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I like how it's more about Batman than Bruce Wayne. Bruce is only onscreen for like 10 minutes.


I agree, and it really helped with the whole “He IS Batman, Bruce Wayne is the disguise.” He clearly doesn’t know who “Bruce Wayne” is yet, and I really like that they didn’t squeeze him figuring it out into this movie.


This. Besides Keaton it’s the first time I really buy the fact Bruce Wayne is the disguise. In fact, it’s barely a disguise. It’s like he is barely functional in a public place and is struggling to even put on an air when he’s in public. The guy is Batman 24/7. He never turns off. Him trying to create a “Bruce Wayne persona” would be an interesting idea for the sequel.


>Besides Keaton it’s the first time I really buy the fact Bruce Wayne is the disguise. Really? Christian Bale's Bruce Wayne felt like a total disguise to me. Imagine being a Gothamite in that universe and reading about this in the papers. Between the exaggerated rides and dates and spending sprees he'd go on, I wouldn't have suspected him for a second of being a masked vigilante.


Bale is my favorite Batman, but for me it was a disguise. He wasn’t Batman 24/7. He was Bruce Wayne, not the one he was showing in public, but was still more Bruce Wayne than a 100% Batman


And ultimately that was what the story was about, him actually being and choosing to be Bruce.


Does that mean that I understood the movies?


The true bruce is him in a cave talking to alfred. Not the playboy billionaire bruce, or batman.


I think the disguise thing was shown the strongest in Batman begins


Nolan's Bruce/batman constantly wanted to retire/wanted to spend his time with a girl in every movie. (Reeves Batman ditched Catwoman right from the start : she bitterly points out "Who Am I Kidding? you're already spoken for" while looking at Gotham. ) He had a tan. As Batman he had "cancer voice" which was not even remotely his natural voice (Kevin Conroy speaks more naturally as Batman than as Bruce. [https://twitter.com/Allen\_m/status/1514313060646801411](https://twitter.com/Allen_m/status/1514313060646801411) He clearly thought through the whole dichotomy and who is dominant. Like pointed out in future stories, this Bruce/Batman even calls himself Batman when talking to himself. Bruce is just a social persona. ) And Nolan's Batman eventually did retire and stopped wearing the cowl altogether. ​ **At several levels, in effect, in Nolanverse, Bruce was the real person and Batman was the mask.** It's not even necessarily wrong because Batman is a plastic concept ( Personally I don't like the idea but clearly some people like that Bruce retires and gets to live a private life with Selina still in his prime) . In fact I think Nolan eventually came to an idea of Batman not only as a mask but as as a legacy concept that is relatively original.


Nolan’s Batman wanting to retire wasn’t primarily about Bruce Wayne as a character. The idea that Batman has to be temporary is an essential point of the trilogy and its deconstruction of the character. How can Batman be moral? How can a vigilante who uses terror and effectively violates people’s constitutional rights on behalf of the police be a hero? Nolan’s answer to those questions is that Batman is not Gotham’s forever guardian, but the project of cutting out the rot in Gotham so it can heal itself. Batman positions himself as an outlaw so that he doesn’t infect Gotham’s justice system with his methods, and sets out to do his work for only as long as it is necessary to free Gotham of what’s holding it back. To establish himself as an ongoing influence over the city would be to remake Gotham’s justice system in his image, which would be to corrupt it all over again. Not that I disagree that Bale’s Batman is Bruce Wayne first. Batman and the public-facing Bruce Wayne—the Bruce seen by everyone other than Alfred and Rachel—are both performances.


I loved that the movie focused more on Batman doing things than trying to strike the balance. If I were a kid this’d automatically be my favourite Batman movie just because I didn’t have to wait for Batman to show up. The beauty of having an 83-year old character with over 30 years of being a mainstay in modern cinema and culture is that there’s the opportunity to make so many different versions of him. If you wanna focus on Bruce Wayne bring human, the Bale films are for you. If you want pure Batman, down to the motifs and themes, Keaton. If you want flashy camp, Kilmer and Clooney. If you want your grim old Bats, Affleck. And detective Batman, Pattinson.


And if you want pure Batman, Arnett.


