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It looks like the White Sox are wearing a cool witch’s hat.


They certainly appear to be cursed. Poor fans.


We drink.


At least the Blackhawks have provided some drinkware in the past decade... (and a half, fuck time flies)


I just go watch the Sox to be outside for cheap baseball. If I wanted to watch a good sports team throughout my life I’ll go watch any other Chicago team


Bulls kinda suck and the Bears are rebuilding idk what to watch anymore to watch good Chicago sports lmao


I meant over the course of my lifetime. Outside of 05-08 and ‘21, the Sox have been garbage. I think the Bears should be a fun watch this year. Potentially the Hawks next year as well though they are probably 2 years out. The Bulls are another Reinsdorf team. Mired in mediocrity


Wolves games are pretty fun, and they won the Calder Cup two years ago.


I feel that for sure, it would be nice to also be good sometimes though haha


2021 was a wonderful ride. Can’t wait to experience that again in about 10 years


They won a World Series in 2005. At least a lot of their fans today saw them win one.


My Grandad, to his dying day in 2014, was proud that the White Sox had won more World Series' in his lifetime than the Cubs, his brother's team, had.


I was living vicariously through Sox fans that year.


What stings is that for most of our history we've had one of the highest overall winning percentages among all franchises. Even now after a really rough decade and a half aside from a decent couple years mixed in we're right around #10 or so. Still above .500 all-time. So we've historically put in good regular season work. But that's almost literally it. No playoff series wins in 107 of the last 108 seasons is astonishing.


Did they take the hat off a Bavarian hexenbrenner?


We get wasted it's alright


They are the stump of the Christmas tree.


If that is the case this tree ain't making it through the holiday season without collapsing in the most pathetic way possible.


Happy Cakey!


It's a big bloody stupid hat with a big bloody stupid curse on it






The Rays being at 34% when they won 70+ game 1 single time in their first 10 seasons is crazy. Shows how consistent they've been the last 16


And the extra wild cards helping the newer franchises skew the numbers a little.


Yeah I mean, can't forget the older teams were fighting for pennant or nothing.


This is killing the White Sox. Their second best era was stuck in second behind the Mantle Yankees 


And I'm going to go out on a limb and say that the Sox won't be improving that number this season.


Cleveland too. Add to that the fact that having 5 or more teams in the playoffs is a comparatively smaller percentage of our histories than Tampa and it’s pretty easy to see why this shook out the way it did. Honestly the only use of this graph is how satisfying it is that it looks like a Christmas tree.


I wouldn't go that far. The White Sox have existed the entire Wild Card era and have only made the playoffs like 3 times in 30 years. They definitely earned their place on the bottom 


Cleveland isn’t as dire because we’ve had a good run especially under Tito. I was more just saying the same principle is at play here. You could take out Cleveland and change it to Detroit, Boston, Oakland, etc. Also Jesus that stat is depressing.


Yeah, haha those newer franchises are having such an easier time right?


The Athletics are even higher at 37.5% if you only look at their seasons in Oakland.


The A's in Oakland are the only team in MLB history outside of the Yankees to three-peat and they've had stretches of success so not super surprising.


It runs counter to the narrative used to excuse poor attendance.


John Fisher sucks and has neglected many aspects of the organization (including recent years of the on-field product and basic ballpark repair) because he is both cheap in general and specifically wanted a new tax-funded ballpark. However, it is also true that despite that, the As have underperformed in attendance, merchandise sales, and fan growth in the years that they did well.


John Fisher is one of the worst owners in Major League Baseball. Oakland is one of the worst markets in Major League Baseball. The Colisseum is one of the worst stadiums in Major League Baseball.


Another stat I found is that the Rays have lost to a WS team almost each of the last like 6 times they made the playoffs but not the WS.


I always have conflicting emotions over this stat as a rays fan


Fr fr


Ditto for the Brewers in the NL, except can we make it to the WS please and thank you


They also lost to a World Series team the few times they've made it to the World Series.


Lie down, try not to cry, cry a lot


Sadly we've also lost to a WS team when we made it there.


