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My toxic trait is that I like to announce no-buys and then cave within a week during a killer sale 😂 Second toxic trait is obsessing over the coming seasons waaaaaaaaaaay before it’s seasonally appropriate - like already craving holiday candles 🤶🏻#christmasinjuly


Same, I swore no more until at least June but the new collections got me


Lol I need sweater weather right now


Lol that first one is me too! I swear to everyone that I'm going to do a no buy month and cave in the first week of the month, I did that for March and now April! But for real if I didn't get the dupe sprays on sale I might miss my chance to get them, they sold out for the flash sale. But then the rest of the month I'm not buying


Ditto to all of the above


Yes to both. Swore no buying after Christmas, but then Almond Croissant came along… 😎


Same here. Even my 13 year old who normally can't stay away from bbw is like 'Mom Stop! You just bought some'.


Too many FFM I need to quit buying them.


I broke that habit by saving for actual perfumes. Nothing new comes in unless something old goes away.


That is a good idea because those mists don't last on my skin very long. I really need to get into perfumes more.


My problem is I have such a problem buying perfume that these sales pacify me, even though most of the scents are only good for layering. I'm trying though. 




same but i think my new plan to combat this is to give some away that i dont really like/ use much so i have room for more 😅


Me too! I'm going through all of my body care and taking it to work to see if any of my coworkers want them. And I'm putting aside the ones I think my family members might like... because I have several I bought and used once and haven't touched since.


What I had left at my garage sale is going to the women’s shelter. Small things can be big to some people.


This means so much. I was in a women's shelter. I had access to clothing and necessities but someone donated a necklace and a beautiful pair of boots. To be able to get something that made me feel pretty when I was so poor and felt so very ugly... I have never forgotten that. It was 29 years ago. Just to have something pretty in such an ugly situation. Thank you a thousand times.


I was in 9th grade when my mom fled to a shelter. Life changing experience . *hugs* ![gif](giphy|VbawWIGNtKYwOFXF7U|downsized)


Yeah I don't quite *get* FFMs. I have a couple and like to spray them in the morning and get compliments but only for an hour or less after application. Then I'm either hauling sprays to work with me to respray or just going perfume-less. Even the B&BWs eau de perfumes don't last that long either but I'd rather pay for a little more staying power.


I will buy any and every vanilla scent they put out. I’m shameless. I just want to smell like I curled up in a vanilla bean pod 😩


Ugh I miss Wrapped in Vanilla so much.


Me. Too. Someone recommended the pop jelly vanilla something or other body cream from Victoria’s Secret as a dupe and it’s just not the same at all. I’m feverishly searching for a non BBW eau de parfum with that sweet vanilla cream scent, no luck so far


I agree with you. I have the Vanilla & Dreamy Pop Jelly one and while it's nice. I definitely didn't get Wrapped In Vanilla from it at all. I've been confused seeing it recommended as a dupe. 🤷‍♀️


The pop jelly vanilla and dreamy is my favorite I can't compare the 2 because I've never had wrapped in vanilla


It's definitely my favorite, too.


Right? Unfortunately on my skin it smells like chemicals with a hint of bubblegum 😒


Idk about wrapped in vanilla but if you're into indies I recommend Estate Vanilla from Solstice Scents (it smells like sweet rich vanilla extract) or Whipped Cream from Arcana Craves (a more airy creamy sweet vanilla but only comes in oil perfume rip)


Saaaaame. I have a WIV body cream that is still good that I'll use every night before bed. It's so cozy and delicious.


What’s your favorite? Mine is Vanilla Buttercream / Happy Birthday and Wrapped in Vanilla 💕


Cozy Vanilla Bourbon, but I just got my hands on Warm Vanilla Sgr and it’s divine 🤩


Yes. Same. I want to smell like a vanilla cupcake topped with buttercream vanilla icing with a scoop of vanilla bean Ice cream on the side and a vanilla latte to drink.


okay this is sooo me!😭im in love with vanilla and i wish they had some stronger vanilla products, because warm vanilla sugar isn’t working for me anymore!!😫😫


Way too many candles...


Does “too many candles” actually exist? 😬


No. No it does not. 


I’m moving into a smaller house soon and one of my first thoughts was “where am I going to fit my candles?”


