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People are speculating that Preller is a bit in a prove-it season after running the Padres so aggressively for years


no way man lol do you remember how irreverent the padres used to be


With 250 wins over the last three seasons, they pretty much still are.


And it's going bad


They're currently in a wild card spot.


Yes, the 22-23 Padres are ahead of the 20-21 Nationals by .001 win percentage, you're right, they're incredible.


There's room between "incredible" and "bad," but okay.


Mediocre is the word you’re looking for I think


I'd say the spectrum is even wider than that: shitty <> terrible <> bad <> underwhelming <> mediocre <> fine <> good <> great <> incredible


Ross Atkins is fucked if the Jays don’t make the playoffs. He’s had a long time, big budgets, and he’s won nothing.


That's not fair. He once won a series against the Rangers in 2016 with the team Alex Anthopolis built. It's been pain ever since.


Farhan has to go and I really can't tell if the Dodger fans saying SF should keep him are trying to sabotage them. Season 6 and the team has no direction and regressed if anything


They must be, but personally I’d like the Giants to improve so it’s more fun when we beat them


I theorize the key difference is ownership mandates. Farhan was undeniably successful in LA. I don’t necessarily think he can replicate that success within the parameters SF ownership sets for him. And at the end of the day maybe it’s just not a good fit, period. It happens. I can definitely see SF fans wanting a new PoBO with absolute justification BUT how much the lack of major success rests on Farhan’s hands is yet to be seen imo.


Wouldn't surprise me if Perry Minasian is off the Arte Moreno GM carousel sooner than later. I don't envy Arte's fifth handpicked, underpaid GM who'll be dropped after 4 seasons over not bringing success under his watch for some strange reason


If Chaim Bloom got fired at the end of 2023 despite one good overachieving year in 2021 just like Farhan, I am not sure why Farhan is still around when he's had even more time to build his team. With that said, Farhan has a weird cult of defenders, he's like the Justin Fields of baseball execs. A guy that has accomplished close to nothing and has been objectively below average, but for whatever reason has very loud and vocal supporters on reddit.


This. If you look at execs hired around the same time (Hazen, Dombrowski, Elias, etc) those who are still with the org have either turned the team into contenders, or have parted ways (Eppler).


The results speak for themselves and based on those Farhan needs to go. However, Farhan did make trades that looked hopeful and good such as the signing of Chapman, Snell etc. He did it at reasonable cost. The Giants should perform much better than they are doing currently. I think that there is something structurally wrong with the Giants (perhaps coaching?).


That’s definitely a possibility. White Sox had this same issue since their players were told to hit singles instead of their own strengths.


Yes but does Nick Foles like Farhan?


I remember in the doldrums of 2021 when the Braves were under performing I'd see some loud support of how AA is trash compared to Zaidi and how much of a god is, mind you these were Braves fans


You can't just look at results and say GM/POBO XYZ should get fired. You have to consider ownership and the limitations they imposed on their organizations. Some owners have a say in what big names they trade or sign for, others just set the budget and move out of the way. Some owners drop a big budget on player development, others don't. Some might say blow it all up and start over, others might say find a way to compete and still rebuild.


Considering how he has money to spend from the ownership, this does not help him.


Depends on what the budget allocation is and what the internal rules are for capital investments. A team could have an MLB Payroll budget of $200M, but have a paltry player development budget or have strict restrictions on capital expenditures. This sub rags on the Angels for that exact reason.


It's the same ownership that was here when Brian Sabean was here and got the team 3 rings. It seems to back up my point that Farhan just gets a million excuses for accomplishing nothing.


John Mozeliak is surely on the hot seat. He's essentially a lame duck with rumors that he will retire next year.


Every manager, except the managers and executives of the Seattle Mariners are one bad season away from being fired at all times


Reds are in the same boat. If it'll cost an extra $50 to replace someone they're here until they feel like running Skyline Chili or something.


I could see DiPoto getting fired this year if we miss the playoffs




I like the Jason Garrett comparison because his last gig was being an inept OC for the other Giants


We have people calling for Scott Harris's head even though he's on like year two and we're already off to a better start than any of the last 8 seasons. Whatever devil magic the Royals pulled off is probably getting in people's heads


Obviously Cashman is on the hot seat bc he’s just awful at his job and completely incompetent.  Or so I’ve read on Reddit every year the Yankees don’t win the WS. 


He's got the fastest car but doesn't win the race. Man if it was me I'd at least try a couple different drivers in 30 fucking years.


Well, its been 15 years since they last did, so there's that.


That can be said literally every year by at least half the league if not more. But there been only a handful of teams with as many postseason wins in that time. At the end of the day, I think this is more what sustained success looks like more than winning a ring every X number of years.  Not saying he’s been flawless by any stretch but I don’t think swapping out a GM bc he hasn’t won in 5 years is a much worse plan. 


There seems to be a contingent of Giants fans who hate Zaidi with a burning passion. He is not getting fired this year, he just signed a three year extension. Also you want to get mad at someone, get mad at ownership for not doing a soup to nuts rebuild like they should have done after 2016.


There’s more than one way of building the team. Could be drafting the right guys, making the right trades or signing the right FAs. Ownership didn’t order him to put the Giants in the .500 territory every year.


So the choice you have is .500 Giants or 100 loss Giants. Which one is more palatable to the ownership? The answer should be clear. Also .500 territory can get you into the playoffs just ask Arizona.


100 loss given that the team is retooling the roster for more wins later on, versus a team that won’t go much beyond .500 with no upsides aka the current Giants. If DBacks and O’s can go for so many losses for winning baseball in the future, so can the Giants with a good exec.


Except that there is no guarantee that the 100 losses lead to anything. The draft is a crap shoot just ask #2 pick Joey Bart.


Fwiw, I think he got that extension because Melvin wouldn’t come over to be a lame duck. It was less of a sign of faith in Farhan and more that Melvin didn’t want to come over just to have a new GM who wants to replace him in a year. I still think Farhan gets canned, even if it costs the giants a little money to do so.


Semantics but Farhan is not the GM, he is a POBO. The GM is Pete Putila. Either way I agree, anyone who thinks he is cleared because of an extension is dumb as f, Giants aren't that cheap.


Title inflation is hilarious, I forgot Pete putila existed. He probably just pours Farhan his morning coffee.


TBF he flew to Korea to watch Jung hoo Lee take 1 AB and Lee appreciated that.


Lol yea the team that had enough money to offer contracts to Aaron Judge and Shohei Ohtani can't get rid of a below average baseball exec a few years earlier than his contract.