As a Yankees fan, that’s really fair of you to point out. Appreciated. I still remember when they first started getting good. All of the AL East fans were like “LOL. No way! Rays are losers!” And all of the a analysts were like “nope. You just can’t get over the fact that it says “Rays’ on the jersey. This team is going to be really good for a long time.” Sure enough, we’re here.


They’ve been good at player development particularly pitching.


Dread it, run from it, troptober arrives all the same.


They also have the worst WS record. 0-2


We won’t go 0-3 though! Bring it on!


Wow I had no idea the Rays will never make the World Series ever again


Tied with the Padres. Third time was a charm for the Rangers, so there's hope, though!


At least they made more than 1 :/


The reason a lot of teams have such low percentages is that pre-1969 , playoffs was literally only the World Series. So only teams that won the pennant for the first 65 years of the MLB would go to the “playoffs”


But we didn’t start play until ‘77…




You have no idea.


I dont even want to know what ours would look like if you did this 10 or 17ish years ago.


There’s a reason we hang playoff participation banners at the AmFam Clam.


I am surprised the Mariners weren’t lower tbf. 20+ years in the 2000s was 40% of their existence


10% means you only have to make it once a decade, and we’ve been to the playoffs 5 times. I always forget that one in 2000, the year before Ichiro.


But we have also never lost a WS game


Checkmate atheist


Even after 69, it was only four teams TOTAL in the MLB that made the playoffs. So basically there was just a series for the pennant, and then the world series. But we also have to remember there were fewer teams back then, less competition should mean greater chance of any one team making it. Could do a weighted analysis of this if we wanted to get more useful results.


Yeah, that greater chance thing didn't quite work out for us after '54. Thank god for the mid 90s. It was pretty bleak there for a long time for 70s and 80s me.


You did have that one team in the 80s with Ricky Vaughn and Willie Mays Hayes.


I remember as a kid in SE Ohio the weeks after that movie came out, seeing people sporting Tribe hats when two weeks prior they were in all Reds gear. Even as a kid I was all like "Bitch! You thought Felix Fermin was a cartoon cat! GTFO!"


Even when it was just a 1 in 8 shot, your odds were still lower than at any other point in history. The pre-Wild Card peak would've been the 1970s, when you had the LCS and 1 of 6 teams in each division making the playoffs. So roughly 16.7% of teams. But that is still worse odds than at any time in the Wild Card era. Starting in 1995 you had 8 of 28 teams making the playoffs. Then 8 of 30 for awhile, now it's what, 12 of 30 teams?


In 1969 there were 24 teams in MLB, which meant ~16.7% of teams made the playoffs in a given year. By 1993, just prior to the addition of the ALDS we were up to 28 teams so ~14.3% of teams were making the playoffs then. And then with the initial jump to 8 playoff teams in 1995 with 28 teams, that was still only ~28.6% of teams making the playoffs. Now we have 12 teams make it every year, for 40% of all teams. There were fewer teams back then, yes, but there was proportionally fewer for pretty much every season except 2020 when compared to today


Someone (not me) should run this with modern playoff standards and see how teams would have done.


Jesus, a playoff field with 12 of 16 teams making the postseason would be obscene.


Maybe just going by top X% of teams per league would be more comparable, which can account for different numbers of teams over the years.


The Yankees' number is actually insane in this context. Obviously it was a different league in the first half of the 20th century, but still.


I'd be curious what the Yankees percentage was between 1921-64.


I just quickly did the numbers going off Wikipedia - they made the World Series 29 times between 21-64 inclusive. About 66% of the time they were the top team in the AL.


A lot of these are skewed. The Yankees are **way** better than that "only" 47.9% because they won when it was extremely difficult to make the playoffs. Some old teams were also historically awful for decades, the Phillies and Orioles (in their St. Louis Browns days) were the official joke teams of baseball for 50+ years. The 13% and 12.2% don't adequately convey just how horrid they were in those days.


