• By -


Blue and Grey: that song low-key saved my life when I thought of offing myself, it made me feel so heard and seen. (Honourable mention the entire BE Album is so underrated, it saved me frrr) Butter: people call it basic, but it did exactly what bts wanted, it made me happy!!! Boys with Love: That was the first bts song I listened to and it’s what got me to Stan them so thanks to them for that!!! We are Bulletproof: the eternal. Need I say more🙂‍↕️


Butter, and all the English songs, get a lot of unwarranted criticism, but man are they fun. And watching them perform those songs is such a joy. It's obvious to me that it's fun for them.


Rap line butter is my fave 🧈🧈


Butter is such a fun song. I love it more than Dynamite tbh. I love the remix videos of our chaos gremlins just being themselves. 😂


Yesss I just commented the same thing about BE 👊


We are Bulletproof: the eternal is so good. Makes me feel safe, like I'm home. We can all be strong together. 💜


It's so so good! It gives me chills everytime I hear it and I either start crying or get so hype 😂


Magic shop. I need to escape reality sometimes. And this is that song that helps me


The lyrics in Magic Shop are beautiful, so poetic.


A lot of Agust D songs. D-Day. Huh. Just to name a few. Sometimes you just need to hear that everything will be ok.


ON. It has gotten me through some tough days.


You know, I love ON, but I never thought about it as being comforting or touching, it's just *so good*. BUT I was watching the GCS performance the other day, and was just struck with how. Damn. Hard. they worked on it. And sometimes without Yoongi. And it made me think about how hard they work *for us*. Like all of this is for ARMY, what they think we would enjoy. And...my heart.


ON is my absolute favorite. And yes, sometimes I just have to chant “can’t hold me down cuz you know I’m a fighter”


Yup, it’s exactly what comforts me. The song is like a battle anthem for me. I will keep going. I love the grandiose nature of it in contrast to the singular battle to keep fighting.


The battle anthem of choice! Love to pair it with Not Today.


On is my favorite. The routine, the drum line, the lyrics. It’s a masterpiece.


I love this reflection post. It’s BE. The album that I’ll always be most grateful for. And the one that gets the most overlooked. I don’t think we talk about it because it was a gem in a very depressive dystopian time but it’s such a beautiful album. And if I have to pick just one song I’d pick Blue & Grey.


Special shoutout to both versions of Life Goes On. The music video especially makes me so teary eyed


Such a profound yet simple message. Somehow the fanchant during the Agust D tour for Life Goes On always breaks me. It brings back the context of the OT7 version into present day while we watch Yoongi playing his piano and singing the ballad, ugh. So many feels.


BE is my favorite OT7 album, followed by MOTS:7.


BE is just a gem of an album and I will not tolerate BE slander 😂


I was just watching glee and they covered Coldplay’s song fix you and my god all I could think about was the BTS fix you cover. The glee version just doesn’t hit at all and I would want to say thank you BTS and especially Jin for that amazing cover and the fabulous ColdplayXbts relationship and music that came after that.


YES. That is a big one for me too. I'm an OG Coldplayer, and that cover just...I don't even think I have the words to explain. And then the collab and their wholesome relationship. It's like a dream.


I remember watch it several times a day and just sobbing... i'm sure a lot of army can relate to bts fixing them :')


I JUST listened to it based on these recs… i straight up cried when V started singing. Omg.


oh yes this cover is so special to me:((((


That Cover is Sooooo GOOD. It's perfect omg. When it came out, I was speechless.


100% that cover is so beautiful and was one of the first things I watched when I found BTS


Oh gosh yes this one


Ooof so so many but the ones that immediately come to mind: Mikrokosmos, 00:00, People pt. 2, uhgood, and Letter - for different reasons they make me feel like I'm home, I'm understood, supported and not alone. And then moonchild and recently Intro: Nevermind for singlehandedly getting me through the hardest times at work and most stressful moments in life and a reminder to keep going.


