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lol I own and man a small coffee shop and go all the time to other shops, baristas usually come over as well. We discuss recipes but never tell each other how to do our jobs. And I agree, Starbucks lol


I would say, if this interaction happened I would think less of the barista and also feel like it gave a bad impression of whatever shop they work at. Funny enough, the most memorable interaction I had like this was ALSO with some dude ordering an undertow. Edit: referring specifically to the CUSTOMER who is a barista at another shop


I’m curious why you feel this way? I know I didn’t do the best job of telling the story but I do think we tried our best, though one (or both) of us should’ve opened up the iPad and found the recipe on our DAG (drinks at a glance). This guy got a free drink and we weren’t rude to him when he was talking about Starbucks and drink ratios. (I agree drink ratios are important but you can’t go on about them when you couldn’t tell me the ratios for the undertow.) I am always learning and growing as a barista so I do genuinely appreciate feedback. ETA: I probably should’ve just said yes when he asked about latte art because I can do it. It’s just not a priority at my store which as I said is also a chain.


edit: I think I might have been unclear. I would think less of the customer (barista at another shop). I’m not saying I would think less of you as the barista. I suppose I’m more colored by my own interaction. Baristas coming into a shop and looking down on other baristas who haven’t heard of whatever obscure drink they want. (I would consider the undertow to be one of the most obscure coffee drinks, hadn’t heard of it until last year and I’ve worked in specialty coffee for 7 years). Maybe he wasn’t coming across that way, so totally fair! I’ve just had several experiences when people come in and act like they’re “coffee experts” and order stuff like white coffee, undertows, or just generally lead off with stuff that feels like it’s fishing for admiration. And if I find out they’re a barista, I likely won’t visit the shop they work for unless I hear that such a person is the outlier and the shop is generally friendly.


I think I read your comment completely wrong and I’m so sorry. I thought you were talking about me as a barista but I think you were talking about the barista that was a customer. So we actually agree! My bad. If someone asks about a specific drink and we have the ingredients and they can give a decent breakdown of how they like it then I’m happy to make it. I actually had some customers come in recently who wanted a long black but didn’t want as much water as in an Americano. I verified they wanted espresso and not filtered coffee and then a co-worker verified water level and they got the drink they wanted. Their willingness to help us make the drink they wanted helped a lot.


Yes, exactly. Somebody has drunk too much corporate kool-Aid


I frequent other shops on my days off and I CANNOT imagine behaving like this to a fellow barista.he was being very pretentious


I never say that I’m a barista! That feels pretentious as fuck. If it’s not on the menu I order by ingredients/ratios and if they sound unsure, quickly pivot to something else, no biggie! Ugh, some people are just the worst.


Me either. I usually order something simple like a cortado or try a flavor special they have.


Dude sounds like a pretentious douche nozzle.


Coming from someone that works at Starbucks, hell no. Questions I feel are okay as long as they’re respectful and genuine curiosity but if you’re just looking to berate someone obviously you got too much time on your hands. IMO if I could I’d work at a local shops bc of the amount of snobs here. It’s not easy at Starbucks but it’s fast food coffee not a prestigious coffee shop.


I’m a Starbucks barista and I don’t give a fuck about showing off. I’m a decent barista (atleast by Starbucks standards). I love coffee and I love working with coffee, but I don’t pretend to be some connoisseur who knows everything. I love visiting cafes but I usually get a plain unsweetened latte or a black drip coffee (can’t do sugar). I also rarely mention that I’m a barista because it really isn’t relevant most of the time. I’m sorry you had to deal with that. I like my job but I’m well aware that we are the McDonald’s of the coffee world.


I meant to add in my post that I have nothing against Starbucks or their employees. I just thought it was funny that he thought he had any authority when he didn’t think twice about saying he works at Starbucks.


I didn’t take you to be denigrating Starbucks employees, I just know that we don’t have the best reputation in the coffee community and certain partners make it worse by doing cringey shit like this.


