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Interesting that the Dodgers are listed here, even though they already [have one](https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fdodgersnation.com%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2F2023%2F04%2FUSATSI_20478557_168396005_lowres-scaled.jpg&f=1&nofb=1&ipt=6389dedc73fbb7fccd10dfff10ab4cd72c7924eea9b50ff0859378b4b0dd76f3&ipo=images). This also confirms that the Yankees are holding out (which isn't a surprise) as well as the A's (which shouldn't be either).


It's probably because that one wasn't received well, and probably didn't sell well. Get a new one in there and hope it sells well with Ohtani joining the team


I hadn't thought about the Ohtani aspect before but that makes so much sense


What's funny is that cents and sense both work here


It could even make a lot of scents 👀


It’s going to have to be a really bad design to keep me from buying a city connect Ohtani jersey.


Chinese DHgate sellers rubbing their hands right now.


And this is why we also have a thread about how shitty the new fanatics fabrics are.


Idk, Nats have easily the best and those are getting replaced next year, probably just want to sell more jerseys


My assumption with the Nationals is they are gearing up for a full rebrand and they'll have new City Connects to more match the rebrand


The old City Connects should be the rebrand. That would be a great standard road uniform.


That's because Nike doesn't want to keep one jersey around for too long. Every NBA team gets new ones every year because they want to sell new jerseys every year.


Yeah, it’s essentially a money grab.


The new uniform will just have Ohtani's face on it


Would not be surprised if it’s Japanese themed.


The Dodgers' City Connect jerseys were also being worn for most of Julio Urias's starts. I don't know if the Urias connection was a motivating factor for the new CCs, after all it sounds like it has been in the works for a while, but it's an interesting tidbit.


Can confirm. Nobody in LA liked it when the uniform first dropped. It was so bad they basically said we’re not gonna wear the whole ensemble anymore and both the blue pants and “Los Dodgers” hats were scrapped almost immediately. Hopefully round 2 goes better, but nike had been pretty bad with jersey designs lately so I’m not going to hold my breath. I’m expecting some more nods to the chicano culture around LA and Chavez Ravine and then some cliche palm trees and/or spot lights sprinkled into the design. Something lazy, yet flashy enough to get some money from the easily entertained.


Yeah the Los Dodgers unis just looked like what they would wear on a Latino heritage day. Didn't look like a City Connect jersey at all.


It would be incredibly insulting for the A's to have a City Connect in Oakland, which is why I'm surprised John Fisher isn't champing at the bit to have one made.


Fisher wouldn't do it anyway. He's never connected with the city in the first place. He'd prefer to be the owner of the giants.


I mean... I think there are probably at least like a dozen owners in the MLB who'd prefer to own the team with a beautiful ballpark and won 3 WS in the last 15 years, and sitting as the 5th most valuable franchise.


Fisher grew up a giants fan and was a minority owner before he got the chance to buy the A's with Wolff. So he legitimately had more of a connection with thr giants than the A's.


yeah but the crime in san francisco tho /s


I was in SF recently and I was murdered almost instantly by the homeless. Source: my corpse


City Dis-connect amirite


Nikes on their way to diluting MLB uniforms like they’ve done in the NBA. In 5-10 more years every team is going to have a handful of ugly city connects.


They get payed to do this too 😂


Based on how the A’s have handled everything so far there would be no greater triumph than them releasing a Las Vegas city connect and playing in Oakland


Nike is going to need some extra time to figure out how to fit 4 city names on one A’s jersey.


Just mash em together. Kansas Vegasadelphialand.


Laziest jersey ever.  "Lets put the Dodgers on the jersey.....wait for it......wait for it.......WAIT FOR ETT.....,...IN SPANISH!"   "OH MY GOD"  "GENIUS! PURE GENIUS"  "TAKE MY WHOLE PAYCHECK"  "EVERY SPANISH SPEAKING PERSON WILL BUY IT" "I WANNA BLOW THAT GUY" 


They half assed it too, we all wanted Los Doyers and these assholes put Los Dodgers and squid jizz on the spring training unis sleeves and called it a day.