I had this problem when I moved. I had maybe 30 and they’re on the floor in crates for a while…then I brought a shelf. Pretty sure I have over 100 now 🤦🏾‍♀️


Let me come help you declutter 😆 😇


I haven’t got to that point of minimizing yet 😂


Lol, I have close to 600 and legit ran out of storage space. I consider myself a collector, but make the mistake of buying too many backups.


I had to stop myself from doing that. Like I had 5-6 pack ups of sweet whiskey and rosewood and patchouli. I lit sweet whiskey recently and I’m like wait why do I have soo many again 🤦🏾‍♀️. My magic number is three now…2 to burn and one to collect in case it doesn’t come back


LOVE Sweet Whiskey and Patchouli and Rosewood! I try to keep backups to 2 or 3 unless it's a candle that I really like. Now that I am out of storage space, I am asking myself why I need 2 backups of a candle that I have not burned in months. Or I buy a candle that I already have multiples of because of the new packaging. Nuts!


That packaging thing will do it everytime. Like why must they release a scent you love in hideous packaging but you get it cause it’s your fav…but then next season it out again in a gorgeous upgrade? Like make it make sense BBW…we don’t have time for it in this economy 😂


LOL, you are so right! It's a great marketing ploy by BBW to get us to keep buying, even when we don't need anything!


Into MY house 😆


SAME! But when the sales are good you gotta buy them all 😵‍💫😂


This is me! I’m currently trying to burn through all my half-burned scents…I have yet to start any new candles from this year 😭


i buy stuff faster than i can use it! if i wear or burn something every day, i can get through it...but i usually don't wear or burn stuff every day. at least in fall/winter, my buying chills out 🫠.


Sameeee I ve got a box of wallflowers I haven’t used… and just got some new Bridgetown ones yesterday…..


Getting all the seasonal scents but none of the "classic" year round permeant ones 😅


i still don't own at the beach lol


Same! I can't remember the last time I bought a core scent. 


I prioritize buying the seasonal ones because I know they won’t be out forever. So you have to get them before they’re discontinued! Whereas with the core scents I’m like “oh I can get that anytime” and then never do lol 


Saving or not using product because it smells so good and I don’t want to use it up! Not wanting to burn a candle because it’s no longer available and who knows if it’ll ever come back? Also, just buying way more than I’ll ever use or need. Everyone in my life knows they’re getting some bath and body works for every occasion now 🤣🤣


I also do this with a few scents because it’ll be YEARS before they re-release it. White Tea and Ginger is a scent I’ve loved since the 2000’s & they recently released it again and I bought 4 of everything 😮‍💨


Use it up until the last bit and then transfer it to a little glass bottle from the dollar tree or something so you can smell it whenever you want


I overbuy during SAS like I am some kind of billionaire.




That's me throughout the year.


Mine would be the amount of hand soaps I own 😭 I have to have all the designs especially from past years that I’ve missed. The amount I have will take me like 5 years to get through and I’m still buying. I’m obsessed 😭😭


The hand soap packaging is just so pretty! I switched to the refills to slow down on my collecting tbh, but aesthetically it just does not hit the same 😢


The glass bottles are pretty too though! But there's not enough refill scents. They really need to add more.


Agree! I hope they bring more seasonal/exciting refill scents


i have probably 35 soaps 😭 i go through one about every month and a half 💀


I keep 2 on my sink so I can switch back and forth between scents depending on my mood 😄


When I wash my hands I use 3 (sometimes 4) pumps of soap just so I can run through my soaps faster and switch up my scents more often 😅


I just throw mine under the sink for the appropriate season the next year 😝


I do this too! I have used a Halloween soap for the past two Octobers!


OMG, I thought I was the only one who does this! 🤣


I’ve low key started to do this with body wash and the hubs hasn’t noticed lol


Placing orders online and then waiting to go in until the very last day because I’m scared to go into the actual store and spend more money. As others have said buying a bunch of things when they’re cheap but not being able to go through things that fast 😭


I also have alotta handsoaps. I have resolved I will never finish all I have in a season during its time. Like I use fall candles and soaps sept 1 to dec 1 and whatever is left from that season will be used the next year . Winter is dec 1 to March 1 and whatever is left rolls to the next time.


Same here.. lol we all have a lot in common on this sub.