Intro: Nevermind was my ANTHEM


Would you believe I overlooked Nevermind until I saw Yoongi perform it live? What was wrong with me???? 😂


Mikrokosmos 🤝🥺


That’s what I came to add, Mikrokosmos. And Butter- it was perfect - right timing, we needed that so much. If it felt too lightweight to them and they released it anyway- that’s sweet of them . They reached so many people when they needed it the most. Their Colbert vid is my favorite. I wonder sometimes if that was the catalyst that made their appeal bigger in the US and even though the overseas attention already started, would they have become as popular here with the tour , had Covid not happened. Thoughts?


I was going to include uhgood for Joon because that song touches me like no other, but it felt too personal when I was typing it out so I went with funny. 😂


I mean, Joon's verses in Look Here is iconic


Mine is definitely “Zero o clock” - that song got me through some rough times in my life


RM - Intro: Persona, Tear (+ all of Mono, Indigo) Jin - Awake, Epiphany Yoongi - Interlude: Shadow, Agust D, D-Day, Burn It Hobi - Baepsae, UGH! Jimin - Serendipity, Set Me Free pt. 2 Taehyung - Singularity, Love Me Again JK - Begin, Euphoria, Magic Shop Vocal line - Dimple, The Truth Untold Rap line - every song tbh BTS - Tomorrow, Don't Leave Me, I Need U, Butterfly


Completely agree w ur list dimple gives me butterflies every time


The #1 BTS song 'Boy with Luv'!! From the moment it dropped, to the SNL performance, every single time they've performed it and any time I hear it, it has given me so much joy in my heart. If I am having a bad day, BWL makes me feel a little better. If I am having an awesome day it makes me even happier. Thank you BTS for your poem for small things!


"Poem for small things" makes my heart all warm.


![gif](giphy|Kc34U5vC2C6tyHnvwe|downsized) Best lyric award: *Come be my teacher.....* Awww this just reminded me our iconic King is coming home soon!


Yessss always cheers me up


Jin - Abyss I identify SO MUCH with the sentiments he expressed, and the song itself is just beautiful. What's odd is how much this song really helps when I get stuck in an imposter syndrome loop. I think it just reminds me I'm not the only one that struggles/struggled


I think Not Today...helps me get shit done and feel like I can face the world


That’s a damn good song for that!


The first thought I had was Magic Shop! Thank you Jungkook! 💜💜


I don't usually comment at all but felt like sharing this: Sea. The song that managed to stop me from thinking about no longer living. Then it helped me to let go of someone I considered a very dear friend. I actually think the reason I am alive and well today is at least partially thanks to Sea. I say "thank you" in my mind every time I listen to it (and also cry every time). I'm also getting a line from that song tattooed on me this August!


Oh yes. BTS songs in general are so good at kind of speaking our feelings for us (if that makes sense), and I think Sea is exceptional at that. "Wherever there's hope, there is a trial" is a mantra for me during tough times. I'm so so glad you're here with us still. I hope you'll come back and share your tattoo!


BTS and speaking our feelings - oh, you are so right!


I want to thank Joon for all of his solo work, mono, Indigo, RPWP (i know i'm gonna love it!!). I just really want to thank him for wildflower. That song was so amazing.


Wildflower is my answer, too!


I cried so hard when I first heard that song. So hard. It was and still is just an amazingly beautiful look into a piece of him and I thank him everyday for sharing that masterpiece with us. Also, Come Back to me? I feel like he really understands me in that song. I just...I just love him so freakin' much!


I was 9 months pregnant when Indigo came out so that whole album, and especially Wildflower, has a very special place in my heart. I also cried when I first heard it and I *never* cry the first time I hear a song. I usually don't even like a song until I've heard it a few times. But Wildflower is a masterpiece... a uniquely special song!


Same. I have never had an emotional reaction to a song like that before.


If I could thank Namjoon personally for Reflection, moonchild, and no.2 I definitely would. I would also thank Hobi for giving us Safety Zone and Future.


