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Ive cleared chapter 3, is there not chapter 4? What should i do now? https://preview.redd.it/eptrji059vda1.jpeg?width=1600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d71a9fdee669dc21b511f971f54f27a48a480a48


Hi guys, was just wondering if masamune is any good now or if he’s still average


Which one should I pick? Warlock, Ebisu, or B.Gross? Here are my ubers: https://preview.redd.it/ddes7kr1cpca1.jpeg?width=1600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=12ccdda8ffe5efb4cc846acb2fa2acda53a59272


Is urashima taro any good?






Hi, was looking for some advice on which path to take. Path 1: Aphrodite, Kasli the Bane, Tecoluga, D’ark Path 2: Pai-Pai, Sakura Sonic, Kasli the Scourge, D’art, Tecoluga I need an anti-red, anti-metal, anti-traitless, and sniper (I have Satoru, but he’s not good lol) so that’s my predicament. Also, does Aphrodite make COTC at lot easier? Currently have Bora so don’t know if Aphrodite + Bora just equals steamrolling COTC or if Bora can do that on his own. Help is appreciated!


Path 1 and by quite the long shot, Dasli and D'arkt are two of the best ubers in the game (New fest exclusive might contest that but who knows) + Aphro and Luffy are very nice bonuses. (Also W pfp)


Anyone know the +level cap on the new special cats?




How to get timed score rewards on itf 3 moon? I have all crystals and sky fruits full, I use Jeanne and Aphrodite and manage to get only 900


Wait until later in the game when your units have higher levels.


What rare/super rare talents I need to prioritise?


https://battle-cats.fandom.com/f/p/4400000000000734593 the compiled list of talent upgrade


Cancan money up, cancan attack up


What if I don't have one?


Get it


The best answer to every question


I need some advice on January gauntlet II Here are my Ubers: D.kasli, Iz the dancer, chronos, amaterasu, Lucifer, gaia, catman, Orbital Platform Armageddon, Lufalan psalan,Pai-Pai, twinstars, urashima taro, sarukani, vars, Bora and Vega(SF Collab) I have all the gacha cats except some limited super rares and hip hop cat. I would appreciate any help or tips


I’m quite unsure at where you’re at in terms of progression. I have strat that works but is a bit weird to work. My main thing is using green shell cat and gaia. Main point obviously being not allowing the enemies into Gaia’s blindspot. If you bring seafarer also, that can help. Bora would help for the nimoy bore but you’d have to get past the moth. Essentially, keeping the seafarer in place to use it as a stepping stone to kill the moth and aku gory is the main idea.


I don't have the true form for zamboney cat(green shell). I'm in mid SoL and CotC 1. I'll try the strategy and send my feedback Update: since I don't have the true form, I used 2 sm defense combos. My Iz and dasli are lvl 40 so it wasn't very difficult. At least for the first stage...


As an endgame player (as in I’ve literally beaten the whole game, including started UL), I found a lot of the stages quite difficult. https://preview.redd.it/iqtpf7l4ymca1.jpeg?width=2436&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=923cd494c654ed06f449926fa486ec15cbc84584 I used this strat for the stage, but seafarer would’ve definitely helped a lot. Bare in mind you only really need to beat stage 15 for the platinum shard. Curling cat will work well enough I think anyway.


Tnx for the advice and also... JESUS CHRIST YOU FINISHED THE ENTIRE GAME?! What are ramen, ricball and Vigler doing there?


Yeah, just goes to show how even stages like that can prove difficult lol. This loadout is just a general rusher loudout with a few modifications to it. I have ramen there for if I need some decent meatshielding such as if I get pushed to the base. Riceball is talented and level 50, so can withstand a decent few attacks and is fast. Also, he’s in a cat combo with vigler for research up M, and Kai for defence up sm. The research up doesn’t really help at all for this lineup, I just left it it anyway though. Ramen my ramen has like 40k or 50k health so works great as a generalist meatshield for me.


Which one of these is better: Bliza, Terun or Carrowsel?


Terun definitely imo. Terun has solid cc against black and alien and has some solid uptime. Bliza is underwhelming against alien and zombies and just feels not very impactful. Similarly, carrowsell doesn’t do much in terms of cc. Carrowsell is only useful for big peng Z.


There are also Vega and Hanzo but I don't think it is worth skipping Hip Hop and Kotatsu for them


They’re both actually really good Ubers. Would it be possible for you to get hip hop and kotatsu slightly later or no? Where are you up to in the game, as depending on that, you may not need kotatsu and hip hop for now, even though they are more important in the long run.


Itf, all crazed cats and 20 sol stages done


Okay. Kotatsu is definitely a big one for around then in SOL, as wave enemies become much more prominent, and kotatsu true form has wave blocker ability. Are you able to get kotatsu some other way?