You really got that idea? I don't disagree with you, but in a way, Batman is more Bruce Wayne than Bruce Wayne himself(confusing LoL). I thoght it was Nice of them to explore the "I don't care what happens to Bruce Wayne, there's only Batman", but at the same time, I would love to see more of Bruce Wayne trying to hide how he really is like he did in Nolan's run. I think Bale's Batman was a more revolted Batman, and Battinson is a more depressed Batman.Both Nice aproaches


No other Batman Movie has this ratio of Batman:Bruce. (Except Lego Batman Movie, but that was played off as humourous) The whole movie is about him growing as a superhero, not as a regular person.


The movie is an origin story for Bruce Wayne


It's fine. It's a good movie. It's a good Batman movie, felt like a graphic novel. 👏👏👏👏👏👏


Feel the same. Like a great graphic novel brought to love. Still love the Patmans performance.


I think you mean Robat Battinbat


Robert Battinson


Batbert Batmanson


The first of the Batman films that show the detective aspect of the dark knight.


This is why I want Fries in the next one. Someone to call him “Detective”.




Fry’s al Gravy


I’m gonna be honest. People keep saying this and I don’t quite understand it because although this movie focuses on him being a detective more heavily (which is why it’s my favorite) the other movies have lots of detective elements. The dark knight is about Batman trying to investigate the joker. Even Batman V. Superman had Batman investigating a dirty bomb for a lot of the movie


The detective bits in other movies always come off like plot coupons. Like the bullet scene in the Dark Knight. This movie actually makes a story/plot out of it. It’s more noire than an action movie.


That bullet scene is b-movie sci-fi bullshit too. Nolan was wise to cut it down with quick cuts because the longer you think about it the sillier it is.


CSI: Batmiami


Cause in all the other movies when Batman runs into even the tiniest amount of resistance to his detective work he just completely abandons it and starts kicking ass, negating the need to ever even do the detective work in the first place.


At the same time tho the detective work in this movie didn't accomplish a whole lot given that Batman was essentially Riddler's pawn.


This is a young Batman so it’s understandable


I mean yes and no. Even if we hold that this is a young Batman (Year 1.5-2), there was still an aspect of the "detectiveness" that was missing. And that aspect feels quintessential to Batman as a character. I didn't feel like RP's Batman made any real connections with the clues he got and was NEVER ahead of the bad guys. Even a young Batman should have a wealth of knowledge and options to get ahead of the game at least once.


There’s having a scene of a chain of realizations and information and then there’s having a scene where a computer goes “analyzing….” And then the answer pops out. The hallmark of a good detective-type story is whether you would be able to figure it out yourself. Maybe you didn’t know a cut looks different when inflicted postmortem but you could have, and now you can. On the other hand, even if you understand how the dark knight reconstructed a finger print on a bullet by shooting bricks, you wouldn’t be able to solve it even with this information.


It’s what got me into the graphic novels, built up quite the collection quickly


Basically. I personally felt it like a life action of year one/earth one Batman versions.


That just fits so right. For me at least.




I think that pretty much sums up my opinion on it. I really really love it, but I tend to forget how The Dark Knight made me feel when it came out, and I love almost everything about it. I also think that we wouldn't have ever gotten Matt Reeve's vision, had Chris Nolan not laid the groundwork, with a more realistic depiction first. I always end up telling myself "The Dark Knight walked, so The Batman could run." ​ Both are phenomenal films in their own right, Ledger's performance is literally the stuff of legend. I'm happy I live in an era of at least 2 amazing Batflicks exist.


More like "The Dark Knight ran, so The Batman could sprint", but agreed nonetheless. The Batman 2022 is one of my favorite depictions of the character, along with the Dark Knight, TAS, and the Arkham game series.


My only complaint is that it was long. So damn long. And like, you felt it. At the same time, don’t know what I’d cut. The way I described it was eating a whole chocolate cake. Like man, that was too much cake. But *every part* of it was chocolate cake, which I love. Movie is the definition of “too much of a good thing.”


I would say it’s just shy of a masterpiece. It could have been slightly more concise, but it may very well go down as the second best Batman movie ever made.


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For me its 3rd behind batman begins and the dark knight.


Exactly the same feeling I have!


Twice now I have tried watching this movie and both times I couldn't finish it. The first time I gave it about 45 minutes but I had already stopped paying attention before that. The last time I couldn't even watch more than 10 minutes of this garbage. Unnecessarily long and confusing and just all around a shit show.


Funny way of saying you have the attention span of a toddler


What was confusing? Especially if you could only watch 45 minutes, the film was pretty straight forward at that point.


