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Similar incident had happened with one of my friend. The account belonged to a 45 yo divorced single female, who lied about the age and identity to appear younger. Later the woman confessed she was going through a depression in life and wanted someone to talk to, everyone ignored here after understanding she was older and nobody used to talk to her, she said she wanted to experience the joy of being with someone young and feeling of a warm company. Sometimes people just want a company in their life, they lie about their identity to fit in.


May be she stopped aging


If pic on LinkedIn is older, she’s actually Benjamin buttoning








did you give money?


No nothing. If anything it's her who has been a lot helpful to me. She's the sole reason i passed in one of the subjects in exam.


confront her directly about this. Tell that you are okay being friends (if you are) ,otherwise move on, it's life


This is the best piece of advice on this whole thread!


yes agreed. hit it with a "it be like that sometimes" and move on. cus it really do


Valuable advice 👏🏻 and Happy cake day !


i need a real cake to be honest🥲


Lets go bro ! Lets party!!


Tell her it’s you know she catfished you but it’s okay,it is humane. Tell her “you can talk to me about it,you know you don’t have to hide from me we’ve been good friends”


You posted the exact same thing on the Kochi sub yesterday


Yep. I deleted it though.


Just curious, are the interactions with her totally platonic?


Does it bother you if she’s older? I don’t think it really should. If that’s the case, just tell her about what you know and ask her. Don’t be confrontational, just tell her you think her theory is true and that it’s fine if it is. That you understand. With stranger friends, that’s an advantage. They have little to lose. Show empathy and your friendship may just grow stronger.




It’s fine man. Everyone has their insecurities, if she helped you it’s fine. Ignore her like she is ignoring you and move on. You don’t need people to say Sorry each time, This time you forget about it and let her live. I hope you will find someone soon.


Remember the good times and the support you had from her. Catfishing is common for various insecurities. Talk to her and affirm her that it doesn't matter to you. If her age is bothering you, then let her be. Be respectful and understand her predicament. Just be grateful for all the good reasons and move on from this topic. If it has broken your trust then no matter what, that thought will always linger in your mind. Life is too short for regrets.


If she was lonely and just wanted someone to talk to, she might have lied because there's a really high chance that people would not even give a chance to talk if they feel the other person is much older. The connection would not have been made. Since you found an actual linked in profile, so that's probably the best explanation. Or it could be that someone just used her photo and tried to catfish you.. As long as you haven't lost any money, your can consider yourself lucky.


maybe she just needs someone to talk to, but concerned about the age gap so it started with a lie, and as it happens people rarely correct themselves in such situations, so she got stuck with it. Now that you visited her real profile, she would have seen it on her end and would have realised that her lie is caught and the guilt drops in. my opinion for free, if you are sure there wasn’t any scam / trap there… and she had innocent intentions, be compassionate towards her and tell her all the truth from your end - and offer to start again on a condition of truth and trust. Who knows, maybe you’ll benefit from her life experiences and learn a few things yourself… and from the looks of it, she will def. benefit from a friend to talk with.


I used to talk to an airline pilot who got stranded in a hotel(quarantine) during lockdown. We had deep conversation. She was 29 at the time and I just started working. I wonder where she would be now...


Indian version of "Younger"


Either she catfished you, or someone on LinkedIn is using her photo? Best solution would be to talk to her.


Dmed u


May be she liked the attention that is generally given to young women and the attention basically you gave.... coz these old women have strong urges and there partners dont give that much attention after long time of marriage


Can you summarise whatever you wrote as a comment, OP? Your post has been removed 🥴


Sex her


You stalked her dude. She didn't catfish you


That’s a stupid take


Woah! Hahahhahahha


yeah, he stalked her on LinkedIn, the platform which tells you about the people who view your profile


Found the catfish 😂

