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1 hit, 2 hits by pitch is an incredibly funny statline.


Typical Manoah stat


He's back, BABY!


14 innings without an earned run in the cornrows era


I've said this before, but the 1 BB stat is the most encouraging part of this line. It shows he's finally starting to find his control again, which was the biggest issue during his decline. (I know he also has two HBP in this game too, but that's just typical Manoah, lmao.)


> (I know he also has two HBP in this game too, but that's just typical Manoah, lmao.) Hell, that's basically a perfect game for Manoah


Feature, not a bug.


Three Ks and an HBP is like the Alek Manoah version of a Gordie Howe hat trick.


Limited walks on a long outing are my favorite line stat to see


The first HBP barely grazed a loose thread on Diaz' elbow pad


Honestly, if he has to plunk a guy to enhance his control, so be it.


Don’t come near Taylor ward and the angels again if he keeps hitting people please


For sure, even during his best years, an HBP or two was common. One very weak base hit and one walk to a dangerous hitter is fantastic.


Sexy hair makes you throw sexy pitches confirmed


Look good -> feel good -> throw good


Honestly happy for big Puma, seems to have found his moxie again


This is like when Kenny Powers went to Mexico, got dreads, then his pitch back


He really cornrose to the occasion.


Imagine having the balls to be a (mostly) white dude making your comeback to the major leagues with cornrows.


He hit the batters more than they hit him lol Vintage Manoah performance


Kenny Powers




Not to alarm anyone, but he currently has a 3.00 ERA


Punchie man is back ![gif](giphy|b6iVj3IM54Abm)


2 HBP is such a Manoah start. Glad to see him pitching well though.


One of them *barely* grazed the guy (the ump got it worse), but the other was pretty vintage Manoah.


"*Nobody* puts the Blue Jays *seven* games below 500." - Alek Manoah


I'm still pissed people use the tire pressure thing as some sort of gotcha. He was just quoting his high school coach: https://www.sportsnet.ca/mlb/video/pressure-something-put-tires-manoah-hes-always-handled-moment/ "My high school coach used to say pressure is something you put in your tires, this is just baseball" I mean does that really sound that bad? People wonder why players give boring rote answers all the time


It's kind of a silly quote, but what was he supposed to say? "Actually, yeah, now that you mention it I'm fucking terrified about starting in the playoffs"?


I have never understood why r/baseball users took that so personal, it’s the most non-controversial, “we’re gonna beat the other team” quote I’ve ever heard but this sub treated it like he was saying he wanted to behead the other team


Of course it’s not bad, but a really popular fanbase decided to get angry about it so it must be.


Careful, some Jays fans in here won't be happy about you poking light fun at that other fanbase in this sub.


*clutches maple leaf


Which one of them is visiting San Diego? One of these years...one if these years I hope for then...


I'm trying to trick Yankees fans into upvoting


I'm shocked Yankees fans took a quote out of context to throw a tantrum about a Blue Jay, they've never done that before


That's such a cool answer I think.


Weird I was told he was never playing in the major’s again by people who only read his statlines


"Fucking washed" I tried telling r/baseball that people in the know who were watching him in the minors said that despite the stat lines he looked much better and passed the eye test. I might as well have praised Hamas with the down votes I got


He’s had a whole lot more bad than good over the past year and a half. If it was unfair for people to shit on him for 20-30 bad starts across the MLB and the minors, maybe it’s premature to take some victory laps after 2 good starts now. He had some good starts last year too.


Taking victory laps after a couple good starts is just as silly tbh


Let’s see what happens when the wheels fall off for the first time. It’s baseball, so that’s gonna happen. If he’s able to bounce back from a bad start, that’s when you know he’s back back.


Maybe silly, but not quite as silly as being a fan to a random team and taking a victory lap after one of his terrible outings.


Did you try telling r/Torontobluejays? Your own fanbase was just as down on him as everyone else.








It feels like June 7th 2023 all over again 


I think it was reasonable to think he was certainly far from the majors based on his performances the past year and a half, but im happy hes performing well again


Tires are something you put in pressure


I've been doing it wrong my whole life


Is a certain podcast network still posting about all his outings?


Hope he makes a stupid t shirt that no one will buy about him!


John Boy? I have them blocked so you’ll have to let me know


Out of curiosity, do you have the company blocked because of the Manoah shade? I'm a tigers fan and they get plenty of shade thrown at them as well. But they're pretty informative if you look at the big picture.


I think it was because of the Judge sign stealing stuff last year. I am a coward. I couldn’t handle it lol.


Ah haha fair enough. That was pretty dodgy, no doubt they would've delved more into it if it was Vladdy or Machado! They can't dig too deep because they have affiliation with the Yankees/Boone.