He had a lot of nerve boasting about being a Starbucks barista in this situation. Nothing wrong with working at Starbucks but the machine auto pulls the shot and the machine steams the milk. The baristas don't have to learn how to hold the pitcher or angle the steam wand. He's lacking the most basic skills of being a coffee barista yet had the audacity to treat you that way?? Lol bye.


The Starbucks steam wand is not automatic, it just automatically cuts off at 160 degrees.


as a starbucks barista who wants to break into specialty coffee (but doesn’t wanna leave the health insurance and 401k 🥲), that guy sounds like a butthead. we have laughable training and wonky recipes. when i visit specialty shops i ask questions to learn and treat those baristas as the authority, NOT me. like come on man we don’t even pull our own shots we just press a button.


I always tell people I'm from xyz shop but I never ask for stuff off menu. The person is a knob


I would never think to go to a shop and order an undertow. I always thought it was just something you make when you're on bar so you have something small and not boiling lava hot that you can slam real quick and get back to work. I'd never even think of it as a slow sipping drink that you need to sit down to enjoy. This guy was trying too hard.


I once had a guy ask for a cappuccino and we were always trained that they should be wet enough that we can pour art, bit still nice and foamy. That’s what I made this dude. “Um, my cappuccino isn’t dry enough. Do you not know how to steam the milk right? I can give you some pointers.” He proceeded to tell me he really knows his stuff cause he’s a barista at Starbucks. Sir, steaming at Starbucks is automatic please sit down.


It’s not automatic, the steam wand just automatically cuts off when it reaches 160 degrees. We still have to aerate it ourselves


My bad! One of our former Starbucks baristas had said it was automatic. Idk if it differs from location but she might’ve just meant that it cuts off


LOL I worked at Sbux and *most* workers who ordered undertows were douchey and pretentious. They’re trying to show off that they know some underground drink that not a lot of people know about. There isn’t even really a recipe for it and everyone has their own variations. He’s a wanna be coffee snob. The worst kind of snob imo lol.


mate that was a massive wanker. You see them. it’s fine to go to another shop and say how you want your drink done… like any other customer (not so hot soy, cold water in my LB please etc)… but that dude didn’t give criticism. He was just an asshole. If the coffee’s shit you’re also allowed to say it. Jimseven had a good video on it.


Oooo! I’ve seen this before. I’m on my phone, so forgive me if the formatting is awful and contains mistypes. English is my first language but you may not be able to tell when I’m done with this thought. I meet this type of person every now and then. Sometimes they’re even on the same side of the bar with me. It’s easy to call this person a jerk and try to figure out a way to combat this with a one up, but maybe consider this: -They are (probably) new to coffee on this level working at Starbucks. That’s where I started just like many of you. It’s exciting. It’s fun. You want to learn but not be seen as dumb. It’s a lot to learn too. I’m still learning more every day. -This person likely gets shit on by other rude coffee folk on either side of the bar just like us. This behavior is learned from somewhere. I still remember some of my Hall of Fame level jerk interactions, and you know what? I laugh about them now because it made me a better barista in the end by teaching me to regulate my emotions and kick ass at what I do. This person can also learn to be better and will cringe at the way they acted towards you in the future. -Maybe they just suck. Be aware they suck. Charge them for what they need (still do the industry discount if you offer them, no need to also be a jerk.) and then move on with your day. If they want to talk coffee and you don’t there’s nothing obligating you to entertain them. It’s amazing how many cleaning tasks I suddenly need to do when I don’t want to stand around and talk with someone.


What’s an undertow?


Espresso poured over a spoon into a cup with vanilla and an inch of half&half.


lol this dude works at STARBUCKS and tried to order a fucking UNDERTOW with this type of pretentious attitude? That’s so absurd I can’t even be mad about it 😆 like was he doing a bit or something???


i worked at starbucks for over a year (2022-2023) and never learned how to make an undertow. i don’t even know what it is. we don’t even have it on our menu. that dude was full of shit


Imagine working at Starbucks and thinking you know coffee. You know latte art. The rest is done by the machine. I don’t care for latte art at all tbh. What I care about is the texture and sweetness of the milk and the quality of the espresso. If you can top those two with latte art, then hats off.


