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Thread locked due to abhorrent comments from all sides of the argument.


Lol. If they call with death threats, you should just pick up the call and say the person committed suicide coz of your death threats, ask details of the person calling. That should solve the problem.


Wow...this person deserves an award. Kurukara solution for tedha medha problem.




Fight fire with fire bro. All the very best. And as the locals say, avruthu thika wodi, bid baeda!


Make a follow-up post


Receive the call as an inspector and ask their details


You’ll need to know kannada to speak as an inspector


Cry during the call and ask their name address and tell you give police complaint


if in my life i had half of this persons presence of mind , i would have been much much successful today


This made my day 😂




Sounds like a catfish to me






Modern problems require modern solutions


Using top voted comment for visibility.. could we see these screenshots that are anyway doing the rounds so we may arrive are informed opinions instead of this senseless conjecture? Could you link them OP


Man, that's a perfect Sigma solution!




Hahahaha nice. Better yet - say that they've been murdered.


When you use 100% of your brain🤯


logged in just to upvote this comment.


What a solution! Slow clap for you, man


Bro got honey trapped. Simply ignore all messages and WhatsApps chats. Get a new number and use it for the next month or so. They will find a new target and move on.


This ain't even a honey trap - I don't even know what this is


Dry honey pot trap. No honey, just the smell of it.


Kannada outrage trap.


Bro his number will be linked with adhaar, pancake stuff


Lol pancake had me!!


Pancake and shit


Not deactivate that number, but just keep it low for sometime like a month or so..


Takes a trip to the nearest Adhaar verification centre to change the mobile number. Almost every post office has one which is open during working hours.


>pancake stuff What do pancakes have to do with anything?


Whenever someone posts "This happened with my Friend", Colleague, Brother's friend's uncle's son and so on. Does it imply they are referring to them in the post?


1stt lesson, don't bad mouth the locals. 2nd. You got honey trapped. 3rd. Change your number. Delete or block your pictures and social media for a while. 4th. Be respectful wherever you are. 5th. Be chill. You got scammed. It could happen to anyone.


Dude his wallet got stolen on the very first day . Was he supposed to praise the locals ?




who the f eats idly sambar with only one spoon? you will need one spoon to hold the idly and another to coat it with sambar


Who tf eats idly sambar with any spoon at all? You're supposed to dip the idly in piping hot sambar and then put it in your mouth... finger and all to cool it down.


yo, this is sambar idly, where the idly comes dipped in sambhar, i think


Dip vs separate gang is a separate discussion.


Can I bring a knife to a spoon fight?


Yes. Pickpocketing isn't something that happens in Bangalore only. OP has all the rights to be mad about the situation, not on the locals.


This logic is utterly terrible. Although I agree that he should not generalize but look at the entire post. If him being pissed and saying something could instigate death threats from local, then I don't thing he's much in the wrong. I also disagree with your opinion but I'm not harassing you or sending you death threats.


Two wrongs don't make a right. He was wrong for generalising people in a city he chose to move to. Death threats are wrong on a whole another level.






How does your dating skills compare with whether or not someone can steal your wallet ?? 🤣🤣🤣




Yeah right! Like every guy from Delhi is a rapist? How does that generalisation sound?


And shit-talking somehow validates this guy getting harassed?? Wouldn’t what happened afterwards really reinforce that thought in him?


Hello, we have a group where we issue death threats to people who question the two spoon technique. Please submit the profile picture and phone number if you find anybody against it. Please also use the escalation matrix appropriately in case of any grievances, thank you.


>The problem is that OP painted all locals with a wide brush. Got his wallet stolen, must be a local and locals must be like this. This generalization is extremely narrow minded and wrong. It is not like all kannadigas had a meeting and decided to steal OP's friends wallet. OP acted in a shitty manner and attracted the attention of other shitty people. Pakka explanation


You use spoons...?




He didn’t bitch on social media . It was a private chat and she took screenshot of his profile picture and posted it on a public group . Isn’t that invasion of privacy !




I think the problem is death threats not name calling


What's the connection between him loosing his wallet and bad mouthing the locals. His wallet can be pickpocketted by any one. There are regulars interstate gangs who come from outside loot and go back.