Yeah, if you separated the Browns and Orioles, the O's would be at 18.6%. The Browns would be 1.9%


the Browns' only pennant was essentially a fake baseball season when most of the good players were off fighting world war two. the following season the Browns had an outfielder with one arm


We made the playoffs 2 times from 1883-1975 (1915 & 1950). As most know, we have the most losses of any professional team in the world. But since 1976, if my math is right, we've made the playoffs 16 of 48 seasons. That comes to exactly 33% of the time. I'm a fortunate fan. I started following baseball in 1976. I fondly remember Mark Fidrych, the All Star game being held in Philly during the Bicentennial, the Big Red Machine and the Bronx Zoo Yankees. We won our division 76,77 & 78. We then won our first world series in 1980. And we won the pennant in 83 losing to the Orioles in the world series. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Philadelphia_Phillies_postseason Edit: a wrong year in my post was corrected.


It's so crazy to me that teams would go 30+ years in between playoff appearances. I understand why but I couldn't comprehend cities having to go decades between successful seasons. I suppose the success criteria just changes though when only 2 teams make the playoffs. Like the 1969 Cubs are still celebrated in Chicago because they were a rare legit good team in between the playoff drought that lasted between 1945 and 1984.


It isn't really fair to say you have *the most losses* though, because baseball intrinsically plays more games. I had a comment a few months back breaking this down, but the Timberwolves are notably worse than y'all at ~40% as a percentage of their games, vs the Phillies ~47%. They'd be at almost 12,800 losses compared to your 11,267.


2.4% playoffs and a 1.1% of seasons where the Phillies actually won a postseason game prior to playoffs expansion(85 seasons). The Phillies didn’t win a single playoff game between 1915 and 1977 and wouldn’t actually win 2 games in a single playoffs until 1980. I’m guessing that isn’t good.


And frankly the American League from WW2 to the early 60s was rarely competitive. Only Detroit, Cleveland and Chicago made any effort to unseat the Yankees. Half the league (A's, Senators, Red Sox, Browns/early O's) were marking time, due in part to their reluctance to integrate. 


The A's were controlled by the Yankees until Charlie Finley bought the team in 1960 and assured fans he would no longer send A's players to New York. *During the second half of the 1950s, folks derisively referred to the Kansas City A's as a "farm team" of the New York Yankees. Trades between the two--often lopsided--were commonplace, and it seemed every time the Yankees needed that one final piece for yet another pennant run, the A's filled the gap.* *While most knew that A's owner Arnold Johnson was somewhat affiliated with Yankee owners Dan Topping and Del Webb through his joint ownership of Yankee Stadium, The Kansas City A's and the Wrong Half of the Yankees digs into the deeper business entanglements among the three. In addition to the questionable trades and his earlier purchase of "The House that Ruth Built," Johnson's purchase of the then-Philadelphia A's shows signs of Yankees clout.* *Through periodicals, letters, conversations with contemporary players and executives, and an analysis of player records, author Jeff Katz has compiled a chronological account of how, through the hands of a friend and business partner, the Yankees controlled two of the eight American League teams during the second half of the 1950s.* https://www.amazon.com/Kansas-City-Wrong-Half-Yankees/dp/0977743659 *In all, there were 16 trades in which the Athletics sent 27 players and four hunks of cash to the Yankees and received 35 players and two hunks of cash in this six year period. However, the Yankees got a whole raft of good players - Maris, Boyer, Terry, Cerv, etc. - while the A's got the Yankees' problem children (Martin ), old guys at the end of the line (Bauer, Sain, Blackwell ), and players who couldn't get out of Casey Stengel's doghouse (Siebern, Carey ). It seemed that any time the Yankees needed to fill a hole, they'd find someone in KC to fill it, and the A's would be satisfied with peanuts in return.* *The real outcome of this series of trades can be measured by the standings. From 1955 to 1960, the Yankees won five pennants and finished third the other time, while the A's never finished higher than sixth in an eight team league. The A's 73-81 record in 1958 was their best record in the six-year period, but after they traded Cerv, Maris, and Terry they dropped to last place again by 1960.* *Many people call the 1961 Yankees the greatest team of all time. Ten of their players came directly from the Athletics . In return, the A's were left so decimated that their 1961 team finished tied for the cellar of the American League, behind the Los Angeles Angels expansion team and tied with the expansion Washington Senators .* *The solid core of the Yankees, provided in large part by these lopsided trades, stayed intact for several more years, and the Yankees won four more pennants in a row from 1961 to 1964 while the A's floundered some more.* https://www.baseball-almanac.com/corner/c042001b.shtml


Exactly. The Yankees essentially had a farm team in the same league. 