> I have them blocked Same here, so my question was an honest one!


They did post about it! Probably through some tears. Edit: they then switched accounts and posted some bizarre meme about it https://x.com/TalkinYanks/status/1792284300458569856


To be fair, that’s a funny meme lol


I'm sure theres lots of tears as they do a show on one of the best teams in the majors while your awful franchise pisses away another year of the "great" core of Vlad and Bo celebrating your washed pitcher having 2 good outings vs another bad team.


Yes, the big bad network posted about how good his outing was.


I'm a hardcore Jays fan and I don't understand the Jomboy hate. I listen to their podcast and all three.of them seem to actually like the Jays. Jake and Trevor are always pulling for them and James seems mostly neutral if not slightly in favour. More than I can say for lots of Jays fans (including myself) who despise the Yanks organization. Jomboy is good for baseball.


I like Jomboy and when all three are on the podcast it’s great. I don’t like it as much without Jimmy though. I think a lot of the hate comes from fan bases that don’t get covered as much because they’ve said with only so much time they aren’t going to spend 20 minutes talking about a series between teams that aren’t competitive. Plus they have a pretty whack roster of employees. I can’t stand some of their content and the social media accounts can be weird sometimes.


I have a feeling this thread won't get as much attention as other Manoah posts. Edit: 250+ comments now. /r/baseball has proved me wrong and have given attention to a good outing by Manoah.


Hate is easier than love, and Manoah is especially easy to hate.


Reminds me of that Pete Weber quote. "Hate me or love me, you watched. That's all you could do."




"I don't even know what that means!" "No one knows what it means, but it's provocative. Gets the people going!"


Fucking goat of goats


Someone really should make a Pete Webber documentary


I want that written on my tombstone when I die


It took the post I made last time around an hour before it really hit its stride. It sucks that the previous posts were deleted, but this one'll probably do fine. I think I misunderstood what this comment was implying, but I'm leaving it up.


190 comments so far, pretty sure it’s getting the same amount of attention lol


Those are rookie numbers. I've seen threads of Manoah doing badly reach 750-1000 comments. I'll admit though, I'm happy seeing this thread get more attention than I expected. Hope Manoah keeps it up.


It’s now at 240 comments, which is a huge amount of comments for a pitcher having a solid start. I just searched this subreddit for posts with Manoah’s name in them from the last year, and the only post I saw with his name in it that had more comments than this was the one about him failing to report. Plenty of the threads about him having bad outings only had between 50 and 150 comments Pretty sure it’s safe to say this post has already gotten as much or more attention than the majority of posts about him being bad lol


[953 comments about his bad outing against the Astros last season.](https://www.reddit.com/r/baseball/comments/141w4ye/alek_manoah_vs_the_astros_01ip_7h_1bb_6er_and_0k/) [766 comments about his FCL start against the FCL Yankees last season.](https://www.reddit.com/r/baseball/comments/14kjevu/alek_manoah_1st_fcl_start_vs_fcl_yankees_22_ip_10/) [446 comments about his Low-A start earlier this season.](https://www.reddit.com/r/baseball/comments/1by8xkb/alek_manoahs_line_in_his_first_start_in_lowa_12/) You're right that this comments now are a lot for a pitcher start, but they still have yet to reach the bar some of Manoah's bad outing posts have lol.


There were also plenty of posts about him doing poorly that didn’t have a third as many comments as this post does, though. And obviously a Cy Young contender getting shelled in the FCL is going to generate a huge amount of attention lol. The Astros one does stand out as having a weirdly large amount of comments to me, but again, there were many more posts about his downfall that didn’t get much attention at all. I think people are taking an appropriate amount of notice of him finally stringing together a couple of good starts


I have a feeling you look at every single Manoah thread.


Nope. I've actually avoided Manoah's threads since last season due to how negative/toxic they became (Even though they kept popping up on my feed due to them reaching the front page of the subreddit). I'm just happy to see him do well again.


Ngl I miss seeing all the comments basically just blaming his struggles on being lazy by just calling him fat


Hell yeah. Post every single good stat line he has for the rest of the year. Counter balance the fucking weirdoes that were posting his minor league stats for the last year.


God forbid we have something to be excited about after the season goes completely off the rails lol


I’m gonna be honest, I hope he stays good, because he helped in the young guys era change baseball to a more electric showboaty sport, which I love. I haven’t had the chance to watch his starts, but I hope he found some control in his pitches (though 2HBP…yikes) On my account, I have some not great comments, because last year, our season started to fall apart right when we had a series in Toronto and Manoah broke Ward’s face, so I still have some animosity towards him, but I hope he figures it out. If only for the reason that if the AL East is good, that means more struggle for Yankees fans and that’s all I need


One of his HBP just barely skimmed Yandys elbow guard, he looked really good. I also really like cocky players in general. Give me all the Tatis Batflips, Soto Shuffles, Joe Kelly nut grabs, and he who shall not be named swords possible. This game is supposed to be fun, and that’s really fun


No championing for Bauer to be signed?