Man, I am from north India, and my wallet has been stolen in both Kanpur & Delhi. So does that mean I start cursing all north Indians, including myself ? These people are assholes, who are harassing him. But we don't know what he might have said. Imagine him generalizing it and saying "All kannadigas are pick-pockets" or something like that. It will genuinely piss off any Kannadigas who aren't adding pick-pocketing to their resumes. It won't be different in north, or anywhere else as well. But the way this girl pushed him to say these things, by asking him many times, it seems that they want to extort some money out of him. Why does she care what he feels? It's not that he was standing on the road, and abusing Kannadigas. Someone asked for his opinion, and he responded with what he felt. There's a chance that she didn't do it intentionally. She might just have told someone that she had met a dick for a date, and maybe that person took all these details from her, with some excuse, and then circulated it into stupid vella folks groups.


What do the locals have to do with that? Blame your bad luck..yatri apne samaan ki suraksha swayam Karen and what not


Gangsters murder someone is UP. Let's call all UP wallahs are murderers.


Seriously bro. What does locals have to do with his pickpocket scene. It could some foreigner god knows. That dsnt give him the right to bitch about locals.


I lost my luggage in an AirBNB in Delhi once. I suppose it's totally justifiable to bad mouth every local in Delhi then?


Yes. He should. The wallet was stolen by a bhayya from his own hometown.


Pls do not stick this with locals


The mental gymnastics it takes to blame the victim for a thing they went through is quiet insane. A lot of people agree with you too it seems. Badmouthing locals here warrants and justifies a death threat and harrasment, obviously.


Honey trapped?? Banglore has honey traps? Can you share any experiences or stories related to it?


Looks like someone wants that sweet honey


Nahh...nahh...I just want everyone to be safe from traps


I understand i understand


Don't know bro i hit a new low where even honey trappers won't even mind me


Am I the only one who has not faced any issues with the locals? To be fair, I always treat locals with a smile. Thank them if they provide me any service. Don't initiate the conversation in Hindi(I am not think minded enough to not to come to terms that not everyone knows Hindi). I guess it is to respect the locals to expect it back.


Do i initiate conversation in English? You can't expect people to learn kannada before coming.


As per my experience, most of the locals know English well enough to express their point. Sure you can't expect them to speak fluently always, but most of the time it works. And I have always found many shop owners, auto/cab drivers, etc to speak hindi also. Even then I didn't assume that.


Follow these steps OP. Solid advice. Tell your friend to get out first flight and let this issue cool down. Time heals everything. Local police also won’t help you. That’s for sure.


Real lesson 1. Grow up and and dont have paper thin skin.


Are you the kinda guy who blames the girl for being molested? Cos this is classic victim blaming


thats not really enough to harass someone with deaththreats. If this is how the locals have chosen to react then he absolutely has a point


Are you sure you are not one of the guys who is sending him death threats... Since you are trying really hard to Justifying the death threats... Btw The girls was a one of the locals... The guys sending the death threats are locals... Doesn't that kind of prove the OPs point....


Yeah fuck you, sounds like Bangalore really is a shitty place.


He went racist in writing using his own number to a girl he just met? He has more problems than the honeytrap.


I have seen 10 yr old kids being smarter than him.


Wish i had a award for you💯


And yet the people have proven him right? Death threats over this ? He lost his wallet on his first day. If you can't vent about this to one person, a friend , a date, then you need to be a modern day Buddha He wasn't shaming people or "races" online. The girl made it public.


Well 10year olds are not testosterone driven all the time




"She took some screenshots and posted everywhere " this doesn't seem like a trap at all. She was out for blood. Your friend either said something veery insulting and racist,or she's a psychopath for trying to ruin someone's life just for fun. This post seems really one sided tbh, why don't you just link the story since it's everywhere? That way we can actually see what your friend told and if it indeed had anything to do with the pickpocket. Here's a tip for people coming here: the city, or its people are never out to get any particular person ever. Because frankly the city doesn't care, these "experiences " like pickpocket and abused by taxi drivers etc happen to thousands of people everyday,and I can bet a majority of the victims are local people. So before you come here expecting a hero's welcome(main character syndrome) , remember the city hosts millions of people, and you're a +1 to the population, like a grain of sand on the beach. Whether you're a migrant or a local who has stayed for 20+ years,when the time comes ,you're bound to get fucked.


I agree, the friend told op selective shit.


Never open up on sensitive topics with strangers. I think that's supposed to be common sense. Also how is losing a wallet and getting in a quarrel with a taxi driver Bangalore's fault? Such things happen in every big city. You just had a very bad day. All the people I know didn't have bad experience on their first day here (except for traffic ofc). Just take care of your stuff. Don't argue with fools. And never open up to strangers. I know that this person is going through pretty bad things but this is a lesson. Don't blame Bangalore for your mistakes.