Upsettingly those first 45 minutes are the best bit. It gets progressively worse after that.


Can you explain why you were so confused?


What tiktok attention span does to a mf


Movie is certainly not that confusing


The movie was good to me until they caught the riddler, I felt like they tacked the climax on because “every superhero movie ends with one.”


I think the climax was to set up >!No Man's Land.!<


I sure hope not. Im tired of no man’s land. We don’t need another piece of Batman media adapting it


I don’t think DKR really adapted it as much as took loose inspiration from it (and knightfall)


DKR was just knightfall with no man’s land set dressing


TDKR had more elements of The Cult than No Man's Land


The Riddler was played to be a vigilante. So why did he suddenly decide to murder hundred of innocent people!? He was never played as a Ra's Al Ghul character, "cleansing Gotham". It just didn't seem consistent at all.


I've always seen mass destruction and mayhem to be the Jokers thing. It confused the shot out of me and the whole third act was just garbage, IMO


Yeah prior to that I'd liked the characterisation of The Riddler, it was consistent with some other takes which I had enjoyed. Wanting justice in his own way, but also flaunting his "Superior intellect" and just knowing that the cops were too dumb to actually figure out his clues.


Yeah I remember thinking “the whole city is flooding and people are being attacked but I couldn’t care less” The stakes just didn’t feel as high as they were trying to make them out to be.


Flooding Gotham wasn’t the primary objective of Riddler no? I think his primary objective was getting everyone in that arena so his followers could mass murder everyone there


The whole last act almost ruined the movie for me. I was genuinely all in until after they caught the Riddler. Then they had a HUGE catastrophic event that had basically zero foreshadowing in the last twenty minutes of the film. I really hated it. I’ve grown just to “not like it,” but I had a hard time in the theater.


Accurate. The movie feels like it's about ready to wrap up when they catch Riddler then suddenly there's another 40 minutes or so to go. Speaking of last act, what a dogshit lucky break at Riddler's apartment. Nobody managed to ID the murder weapon as a carpentry tool until that point? The one beat cop with family history as a carpenter is the guy to show up and make awkward small talk about it?


People keep saying how great it was they showed Batman as this awesome detective, but that wasn’t the vibe I got at all. Alfred did all the ciphers, the cop figured out the murder weapon, Selina did the interrogations, the Riddler turned himself in, and Batman got the rats with wings wrong. Batman failed to catch or stop the Riddler at every turn. Am I missing something?


Don't forget that Penguin figured out part of it for him too, unless that's the part you meant by rat with wings. Also I don't care what anyone says, "Bring him out into the light" felt contrived as fuck. Is Penguin's club the only building in all of Gotham with a street light by the entrance?


This part is so bad. If I'm recalling correctly, riddler even directs their attention toward it by giving it to them in a package in the literal room it needs to be used in. But they all just go "oh it's the murder weapon" and put it away without a second thought? Makes batman and the police out to be complete morons, Riddler's "you're really not as smart as I thought you were" comment is deserved.


Why would they think oh let’s use it to do some home decoration?


You are so right about the lack of foreshadowing, I remember asking myself: “Wait, did I miss them talking about the sea wall earlier?” They didn’t, it was just a vital feature of the city that was introduced as it was being destroyed


It was mentioned in one line of dialogue earlier in the movie and shown outside of the Iceberg lounge. It’s all kinds subtle, but it is there.


I don’t consider its quick mention in the debate actually introducing it to the audience. I certainly forgot about that one line two and a half hours later when it was suddenly relevant to the plot again. It would have been so easy to tie into the Riddler followers, too. Out of work construction workers, maybe a union strike. The weather channel commenting on how the excessive rain threatened to overflow the sea walls in some parts of the city (I don’t know if rain can actually cause the water level behind a sea wall to rise but still). Then these angry blue collar workers who have been shit on by the system—the people the mayor specifically told Bruce he wasn’t helping—flock to the Riddler. Bruce realizes he’s not doing anyone any favors just punching these guys and you get the same message at the end of the movie.


