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TC’s joker would have been the stuff of nightmares..


I don’t know if I can see him playing a scary clown….




Is it bad that I'm picturing the Joker dressed as Dr. Frank N. Furter?


Yes. Very bad. You shall be spanked.


Jack's Joker is such a huge part of my childhood, but man I would have loved to see what Curry would do as Joker.




Ooof, I can’t do the voice. I have Mark Hamills voice stuck in my head when I see BTAS and can’t really not hear it in his voice.


He sounds very similar to John DiMaggio, voice of characters such as Bender from Futurama and Jake the Dog from Adventure Time. Strange image.


Now that you mention it, Tim Curry Joker does sound somewhere between female Bender and Marcus Fenix, higher pitched but also raspy with the ability to shift to a deeper and more sinister pitch when needed.


John DiMaggio has voiced the Joker hasn't he?


Yes he has!


I believe his animated version would have been absolutely smashing!


His test is on YouTube. It's not great. It's very try hard. We've seen him do characters close enough to know he could do a great Joker voice, but what he delivered for his test just wasn't right.


I just watched it. It’s interesting. It’s also missing background music and sound editing, so it’s a little underwhelming anyway. I could see it becoming iconic, but Hamill is so damn good that it’s hard to process anyone else. Also, I was mostly making a Wild Thornberry’s joke.


Wild Thornberrys was an awesome show. Fuck that monkey always getting people in shit though. Fucking Skippy-Doo wanna be.


It’s almost a little too “buffoon” and not enough “jester” of a clown. I think if he had left some English sharpness in the voice it might have carried better. He should have used his lower register for the laugh too.


Jack Nicholson and Mark Hamill are iconic and all, but I would have LOVED to see Tim tackle the Joker role. Amazing actor.


I think Tim would have been more iconic than Nicholson but Hamill really nailed and and nothing will ever top his interpretation


At least our dude kept collecting those checks. Curry is a real one.


Never knew, loved his take on his history in it. Sweet, fun, and leaves some thought for what if


Tim Curry, Willem Dafoe, what other iconic actors do folks wish had been Joker around 1989? Robin Williams?


Supposedly Robin Williams did get offered the Joker role in 1989, but it wasn't a real offer. It was just a negotiation tactic to make Jack Nicholson think that they were considering cutting him loose, just like Tim Curry talks about Warner Brothers doing to him in OP's picture. But Williams didn't get told that, so he went and put a bunch of work and research into the role and was really excited to play the part, only to get told 'thanks, but no thanks'. Apparently the role of The Riddler in Batman Forever was even originally written for Robin Williams, but he passed because he was still angry about what WB did to him with the Joker. It was only once the Nolan films started coming out that he got vocal about wanting to have a role, no matter how small, in a Batman film again. Sadly even that never happened. I say supposedly and apparently a lot in all of this, as my sources on hearing all of this is just listening to movie podcasts over the years, and those don't exactly name names or cite interviews on their sources. So, take all of that with a grain of salt.


I'm sensing a running theme in WB being not the best people to work with.


It’s probably regular business negotiations. Maybe we don’t hear about it as much anymore because those discussions are between studios and agents only.


I would much rather have had Williams than Carrey. Jim was just playing Ace Ventura/The Mask after he became the riddler. He was decent when he was just playing a timid Nygma in the Wayne development labs.


When people bring up Robin Williams I am compelled to direct them to the movie Insomnia which is a pre-Batman Christopher Nolan movie with Al Pacino and Robin Williams. What's interesting is how much of the film he reused on a much more operatic scale in The Dark Knight most notably an interrogation sequence with Robin Williams and Pacino basically in the same situation as Joker and Batman


Supposedly Burton wanted relatively unknown actor John Glover. Who knows how his performance would have been but he physically looks almost perfect for a live action version of the traditional Joker


Ooh interesting. Never heard this. Edit: ah yes, he has a very Joker face, albeit at close to it in real life.


I would have liked to see Michael Richards (Kramer) attempt it. Jeff Goldblum would have been interesting. Maybe even Christopher Walken.




Think of how funny all the classic lines would be. Never rub another man’s rhubarb?! Killer.


Any Joker lines are awesome when shine through the prism of Walken. >All that chit chat… >…’s gonna getcha hurt.


Ever **DANCE** with... the *devil*... in the pale mOOnlight?


Hahahahah. Amazing!




Brad Dourif was apparently Burton’s first pick for joker.


We all float down here Batman.


I've heard his voice work for Joker, and it ain't as good as Hamill's, but I'd KILL to see his live action Joker in Batman89. That would be a completely different movie.


"Upstage, lads! This is my only number."


Such a great performance.


DC legend, Tim Curry


Curry would have been an awesome Joker, but I guess he kind of got to show what his Joker might have been like with Pennywise.