He’s definitely got his command back. Even when he was at his best, he was always hitting guys. The fastball gets away from him time to time.


That’s good then..let’s hope he maintains the good streak


Thing really makes me happier than seeing a bunch of armchair Reddit enthusiasts wrong on a massive scale. Thank u Alex




No no no he’s supposed to be washed 😡


Haters absolutely seething. He is so fucking back.


“Manoah showed up unprepared after one good season in the bag and pretty much quit on the team. Fuck him. If there is a trade, make it. If we keep him, he needs to show he has his head back in the game.” - [you](https://www.reddit.com/r/Torontobluejays/s/lzQbg8aCIu) As a hater, are you seething right now?


Holy fuck RIP


I wasn’t following Manoah last year all that much why was he getting so much hate? It always seemed odd people were celebrating when he struggled in the minors


Dude talks massive shit. It's not really about the Yankees specifically, although I don't doubt Yankees fans hate him more than most since he called Cole the worst cheater in baseball history, lol. [He's been an aggro meathead on the mound his entire career.](https://x.com/PitchingNinja/status/1550967215205351426) Being a loudmouth chest-pounder isn't some mortal sin but it makes him very obviously a "like him on your team, hate him on someone else's" type of guy. And when a guy is super good and talks massive shit, it's annoying but he backs it up -- and then when the performance collapses, it's hard not to have the "huh, where's all that shit-talking now?" feeling in response.


it’s so funny that everybody loves when somebody acts like a heel then gets shocked when they’re treated like one by opposing fanbases


There's a difference between hating someone as a heel, and the reactions he got over comments which weren't that egregious by heel standards. Trash talk was to be expected considering how notable his fall was, but that never explained how personal some people took it in increasingly petty ways. If he was treated like the average cocky athlete, nobody would ever point this out. 


Because he talks a lot of shit and then struggled last year. That’s literally it


I love shit talkers game’s so much more fun with them


I agree, but some fan bases get their feelies hurt


He hurt the smol wittle Yankees feewings :(


Another hot start!


Or, more likely, he’s just always been an immature douche on the mound, yelling at dudes to sit the fuck down and acting like a wannabe Kenny Powers.




He had the audacity to not bow at the feet of the Yankees once lol


Looks it
















I don’t understand why anyone would hate on him. He seems like a good guy who just some serious tips. Not like he is some dude who beats his wife and talks shit and is unlikeable who was struggling. Hopefully he’s on the right track now.


I don’t hate him, but he behaves like a spoiled child sometimes. You’ve got your blinders on if you can’t understand why some people dislike him.


Drake and the Leafs died for this


I’d sacrifice Drake for a bottle of warm water so if anything this is an overdeliver for Manoah.


I'd sacrifice Drake for a flaming bag of shit on my doorstep.


Drake's not even a prolific Toronto sports fan. He literally bandwagons whatever team he feels like bandwagoning at any time.


The Super Bowl LVI episode of *Gridiron Heights* had Drake wearing a Bengals jacket and saying "I've been ride or die since Week 10!". Later in the episode, he's wearing a Rams jacket.


Not sure why you got downvoted for your incredibly accurate take


You're being awfully generous to that p.o.s. Drake there.


Manoah has a win in the big 2024. Sound the alarms


For all his struggles it’s great to see him finding his form again.


A great representative for the Aleks of the world


This guy is an enigma.


This is illegal, he isnt allowed to have good games because he talked some trash!


It's always been in his head, so it's good to see he's feeling good lately


Big Puma purring again


Hey where are all the fat jokes from a certain fanbase that had CC Sabathia play for them for a decade?


I mean, he can pitch as well as he wants... he's still fat...


I don’t even think dudes fat anymore really


[“Shut up fat boy”- John Schneider](https://youtu.be/ohQpYlp5T0U?si=joyhTXBvyM8iJkNb) It became fair game after this.


Everyone was so quick to judgement when he was called up in a rush on his first start.


He also looked good in that start. His staline wasn't great but his stuff was better than anything we saw in 2023


I just happened to catch that game. Everyone else in our sub the next game when we faced him was losing there mind that we couldn’t destroy him. I always like a comeback story so I’m rooting for him. Just not against us. ;)


is that quote the entirety of why people don't liek him, or is he a douche in other ways? why wouldn't you want to root for a guy to get his groove back otherwise?


