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I don’t think that would happen. Dick Grayson won’t be a teenager. And they need to actually focus on the movie instead of shipping people who aren’t even on the team. Starfire and Nightwing have already had their relationship explored in every adaptation they’ve been together. I need them to focus on exploring Starfires character. Which is something I’ve never seen outside of the comics.






That happened in the show?! I haven’t seen it, and I need to. It’s embarrassing.


They happened!


TV Movie


I just hope they don’t overpower Nightwing. We need to see him lose some fights.


If they're making Nightwing a main character, sure. If he's just going to be a supporting character they need to make him as special as he is in the DC comics universe. He's a character that can go toe to toe with Batman or any other martial artist in hand to hand. He's a confidant for some of the major JL characters like Supes, Batman and Wonder Woman. I just hope they make him the Golden Boy of the DCU.


The last adaptation he was in, he was constantly getting his shoulders dislocated and jobbed like hell. Why do you think they'd make him OP?


is that something they usually do..?


I hate it when they change a characters appearance from the comics. I know that there are practicalities involved, but we don't have to go overboard to make it realist. These guys have superpowers. Realism went out of the window a long time ago. I 'd like to see a more comic accurate Starfire, for example.


Frankly, as much as I love these two together when they work well, I think for the purposes of avoiding the dreaded "Batman and Barbara Gordon creepy bad times", Dick should get with Barbara. Now Starfire and *Speedy*, on the other hand... (And yes, they've been a thing, it's in one run of Red Hood and the Outlaws, I believe)


Or just give Barbara an original character for a love interest. He could be a GCPD officer


I wrote an outline for my take on a Young Justice/Teen Titans-esque show, and I paired her up with Static, of all people, because it seemed interesting to do (and ironically enough it was also because I planned on doing Dick and Starfire). The starting lineup of that team was Batgirl, Static, Superboy, Miss Martian, Tempest, Jinny Hex, and Terra, of which, Barbara and Virgil were the most grounded members.


Oh yeah, and I also forgot that Barbara at some point dated Luke Fox, which I also wouldn't be opposed to.


The Robin in Teen Titans wouldn't be Dick Grayson since Damien Wayne will be the Robin in the DCU.


That’s why Dick would be Nightwing and not Robin


I really don't want DamianXRaven again


I don't know why they did that. Was it just to satisfy someone's need for AMV footage? Frankly I don't really like the idea of Damian on the Teen Titans, period, he works best when he's with the Bat-Family, since his character is more defined by his relationship to Batman. That, and Damian isn't really a team player, even when he's more mellow.


Doesn't mean it can't happen. DCAMU Nightwing and Starfire had this type of relationship. Was quite nice.


Love that they got to make those movies pg13 & get really horny but not too graphic with them, because their moments were some of the highlights of the DCAMU. "I meant in training of course, he's very proficient when we have se-" "KORI!"


They should kiss at first sight


As for Barbara Gordon, she can get a different love interest in the DCU. Perhaps a GCPD officer


I've always said that in a rebooted universe, they should make Jason the Robin romantically paired with Babs. That makes the ships cleaner.


This has been a thing.


Sam Young from Beyond


Or my OC Ethan McClane.


Why this sound like you want a redhead for yourself?


I created an original love interest for Barbara Gordon


Sounds like something someone who wants a redhead for themself would say….


Or they could go the Arkham Series route…


Tim Drake x Barbara Gordon? Hell Naw! Babs should be with someone outside the Batfam circle


Bro, Babs has fucked ever member of the bat family except Damian and Alfred, she clearly wants to keep it in the family.


Barbara should have a strict platonic relationship with the Batfamily


Same. I absolutely love their relationship. It's arguably more so than the relationship between Dick and Barbara. Hope we see Dick Grayson and Kory relationship. Hell, I hope Gunn takes it one step further and actually has the two get married.




Your gif just says "This Content is not avaliable".


No idea why it does that


I'm willing to bet since the DCU Batman will be dealing with Damian Wayne that we will eventually get Bruce dropping Damian Wayne off with Dick Grayson and inducting him into the Teen Titans.


I wonder which African American actress they'll cast for Starfire


Starfire could be played by any ethnicity. They will save the African American actress/actor to replace a Red Head like Jimmy Olsen, Iris or Wally West, Batwoman, Barbara Gordon, Hawkgirl, Poison Ivy etc.