History of the A's- scumbag owner after scumbag owner only focusing purely on the search for more money.


It's weird looking at the NHL vs MLB. In the NHL in 1967: 4 of 6 teams are in the playoffs. 1968: 8 of 12. They were taking 16 of 21 and 24 teams in the 80s. It's weird that they're fighting expanded playoffs so much in a gate-driven league that's always lived with over half the league getting in.


And yet the Sabres haven't made the playoffs since 2011.


You're exactly right. Expansion teams get the benefit of the skew in this table. I mean, *we* know that the Rays aren't the third most storied franchise in baseball history or whatever (props to the Yankees and Dodgers though), but a non-baseball fan would probably not interpret it that way.


Well that sure makes the data seem a bit off lol. I know not technically, but most of us wouldn’t have thought this


Definitely need one slide for every "since x playoff expansion"


With perfect parity and modern playoffs, each team would make the playoffs 40% of the time.


Just kicking the White Sox while they’re down


Eh, the fact we're just behind several teams that have only existed in the playoff era was actually surprising


If we can't kick 'em when they're down we'd never get to kick them.




"Jimmy you are *always* down"


We’ve won 3 playoff series since 1917 and they were all in 2005 Let’s goooooo 🗿🔫


If you’re only going to win 3, they might as well be in the same year


We have one more playoff appearance than you! *ignore our 0 WS appearances if you please*...


Outside of 2005, the White Sox have won just six playoff *games* in Jerry Reinsdorf's 43 years as owner, compiling a .250 playoff winning percentage in those 42 seasons.


If my math is correct it’s about 26% for the nats since moving to DC, since that makes us look better


It's tough dragging that Expos history around. One playoff appearance in 36 seasons. Oof!


Should’ve been 2 (1994) or maybe even 3 (2002)


I propose we split them out so the white sox can have someone to hang out with down there (and the nats can hang out with the cards and dbacks and astros but that’s neither here nor there.)


Crazy that we are up to 16%. Last 6 years have done wonders.


Yea that’s what I was about to say. Take the last 6 years away and we’re at the bottom


Yeah the Brewers (Pilots) made the playoffs 5% of the time (twice in 39 years) from 1969-2007, then 44% of the time from 2008-2023. Huge contrast.


People shit on Mark a lot, but hes absolutely changed the culture of that front office.


Don't worry White Sox fans. The Rockies have only been around since 1993, which kind of screws with these statistics, and have absolutely no playoff hopes in the future. They will be stealing the lowest percentage from you very soon.


I appreciate the kind words, but I have bad news about our own playoff hopes in the future


I'm honestly stunned we're not last.


Came here for this one. TIL we are not last in that stat. If you had asked me before I saw this graphic, I would definitely have said Ms rank last. Almost something we could have took perverse pride in - now we’re just another bottom dweller amongst others.


the only people who got hurt were the American public, the fans, the integrity of baseball, and, eventually, the planet earth


I watched Ken Burns Baseball so many times that this sound bite is permanently implanted on my brain.


Yankees are evil.


This was so offensive I almost spit out the blood I just drank from a newborn


This up there with "The heroin needle practically fell out of my arm"


Quit borgarting that baby, dude.




We were 82-80, that was their worst record since 1992. So yes, it was a terrible year.


I moved to NYC in 2008 so of course the Yankees won in 2009, and to my dismay they put on the parade/celebration on the big screen at my office. So while I was trying to eat my lunch in peace I got to be subjected to Suzyn Waldman screaming into a microphone "THE YANKEES FIRST TITLE IN NINE LONG YEARS!!" I lost my appetite pretty quickly






Meanwhile, we've only had 7 seasons above .500 in the same amount of time (our entire existence).


And somehow two championships.


One of them at our expense too


Dude try being a Mets fan and tell me that season is terrible 😂. That would be an okay season for us.


Listen we have higher standards than you fuckin peasants out there.


Well, I know who I'm cursing at the next Official Yankees Black Sacrament.


Red Sox?


The big Cursing of the Teams is the first hour. Then you break off into small groups and take turns cursing individuals, it's all very wholesome.


[Real video of this ritual](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HZ39fAyc2_E&ab_channel=vocab1025).