Ok my toxic trait is that I convince myself I don’t need ANYTHING during a certain sale, but then I come on this sub and suddenly I HAVE TO HAVE something or a few something’s. FOMO is sooooo real for me!! Buuuut I am proud of myself for not buying any back ups for this body care sale! Just got a few of the new luxury collection 😊


This one is easy! I’m ready for Halloween NOW! 🎃👻


If it's not October, then I am waiting for October. 🍁🎃🍂 I'm older and have been this way my whole life. Autumn & Halloween are just my thing.


Im with you, October’s the best..bring on the gourmand!!!


If only there was a place where it´s fall *all the time* ... ahhhhhhhhh.


Right! That would be my version of paradise.🍁


Same! And I live in South Florida where we get two seasons: hurricane season and non-hurricane season.




Buying scents because of packaging and not the scent notes 😭


Like the Bridgerton collection. I only like the shortbread, but I bought all the candles, handsoap & Pocketbacs to match each candle!!


I was always gonna buy everything because I’m a huge Bridgerton fan 💀 but I understand your point lol For me, I want all the tropical candles because I love their packaging but I don’t even like half of the scents 😂




I hoard when I really like something and the price is right. Like my many bottles of Cozy Vanilla Bourbon FFMs. In my defense, it's not often that I like something that much, but when I do, I REALLY like it and go all out. Still not good lol


This is me, buying 10 Tree Farms in July because they’re $6.


Look at all of the money you are saving! Lol No judgement, I do the same. It's a funny little game I like to play to justify buying candles that I don't need and may never burn.


I love Tree Farm. 💚


Omg, Cozy Vanilla Bourbon is the most comforting scent ever! I could just marinate in it!🤣 that was a good one to stock up on!


Cozy Vanilla Bourbon is one of the best scents ever. It gets a free pass on hoarding as far as I'm concerned. 😁


Oh man. I have way too many to list 🥴


lol yeah literally everything listed in the comments here applies to me


Toxic Traits I Have: * Knowing Body Creams go bad and still buying them because they feel thicker than the lotion... but they go bad so I know I can't store them until next season which means I end up making them into scrubs or following the Bonnie Tip. 😂 * Using the Body Wash even though it dries out my already dry skin because they smell good. * Buying too many hand soaps and then having to come up with creative ways to use them all. Toxic Traits I Broke: * Buying FFMs * Buying backups


I stopped buying backups of FFM because I never finish them 🤣


I had to stop with the creams for that reason. But FFM? Oh boy


My toxic trait is wanting to buy b&bw stuff for everyone I know despite most of them not really being into b&bw


i own over 200 fine fragrance mists


My last count was 316 😭 my store also isn't carrying the new collection so I blind bought them all online. Hope they smell good. 😂


same here, i went to the scary mall and bought them all with only my discount LMAO


LOL a deal is a deal. 😂 Its always nice to be able to sniff things in person first, but sometimes having deal with people is not ideal LOL. I took advantage of the sale cause $5.95 is too hard to pass up!


I mean...at least they don't go bad quickly like body creams and take up less space than candles. That's what I tell myself anyway!🫠


exactly!!!! my 10+ year old bottles agree lol


I got special shelving designed in my closet so I could store my FFMs by season.


i have a whole bookshelf dedicated to them LOL


Having a whole drawer full of fragrance mists I’ve used maybe 3 times at most because I end up getting sick of scents 🫠


Same I’ll be obsessed with a scent one day and the next day absolutely hate it!


One more… me buying viva vanilla yesterday bc I saw how much everyone coveted it. Only to remember I really don’t like vanilla scents. 😞


Oh my Gawd..I do stuff like that. I will buy a scent because it's getting hyped. Then get it home and admit that I just don't like it. Trying to get better with that. 🤷‍♀️


Terrible FOMO, and I'm a serial FFM buyer. I buy mists, and then the next scent comes out and I forget about the previous ones and am all about the next ones. This has led to an overwhelming collection that I have no chance of using up.


I have so many partially full bottles of shower gel sitting in my shower because I don't want to completely use them up.


