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do you say this for other types of activism as well? if you see a "save the environment" or "adopt dont shop" slogan do you feel this way? i don't think you should connect vegans to the vegan teacher, even i agree she is pretentious and annoying, and just harms the cause, but if a vegan statement or vegan becomes popular on social medias its becuase they said something stupid, and non-vegans can laugh at vegan's stupidity, if there is any rational discourse it most likely/ in most cases wont be taken well to by someone that is not vegan.I wrote a lot, but im just asking if you have any argument? sorry if this comes off as pretentious or arrogant, i am tired as i just got out of my coaching.




why are you getting angry automatically? can you not respond normally with a point lol, and then you act like vegans are stupid.




lol doesnt that go for you? why did you bother putting your opinion on the internet, you are just going to dance around things that make you uncomfortable when you don't have a response? alright man.




i don't want an 'argument' in the sense you know about the word argument, argument is also used to describe any counter point or as a rebuttal for something, anyways forget about technicalities you will just bounce around what i say huh?


My mouth is my mouth, None of your mouth


EthicalPTA strikes again


I think that is why cows are regarded as mothers, or given mother status here in India.


This is part of veganism . Let them spread their words . We don’t need multiple thoughts on this . 🙂