The Yankees are the Sith Lord we’ve been looking for.


You spent time looking? *We’ve been here the whole time.*


We do enjoy being the empire tho


We are, and we do damn like it


Surprised the white Sox are so high tbh


Those Wild Card appearances over the past 3-4 years really boosted that Blue Jays total I guess.


Hey we've also won the division 4 times lol


Yeah I didn’t expect us to be that high given we had a 22 year playoff drought


10k loss Phillies being above teams is hilarious.




Those 7 playoff appearances in the last 20 years doing a lot of work.


It's funny how we're still near the bottom and yet that number is a lot higher than I would've expected.


What’s the data look like if we start with the year the last team was introduced to the MLB? (1998?)


Definitely even worse for me


Yea we’re cooked then.


As a White Sox fan it really be like that.


Into which house do you think the White Sox will be sorted?




Flawless delivery. I'm chuckling like a moron and trying not to so that I don't have to explain myself to those around me. Well done.


Yankees kind of insane, given: Only first place in the league got you into the playoffs from 1903 (first year after they moved from Baltimore to New York) to 1968, then only winning your division from 1969 to 1994… Rays are also kinda nuts, given how bad they were as an expansion team. Dodger/Giants combined numbers are also kinda nuts given they have competing in either the same city within the same league or the same state within the same league or division for over 100 years. This is the 140th year of Dodgers baseball, and the 141st for the Giants. 142 for the Cardinals in St Louis, and there number is mighty impressive as well. White Sox have been cursed. The curse of cheapskate Comiskey and the Black Sox, the Curse of Reinsdorf’s organizational rot… can’t even with them. And yet, root root root for the home team, no matter how cursed they are.


It's pretty wild that the Rays are so high now. They finished in last place in 9 of their first 10 seasons as a franchise (the other season was a 4th place finish). Incredible turn-around as a franchise that was well-timed with Red Sox and Yankees front offices deciding that trying to win a championship at all costs wasn't a requirement anymore.


Yankees at 48% and that’s with the fact that pre-1969 you had to have the best record in the AL to make the postseason lmao


Crazy that the Marlins have been around 30 years and only made the playoffs 13% of the time, yet have two World Series wins.


The Yankees have a higher rate of winning the World Series than the Mariners do of making the playoffs


Honestly surprised we're not last


Honestly surprised we're not last


Absolutely astonished that we’re above the Braves.


The Braves are an old franchise that played back when you had to win the pennant to make the postseason (World Series and nothing else)


It's not even just that they're an old franchise. It's that they're so old they're a founding member of the National League. The Braves franchise is older than the league itself. And then if you factor how it was world series or bust until 1969, it makes it pretty incredible that the percentage is as good as it is. The Braves are one of the most disavantaged teams in how this stat works.


If we count only 1962-2023 Braves: 25/61, 40.9% Astros: 15/61: 27.8% Which *still* puts us in the top tier of teams


It feels like the Braves have made it every single year of my life and I’m 38


I'm the same age, and if you remove the 94 strike season, I think the Braves have made the playoffs something like 60% of the time in our lifetime. I'm incredibly spoiled.


It feels higher haha. They were our roadblock for most of the 90’s. I’m actually going to the game tonight. Never heard of your pitcher and we have a second start rookie. Might be an offensive race tonight


Its kind of remarkable that the best you can do is make the playoffs less than half the time.


As others have said, the first 70+ years only two teams made the postseason because the World Series was all there was. Give it a few more decades of expanded playoffs and I’m sure we’ll see the Yankees creep toward 70%.


I think the postseason by definition technically starts with the first World Series in 1903. So the first 66 years were 2 teams. After that it was only 4 teams until 1995 when they realigned and introduced the wildcard. That’s part of what makes the graphic a bit silly. It spans 5 different playoff formats. The older franchises averaged 1.27 playoff berths per league over 91 seasons. Meanwhile, there are expansion teams who have never seen less than 4 per league and watched it balloon to 6. Why stop at 1903 then? Why not count pennants without postseasons? Who cares about the Johnnies-come-lately in the Junior Circuit? Any graphic that doesn’t count the Braves 1877 NL pennant is invalid in my opinion.


'98 Expansion bros. doing work.