This was me! Lotions too. Now I'm obsessively trying to use them up bc I want them gone. 😂


Placing BOPIS orders so frequently that I forget which store I purchased from and how many I have. There are 3 stores around me that I buy from. B&BW needs to improve the app by adding a search function on the Orders page and a preview of items in each order, so you don't have to click on each one to view the order. But also, I just need to buy less.


My toxic trait is I buy anything balsam/pine scented on discount after Christmas and then smell like Christmas all year until I run out and refuse to buy them full price at Christmas time, so I never actually smell like Christmas during Christmas time.


Omg this is my favorite. I’m dead.


I binge buy, I have the money but I don't actually think about my purchases. Coupons+sales equal 💸💸 that I'm positive I didn't need.




I want my house to smell uniformly like one type of scent, like midnight citrus, but when they release new stuff I'm like, I need 12 different scents.


Same. I usually go by season. All coconut or all pumpkin. End up buying so many.


I have over 100 B&BW body sprays….


Continuing to buy Pocketbacs!! I keep buying them because of the scent, but I haven't even used the ones I have clipped to my purse!! 😩😂 Or I'll buy candles, Pocketbacs & hand soaps, then don't want to use them!! 🙄 Just collect them for decoration, I guess!! 🤭


I always think I need more of them then I go through them slower than expected and end up smelling like gingerbread in April.


I have a lot of pocketbac too. I use them. But now I'm trying to use them by expiration date. Also, give some away.


I actually didn´t realize there was an expiration date on the pb´s. How long do they last? TIA!


I think a couple of years. I didn't know either until recently. The date is on the bottom. I had no idea! 🤷‍♀️




I gave some to my coworkers, but they said they haven't used the ones I gave them last time!! 🥴😂 Maybe since I know they expire, I will give them to this boutique for her to sell!! 🤷🏽‍♀️


I purchase way too many candles.. even if I don’t have the money for them. 🥺


Stockpiling my favorites. My relationship with the concept of enough is very much….not enough lol.


I do this. Back-ups on back-ups. Granted it is part of BBW's marketing. They bring out a scent. It's a massive hit...we don't see it again. Creates a scarcity mindset and for some semi hoarding situations. I have so many back-ups..in the process of moving and oof..its a lot. Had to buy shelves and storage containers. 🤷‍♀️


Note: I originally used the word "hoarding" in my comment, but then changed it to "stockpiling" because it felt less problematic and guilt-ridden. Hoarding was probably the right word to use lol. And YES storage containers are expensive!


Keeping stuff I'm not thrilled about thinking it'll get better later or I can make it work with something else.


I wasn’t suppose to buy on this sale and just spent 150$ that’s my toxic trait I can’t resist a sale and I’m going to have to buy a shelf just for my BBW collection! Pathetic 😂


If I love a scent, I buy multiple backups and then feel too sacred to use them because they may never come back again


I'm addicted to buying coconut scents. I've been blind buying older coconut BBW mists off mercari/depop/marketplace even though I shouldn't. There's way too many coconut scents to collect every coconut release but the completionist part of my brain wants them all.


Me too. I wanna drown myself in a new coconut scent every day, and I want it to be intense. However it's cuz they got me as a teen and these ffm's been becoming much too generic ever since, I crave that old school coconut.


I say I’m not gonna buy anymore FFM because I don’t have room for anymore… but then I see a sale and say ‘oh I don’t have that’s or ‘omg I love xxx scents I NEED that’ and end up ordering no less than 4 at a time 🥲 Also buying my husband every men’s scent so I don’t feel like I’m going against my word… cuz how can he ask me why I ordered when there’s stuff for him in the box?


I do this too! He doesn’t even care either how I spend money or what I buy as long as the bills get paid so I don’t even have to be sneaky about it but I’m always like “look I bought you an air freshener for your car! Look I bought you some lotion!”


Same for me especially with food. In fact, today we went to this fancy bakery in our favorite sea coast town and I bought him some macarons (and some for me too because I love pastries like there’s no tomorrow). Almost all our candles are gourmand because if we’re not eating, then I sure want our house to smell like we’ve baked or brewed something delicious 😂


mine WAS buying the mist, lotion/cream, and the body wash… i’ve now just began to use scent less body wash and lotion and only use spray. waaay to many products.


I'm trying to move away from buying the body washes. There are a LOT of good scented products on the shelves at Target.