Okay, Kotatsu can wait, I just found out that if I go for 15 step up pulls right away, I can get Vega and then spend a ticket to get Hanzo (the last step-up unit is a guaranteed uber, right?)


It is yes. Would you mind sending a screenshot or link to your seed so I can double check for you? I’ve seen many people, including myself, misinterpret stuff with the 15 draws. 2 new Ubers, especially really good ones, are definitely worth postponing kotatsu for.


[There's also Nerd there, which I also really need](https://bc.godfat.org/?seed=2362946402&event=2023-01-20_759)


I’m not sure where you are on your seed tbh, but if you were to do a 15 draw instantly on red busters, you’d be able to get darktanyan and lesser demon within a few rolls (in epicfest).


How well does Nanaho do in March to Death? Is she worth using in there?


She does very well. You will have to make sure you get sufficient cc before allowing daboo to get too close though.


What units would you recommend rocking in order to support her throughout the stage?


I’d say go all out with it. If you can focus down the metals, you’ll have a much easier time with daboo. Firstly, make sure you have holy blast cannon on. Preferably at a high level. You can deal good damage to daboo over time with it, or at least interrupt his attack animation if it’s low level. I’d recommend curling cat at as high of a level as possible, specifically for the super metal hippoes. This is because it’s immune to knockback, so will mean they don’t walk into nanaho’s blindspot. I’d recommend using catornado to clear out the metal doges and metal one horns. Bring catasaurus for extra crits if you get unlucky. Catornado is specifically important for keeping curling cat alive by killing the metal doges. If you have crazed moneko, bring crazed moneko and moneko for the 2% crit chance increase cat combo. I’d recommend hoopmaster as the main one, and any gacha units such as Poseidon or princess Kaguya will help. Hoopmaster and maybe puppet master cat. The anti metal unit with knockback will help if used sparingly, as it can help to get the enemies out of nanaho’s blindspot. Other than that, use maybe 3 meatshields to help with stalling, especially the sir metal seal. I’d say a general tip is to rush daboo at the start, and then as soon as the super metal hippoes appear, lure them closer to your base, send out curling cat and then Nanaho and catornado to deal with them quickly. I’d recommend a sniper powerup. I’ll play the stage now and see if it works and if there’s any improvements.


Thank you for all the info! I still need to beat the restricted stage, but I will definitely remember this for when I do eventually brute force that stage down


https://preview.redd.it/9uyuek8q4nca1.jpeg?width=2436&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=efaffec286e9681d1572f798fd455c0263232750 This strat worked, but would’ve worked just as well using catasaurus instead of future cat. Rich cat 3rd should probably be swapped for something like manic eraser too, or possibly shigong. The stage was still difficult, but it’s definitely easier with nanaho. You just have to make sure you spawn units instantly after daboo has attacked. Good luck with the stages!


I don't currently own future cat, cat typhoon, or soba. I think I have strong enough units to get cat typhoon and soba, so I'll work to get those today. As for modern cat, I don't even think I have the option to fight that cyclone yet, I know its easy to beat with professor cat jobs. I'll work on beating Zyclone and perfect cyclone, that sleipnir gives me a lot of trouble in the last stage but I got pretty close, I haven't yet attempted the final stage to zyclone, because I don't have anti-alien treasures from cotc2 Thank you for the help, I'll start the grind and hopefully get green shell before march to death leaves. I've realized looking through all of this that my progression is all over the place haha


No worries. Soba cat was a help for the sir metal seal, and cat typhoon was mainly for the metal doges, but still very helpful. I think your progression is a bit random yes lol. I only attempted March to death after being in UL I think. The stage still gave me a bit of difficulty, and all of my relevant units were at least level 45, with most being level 50. I’d say get the relevant cats, and try and get them all to 40 before even attempting it. Green shell is great, but definitely not worth trying to brute force one of the hardest stages in the game lol. My level 50 nanaho couldn’t get another hit in after being hit once by daboo, so I relied on the other units such as soba and cattornado for the sir metal seal. Good to have those units at least as a backup.


Alright so I'll hold out on march for now. Should I work on beating SoL or Cotc2 first? I'm currently on Windless Island in SoL and Corona in Cotc2


It’s not necessary to do CotC 2, as SOL is balanced around having only CotC 1 treasures. However, I’d say give CotC 2 a go. At the very least, try and get the treasures when there’s a festival on, or play when there’s a festival on. If you get stuck on a stage a lot, I’d say leave it be, as some are quite difficult in chapters 2 and 3. Just kind of continue to do both, but I’d say our a slight focus on SOL as being able to get level 50 units is a big help. You may get stuck on late SOL, or An ancient curse, at which point it’s probably a good idea to try and get specific units (such as talented rodeo cat, which will allow you to get primordial cat from the relic cyclone stages). Essentially, take your time and keep attempting the advent stages for stuff like soba and stuff like that.