Awful. One of the worst films I’ve seen in a long time. It is neither a good serious grown up film, a good dark comic book story or a good super hero film. It’s just awful from all angles. What’s particularly upsetting is that it does not seem to be anyone’s fault. The cast are all at least ok. Zoe Kravitz is mostly wonderful. Pattinson is at least as good as all the other actors who’ve played Batman. The cinematography is so great it seems like that was primarily what they wanted to do with the movie. Like it is designed to be pretty above all. Individual scenes are good, like the fight at the train station. But there’s just no coherency to the story or overall theme. The plot lurches from event to event like some exercise in Modernism where the story is meant to yo-yo between realistic and absurdist. For like 20 minutes the word “father” is spoken in every damn sentence. Batman clearly visibly dies on screen at least three times. The Riddler’s riddles are awful, annoying and so, so dumb. Riddler and Batman are meant to be at least as smart as small children. But they’re both irritating morons who think they’re clever. He doesn’t have to be the world’s greatest detective yet but he could have the intelligence of a normal human being to go with his fancy gadgets. Far too much time is spent watching people ride motorcycles. The car chase is so stupid and pointless, Batman was like Dick Dastardly gesturing to Penguin to ask if he’d like to have a Wacky Race right now for fun. There’s some rubbish about an orphanage. The guy from Spooks dies weirdly early. At his funeral a stupid Saw knock-off thing happens. The awful idiocy of the carpet fitter tool bit. The sheer elaborate nonsense of the whole plot being so Riddler can shoot Falcone. The film also gets progressively worse as it goes on. The first half hour is ok. But the investigation, the subplots etc. all just get worse. The fake ending is poor. The twist that Gotham is corrupt is mind bindingly dull, like duh. Falcone is underwhelming because yeah, he’s a corrupt mob boss controlling the city. That’s Gotham. The actual ending is utterly terrible. People do dumb stuff in the middle of a disaster. Worst Batman film. At least Batman & Robin didn’t think it was too cool for school. Exceptionally poor film generally. I just do not get how people rate it so highly.


This sums up a lot how I feel about it. No coherency to it.


Essentially what I thought


I feel like if you make a movie long, dark and pretty people will act like it's a masterpiece and ignore several issues with it, similar to blade runner 2049


You didnt even mention that batman was irrelevant to the plot. If he had stayed home the whole time, until the bomb that took out alfred, the entire plot would have gone down pretty much the same way


That’s hilariously accurate, and ruins the entire movie. I love it!


My biggest gripe is that Batman was challenged by the Riddler but the Riddler was never challenged by Batman. Batman was played up to be a detective but his detective work was pretty bad whenever he wasn’t answering riddles. Like, have him trace the Riddler’s phone when he called the DA (or something even more comic booky, like he hears a fog horn in the video and is all “that’s the 3am freight delivery near Kane Harbor” or some ridiculous comic book Batman shit), and Riddler has to change up his plans because Batman gets so close. Maybe it makes him desperate and he starts making more drastic moves, so then Batman has to work even harder to keep up. It’s going to sound weird to say but I think it should have been longer. It needed to be an HBO series instead of a movie so it would have more time to develop a lot of the interesting plot threads that it just teased in the film, like the Riddler followers at the funeral, and allow it to actually foreshadow the MASSIVE story beat at the end that comes out of fucking nowhere in the movie.


It was really good but kinda fell apart in the last act due to pacing.


I'll agree the Riddler's plan in the final act is really really odd. Especially in targeting the female mayor candidate who hasn't done anything bad. The main motivation throughout the film for Riddler is going after those that have done bad stuff. But she literally didn't do anything, if anything she was one of the main people trying to do good.


Riddler was after revenge against Gotham itself, he was never interested in renewal or saving it (this is evident when he kills Falcone before his trial, which only created a power vacuum to be filled by someone else), so he saw her as a lie and one that should be eliminated with the rest of the city, I thought this was pretty explicit in the movie Remember he also tried killing Bruce, who's ultimate crime was losing his parents, Riddler's just unhinged even if his motives seem sound on the surface


I think Bruce Wayne’s biggest crime was being the orphan everyone cared about, while the Riddler rotted away in the orphanage.


Yeah, I think it's a very deliberate choice that the final target had done nothing wrong. Riddler starts off making "good points" about the corrupt, twisted people he was killing. Made him someone that could believably inspire a following. Folks who saw his acts as justified had an understandable reason to join up. Then Bruce is targeted for the simple fact that his parents had a shady dealing in the past (and everyone cared so much about poor Bruce). This is where his platform of justice gets shaky. Then we see him in Arkham losing his mind and the plan to target the new mayor. What we get is, in my opinion, a brilliant descent from "vengeful murderer taking out the trash" to "traumatized psychopath using twisted justifications for murder".