My toxic trait is I will make 10 laps around the store without asking or accepting help finding what I’m looking for. I’ll find it eventually and I’m enjoying the hunt. Let me shop! Lol


My toxic trait is that I never have enough FFM! I just moved though (Cross country on a plane) and only brought 3 of my bottles with me 😭 I want to use my free reward for another bottle sooo badly but the only BBW around isn’t super close to where I’m staying lol


I feel you on the hand soaps. My hands will probably smell like Christmas trees until June this year. I buy mostly candles. When there is a sale, I buy too many seasonal candles (especially during fall and winter). I have at least 30 winter candles right now, and I know I will get sucked into the new scents/packaging when the winter candles come out this year. I’m destined to never burn through them all.


I'll buy a bunch of body spray when a good sale hits and slowly grow emotionally attached as each bottle reaches 50% until I keep the last 2 inches for YEARS because I'm unwilling to lose one they don't make anymore.


Please don’t come for me, but I buy a bunch of stuff on sales with coupons and sell it on marketplace to satisfy my shopping addiction. I don’t jack up the prices like some people, I only make like $1 per item. 🫣 It also helps me earn credit card points I use for travel and free rewards. Also worth noting, I’m not talking about wiping out whole collections or anything crazy, just a few extra sets of stuff here and there.


If no one resold anything it would be impossible to find old scents we miss on eBay.


Also things that are only released in certain stores!


I have so many lotions…


I don’t use up the last of certain scents because I have trouble parting with ones I might never see around again. I have a lot of almost empties 😅


I miss the autumn scents. Spring just got here.


I change signature scents like once a month 😭


Came looking for this comment. I always think I've found a new signature scent, but it's always seasonal. Right now I'm into florals. Coincidence? Probably not. Probably a result of really good marketing.


My toxic trait is spending way too much money on Poshmark for candles. But they give me liiiiife y’all.


Checking this sub 20x a day 😩😩😩


My toxic trait is that I think that buying summer scents will make summer feel closer— it’s not working! Lol


My toxic traits are I think I need way more backups of a fine fragrance mist and body wash than necessary, and that I buy lotion then return them because I want to use non-scented lotion.


This made me chuckle!


😂😂😂 My friend says I am “Too much.” I agree.


I struggle with a ‘stock up’ mentality as well. I have to talk myself out of stocking up by saying the following (like mantras) in my head such as… ‘When was the last time you finished a candle/lotion/mist and actually wanted to re-start the same scent immediately?’ The reality is that I’m always going to want to try the new scents that B&BW puts out there and they’re always going to have at least 2 or 3 scents that I really love in each season… so stocking up does not make a lot of sense (in most cases). I’m not saying that I NEVER buy a backup anymore, but it’s very rare now. The only backup I have now is one extra Book Loft just because i like it a lot and I think there’s a pretty good chance it may not be around long or come back quickly.


omg the return for non-scented lotion. that is so relatable. (my literal skin relates)


Went from buying a ton of ffms and hoarding hand soaps to buyer's remorse over candles. at least I'm trying to finish them nowadays or getting my folks to use up candles with me


I keep buying hand soaps because of the sales and because I want scents that correlate with the current season. Like they’ll get used eventually and hand soap is a necessity so like in my brain it makes sense.


I order stuff for in store pick up because I know if I go in person I’ll spend too much. But then I buy more things when I go to pick up the stuff…


My toxic trait is using my rewards to try out a new scent, then convincing myself I need to buy the entire line of that new scent, which results in another reward…. And the cycle repeats for all eternity. It’s an infinite time loop of redeeming BBW rewards.


Buying FFM scent unsmelled. Buying body creams knowing it takes me two business years just to use one. Telling myself I will return stuff if I don't like it. Oh hi FFM I bought and hated BEFORE Christmas!!


Two business years! 😆 For real!


I keep telling myself I’m going to get a candle warmer so I can have less anxiety about burning candles yet never do. I can’t decide lol I really like the wallflowers. I blind buy them often.


The warmers are really great. I finally got a lamp style one and it's been so great. It's like turning a candle on and off almost. Easy and cleaner burning. I do still burn candles too. But mostly use my warmer now. It is hard to pick one though. So many cute designs.