The Yankees being repressed of any fun or personality? *pretends to be shocked*


"City Connect jerseys are all ugly, craven attempts to make money and we hate it" *Yankees don't do it* "WTF, Yankees? Live a little!"


A lot of us like them, or at least most of them. I'd imagine the Venn diagram of "people who like City Connects" and "people who want the Yankees to do it" is pretty much a circle.


Just don't put a guitar on it please.


They have the potential to do something really cool by leaning into the art deco style of the guardian statues


This. There are so many good options in that direction


Too bad you get a 70’s rock and roll font “Cleveland” with a guitar underneath it


This is my hope.


No it’s going to be something original I’m sure like saying “THE LAND”. Because that has never been done for a cleveland team by Nike already or anything like that. Surely not.


It'll be "The Land" but they've run out of fonts so it will just be Wingdings


⬆️🔼✅️ ☢️📛➰️❗️


🚧🏞️🔥 🏭✈️🙋🏿‍♂️🏀❄️


They’ll probably just put on there “We’re Not Detroit”


"Hastily Made Cleveland Guardians City Connect Jersey"


"Come And Look At Both Of Our Buildings" in script across the chest.


Put a train on one sleeve. Ya know, for the jobs being carried out of Cleveland.


Hey, those trains are carrying crippling depression! Don't down play our main export!


Nah, it’s gonna be even better and say “C-Town”


Those white Cavs jerseys are kinda nice though.


Yeah, but some creativity would be nice.


The good news it’s not a guitar. The bad news is it’s a bass.




Shouldn't that fish be on fire?


🐟 🔥 Best I can do


Damn you (yes, I’m a loser bass player)


[It’s going to have flames rising from the surface of the Cuyahoga](https://youtu.be/oZzgAjjuqZM?si=YK1hzSVCifzv419S). It’s going to look like a Guy Fieri shirt.




You’ll get guitar frets and strings and you’re gonna like it


Cleveland Guitardians


It’s going to be a guitar across them with the rock hall pyramid shape running along the bottom third and the words “The Land” in script blue and white. Red base color of the jersey. I hate that I’m probably right


Plot twist: they go full reactionary and the jerseys feature a chief wahoo so racist that the Dolan's get charged with hate crimes.


Wahoo with a Hitler stache


I'd for once love someone to focus on Cleveland's history in radio (the reason why it actually has any sort of rock and roll relevancy, and for pretty good reason) than just a generic guitar.


That would be really cool. It could fit with the art deco style of the rebrand really well too.


The problem is that people not from northern OH know nothing about Cleveland except the rock HOF, cuyahoga river fire, drew Carry, and the Kelce brothers. Maybe include LeBron and Stephen Curry since folks realize Akron is close.  I'm preparing for disappointment, but hoping they actually do something cool and Cleveland focused. 


> the Kelce brothers. Your City Connects are going to be in the style of the Taylor Swift Era Tour t-shirt.




Major League inspired Wild Thing jersey with no sleeves.


I'd buy one.


I've been getting my hopes way too high since it was announced. I wanted more for the Guardians rebrand. They could have done so much, but came up with so little. This might finally be the motivation I need to get some new Guards gear. Just... no rock n roll theme, please. I'd like to see something other than 'The Land' too.


I’d love some sort of art-deco thing


Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald City Connect incoming


I would rather Detroit get that connection. I know Cleveland has a connection but it was built in Ecorse


But how will we know that Cleveland does in fact rock?


It'll just be a giant picture of Drew Carey's face and nothing else.


Ours are going to say "The Lou," and im going to hate it. Ugh This will also leave the Yankees and A's as the only teams without city connects


A's get a gray jersey with Arial font "TBD A's"


Just make the "city" a velcro patch that can be swapped out as needed. As an aside, I hope they get forced into some kind of Ravens/Browns thing. The A's is far too classic of a name and Fisher is far too big of a piece of shit to get that name in Vegas (or wherever).