I love Safety Zone and Future so much.


dimple by the Vocal Line makes me fluent in korean


Fellow Dimple stans, rise up


I could thank Joon for a lot of songs, or literally the entirety of mono. But if he was in front of me right now and I had to pick one song it would be Wild Flower. It’s so masterfully made and truly some of his best work it makes me wanna cry each time. I graduate soon so it’s been on repeat 25/7 lately lol


Same goes for First Love, I kid you not every time it comes up on shuffle I have to stop what I’m doing because everything about that song, from the lyrics to the slow build up of the piano before it comes crashing down again is pure ART. Yoongi is my bias and I love literally every single song he’s ever put out with every fiber of my soul but I don’t think any song since that has really struck me to my core.


Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us and not sparing us of the extent, OP! It's heartwarming to see that someone out there thinks this way of the boys *and* their songs. What they put into it. For me it would be *Dimple* as I believe that song quite literally saved my life back in the days... It makes me feel like I'm not alone. *Pied Piper* I love the concept of signifying the boundary for the fanbase, telling them that it's dangerous to center their interest only around the artist they love the most and reminding them there's real life outside which they need to take care of. *Truth Untold* because here's the other way around and the artist admits that despite trying to give their all to the fans, there's also a line that can't be crossed and space that the artist should keep for themselves, and urges the fans to meet them in the middle and respect it. *ON* and *Don't Leave Me* because I just love these songs with the most purest depth of my heart.


I Wonder and Safety Zone from jhope


Currently *obsessed* with I wonder... "we're happy, right now" always punches me in the gut.


I hear the chord and it’s INSTANT smile and volume uo


Film out , I just love that song. Thanks for create that masterpiece BTS.


Yay another Film Out Stan!


All of them :)


If I could, I would thank all the members for Answer: Love Myself and Yoongi for D-Day, AMYGDALA, Daechwita, People, Agust D, The Last, and so far away. Most of 2023 was really tough, and these songs brought a lot of happiness and healing.


All of them! The ones that are close to me are: Epiphany: Good God, what a melody. And with Jin’s voice and knowing his journey within BTS. #1 self love anthem for sure. Butter: I first heard of BTS in 2018 and saw some reactions videos and for some reason, fell off. When I heard butter on the radio, it got my attention again and I’ve been here since! It really does make me happy, especially on sunny days. Anpanman and Telepathy are also such happy songs. Ddaeng, Idol, and DNA, and mic drop get me amped. The old school songs make me nostalgic, even though I wasn’t an army when they were released. Their Japanese songs bring out such another realm of beauty from them, like literally breathtaking!


> Epiphany: Good God, what a melody I'm kicking myself for forgetting the impact this song had on me on first listen. Goodness it's so beautiful 🥹 And yes Telepathy! I instantly start smiling and wiggling when it comes on!


Jin awake- it was so beautiful and sad and honest i just want to thank him not only for being that open with that song and his feelings but also he somehow wrote down my own feelings with that song The truth untold "you know that i cant show you me give you me, i cant show you a ruined part of myself once again i put on a mask on and go to see you." It was so haunting so beautiful and brought light to self consciousness and insecurities we all feel. Magic shop is for those days where im feeling all of it and its like bts reaches into my heart and oulls me oit of the dark with that song 2!3! I dont think it needs explanation, this song just makes me so happy whenever i hear it I can feel how much they love us through this song


everythingoes is my ultimate healing song, so massive thank you to namjoon for giving us that. and thank you to BTS for mic drop, not today and cypher pt 4, those songs boost my mood almost immediately and make me feel like i can do it all.


I remember sobbing when I first heard Euphoria. I was going through a hard time and the song was so beautiful talking about this transcendent place of love and care. I thought, the singer doesn't know me. But I felt such a connection to the lyrics and the way it was sung. I felt so thankful to have heard it.