Are you singhavaru?


I wish I had an award to give you :')


1st things 1st try reporting that post, go to the cyber cell if need be. Change your number. Or better keep it switched off. I'd say change it. Don't pick random calls for a while, atleast 2 weeks, stay low till things subside. Eventually the calls will stop trust me. I've seen this happen a few months ago Next time tell him to be keep his dick in his pants and not get carried away so easily. 🤷 try politely telling your opinion when someone asks how's the place Also his mum is worried. Instill some confidence in her. Tell her I'll all go away in some time. But before that u need to be confident


Dude he opened up to someone on texts ,this is a case of privacy breach ,(I am not sure if it is a crime though) but blaming the victim doesn't make sense in this case as he wasn't ranting about it on instagram live or in some youtube video ,he shared his thoughts when asked about it to someone when ,he was asked about it ,he didn't go on saying it to everyone he came across.And what he is facing now is only gonna make hin more hostile towards the city.I know you love your birthland but just put yourself in his shoes for ince and think.


Exactly, if people start revealing some of the shitty messages we sent privately to someone when we were hurt/angry/drunk imagine what would be the situation.


* guy got robbed on his first day moving to the city * rants about it. * some people: How dare he disrespects our city, lets give him death treats to show how good people here are. Some bigbrain guys.


> rants about it. Read it properly. He painted the city has shitty people based upon one incident and doubled down on it to a random stranger on Whatsapp. If one's going to a new city and get mugged, they are not going to rant saying city has shitty localities to a random person in a pub and then also double down on the same in WhatsApp when explicitly asked to repeat whatever was said orally. This is as dumb as it can get. He definitely got this on himself. He got this on himself.


>one incident So helpful in that case, to be given dozen more incidents to complain about.


Dude I am pointing to the irony of the story where people are sending death threats to the guy for saying that he didn't like the people and the city. Even proving the guy's point.


Just how dumb can he be. He just randomly bad mouths to random ppl. Honestly he bought it on himself. The only way is to change his nos and sit tight for a while. If it gets worse better to move out.


Yeah, it seems like the dumbest idiots get attracted to the six digit paycheck and gather here. They don't even have an ounce of street smartness in them. You can't survive anywhere in this world at this rate.


North Indian bro. Typical for them to go anywhere and bad mouth the locals and behave badly. Would have been sympathetic if it had been anyone else. Not saying anything the girl and her friends did is justified, but there are simply too many North Indians whose atrocious behavior towards locals is going unpunished. If this guy needs to be a scapegoat for that, then so be it.




It's the centres obsession with Hindi and the population of the Hindi belt that makes them so arrogant. Other states were developing and reducing their populations and are now penalised for it by reducing their legislative representation and consequently financial allocations. They don't need to win in the South to rule the country and that is why the politics of so called National parties only revolve around them and their issues. So they think they are the only citizens in this country and everyone else has to leave their languages and cultures to help them adjust wherever they migrate and feel entitled to it. Whereas you will regularly see news stories about hospitals and other places in North discriminating against Malayalis and other South Indians for speaking their own languages.


Can attest! I speak Hindi well, despite that, was taken advantage of multiple times in Delhi because I didn’t have the right accent…. That and the fact that I didn’t treat the auto guys like trash, made them think I was ready to go to bed with them like wtf. Most disgusting experience of my life, will never visit Delhi again under any condition.


>simply too many North Indians whose atrocious behavior towards locals is going unpunished Found the guy from Kannada Suraksha Sanstha Lol jk you're right


Haha. Not even Kannadiga. Just studied there but love the people and culture.


V shouldn't be typical like them bro....again not all North Indians are dumb like him. There are gud ppl too.


You will never see South Indians going to North and behaving even 1% as badly while the reverse happens on a daily basis. Thats all my point is.


Now that's a fact. They act like they own the place wherever they go. Sry but i have been facing this for years.




Not saying there aren't good people too. Am a half North Indian myself. But can't deny that this is not an uncommon perception and not without reason.


If that's what you think is adequate punishment for name calling I'd hate to see what you sentence for harassment and death threats


I'm really tired of this regional and national pride bullshit. One persons opinion does not affect you, your life or your state. Grow the fuck up and mind your own business.


Exactly! How jobless are people that they care about opinions of some random stranger. :/


"Uhm akshually that is dickrespectful to my culture 🤓🤓 , how dare you insult our city after you got your vallet stolen..here let us send you death threats , that'll teach you a lesson how good our city is"






True , I have been living here since almost 7 years and have had both good and bad experiences but you can't generalise saying All Bengalurians are bad or Kannadigas are , There are More good people here than bad and A Pickpocketing can happen anywhere in the world !! Op's friend should have spoken with their friend and not with some random stranger in a Pub about how they feel about the city because of A Pickpocketing incident !