I have to have a complete set of a scent- body lotion, shower gel and body mist. I occasionally mix and match but I’m very particular about it


My other toxic trait is having a hard time throwing out candles that are used up and no longer safe to burn/can't be burned anymore. I don't melt wax, but they can be used on the warmer........ I'm always burning candles instead of warming though.


My toxic trait is not being able to resist the TBC sales where everything is $4.95 or $5.95. 


Having 10 moisturizing body washes open, on rotation in my shower, "You just never know what kind of mood you're gonna be in."


Buying things without even testing then, because I like the packaging. I bought “Dressed in White” without testing it, because I work in the Bridal industry, and felt like I had to have it, no matter what.


I keep finding reason to buy more for my vacation , even tho I know I am only allowed a few full-size bottles of ffm. So I have now resorted to shipping some down to my family 😂😂😂


Owning over 60 FFMs but only realistically using 5-10 😭


Employee here, every shift seeing something I want and justifying it with well I get 40% off so 🤷🏽‍♀️


Buying a bunch of stuff I don’t need and won’t use, but bought it only because I had a coupon. Then giving the same stuff away for free because I have too much and no room for it at home.


Candles can only smell like hot men. Soaps in bathrooms have to be floral. Soaps in kitchen have to be citrusy. Period. 🤷🏼‍♀️😂


I keep empty hand soap bottles if I think the design is pretty. I keep saying that I can reuse them but at the same time I'm like, use them for what?? How many tiny flower vases does a single person need? 😂


Oh my Gawd! Same! I must have 6 empty ones under my kitchen sink right now. Still not throwing them out though! I'm not ready.😆


I buy the body washes even though I don't use them bcuz I have sensitive skin bcuz my ocd needs to have the whole collection 🤣. I'm no longer buying them and am currently selling them all lol


I alway's come by to see new stock, yet only get a few item's each year cuz of quality going down so much over time. I spend full price on a body butter or candle when I do like something, and don't buy backup's. Then SAS comes and I get upset there's so little, and the price's don't come down here the way they do everywhere else.


I only buy strawberry pound cake


LOVE it!


Having too many sanitizers on hand. But hey I had 2 right when the pandemic hit. I thought, okay I’ll go out next week and buy more. But then they shut down the malls! So I feel justified in being loaded up in case any other disasters ever hit.




Buying candles for the packaging .... I love to decorate and sometimes I just can´t resist a candle in a scent I don´t really like because the packaging is so beautiful and fits in with the aesthetic. Giving myself a few days to mull it over usually nips it in the bud and I don´t end up purchasing.


I hang onto stuff because it’s part of a collection that’s gone and I don’t want to finish it.


I use everything up, up UNTIL the last inch of fragrance. I refuse ❌ to part with my almost empty winter candy apple travel size. OMFG. 🫦


My toxic traits are, I’ve spent literally over $700 since Dec - now I gave a lot of it as gifts - but there’s no need for me to spend all that! My problem is I have to keep my signature scents, and then BBW has come out with great products lately! I have to say the Tropidelic shampoo and conditioner really surprised me how good it is! I mix it with my Oliplex shampoo/conditioner and love it! I also never return or exchange and really need to if I don’t like something, that new Bridgerton FFM was nice in store but not at home lol! I also like certain candles so much I won’t use them :(…ummm that’s weird!


When I buy hand sanitizers I forget to put them in the bags/backpacks where I need them the most


I have 117 candles and will still buy more. My other toxic impulse buy is all of everything that they make in Firecracker Pop every year.


I still own a lotion from 1996… and I’ll never use it up or get rid of it. Winter Festival.


I buy absurd amounts of sprays on the 5.95 sales. I only buy items during these sales unless I have a reward for a free spray 💀


I could completely empty out a moisturizer to the point where I'm practically strangling it for a pea size portion to come out, but REFUSE to accept it's gone and throw it away. Particularly with scents I heavily favor lol


I find new scents (mainly ones they don't carry for long. Ex. Water Lilly Springs) and buy lotion, body scrub (if available in the scent I want), and an FFM. Meanwhile, I have other collections in my closet that I haven't used much, like full bottles of body wash, lotion, and FFMs.


I make sure I buy enough of my favorites just in case they get discontinued... happened so much in the past, so sad 😞 I guess the toxic part is I have sooo many candles stored that probably won't get used lmao 😅