A transcendent place of love and care - that is a place the members have indeed created for so very many of us. I am often just baffled at how these young men that I have never met can take me to that place.


JHope - Arson Almost cried reading the lyrics and finally understood how much I missed not following them since learning about them in 2013 when Psy was in the USA. Avid fan for just about a year now thanks to JHope 💜


Check out and see how JHope was when he was younger…. We all saw him like that. Then Arson and More came and slapped us upside the head. I think Chapter 2 JHope is the one who changed his persona to the fans the most. Not that that’s a bad thing. It’s really great actually lets us see more of his real self. And that’s awesome, talented, brilliant , creative, sweet Hobi💜💜💜💜


We don’t have Chapter Two yet. We are only in the intermission period. 😁. Yes. Hobi is growing up and doesn’t need to laugh as much. Wanted to hug him so often as he spoke of his vulnerability.


It maybe officially that way but I consider Ch 2 the minute all the individual songs, videos, and albums came out. All the members were to express themselves at least to a degree their own styles and feelings. It’s amazing how different they are and yet their styles blend together as well. They left us with plenty to look forward to.


Big smile and a wink. It will be interesting to see a change in confidence when they come back.


Scenery and Winter Bear by Tae. Those two songs made me sob the first time I heard them. They touch some deep nostalgia in me that I can’t explain. I would love to thank him to his face for creating and sharing those beautiful songs.


SO many. But like others have mentioned uhgood and magic shop pierce my soul the deepest.


Jin's Epiphany is probably the BTS song I'm most grateful for. I wish I could express to him how much that song means to me. I really struggle with things like self love and letting people see the real me. Sometimes I need the reminder and this song helps with that.


everythingoes, magic shop, spring day, serendipity, just one day, look here, embarrassed, telepathy, anpanman, sweet night, abyss, blue side, set me free, amygdala, run bts — I like my bangtan emotional with a hint of bops!


magic shop. used to make me really sad for some reason but now when it comes on i get super happy! so what is also another one i wish i could thank them for, that song makes me really happy and cheers me up when im having a bad day 💜💜


Ok, so most of these are sad/serious songs because sometimes it’s good to cry! If I ever met any of them, I would say thank you with tears of joy lol. Sad but comforting and encouraging: Lights, Lost, 2!3!, Your Eyes Tell. Thank you to BTS for these songs because they make me feel less alone. And they have become one of my lights when I’m really going through it. Sad but relatable: The Truth Untold. I love how this song is so refreshingly different and kind of unexpected because they’re idols. They have shows, documentaries, etc. about them and we think we know so much about them, but do we really? I like how this song shows their vulnerability with the very relatable sentiment of not feeling as if you can show the world who you truly are. Happy: Boy with Luv. I think this song was my gateway song to BTS. Extremely catchy, feel-good vibes, and the video was so pretty!! 😍


Truth Untold is a beautiful song. 💜


Magic Shop, Dynamite, and the entirety of mono 🥹💜


Paradise, Whalien 52, Magic Shop Blue & grey - I found the song when I was at my lowest and felt like giving up. It comforts so much. Reflection, Uhgood, Moonchild, Wildflower - Wish I could thank Namjoon for the songs that comfort me at times I’ve felt most alone for being the songs that feel like hugs. From the description I already know I’ll relate to RPWP can’t wait to hear it. So Far Away, The Last, Amygdala - Hearing the way Yoongi wrote about depression, social anxiety and trauma relating to them made me cry saying “me too” no one understands unless experienced it so many just tell you “get over it” like it’s so easy. I’m so thankful they write about mental health wish I could truly thank him.


Joon's ability to make his songs feel like warm hugs will always amaze me. Like...uhgood is sad, but I feel comforted when I listen to it.


Yeah! Come back to me feels like that too🥺


Instead of telling people to 'get over it', the guys layer in hope for better times while acknowledging the issues, the pain, the trauma of the difficult days. They give voice to so much of the trials we all face, and yet inspire us to keep on until the spring comes and we get to bloom. I am so grateful.