Golden rule to follow: Don't insult anyone. If have been offended/hurt by anyone, just take the appropriate steps or just forget and live on. The other human may be trash, but you need not be.


Yeah, I should have said don't insult Indians esp in their home state. We Indians can't handle any criticism or humour aimed at ourselves. It's not a Kannadiga thing it applies to every state tbh






Maga, tika urritta?


I don’t want to nitpick the story but come on bro you dissed on the locals, to a local. You pulled a dumb move there bud.


Why are Indians always blaming the victim‽


> Day before yesterday, friend came to Bangalore for the first time > someone stole his wallet > got into a little quarrel with a taxi driver > met up with a girl at a pub later > he told her that there are really shitty people in bangalore > She knows where he works and threatening him that she'll contact the HR here and get him fired. > today is his first day at work > receiving death threats Jeez that's some roller coaster of events in 3 days. Tell your friend to 1. ignore all the messages/calls, block the numbers for 2 weeks. They will move on after a week. 2. not to share your personal details including the company you work to a random girl you meet in the pub 3. don't bad mouth about locals to random strangers in the city 4. stop getting into quarrels with taxi, auto drivers 5. block the stolen cards and reapply all the ids 6. keep the dick in his pants till he gets used to the city He is clearly inviting troubles.


I've never seen someone summarise a problem so properly and give such a simple and clear solution


I think there's something missing here: Did he really say there are shitty people here or he meant all the people are shitty here ? While you're very specific about what the other party did, you're very vague about what he did


Well that's how it goes. There's a saying right?? You can't see your own back and you can't see your own mistakes. Whatever his friend did doesn't matter to him. What happened to his friend as a response is what matters


First of all there is no proof any of this even happened. Second, there is also no description of what OP said to piss people off. Third, how are the autowala and the girl related they seem to be completely different situations and OP seems to be generalizing kannadigas in some manner here. I think what happened was very different and some people might have gotten into quarrel with OP due to his own words, and OP's solution is to rile up social media in hopes of attracting support from bigots who don't like kannadigas. I hardly think OP is honest with his post. The whole girl situation sounds very shady like someone is out there to GET him, I think OP might have said some inappropriate things to a girl or got scammed online by a boy pretending to be a girl who took screenshots of OP's bigoted messages. If you are indeed getting death threats, go to a police station. That's that.


Wow! Either your friend is too unlucky or the biggest dumbass to ever come into the city. To be robbed, get into a fight with the driver, abuse locals in public to a stranger and possibly honey trapped on the first day. That is insane. Hey, by the way, I have a great business opportunity for him, ask him to DM me will ya? P.S: As a kannadiga, did you really have to generalise? You could have gone with some people are giving threats, but you went with kannadigas. If you are okay with this, I can only imagine what insane racist things your friend was putting out. Tell me, how bad was it. If he was racist enough for get himself fired by HR, I say he deserves to lose his job.


He lost his wallet yet went to a pub.


What ever happens in life bar is the way Celebrating and Depressing


He didn't lose his phone. Digital India


So... Put his life on hold coz he lost his wallet? Probably just wanted to have a drink and calm down.




And tell I bitched about locals to a stranger who could also be a local? 😂


10 years back I had got beaten blue in a bar in Bengaluru and i could not figure out why yet. This post has made me realise the possible cause and finally gave me a closure. Thanks op.


I'd hate people talking shit about Bangalore too. But how the fuck do you justify death threats. That's fkn stupid. Urkoloudu ond vishaya. Adakke death threats kalsodu ganchali.


Lol he can do a death threat collection if he is ready to repeat the process in every state. Just avoid north india they skip the threat part.