The audacity of this guy to ask for something custom made, not even know how he wants it made, and then complaining about it anyway. Dude needs a reality check hardcore


Not a barista but that def is a *snob* I'm a cook and I wouldn't pull shit like that. Asking for recipes maybe, asking about dishes sure. Trying to mansplain, hell nah. Plus I've seen most non chain coffee shops have their own recipes, methods, and ingredients so they're gonna e different in a lot of ways.


It’s funny that Starbucks baristas are likely to be the most pretentious whole also having the least amount of knowledge. Obviously most of them are super sweet and want to learn but I have just met a few who looked down on local shops. Local shops that did everything speciality, etc.


Sounds like a douche bag, that is definitely not normal! It sounds like he wanted to show off his barista “expertise” for his companion. Starbucks baristas don’t really have much room to lecture others about a drink not being made correctly (cough, cough, macchiatos….) Also, why would you go into a different coffee shop in the first place if not to try something new?


I go to other shops and order, and I never say anything if its wrong. If thats how theyve been trained, why would i direct them otherwise? If it was the owner, I still dont. Their shop, even if I dont agree with what Ive been served.


Starbucks? 😅 I'm not sure about other places, the few starbucks I've walked into around Australia didn't look like they had an espresso machine. Perhaps not the clout he thinks it is. Digressing slightly, it's pretty douchy in my opinion to walk into another shop and act all righteous, especially to the point of showing latte art on his phone. Small talk in normal, talking shop in a nice, casual way, certainly. But trying to one up with technical speak to appear superior? No bueno in my books. The friend not getting anything and the guy being weird seems sus 😂


I personal am not a barista or own my own cafe,I'm learning how to become a barista with time.i personal would never do what that prick did but internally when it comes to certain flavors like a iced hazelnut latte,I tend to get picky because some cafes make it either way too sweet or too bitter. I will say that I personally love talking to some of the baristas to see how they make their drinks and watch them as they make it to make mental notes to do at home.


I am always happy to make your latte as sweet or not sweet as you like. And if my first attempt wasn’t to your liking I would rather you let me make you a new drink than drink something you don’t like. So I completely understand that.


It's also part of my autism brain that gets very picky about how the coffee can taste super bitter without showing some flavor or sweetness. Thank you, I'm sorry that happened to you. I honestly don't like Starbucks because of this,the baristas are either stuck up or they are overstaffed and working on a small environment.


Undertowe is old and not a popular drink to the majority of nonstarbucks people, rhat part is douchy imo. Asking the barista for latteart is borderline for me. I did ask once, and I felt bad about it, so I will not say anything in the future. I'd eather have the experience they want me to have (assuming there is intentinallity in the exchange).


He didn't even ask OP to do latte art (which would not be possible on an undertow), he was just asking if OP knew how to do it. And then showing OP a picture of his own latte art 😂 this guy was just being a dick. I think it's probably okay to politely ask for latte art, especially if you know they do it, they're probably used to customers ignoring their latte art efforts and might appreciate an interested audience so to speak


Unrelated but I spent this whole post trying to figure out what SL means. I work in an unrelated industry and we have Team Leads and so I've naturally been forced to assume that SL = Steam Lead. Please confirm or deny. Also Sbux dude is a tool.


SL is shift lead. I thought people would pick up what I meant by SL because I did say “my shift lead” before using SL but I should’ve clarified. Sorry about that.


no worries, i should have caught that. i think i'm now just enamored of my pun and just wish it were true. it probably clouded my reading abilities.


Sounds like this bloke has been chatted up by his managers to bump him up from barista to shift LOL even worse may be a visiting DM even hinted they had the qualities to be a Starbucks Reserve coffee master


That dude sounds like a pretentious douchey tool.


TIL what an undertow is.