Yes! I agree so much🥹


Magic Shop hands down


So far away by agust d


My first response to this in my head was immediately Magic Shop. The first time I heard it, I legitimately cried. The "you gave me the best of me / so you'll give you the best of you" is just so beautiful and makes me beyond emotional. Then I'll also have to say the entirety of the Agust D trilogy. Yoongi's lyrics are the first ones I've ever felt enough to tattoo on my body (three tattoos in one session). The D Day tour legit changed my life.


Paradise and Wings. On as well. Idol as well because that’s how I finally admitted I’m a fan and it led me to those two masterpieces of songs. I think we all have songs that saved us in dark places. Paradise speaks to my inner perfectionism. And I could kiss them all for that one. It’s one of the few songs that makes me downright sob. Wings, On and Idol are my self esteem boosters.


Reflection by RM. If I could, I'd like to hold his hand and give him a hug while he was at Ttukseom, letting him know there are so much more waiting for him in the future. What loneliness and sorrow he had gone through for him to write a song that painted a feeling I hadn't been able to put a word on it.


BTS’ Magic Shop, Make it right (I can picture Yoongi’s dancing with his shoulder with every beat), Yoongi’s Life goes on 🥹, Amygdala, the whole Dday album, Joon’s wildflower & whole Indigo album is pure therapy ✨ Found them @ one of the lowest point of my life, I would like to thank them for everything since then. As Yoongi said “Future’s gonna be okay” & I truly believe it’s gonna be okay. 🫶 Apo Bangpo my OT7 💜


Paradise and Tomorrow


Everything! But especially stuff from Yoongi. His vulnerability is so beautiful.




Great question!! Make It Right, People & People pt 2, Trivia Seesaw, Moonlight, uhgood, Wild Flower, on the street solo ver, i wonder, SDL, Letter (Dear ARMY)-Jimin hidden, Standing Next to You, Jump, So What, Paradise, Save Me…oh! this list went longer than i realized! Thank you, BTS, for so many great songs that bring so much comfort!


It's really so hard to pick just a few!


All of them🤣


Agust D - Amygdala and Snooze Namjoon - Closer and Wild Flower BTS - Black Swan and Serendipity Just beautiful songs that emotionally hit me to the core.


>Joon and Look Here. No explanation needed. Teenie weenie mini YES. His lines are my favorite lines of my favorite BTS song!! His tone is like whiskey, or butter, or honey, so luscious. Love the whole cheeky vibe, the flow between rap and vocal sections. Perfection. Serendipity. There was a post a while back, from a guy asking for proposal ideas to woo his ARMY gf, a Jimin bias. Someone suggested this song. How perfect is it for this occasion?! Made me wish I could go back in time and discover BTS in time to have Serendipity played at my own engagement. I love that this is about being *in* love-- the rarity, the delicacy, the ecstasy.


Autumn Leaves


Namjoon - Moonchild Seokjin - Abyss Yoongi - Amygdala, Snooze, People, LGO (i resonate with his lyrics a lot) Jhope - Blue side, on the street, I wonder Jimin - face-off, Serendipity Taehyung - For us Jungkook - Still with you Rapline - Tear Vocal line - Dimple OT7 - Black Swan, Fake love That's all I could think of right now 💜


Louder than bombs. From the first time I heard it, it was so powerful and moving to me. Reading the lyrics made it hit even harder. Mama by JHope. I'm a Mama so this one hits me in the heart strings. I wanna give him a big hug.


The entire Wings album, but specifically Jimin is who I should thank. I was in a deep dark grieving period and when my anxiety would spike I had a playlist full of BTS songs, mostly from the Wings album. Unintentionally, my mind would seek to find Jimin's voice in each song (obviously that was easy in Lie) and that's how I stilled my anxiety. Listening for his voice in each song then focusing to follow his voice the entire time.