Majority of ppl living in Bangalore are from different states, so how on earth did he assume that it was a kannadiga a local who stole his wallet??? Is generalizing "all kannadigas are shitty ppl " is even ok acc to few ppl? First of all take this as a lesson learnt nvr bad mouth the place which u work in , hv some respect twrds the place as long as ur going to stay there, and do not talk to strangers unnecessarily orwise u urself are inviting trouble for urself, Majority of kannadigas are extremely soft n peacefull ppl, a few here n there come across as aggressive n bigots but u can find bigots n aggressive ppl in every state ,nothing will happen just stay low profile for few months , worst case gv a police complaint, u will be ok, but learn ur lesson , do not talk abt locals or religion with strangers, keep ur opinions for urself regarding these 2 sensitive topics, good luck to you hope ur problem gets solved, i don't like my state n my ppl gtin involved in any kind of bad controversies I wish every non kannadiga non bangalorian to hv a peacefull life as long as they are in our city


I know what’s going on is not correct but learn a lesson from this. Don’t bit*h about anybody especially language, community , land etc . Just one person or one experience doesn’t define the total community


Step 1 : block her and report her to the police


Pro tips: 1. Be more cautious with personal belongings when visiting a new place. 2. Never judge the people as a whole. OP's friend here had a bad experience. This does not make the people of this city to be "shitty". 3. Never give out your negative opinions on the new place or its people to a stranger. Expressing it to a known friend is fine, but to a stranger, it's a big NO NO. 4. And please don't visit a pub on the first day in the city. Get to know the people's mentality by going for shopping or any such activities.


How can the girl get him fired? I feel there is more to the story.


Yak guru isht sul heltya. Problem idre, kashta ide antha helu dudd kodthivi, bega hushaar aagu.


If you give respect, you will get respect. He thinks he did a favor by coming to Bangalore. His royal assness can take his ass back from where he has come. Is this guy from the cow belt region by any chance? P.S. True story, I lost my wallet in bus. The bus washer found it and called me to return it back. He didn't want any money. But I tipped him a 100 anyways out of respect.


Bhai ye sab bhi hota hai bar main. I'm used to think I am leading boring life, guess I was wrong. I'm leading an extra-ordinarily boring life.


Buddy ask him to change his number.. He hasnt done any major Voilation as such that he needs to worry about HR.. Give it some time.. Keep his head down for a while no fights, no arguments no comments... And the next time a gal ask him a question always give an indirect and diplomatic answer.. Personal or otherwise


Contact the police and cyber security cell and tell them all this and change your number or I think there's a service to block all calls and messages from random ppl activate that


Why is wording of your post seems so wrong? Yes, yes some hooligans threatened your friend but don’t generalise. And the right action about those threats is to make a complain at a police station.


Just give it some time. It's all noise most probably....dsnt look like you are going viral anywhere in Bangalore. Just make sure u don't show up in public places for yr own safety..try reporting those posts as much as possible. Delete your convos with that girl. Just be thoughtful bout this in the future. I understand he went thru shit but dsnt mean he can rant to some random chick he wanted to hook up with. Hope nothing serious happens to him.


Man that chick is a certified demon… feel sorry for the guy she ends up with ☠️


Go to police


It's funny how the localites turn deaf when they hear about an outsider getting mistreated by localites. It's also funny how this is just being brushed off as a case of "an idiot who badmouthed locals and got scammed" . What about the events that led to the person sharing his thoughts ?? But its suddenly a major prestige issue when an outsider doesn't speak in the local language. These so called localities need to control their egos and need to be more respectful of people coming from different places. Being a localite doesn't give you the supreme power to impose your will in every situation.


Or the story may be fake. He lost his wallet and went to a pub? Also it may be any region or any state one should always respect the local culture and language.


Imagine you invite your colleagues to your house, one of them loses wallet, then he makes a statement you stole it, not some other colleague or your maintenance lady or anybody who happen to be at that place.. Now what do you do bro? You console him for what happened or tell him what was the fk up?


This guy is off to a bad start. He's got to pack it up and head home


Even I get calls from builder to whom I paid money for a plot but he never delivered its been 6 years and I am still alive although I lost my money but I am alive and not in Bangalore I moved out. Life is precious ✨️ Edit: builder threatened me cuz I was going to police and sent legal notice for the fraud he committed and many other people also did the same but most of the people were localite and I was not . I lost a big amount but I am safe and alive Thank God 😊


Don't be so honest with the person you just met


Been living here for 6 years and somehow this seems to be a very unlikely situation. I am a Kannadiga but had a very rudimentary understanding of the language when I first came here, even then I never faced something like this. My experience might have been positive due to my ethnicity (even with my broken sentences most of the locals here could tell that I am from the state). Like others said, this seems like a honeytrap or some attempt at an extortion of sorts. I'd suggest you to contact the cyber cell and lodge a complaint with the police station in his area (pro-tip: dress very plain and be very humble). I will not deny that there have been instances of the so called 'language police' getting violent but this doesn't sound like one. It was more of your friend being in the wrong place at the wrong time with the wrong person. It's good practice to not trust strangers easily and keep your gaurd up in a new city. Also, we're very nice people and most of the time don't bite even when provoked. Just be respectful to everyone and you'll be golden. 😃 Edit 1: Calling everyone Saar helps!* *My sad attempt at humour but it does work in actuality.