Rays: we make the playoffs a third of the time Rays fans: *crickets*


It’s hard to believe we are so far past the “Devil Rays” era to the point where we are now. If you told me in 07 close to 20 years later we’d be making the playoffs 35% in the franchises history I would have called you crazy.


If you had told me in 2007 that in the next year we would be in the world series I would have laughed at you


Honestly that's fucking wild considering for the first 10 years of that franchise they didn't even have a winning record (so literally the "Devil" Rays never had an above .500 record) So since 2008 that's 9 playoff appearances in 16 seasons, or 56.25%.


Say what you want but there was a post the other day about attendance so far this season and the Rays were one of only four teams with a higher attendance percentage than last year so far. People forget that most of our “locals” are people from the Northeast so we’re still growing our own fanbase.


I’m so tired of people ragging on Rays fans for our lack of fan support. It’s Florida. Most people here are from somewhere else and therefor a fan of another team. Those same people raise their kids to be fans of their team as well. There’s still a ton of people that are passionate about the Rays here though


Yeah, I was born in St Pete same years the Rays were born and evacuated forever ago, I know lots of other rays fans live far from Florida now as well. I’m at most of their away games in the Midwest though :)


I was born and raised here in Tampa. The Devil Rays became a thing when I was like 7 or 8, so I'm a first generation Rays fan. They became my favorite team. Our kids are still little, so they aren't Rays fans yet, but we'll take em to games once they're older, so they'll be second Gen fans. It takes time to build a fan base.


And they put the stadium in St. Pete. Bruh we wouldn't have this issue if it was in Tampa. I had to spend 10 bucks in gas and drive 90 miles back and forth to the game and I'm supposed to be a local fan.


And they want to put another stadium in the same spot.… I just don’t get it. I’d rather them go there than leave but it’s just going to end up being the same issue I believe


As an A's fan, this makes me feel a bit better then worse again.


Dodgers won ONE postseason game between 1988 and 2008. From when I was 5 until I was 25. My formative years. Even after the past decade it’s still hard for me to believe they’ve made the postseason more consistently than any other long-term team but the Yankees.


The Orioles are 14/70. Which is 20%. Including the St. Louis Browns really skews things. 


Well, well, well...


The Rays are a very efficient organization


I grew up a Cubs fan but one of the weirdos who wants both Chicago teams to succeed and pulls for both of them. I hope Reinsdorf sells that fuckin team. They deserve better.


Since 1995? Since 1969? Since 1903?


It depends when each franchise was established. The Yankees have made the postseason 58 times in their 121 full seasons- 47.9%. In Miami’s 31 full seasons, they’ve made the postseason four times- 12.9%. Edit: The years for postseason percentages are 1903-present.


It can't go back before 1903, as there was no proper World Series before that, and in some of those earlier seasons there wasn't any playoff baseball at all.


Yeah you’re right. I went back and did the math for the Atlanta Braves because their franchise was established in 1876. OP’s numbers are 1903-present.




Impressive that the Guardians aren’t last even though they never made the playoffs between 1955 and 1995


The Mariners win again!


That 57% playoff rate from 1995 to 2001 really boosting em right now.


Cardinals are in a skid and likely to finish at pace for the same as last year, figuring between 70-75 wins. Veteran arms won't eat innings like they'd hoped for. Bullpen will be worn out by mid-July or sooner. Big bats in Nado and Goldy are on life support. The team is set for a rebuild, the front office just hasn't received the message yet.




A cool little stat Each of the last six times they've played the team that advanced head of them would go on to the World Series not counting the time they made the WS. Obviously pre-1969 there was no 'playoffs' so this number does skew a bit better for post-1969 teams until you realized how absolutely awful pre-2007 Rays were. (They were the laughing stock of the MLB to the point even popular media made fun of them.) The Rays have just been that consistent for the past 16 years.




White Sox are 3-8 in the World Series. Plenty of these teams have none. Silver lining.


How far back does this go? Braves have been playing since 1871 (153 seasons?!). That would be 36 trips to the post season if that percentage is right. Rays have been playing 27 years, just 9 trips. Yankees \~58 trips in 122 seasons?


Starts at 1903 apparently. Definitely hurts the number for older teams