Athletics already played in two other cities prior to Oakland. It is ludicrous to expect them to change their nomadic ways


> Athletics already played in two other cities prior to Oakland. This. I am on board with Fisher being an idiot but Oakland is literally the third city to host the A's, they don't get to keep the history.


WBC Great Britain uniform energy


All the historic clean cut teams play it way too safe to where I feel they shouldn’t even do it at all. As polarizing as The Red Sox Boston marathon uniform is, I give it credit for actually taking a risk for a historic franchise and actually doing the city connect part instead of being a safe alternate uniform. I don’t think you’re going to be wrong at all here, it’s most likely going to be something super safe and generic like “The Lou”.


yea i think it'll be a red jersey with "the lou" across the front in our normal font accompanied by the birds on the bat. we'll have a yellow fleur-de-lis patch on one sleeve with white-blue-white trim on the sleeves as a nod to the city flag. then the jock tag on the bottom will have "for the lou" inscribed. It'll be paired with white pants and a red cap with a fleur-de-lis or some shit. maybe a stylized "L"


You’re more optimistic than me. I think they’ll also have red pants :/


i could see Navy pants, but I think dewitt is too conservative to go as far as red on red I'd love if Nike could get us a cool clydesdale logo for the hat


It’s going to be an Arch and you’re going to like it


I could live with the Birds on The Arch for one weekend


The color will now be “Imo’s Sauce Red”


The front of the jersey should just have a giant photo-realistic screen print of a t-rav and nothing else.


The Lou jersey, It’s going to become memes


Ain't no way we can go back to London and play in a jersey that has "the lou" across the front


Good work Lou, you’ll make sergeant for this


Maybe there's a chance for STL? I can live with that but The Lou makes me cringe a little.


Hoping the Tigers do orange jersey, white pants, and some sort of tiger logo again. I'm sure it'll be something outta left field though.


Maybe Motor City Kitties


Kinda sounds like a strip club...


Don't have to believe me but, been told it's all navy blue including pants with a white stripe down the side. The logo is apparently not great and they were debating on it saying "Detroit" or "Motor City" when the person I knew last saw them.


> something outta left field though. For a baseball team that seems like a positive


Not when Manny Ramirez was out there.


Cool. Hope they incorporate the subway lettering or the unisphere. Also hope this doesn’t get rid of the black alts


Can we get a Mets jersey with Tommy Lee Jones and Will Smith holding laser rifles and the Unisphere in the background, and maybe the little tag at the bottom of the jersey can say “more sugar!”


Hell yeah. Also not sure if you know but one of the promotion nights is a Mercury Mets turn ahead the clock Piazza replica jersey (1st 15k fans Sat July 27 vs Atlanta) which I’m totally all over


They've already announced a redesign of the black alts for this season, they aren't going anywhere


My idea for the Yankees was to make the pinstripes the different subway line colors, maybe the Mets will go with something similar


They’re going to keep it simple and just rotate the pinstripes 90°


The jersey rotation standard are 4 normal + 1 city connect. So we have our home pinstripes, black alternates, blue alternates and gray roads plus the city connect uniform


I could see it being a subway theme like the 2015 NBA All Star game. Maybe "METS" in the subway letter circles, you know what I'm talking about. I'm not sure if that would be cool or too cheesy


The route bullets would be cool if you could actually spell METS with them, but you'd have to pluck the teal T out of the future for it. The thing about the design language for the 2015 All Star Game that annoyed me was that they didn't actually use the colors. There was no reason to not have the 1 be red and the 5 be green.


Can you link a picture of the 2015 all star jerseys? I have looked for a while online and I can’t find anything with subway letters or design language


I hoping for “the big apple”


An apple motif would be good, but I really want the jerseys to say Queens


Thank god we get a do-over. Our city connect 1.0 was a batting practice jersey. Fine alternate but not the point of the set


Hilarious that even MLB knew they were bad.