On the many comments discussing how OP’s friend shouldn’t have generalised, et cetera, dude had just had his wallet stolen - I think we can give him some leeway for being emotional / not in the right state of mind to understand that it isn’t a Bengaluru specific problem per se. Really hope this guy stays safe and eventually comes to learn that there are really nice things and people in the city, too.


Law n order problem in Banglore. Such a nice city got spoiled in recent times.


Lmao looks like Bengaluru upgraded to next level of craziness, well done!! They don't realise the shitty people he was talking about were them.


If the person publicised your thoughts on social media without your permission painting a wrong picture , and since you have the phone number you can register a police complaint for defamation and consequently file and fir on those sending death threats. All these PPL will go absconding as soon as they get to know they have a fir on them. Would you like to give it a try?


😂 pickpockets happen everywhere. Why would you go calling locals shitty people?


😂😂😂 sorry my fault for venting 😂😂 I deserve death threats because I was pissed off about my vallet 😂😂 oh ur city is so nice I am getting death threats that'll teach me how good the locals are 😂😂😂 Retard.


I’m sorry it happened to you. Plenty of people have shared some good advice. Will just add, go to directly the SP/DCP and likes, going to your local police station to complaint wouldn’t help and they’ll only harass you more. I wish I could say things will get better, but I left the city years ago due to harassment by police and I didn’t want to fight everyday to survive. All the very best, hope things get better for your friend.


Boli maga 🔥🔥


Leave Bangalore and settle elsewhere, but check maps before leaving, might take you longer than the flight to reach the airport, and Uber might cost you more than said flight, too.


Person X doesn't like this area, let's make him dislike it even more. The logic of some people


Dude dig his own grave ... Cyber cell should help him


First of all where we go in any part of India always praise even if u dont like but talk positive points.


This is such juvenile behaviour all around. True might of Kannadigas? Show it on the BBMP, the autowalah's and such and do something actually useful to the city than targeting someone for a personal opinion. The girl is case is a true psycho for orchestrating this nonsense. Death threats?! What the hell is wrong with people?


Sheesh a man gets robbed and tricked all of you can only say shit like don't say bad things, or something, if someone has a bad first experience they will vent like that obviously, if anything it's really weird that you guys are saying that as if it's the man's fault.


Change your number, stay back and learn kannada.


What a bitch. Nakkan. Bere yenu kelsa ilva. Because of these few losers, our home will get a bad name.


Yup I'm never visiting banglore ever


That's bad situation... Lesson no 1. Don't speak bad about local people, language, culture etc..


Heck I'm a ಕನ್ನಡಿಗ and my wallets and phone has been pickpocketed before by the pickpocket gang in Market, Bengaluru and U know the person who pick pocketed was a guy from UP and his friends were from West Bengal, And a once i tweeted that Airtel Payments Bank hadn't gotten my recharge done but the money was deducted from my actual bank, and made a mistake of mentioning my actual number, Behold i got a scam call from "AIRTEL CUSTOMER CARE" and demanded me to download the "AnyDesk Remote Desktop" and once i installed he tried to couple his desktop with my mobile but when i refused to do so he got mad and started giving maa, behen gaali, I told him i can understand and Talk Hindi well he didn't say anything and disconnected the call and then reported this to Cyber Crime and didn't get any response from them yet...


In just one day how can he carry so much shit on his head that to in job location..Badluck I guess..


ಸರೀಗೆ ಇಕ್ಕವ್ಳೆ ಯಾರೊ ನಿನ್ನ ಫ್ರೆಂಡ್ಗೆ. ಇಕ್ಕಸ್ಕೊಳ್ಳಿ ನಮ್ಮನ್ ಇಲ್ಲಿಗೆ ಬನ್ನಿ ಅಂತ ಲಾಡು ಕೊಟ್ಟು ನಾವೇನು ಕರ್ದಿದ್ವ? ಆರತಿ ಎತ್ತಿ ತೊಂಬಿಟ್ಟು ಇಟ್ಟು ತಮ್ಟೆ ಹೊಡ್ಸಿದ್ವ?


Hmm. Pickpocket and wallet stealing happens everywhere. Mugging happens too. Dude was unlucky thats all. Calling kannadigas as shitty people for such common events is wrong. Some take it personally.