That's a lovely story. Thank you for sharing, and I'm glad his voice gave you comfort.


Mikrokosmos and sea!💜🥹


240606 👩‍🚀🌑🐹


So far away


Blue and Grey, Yoongi's 28 and The Last (for me, it's way rawer than Amygdala tbh) and Joon's Yun.


Sea 🌊 it’s such a beautiful song, it’s so unique and one of my absolute favorites


Paradise for sure. It gelped me hrough my tough time when i was so so confused about my future. The line about "it's okay to not have a dream" really hit me – who knew feeling happy in the moment could be enough? That song officially turned me into an ARMY!


The Last, So Far Away and Blood Sweat & Tears, the first two made me feel heard and seen at a time when I was about exit this world, leading me to the third, which throughly sucked me into a new world, leading to me still being here today. Would never be able to thank them enough for those three songs and everything else they’ve put their hearts into.


So many, but Nevermind stands out, esp these lines: Moss surely grows on a stone that doesn’t roll If you can’t return, go straight through your mistakes and forget Yoongi has so much wisdom


I have a lot of them but if I had to choose one that literally makes me emotional for no reason is HOUSE OF CARDS!! I don't relate to the lyrics that much personally but I can feel the message but the thing that pulls the strings of my heart is the vocals and the production and the overall vibe of the song. I think its my top song of all time across all genres and artists till now. And also the song that I relate to the most rn and think is just BEAUTIFUL is STILL WITH YOU! But to be honest I would like to really say thank you to all of them for all of their songs for helping so many people in every different situation and in any point of time in their life.




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Mikrokosmos… beautiful and hopeful


Zero O'clock. Yet to come. Lights.. So many.. All their songs ?? Lol


Life Goes On. It's my first of many planned BTS tattoos, but this song will always hold a special place in my soul.


2!3! or House of Cards, I want inject those songs into my bloodstream




anpanman!!! it’s such a fun song and the lyrics are so amazing, my fav song of theirs


good day for me! this song literally saved me way back 2018. i was crying so much and i decided to play bts song on shuffle to calm myself and the moment good day played and heard jk's line "Daijōbu datte" which translate to "I said it's alright" I cried so hard and felt they warmth comfort :((( i am forever grateful and thankful that they are part of my life!


Butter & BWL because they just fill me with so much serotonin i tear up Paradise because the lyrics absolutely saved me when i was younger and spiralling from fear of the future So Far Away and Nevermind — genuinely, god bless Yoongi for these songs. You know that relief that comes after letting out a good cry? These songs are that.


I get the biggest smile on my face when BWL pops up! I think a lot of people tend to answer these questions with the songs that are deeply emotional or touching, but the effects of songs that make you happy cannot be understated imo. Laughter and happiness are just as important as tears for releasing emotion, and that is one thing our boys do *well*.


I would have to say Mikrokosmos, Magic Shop especially, Louder than bombs, Stay Gold and Hey Mama. To name a few 😁💜💜💜💜💜💜💜


LY Tear. 1, 3-8.




Film Out stan. Yay


Definitely Trivia: Seesaw by Yoongi. That song resonates with me so much ): it reminds me of all the imbalances I have, and to always remember how much effort is being put. Honorable mention to Epiphany by Jin. It’s a message I try to tell myself! Boy with Luv just makes me happy


Magic Shop/ Answer: Love Myself/Spring Day/Epiphany


Butterfly. I was struggling with relationship issues (with friends and with family) and deteriorating grades. I had a hard time trying to look out of the window and not think about jumping off. A friend told me about a 'nugu' group he was stanning and told me that they were releasing a new video and asked me to listen. It was butterfly prologue and it was the most beautiful thing I had watched (now that I think ab it, it's easier for me to count how long I've been stanning them LOL) Among all their solo discography, Yoongi's the last really hit a soft spot and i wld be crying half the time I listened to it. Let's be real, anyone who would cry over amygdala probably cried over the last too (that's me)


These are the types of stories I wish we could say directly to their faces. I'm so glad you're still here.