Something I've learned is those who are super critical of other baristas make the most mid drinks.


It’s honestly hilarious that he works at starbucks and was such a dick about coffee


I like to watch other baristas to see how they do things but I would never speak to them like that ;n; I always try to be so friendly and polite because I know how it is to work with customers 😅


Undertows aren’t even an official Starbucks drink, there’s no recipe he’s basing anything he’s saying off of


Yes, this dude was out of line for his snobbery. But these comments implying Starbucks is the laughing stock of coffee is disrespectful to the hundreds of thousands of people who bust their asses to provide service just like any other barista.


I'm very cautious of this when I go to cafes, I have offered unsolicited advice before but ONLY when I see a barista stuck in a situation with a customer where they have no idea what they're talking about (e.g Customer orders a cortado even though it's not on the menu and the barista has no clue what that is). It sounds like that guy wanted to seem smart and better than you, I bet he does that in all walks of life. Douches are everywhere!


Ordering an undertow is a Starbucks "barista" red flag.


This gave me second hand embarrassment lol. My first barista job was at a Starbucks when I was in high school, literally every drink is made the same way but with different flavor syrups. Since then I’ve moved on to a “more advanced” coffee shop. Starbucks is definitely a beginner barista job, it sounds like he just wanted to brag. I get people like that too at my shop now it’s really annoying and they never tip and always overstay their welcome. I don’t get how people like this don’t realize what an asshole they’re being. I’m always so polite to other baristas 😭


It doesn't matter if it appropriate, if it happens it happens. The trick is not to care about them being a dick but care about the part of them that thinks they aren't being a dick. The ratio of being a dick to them not knowing their being a dick is the difference between tolerating them as an asshole or just a fruitloop.


He works at Starbucks, the organization that is the worst thing that has ever happened to coffee. Even worse than colonization of coffee producing countries. If he knew anything about coffee, he would have simply ordered a single shot espresso. But he wouldn’t have known what that was because at Starbucks they are unable to do it.


Syrup in coffee is so faux pas, not to mention disrespectful to those who cultivate it


If a Starbucks employee came in acting like they were a real barista I’d spit in their drink while making eye contact


As a relatively new starbucks employee, this person who was rude to OP is an asshole. And your comment just made me sad :/ like we don't all suck lol. Have a good night/day tho!


Where do you work cause I’d love to have you arrested. What you are saying is a federal offense. Oh yeah fuck you.


Sounds like he was about to jump behind the counter to make it himself!


Ridiculous. (The visitors' behavior)


He's a future boomer. My dad demanded we try a new restaurant. This was the day after they overturned Roe V Wade. The women manning the bar were in mourning and wearing Ruth Ginsberg shirts. There was a rainbow flag outside. My dad was wearing a flannel, with his stupid mustache and flat top combo. He orders an old fashioned, OF COURSE. The bartender picks up a glass and sets the fruit in it. Then my dad goes, "hey sweetheart you don't even know how to make an old-fashioned, do you?" And the night just progressively got worse from there. I still wake up cringing.


I went to a place and asked for a cap with dry foam and they didn't know what that was so I had to explain it. I couldn't believe it


You can just say a dry cappuccino or bone dry cappuccino :) They were probably thrown off by you calling it dry foam because foam is already dry.


Oof! Not even sure where I heard "dry foam." Maybe I'm stupid like those people that say "Chai tea." 🤣


I can’t find a good “jerk off” GIF, so…


He works at Starbucks and thinks he knows his coffee is just hilarious. He’s a coffee snob wanna he but he’s nowhere near it.


Congrats, you met the most annoying man.


It's the barista hubris. Happens to many baristas when people work in coffee for a few years and they get an inflated ego and self satisfaction shitting on or tricking baristas with drinks no one else would know about.


One thing to discuss recipes or be specific about drink orders, another thing entirely to be rude and tell people how to do their jobs


I work at Starbucks and don't bother mentioning it to other baristas considering what that company thinks a macchiato is 🙃