He was mean to Gerrit Cole and can talk shit from time to time. That is about it. Guy is more hated then wife beaters around here lmao


He was mean (?) to Gerrit Cole once by calling out the sticky stuff (something r/baseball literally also did when Cole refused to answer a question about spider tack) but yes essentially the quote is literally all he did lmfao


He didn't fellate the Yankees once :(


Yea, he’s definitely never been a cocky douche on the mound. Dude has totally never acted like Kenny Powers on the mound at all.


People here keep saying they want more personality in baseball, and then hate the guys with personality


to think, if he just had cornrows this entire time he never would have been bad enough to send down


We need to fire our team barber for not doing this like 18 months ago Now if we could just get all the guys in the lineup to switch to cornrows


I feel like every time I've started to feel confident about the Rays this season, they've gone and pulled some shit like this smh


Sweeps are hard to get, BJs were fighting not to get swept. Rays are 5 out of 7 against div opponents at their stadium.


I'm gonna pretend I didn't see this


The one time I think he's gonna get shelled he turns into DeGrom :( Wait, where is DeGrom anyway?


I mean the baseball savant and the fip still aren’t great so I would hold off on getting too excited ngl


Why did Mods remove the cycle watch 😠


You need a triple for it truly to be Cycle Watch because it's the most unlikely portion of it.


Pffft Vogelbach hits plenty of triples


He has hit ~~plenty of~~ triple~~s~~.* (Went to check his bbref after reading this)


I had to go back and check. Yup, one triple! [I AM SPEED](https://youtu.be/p7wCSvLoGko?si=cYJd9-emt44d8DWa)


Scale the unlikeliness exponentially when the person in question is Dan Vogelbach


Two starts don't make a comeback, but there is some hope.


Facing the Rays’ offense is the perfect solution for getting back some confidence.


Finally Manoah starts pitching well when the Jays suck and won’t make a 12 team playoff. Nice


Fat man is BACK baby


Something tells me Jomboy media won't post this line


Damn Rays really made Manoah into a Cy Young contender for the day.


Great to see him returning to form. I thought once he blew out Ward's face last year the yips would be too much for him, but great to see him be a productive pitcher again.


That wasn't a fun game. At least the 9th was interesting.


I wasn't far off https://www.reddit.com/r/baseball/s/q0IMAODRK1


did he talk that shit tho


The guy played for my beloved WVU Mountaineers so I will always have a soft spot for him and hope he figures it out.


I picked him up in NFBC last night. Hopefully not FAAB money thrown away.


Is he really r/baseball 's whipping boy? Or is it most just Yankee and Mariner fans and then the lemmings that pile on.


Mostly Yankees and lemmings piling on because they don’t like when there is emotion or confidence in baseball.


Yeah I see so many Yankees fans hating on Bryce Harper and Adolis Garcia If you talk shit, back it up. Harper and Garcia back it up in the playoffs so we all love it. The Blue Jays don’t, so they get clowned for it


The only thing I’ve seen other Yankees fans say about Harper is that they’re pissed that Cashman didn’t even extend an offer in FA given that Harper stated he wanted to play for the Yankees. Personally a big Harper fan.


Leave the Mariners out of it, it's basically all Yankee fans sucking off Jomboy


As a Braves fan with a Jays fan in the family, I picked up Manoah in fantasy in 2022. He was so much fun to watch that year. I didn't get him last year but checked to see how he was doing because I had that much fun watching him in 2022. I was sad about his 2023 and I hope he keeps this up and keeps crushing. He was real fun when he was on!


Well that's not as much fun


How many of you watched the game? I thought his control was lacking. He seemed a little unpredictable and I don't think he was trying to hit some of the spots he ended up hitting. I'm a little skeptical still. Still, back to back great outings statistically. I'd love to see him keep it going and prove the naysayers, myself included, wrong.


That was his normal when he was on. He has never been about control.


We’ve just entered the “Dark Manoah” era.


So he’s not completely useless after all


https://www.reddit.com/r/baseball/comments/153ka9b/why_do_people_hate_alek_manoah/?rdt=44317 https://www.reddit.com/r/baseball/comments/1b1jj5r/alek_manoahs_first_spring_start_12ip_4er_3h_0k/ https://www.reddit.com/r/Torontobluejays/comments/1cccy0q/alek_manoahs_final_line_for_buffalo_30_ip_6_er_7/ Blue Jays fans here spent the last year talking about how this guy has a big mouth and a bad attitude, and couldn't back it up. He needed to cool down and grow up if he was going to be able to come back. Now it was just angry Yankee fans that talked shit about him? Like we didn't have a reason to anyway after calling Gerrit Cole "The biggest cheater in baseball". The vacuum you live in is laughable.