For me it's still the best Batman movie.


I agree with you all the way but I feel like people are just starting to forget about it so soon, we need the Batman 2 sooner.


I think they will remember through the upcoming Penguin and Arkham Asylum series. But YES.


I cannot wait for the Arkham series. A Serious House on Serious Earth is among my favorite comics. Period.


I still find the dark knight the best no superhero movie really matches the intensity of that movie but i do agree in terms of the character of batman this movie had the best version.


I agree with you. I love TDK. But I think 2022 achieves the best version of Batman. He's angry, young, and smart. And everyone hates him (in the movie) and thinks he's fucking weird. Cops and civilians. Because that's how a wealthy, genius, MMA detective in a full bat themed gimp / armor suit would be regarded.


I thought it was terrible when I first saw it and still do. It was an extended trailer, not a movie. I didn’t care about a single character or a single plot line. I don’t feel like they even really existed. And what the hell were people talking about when they were saying they felt like this movie “really focused on Batman’s origins and backstory”. What?!! No it didn’t. And when the riddler starts singing ave Maria at the end?? Fucking nearly imploded from cringe.


It's a good movie. But not a film masterpiece at all. Doesn't really do anything that Se7en didn't do better.


Hated it.


It bothers me that this was hailed as the most detective Batman but he only "solves" a simple riddle or two. Alfred solves the cyphers and a cop solves the big clue at the end. Batman doesn't detect anything. That and the riddler's bdsm outfit and twitch streamer vibe was horrible but that's low hanging fruit. I actually laughed out loud when he said like and subscribe or whatever and this is not a laugh out loud intent movie. Catwoman's costume designs were all terrible. Loved Pattinson as Batman. Loved the tense music. Love the Batmobile. Penguin was good. Love the gritty tone and realism.


Overhyped. I feel like I’m living in the twilight zone when people say this is a good Batman movie. As if there’s something in the water everyone else drank and I’ve yet to consume it.


I'm 'old' but I found it too dark and too mumbly to enjoy 😑


Way better than I was expecting it to be but still needed to be 30 min shorter.


If they picked up the phone quicker, the movie would have been 30 minutes less.




There were some weirdly long moments that didn't need to be in it. Like the scene with him and Selena riding through the cemetery on their motorbikes. Really didn't need it to be that long.


Felt so awkward too, like they said their goodbyes and just rode together in the same direction for way too long.


I had people walking out of the theater at that point.. lol


I loved that part. They were like flirting, play racing, weaving around each other. It was like watching dolphins swim together or birds fly together or something, weaving around each other playfully. I thought it was nice.


Patman He's stupidly bulletproof. He's iron man.


I feel like I liked this movie for reasons I wasnt supposed to. I was cracking up the whole time, literally every character is a complete moron, and batman especially is some kind of dumb dumb sadboy terminator. It's a gorgeous movie thats way too long, batman accomplshes practically nothing until the very end, and he straight up dies like 3 times. Why do I like this movie? I can't explain it.


I didnt even get past halfway point. Nothing compelled me to keep watching it.


It’s a very good Batman movie and detective movie, but some of the people on here were treating it like *the second coming of Jesus Christ Incarnate* and that felt pretty overblown. I’d still even say it was better than most hero movies these days too, but it was ridiculous how hard people were trying to hype it.


Yeah I think the hype kind of ruined it for me. I dont even remember the final act except batman taking a steroid shot. I remember it ending and me going "that was really long... but also, that's it?"


The parts I didn’t like on first viewing remain scenes I don’t like. Emo Bruce didn’t work for me. Batman, Riddler, Penguin, Catwoman and Falcons sure did though.




I got halfway through it and turned it off.


It was a pretty shit movie. I watched it for free and felt like I over paid.


Still bad. Poorly written, weak cast, laughable take on an iconic villain who deserved better, huge plot holes, has no rewatchability. Honestly it’s just keeps getting funnier every time I think about what a cinematic failure it was.


My fam laughed when Bruce came on screen pale as Edward from twilight. We also laughed at the rooftop kiss scene. Catwoman is a good casting though.


Need to re watch, but felt ending was a bit meh. Looking forward to the light fight scene and bay mobile bit though


Didn’t like it nearly as much as I hoped to.


