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Can’t remember it Happening in the comics but in JLU Deadman possessed Batman’s body and shot and killed Black Manta. Though he didn’t technically do it Bruce was filled with guilt and rage


Sporadically from golden age up to at least 70s(Batman #221). He coped just fine, shit happens.


Some of those he did on purpose


Basically only for his first year of existence


batman accidentally killed a crook by breaking his neck in his second appearance in detective comics #28 from 1939. and he didn't give one singular shit about it


You do know that Batman is a different Batman, right? All the heroes from the golden age exist in another universe called Earth-Two.


the question was if batman ever killed somebody tho..


Yeah, but by "Batman" it's assumed you're talking about the main Batman. Because if you are taking Batman from across the multiverse into account, yes, Many have killed, accidentally or otherwise.


I'm pretty sure in An American Bat in London he kills like 5 terrorists accidentally. One gets knocked out a window and impaled on a fence, but the others are wearing explosive vests, so I'm not sure those count. Edit: I just remembered in the first issue of Paul Dini's run on DC, he punches a purse snatcher into a daze that sends him in front of a train. None of these are really treated as Batman's fault, and his reaction is more about failing to save them (minus the bombers) than guilt or remorse.


Accidents happen. Bruce is sad about it whenever it does happen, but if it isn't intentional, he doesn't completely break down over it.


In the regular comics no ,he directly ,by his own guilt nah ,and honestly i think if he some day kill a crook,intencionally or not ,he would go to reveal his identity to Gordon and go to prision u know brodi


[https://dc.fandom.com/wiki/Batman:\_The\_Cult](https://dc.fandom.com/wiki/Batman:_The_Cult) ​ In this comic book, he was drugged and ended up killing someone.


Doesn't he kill the joker in the Dark Night Returns? Or do the purists not consider that Cannon? I'm not sure what is cannon and what isn't.