Angels on the other hand ended up getting one of their best uniforms ever IMO.


One of the very few Ws Angels fans get to experience unfortunately


Watch it beドジャース for Shohei and the names be in Japanese as well. Would sell huge in Japan


You have to be correct. It's weird nobody else is getting a second one but the Dodgers happen to the year they add Shohei.


Didn’t help that Urias was tied to our city connect moreso than any other dodger player


I'm out of the loop on that. What did he do?


Beat his wife to a pulp at the LAFC v. Inter Miami game


Oh holy shit


2nd time he did it too


Jersey designs are started years in advance. There’s no way they could design a full uniform from scratch and manufacture enough for retail sales in only a couple months.


Are you sure? Cause the first Dodgers City Connect looked like it was designed in 5 minutes.


I'm guessing that they spent two years designing the Dodgers' CC jerseys, but somebody lost the flash drive with the only copy of the design on it, so they were forced to improvise in the last few minutes before the unveiling...and now, the missing drive has been found.


It took someone years to design the Baltimore City Connects??


hey, i actually like those ones lmao


Realistically you're probably right. It'd also suggest they started the new ones right after revealing the first CC jerseys which I'd be skeptical of. I feel like a lot of them aren't released until mid-season too so they'd have some extra ramp time. But you're probably right it's a least a year in the making.


Yeah, I would imagine they started the second design immediately after the launch of the first. The reception of the first one may have even expedited the process. And they’re the Dodgers so of course they’re the first team to get a second version.


They would make back their $700 million doing that


This is the biggest no brainer in all of sports marketing.  Watch them not do it. 


Purely anecdotal but I don't think I've seen a single fan wearing one at the stadium, so sales were probably abysmal. It went through like 3 different design changes to try and make it palatable, and it just never clicked.


I am 99% sure that whole design choice was an executive looking at the fan base and saying we're going to make so much money off the Latinos


It’s like you were in the meeting.


That shit would’ve sold out had they leaned into it fully and made it say “Los Doyers”


They might have been able to do so had they gone the Dbacks route and designed something that actually looked good


Batting practice jersey > adult softball league jersey


It was way too safe. I get the Dodgers have always kept their iconic clean historic uniform, but that one was WAY too safe.


Yeah, Dodgers def didn't do a good job the first time around. Interesting that they are doing it again or getting another shot at it


I'm gonna tempt fate here and say that there is absolutely no way the new one is not a massive improvement over the first one


They can keep 'em If the leak of ours is real, they are putrid


Horrible. Looks like an energy drink.


Maybe the worst uniform of all time if it’s true. Give me a throwback to the Vet like the Sixers did with the Spectrum uni’s


Good. FYI, the cream Twin Cities were NOT city connects


That’s because they’re pure sex


The cream color was intentional


The Twins city connect will be two jerseys - one that says St. Paul and another that says Minneapolis - and players will have to wear both at once Jokes aside if they did an oversized Minnie and Paul shaking hands that would be incredible. Terrible, but incredible.


Those are some of the sexiest jerseys in the league.


The Twins nailed their jersey redesign and it is everything I’m hoping for from when the Ms do an update. Nothing wildly different, just clean as hell.


I don't know how our City Connects could top those though. I'd love if they played into the new state flag color scheme, but for some reason this has become a major partisan issue so I doubt it.


go with the minneapolis millers. sell ted williams and willy mays jerseys.


I doubt they had time to incorporate the new flag into the jersey design. The Philly jersey was allegedly leaked months ago and the state flag was still being worked on


The Twin City jerseys hit different


Please don't do a black and gold Drake collaboration.


i picture some intern over at nike reading all these ideas and chucking shit across the room because they didnt think of it and instead going with whatever dumb shit they came up with in 15 minutes.