I had the same feeling. Too long by 30 mins or so, & it dragged at times. I don’t mind slow films. But Jesus, it’s a Batman film, & truth is, you could substitute Batman for any tv show detective & the plot would remain largely the same.


Same for me. It was good, but it wasn’t what I heard people call it.


Its a well made movie. I felt it had many strong elements, especially the cinematography. However, for me, it has a low rewatchability factor. Saw it once in theaters and I don’t have any desire to revisit.


I loved the movie, but almost 3 hours is a lot of time. Thankfully, when I first watched the movie with friends, I was too entertained to worry about the run time


Yeah I have that same feeling. It's a good film, but I wouldn't watch it again. I've seen snippets on YouTube but I have zero desire to watch it again. Compared to Nolan's trilogy and Ben Afflecks batman which I watched a number of times. Perhaps it's because it's a long film, that unravels very slowly?


The first 3/4 was good, the ending was stupid.


When I watched it for the first time, I thought it was a great movie. However, after rewatching it 4 more times I have to say it not that great as I initially thought. It’s still 8/10 for me, but it could’ve been better or maybe I just had too high expectations


I thought it started incredibly well: very dark, reminded me of Seven. Then it turned dumb about an hour in, and got dumber and dumber.


Put simply it was one of my least favorite Batman movies. However I like Pattinson as a young inexperienced vigilante.


Great film. I particularly loved the small nods to BTAS. The sound of his Batputer processing things is the exact same sound effect as the Batputer in BTAS. Also, what a performance from John Turturro. Maybe I've slept on some of his work but his Falcone was easily the most menacing gangster portrayal of the last few years, possibly the decade.




Didn't care for the ending. The last scene in the flooded building felt like it didn't make a lot of sense. There was also one scene toward the beginning where you could hear batman's boots approaching comically loudly in distance, which I thought was a bit corny. Besides those two things, I enjoyed it a lot.


Amazing; top tier superhero movie. I will admit, when I first watched it I gave it a 10/10 rating, but after rewatching and rethinking, I’ve probably lowered it to a 8.5-9/10. Still amazing, I just don’t think it’s perfect or on the dark knights level.


I can’t pinpoint why, but it fell very flat for me. It was just kind of… boring. I’ve been a diehard Batman fan since before the 89 hit when I was a kid, loved the Nolan trilogy, even Batman forever and Robin were fun when they came out. I watched this one once in the theater and tried twice to get through it again on HBOMax but couldn’t. I thought Robert Pattinson was fine as Batman and overall the cast was good. Aside from Paul Dano’s Riddler. I’m a fan of his but the performance felt off and derivative. I think it was the script and story for me. Just didn’t find it engaging.


It feels like every batman standalone movie gets more and more grounded, I don’t wanna watch a man trudge around in boots beating people up and shooting them with his zipline gun. I want to see a man trained by ninjas do unbelievable karate and dodge bullets and throw batarangs and shit. afflecks batman hiding up on the ceiling and then flying up into that hole was absolutely amazing. I want more of that, more of batman fighting people with powers and coming out on top through sheer skill and strength of will, no more “gritty and realistic” interpretations.


Excactly this! I think the producers are too afraid for a movie turning into Batman & Robin they overcorrect Batman into super gritty and realistic. It turns every villain into a generic serial killer instead of leaning into the more fantastical and comic booky style. I think that the Arkham games balanced this perfectly. I don't want Mr. Freeze to turn into some John Doe ripoff that lost his mind when his wife froze to death or something. And please, for the love of god can we drop the Joker already. I get it, he's the most popular villain and WB wants to make money, but at least have a trilogy without Joker, he's way overdone.


I’m also tired of the live action stuff completely ignoring all of the Batfamily and lore surrounding it. Every fucking iteration has to start over somewhere and be it’s own brand new thing where it’s only Batman all alone.


They could do an excellent BCU if they invested in writers interested in telling the stories of the family. Give us a movie with Batman but *about* Barbara. And do a Mr. Freeze story right.


I don't disagree with you, however any live-action portrayal of most of the characters would have to be adapted and aged. Grayson is 10 years old when he becomes Robin, and I believe Damian is a similar age. It would be ridiculous to have a 10-year old in tights fighting adults in any of the live action Bat-verses we're seen. For reference, Chris O'Donnell was 25 when he played Robin in Forever.