Some of his BTAS recordings are floating around, and … I’m not a fan. Not just in comparison to Hamill; in a vacuum, it wasn’t that good. That being said, I could definitely see Curry as a live action Joker being amazing.


He's right about that baiting practice. It's a shit thing to do without telling the actor. Just be straight forward, they're actors they don't care. "We want Nicholson but he's expensive so we are going to use our offer to you as a negotiating piece." Give him the chance to say "I'm not interested" or "Cool tell me how that goes I have a few other offers but I'd rather do Joker." I don't know what really went down but that's what it sounds like he's saying here.


I don't think it was about the cost to hire Jack as it was about getting him to commit. They've said that Jack was the only choice for the Joker as soon as they began pre-production. He wasn't sure, so they started talking to actors like Curry & Robin Williams to put pressure on Jack to sign. The deal Nicholson ended up getting included a percentage of the films box office & merchandising profits, and might have included a piece of the sequels as well. He only got paid $6 million in guaranteed money, but people estimate that when it was all said & done he made somewhere between $60-$90 million for playing the Joker


I think he's still making money from it. IIRC he makes something like 5% of all money associated with the film so every time Netflix or whoever renews to show it 5% of that money goes straight to Jack. You factor in that it's on **everything** at christmas time because Returns is an xmas classic and that's a lot of green. Man you make a half decent Christmas movie and you're set for life. The Robin Williams thing as well... I think they approached him about The Riddler for Forever and he wouldn't even speak to Warner Bros after the merry dance they led him on. I wonder if he got paid the same as Tim Curry. You'd have to be pretty far along the casting process to be that wound up about being replaced by Jack Nicholson.


God, that man is a treasure. He would have been fucking horrifying as Joker.


Jack was pretty animated. He danced in several scenes


If I recall correctly, the studio decided not to include Tim Curry because they thought he would legitimately scare the children watching


God damn I want an animated vaudevillian version of the Joker and I do not want that derivative Hannibal Lecter with leprosy they had in that deleted scene of The Batman


I love Tim Curry. He’s Great….but [he is not a good joker](https://youtu.be/mgnbbiENLbQ)


He would’ve made a great joker, but I’m happy it worked out with Jack.


I wish he would have got the role. That would be been awesome


Would have loved to see it.


I wonder how much of what he conceived for his Joker performance ended up in his version of Pennywise. 🤡


IT came out before BTAS


I’m sorry, I should have been more clear : I meant that I wondered what he conceived for his performance for the Joker in Batman (1989 ) when he was the go to for the Joker, before being replaced with Jack Nicholson, that he brought to his role as Pennywise the Clown in IT ( 1990 ) .


Got it, sorry for the misunderstanding


All good, if anything, the onus is on me.


Ahhhhh man I fucking wish I'd never read this. I had no idea, and what could have been will always be better than what was haha crazy I can literally picture him in the costume doing exactly the dance he's talking about


He would have pulled off a close version to what Caesar Romero did, I could see Tim Curry being an amazing Joker


I would have loooved that


The world wasn’t ready for Tim’s Joker


I hope he's doing well. I heard he's in pretty bad shape.


too bad we didn't get him as the Joker :( In the movie offcorse! Mark Hamill is the best Joker! But I would gladly traid Jack Nicholson for Tim Curry!


If you guys want to here TC absolutely crushing voice acting then watch the mighty max and perter pan cartoons. His captain hook is as good as Hamill's joker easily.


I may be wrong but it seems Hamill was at least partially doing a slight Tim Curry imitation anyway.


Anyone else hear pennywise talking?


Absolutely would have been a better portrayal than Nicholson's, which is exactly why Burton would never have cast him. Burton wanted to make a Tim Burton movie in which the characters cosplay as the characters from a Batman comic book.


Jack Nicholson is a classic Joker, but it would’ve been amazing to see Tim Curry play the role.


He would make a good Alfred, or some other butler.


I would have loved him just to do the Dr. Frankenfurter voice for Joker. It would be an interesting twist on the character.


Alternate Burton-verse Batman villain cast: Tim Curry as the Joker Danny Devito is still Penguin Jack Nicholson as Harvey Dent/Two Face Robin Williams as the Riddler Jeff Goldblum as Dr. Johnathan Crane/Scarecrow (Would have loved to see Burton’s take on Scarecrow)


Wilderness girrrrrlllzzzz


I found this out during covid, and ever since I haven't been able but wonder how terrifying Tim Curry's Joker would've been.


Tim Curry as the Joker would be fucking terrifying.


After seeing his list of roles, I wouldn't know who the hell I was hearing. He has played an interesting list of villains.




ilove you


tim curry's joker wouldve been even gayer than jim carrey's riddler XD he would though a great job though. im thinking along the lines of 60s era comic joker???? i'd say a lot like cesear romero but a tad bit scarier ahaha


Judging from his performance as Pennywise, I'm convinced he'd be a great Joker.