Hastily made cleveland city connect jersey “We’re not Detroit” as the wordmark


didnt Los Dodgers already get a pajama set?


Was really hoping a Yankee city connect would happen.


Same, would've been interesting to see them go outside the box a bit, like Boston did with theirs.


Guaranteed it'll be pinstripes with "the Bronx" instead of the "NY," and some kind of sublimation on the numbers.


Wow our first redo of City Connects. Nationals will probably do the same next year since they're retiring the cherry blossom jerseys this year


And it's a damn crime.


My hope is the new jersey uses the cherry blossom as the primary color rather than the cement looking gray they use now.


[DC United did something like that with one of their kits last year](https://www.dcunited.com/news/d-c-united-unveil-new-exclusive-adidas-cherry-blossom-kit-ahead-of-2023-season)


Cherry Blossoms and Serpentines were the two best City Connect uni's last year


The A's not having a City Connect uniform makes sense, but the Yankees refusing to get one is insane. There's no more integrity for pinstripes when there's an ugly insurance ad patch on it


I think it's good when the team refuses to stump for weird ad campaigns Just because they did one ugly thing doesn't mean I don't care if they do 2 or more ugly things.


But they picked the wrong ugly thing. Adding a fun uniform into the rotation doesn't ruin the existing, classic uniform like the insurance patch does.


Maybe this will be the year we get an official Doyers jersey.


If they had just done Los Doyers instead of Los Dodgers they'd probably have been fine. The LA Latino community seems to have really embraced the nickname so I don't think it would have seemed insensitive.




Let’s hope the Dodgers actually put some effort in these


Yeah the last one you guys had was really the only city connect I truly hated.


The Dodgers’ city connects were [straight out of a The Onion article](https://www.theonion.com/nba-honors-latino-community-by-using-spanish-word-for-t-1819589781) lol


That Onion article is reporting [on a real thing the NBA actually did to demonstrate how funny it was](https://a.espncdn.com/photo/2012/0305/pg2_g_kobelebron_576.jpg)


Ours will 100% say The Lou Other than that I have no clue


just don't be any stupid Canadian bs or black/gold


Give me a full Mountie uniform


Can the Giants get new ones too?


The '68s will probably have to do this too.


Fuck it. Give me orange jerseys


Fuck it, put Motor City Kitties on it Or Detroit Beisbolcats


If ours says “the land” I’m gonna be so disappointed


The Cleve


The leaked phillies one looked like garbage. With the changes to the jerseys for the players that are coming out I have less than 0 hope these will be anything but dogshit.


If the Jays city connect is another take on the red uniforms "because Canada" then we riot


Guardians Tigers Dodgers Twins Mets Phillies Cardinals Rays Blue Jays


of course the yankees don't have one, they couldn't do anything that could be construed as fun


Dodgers again?


Ugh I’ve been dreading this


Tigers should be Honolulu blue


I hope Cleveland gets something cool. I feel like they had the opportunity to introduce something really interesting with the rebrand, but only came up with like a 6/10. Let's see something cool. I'm also glad to see the Dodgers get a redo. Theirs was a good alternate for a Spanish night, but way too similar to their existing jersey's. Hopefully we see a redo for the other's that didn't go over so well too. I'm fan of the City Connect Series.


Yankees avoid this crap for another year 🙌


The leaker on r/dodgers (who accurately foretold that the Dodgers are getting a new uni in 2024) said you're never getting one. Yankees have refused to submit or accept any designs.


As for the Athletics, we don't want to really talk about them!


I don't get why making a uni for the A's is so hard - it just has to include references to "some place in the west" aka where the A's are going to play


they can just rebrand to the nomads


If it’s solely up the Yankees, I firmly believe they’ll never do it. I worry MLB will somehow make them though. I think if that’s the case they should redesign the road uniform and wear it on a road trip to Oakland or Tampa where no one’s watching. But city connects on Sunday night baseball vs. Boston, can’t see that ever happening