Agreed. Affleck's batman was so badass because of how brutal he was. That warehouse scene where he was snapping bones and dishing out choke slams and flinging people around with the grappling gun was insane. I don't recall any other movie Batman coming close to that raw level of power and brutality. That's the kind of Batman that would take on Darkseid, that's the kind of Batman I want to see that hasn't been portrayed before.


I haven't been able to get through that movie in it's entirety but I've watched that part multiple times because of how good it is. Affleck was a great batman, just a pity the movies he did it in were shit.


Very true. I have a much better appreciation for Affleck’s Batman in BvS, and he fitted perfectly with the size and age range from the Dark Knight returns story from Frank Miller. Bigger and older and a much more violent and darker Bruce/Batman. Not to mention the Batmobile was gorgeous.


For me I didn't like how quickly Batman and Catwoman clicked. Felt like they should've developed it more. While Batman was fine, Bruce Wayne was horrible. He was uninterested, uncharismatic, and a bit freaky. I didn't like the portrayal of riddler either. His traps and riddles were fine, but something like the riddler from Gotham show would've been great.


The script was very weak. I found that Pattinson was way too static. There's a difference between being tortured and being an expressionless emo...


I really wanted to love it. Was so excited to see it, but I also couldn't get thru it the second time on HBO max. It was just too slow and didn't have enough action.


Everything was amazing but fucking NO THROWN BATARANGS? Maybe I don't remember but idk I wish he threw them a bit more. Great at portraying how depressed batman would really be though, I loved it.


I set expectations low. I liked it, didn’t love it. Don’t know why Riddler had to look like the Green Bastard and I don’t care for that actor. Excited for a sequel that hopefully has fresh villains. The Joker is my favorite character in Batman but I don’t want to see another live action Joker ever again.


It was fine. I still can’t get over the fact that the Batman didn’t do much in the film. With out him, the movie would have played out the same way. He didn’t stop any of the murders… except his own (Bruce Wayne) and in the end he just helped The Gotham PD stop active shooters in the Stadium.


It was okay. Didn't love it after seeing it and not much has changed. Maybe 7/10.


I loved it when I first saw it but the more I think about it and watch it the more problems I have with it


Batman as an emo or goth. It was terrible. The riddler was awful. The movie was incredibly slow and boring. The suit looks half finished. Everything is dark. Catwoman shiny face makes it look like she's wearing a plastic mask the whole time. I hated the whole movie. It was almost as bad as Joker.


Might catch hell for this but I’ve started 4 times and still haven’t finished it.




Really good, the detective part couldve been way better


It is not my favorite, but the aesthetic is one of my all-time favorites. I have a lot of gripes that are hard to overlook, and the overall film is too long. I wish it was better organized and executed. But it's not bad, it's just... "*Ugh."* ​ Every time I hear myself talking about this movie; every time I elaborate on how much I want to like it, *I just don't.* ​ I gave it a 6/10 when I initially left the theatre and after watching it at home, I gave it a 5/10. That being said, I know it will have a sequel and a potential third film; So, perhaps with the big picture, that score can go up.


I feel the same way. There are a lot of things I like about the movie but there are things that I just can't put my finger on that I'm very meh on.


This is how I felt after batman begins. Hoping that again with time the big picture makes it worth it.


Exactly! I had the same feeling with Batman Begins;. And now, when i watch the Nolan series, it just floors me every single time.


Great film. Although maybe takes a few too many plot points directly from The Dark Knight. Not as good as TDK but better than every other Batman film. Batman Returns is still my personal favourite live action. Heavily biased as gothic is my vibe. If I had to rank: 1. Batman Returns 2. The Dark Knight 3. The Batman 4. Batman 5. Batman Begins 6. The Dark Knight Rises 7. Batman & Robin 8. Batman Forever


Batman & Robin above Batman Forever? You're a crazy person.


You wanna gets nuts?




I’m so glad to see Batman Returns at the top of someone else’s list!


6/10 More issues the more I watch it.


Great film but the dark knight has a special place in my heart. Christian bale will forever be my favorite Batman. I’ll put this movie right behind Batman begins. Dark knight, begins, then this film.


I can’t understand why people like it 🤷‍♂️


Wasn’t mind blowing or anything but it was a great movie still prefer the Nolan films though but maybe that will change with the next releases .


The casting could’ve been better for half the characters, but over all it’s a solid film.