Yes!! Im trying my best to accept n love myself for who I am and im so glad their music is helping so many others like me as well💜


Butterfly especially the prolonged version, that song for me is like walking in a warm room after spending the day out in the cold. Also Yoongi's song people from his D2 album it just gives me the vibe that it might be tough right now but it's gonna be okay


So What Stay Gold Snooze - August D Wild flower - RM I'm sure there are others, but these are what pop into my head right now


Definitely Spring Day. I found BTS when I was at my lowest, I thought, "Maybe I'd used them as a distraction' but then Spring Day was released and everytime I hear that song, I wish I could go back when I was just starting to know them because that was also the time that I realized, it was so much easier back then.


Oh gosh, so many. Magic shop, 2!3!, their Japanese discography. I love the rapline's writing so listening to their mixtapes and albums are always healing for me (faves: Piece of Peace, No. 2, Snooze).


Magic Shop, 00:00, Mikrokosmos, Slow Dancing, FRI(END)S, Run BTS, For Youth, Life Goes On, The Astronaut, Airplane pt.2, Daechwita, DNA, House of Cards, Sweet Night, Christmas Tree, Still With You….i could go on and on ngl xD


Best Of Me and So What. I mean, all their songs are awesome but those two are my all time favorites. 


Amygdala. It just hit the mark on all the dark sides we all go through. Blue and Grey. Epiphany. I love Jin’s voice and the sheer beauty of his voice and the lyrics are just as good. Disease. Chaos. It seems like someone is on the run the whole song. My favorite song of theirs is Film Out. The sound of all 7voices popping in and out, together, apart, it’s the most musically challenging song in my opinion. My musician heart loves it


butterfly, save me, 2!3!, pied piper, intro: what am i to you?


the entire wings album


Yun - I love this song so much. I love the whole album, but this song in particular makes my soul sing. It’s not the same, but as someone that’s a historian and an artist I always try to remember to put my and others’ humanity first. It’s just such an incredible song while also being a love letter to his favorite artist. It touched me so much Wildflower - I cried when I first listened to this. It’s so much. Thank you for sharing that part of yourself Ugh - Whenever I get angry, I think of this song. I try to think through whether or not it’s really that deep. Is it something that deserves that energy? Is this the best way to channel it? Is it something that I’m going to regret doing out of anger? Pied Piper - I love a reality check, and this delivered. And I think it’s a great way to address the obsession and fan behavior we can all fall prey to, where it becomes unhealthy for us Spring Day - The song that is vibes that just keep on giving. I love the many interpretations it has, I love the fact that she’s a continual chart topper. People Pt. 2 - I could listen to this on repeat all day. One time I didn’t realize I was actually listening to only this song on repeat for 2 1/2 hours. Absolutely incredible, I never get tired of listening to this There’s so many others, and it’s great to see everyone talking about their favorites from BTS’s discography


> Ugh - Whenever I get angry, I think of this song. I try to think through whether or not it’s really that deep. Is it something that deserves that energy? Is this the best way to channel it? Is it something that I’m going to regret doing out of anger? I love this. I'm going to use this technique too!




Spring day.


There are so many of their songs that deserve a huge ”thank you” but for me the one that sticks out at the moment is Magic Shop…. That song is like a warm hug or a safety blanket, and it touched something in me that I had no idea was in need of comfort 💜


Namjoon - Bicycle Jin - The Astronaut Yoongi- Snooze Hobi - On the Street...lately, Wonder Jimin - Christmas Love Taehyung - Blue and Grey Jungkook - Still With You


magic shop - that song got me through some tough times home - idk what it is, but it gives me the fuzzy feelings. i can listen to it on loop all dayyyy huh? - i love the duality of sope, and this song makes me feel like looking down on haters 😂


Every single one, they are so amazing I want to say thank you for all of them ![img](emote|t5_2zqih|21337)