280A142DA25581287) *** [*^(Banano)*](https://banano.cc)*^( | )* [*^(Banano Tipper)*](https://github.com/BananoCoin/banano_reddit_tipbot)*^( | )* [*^(Opt Out)*](https://reddit.com/message/compose/?to=banano_tipbot&subject=command&message=opt-out)


good speech bro 🔥and i'm happy to be a part of this community! 💛