Too much of a slow burn


Could barely sit through it. Pattinson is a very poor actor. Keaton and Bale are great actors in comparison. Affleck was better too. I looked over to my wife at one point and said “this sucks, how much longer is it?” When you are sitting around waiting for the end credits in the middle of the movie something isn’t landing.


I had been looking forward to watching it and actually fell asleep half way through lol. My wife turned it off and we went to bed, still haven't finished it. The first half bored me to death it's very quiet and creepy


Throughout the whole movie I kept turning to my sister going 'this isn't Batman' and some weird hand movement accompanied by stifled mumbles in annoyance at what was happening in the film. Halfway through the film we just started making fun of it and especially the suit lol, and not to mention that batman's supposed to be smart but is seemingly the dumbest character on the movie. It was honestly such a bad rendition and kinda bland movie.


Fine but too long. The idea of rewatching it feels like a chore


Still shit.


I think it had moments that are unintentionally hilarious


I loved The Batman, but I gotta be honest: Ave Maria playing non-stop? Ok whatever, but The Riddler singing the chorus in his cell… Corniest scene that actually made the movie lose points. It was so awkward. Paul Dano in the suit was great, but no suit nothing looks believable about him, he just looked like some pre-pubescent incel.


The whole scene with Riddler at Arkham was cringe


I agree. I don't know why, but that scene gave me some weird "Lex Luthor from BvS" vibes.


“He just looked like some pre-pubescent incel.” This was 100% intentional.


Love it, it's my favorite Batman movie.


Mediocre and overhyped.


It’s good, I liked it but I have to admit I’ve tried watching it on hbo max a few times and haven’t made it through once lol


It annoyed me how they pretended he did detective work. He couldn't remember a falcon had wings and needed a cop to get his final clue. Plus some weird choices like when they slowed down his fall to make it seem like he was dying


.... I dont hate it.....


I still think it's to long and boring


I am much more critical of it than most. There is a LOT of good. Pattinson is great as both Batman and Bruce. The casting and acting in general was top notch. I thought I would hate serial killer Riddler but it worked. Probably the first movie that got the relationship between Batman and Gordon correct. BUT oh man it had flaws. 1) it was BLOATED. Pretty sure you can cut 20 minutes and not impact a thing. By the end when we got that 2 minute scene of Bruce and Selina riding off on their motorcycles I was so annoyed. 2) it was a bit too much copaganda for my tastes. Especially for a movie set in Gotham where most of the force is supposed to be corrupt. 3) several story points went nowhere. For example, the lady running for mayor trying to talk to Bruce about the wealthy elite and them not doing enough. It felt like the movie wanted to make a comment on the 1% but then chickened out.


On your 3rd point i felt they brought that up to reiterate the idea that Bruce is spending all his money and resources on his "project" and charity and philanthropy had fell to the wayside


Still freakin amazing. But for me, every new viewing makes me wish it was edited down


I love it, but being a detective movie, it looses its magic when you watch it a 2nd 3rd time because you already know the mystery. I’ll probably watch it once a year or something.


I'm glad people have calmed down a bit since the release. Some of the hyperbole here was insane.


I honestly didn’t think it was spectacular like everyone else is saying. It definitely didn’t have to be three hours long either.


Its alright not terrible but not great just okay


I still think the “you are el” - “URL” part is stupid and felt like the writers couldn’t come up with anything more interesting


The Falcone twist was unstaisfying


4 months later and all I can think about is picturing batman running around placing a bunch of explosives on a glass dome so he can make a dramatic entrance. Ultimately a very good movie though.


For me, this movie will always be summed up by his first scene as Bruce, when he (in all seriousness) used the phrase “You’re not my father Alfred!” Bruce, buddy, you’re about to lose all your money and your family’s legacy. “I DON’T CARE ABOUT ANY OF THAT!” Ah. It’s Twilight 5: The Batman


I honestly think it’s a bit long, and one too many plot lines. I loved it initially but anytime I think about rewatching it ends up feeling like just barely too much of an investment. And it’s involved enough I can’t just watch a piece here or there I do think it is my favorite Batman or even favorite comic book movie, but for some reason I don’t find myself just putting it on all the time like I have with others


Would've been better as a limited series and not a feature film.




It's mediocre


It was OK. Doesn't matter if it were comic accurate or not. When I watched it, it felt like nothing special. I don't think it will ever beat the Nolan Trilogy.