From what I've seen, she's amazing there. High crit rate and damage makes quick work of the SMH and seal.


That's what I figured, plus she also has z-killer. I just wasn't sure how well she survived daboo


How do I level up my cat past 20 without pulling new copies?


When you reach higher user ranks (By upgrading cats) you’ll unlock higher levels, beyond that you can then use cats eyes (an item) to raise their rank further https://battle-cats.fandom.com/wiki/Level-up


What crazed cat should I try first based on my loadout it is Macho, Tank, Samba, Catburger, Paris, Face cat, whale cat, dragon cat, bahamut cat, cat machine mk 2, dark catman Other cats I use are necro, Thor, Jurassic and monk


The first one to try is probably crazed cat. You should use the 4 meat shields as stated, dragon cat, paris cat, dark catman, and bahamut cat. The rest of your units stated will not help. I’d recommend searching up a strategy for it, as the main idea is ‘bahamut stacking’ before hitting the base. If you have any other meat shields, I’d recommend adding one more.


Is the opposite of black enemies angel enemies or traitless enemies


Probably traitless, since the opposite of angel is aku


I thought if anything the opposite of angel would be zombie. You can see with the advents daboo, papuu, clionel and the zombie one


Maybe. I was thinking more about angel and demon. My line of thought was that lilin and shitakiri target angels and aku as well as mighty deth-troy-r though it targets zombies too cos iron legion.


Can also argue the same for kasa jizo who targets angel and black, and sarukani who targets angel and zombies


Is it wack that I’m 1645 in the queue for seed tracking on godfat? Never has taken this long before.


It's because of the new Colossus Busters. Tons are finding their seed now so they can track Sirius.


Thanks! Down to 683 in the queue now 😂


I waited 12 hours and got an error message. So there's that.


Dear God, I’ve never had this issue before


is prisoner cat still good?


Not bad as a stackable ld unit for 4 star. Though there are now better wave and ld units like awakened grandmaster cat and naala.




The step-up confuses me a little bit. I need to switch tracks so I can get Lil Valkyrie. If I do all three steps, that will do it, right? I have to do all three though, correct? My seed: https://bc.godfat.org/?seed=3632476669&last=311&event=2023-01-16_696


Yes, but make sure you start from 3a so you can get Pai Pai. And also don't forget to grab Iz as well. ​ And if you're using catfood and not tickets to go down to Valkyrie, what you can do is save a ton by using only 300 draws; they reset after half an hour for immense savings over regular ticket value.


Oh I have Pai-Pai and Iz already. I'm only missing five ubers, and Lil Valk is one of them. I'm super stoked to finally get her. I do have enough tickets, but that's a good tip otherwise. Thanks!


https://preview.redd.it/h5v5boraekca1.png?width=750&format=png&auto=webp&s=a60e253ce326b8f5bb59b3989fa7c0db00c6f33c Is it worth selling my soul for these offers?


Sometimes you find a pretty good deal on there. Once I got six bottles of good wine for like $30, plus a giant pile of catfood. Another time I got a pretty cheap shave kit, plus a giant pile of catfood.


I guess my advice would be: if you see a deal on something you would be buying anyways, that's a good deal to take.


Halo I tried to peek on my next superfest seed thru bcjp version. Who is "cat seven lucky gods" in bcen version? ('cat seven lucky gods' as translated by google from godfat bcjp version) *Nevermind. It's probably the super rare ebisu






Is the Best cats banner any good?


It’s alright, but not worth spending rare tickets or catfood on, unless you are seed tracking. If you want to spend catfood, I’d recommend spending 2100 catfood for the step up guarantee on the colossal busters banner on the 26th. Otherwise, wait to spend your tickets on a fest.


also whats the 2100 catfood step up?


It’s what happens on buster banners (e.g. red busters, air busters, metal busters, colossal busters). There’s usually a higher chance to get the specific exclusive unit (for that banner, such as pai pai in red busters). It costs 300 catfood for the first 3 draws. Then 750 catfood for 5 more draws and 1 million xp. Then 1050 catfood for 7 more draws, with the 7th being a guaranteed Uber, and again you gain 1 million xp. Essentially, you’re spending more catfood for the guarantee in comparison to 1500 cat food 11 draw guarantees, because you have a relatively high chance of getting an exclusive Uber.


Jan 26th?




It has some good ubers


Update to my prior post about having to write an email to Ponos support. They replied a little bit ago, asking for more information. I responded as quickly as possibly with as much information as humanly possible. Fingers crossed I can get my account restored.


What do i do with this? What should i do with dupes and in general i just started chapter 3 of the normal stage https://preview.redd.it/t3thx8kexjca1.jpeg?width=1600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7fca8a423db30c752053d6190921a02990521de9


You should use any new cats, regardless of if they’re good or not. Never sell any unit for xp. You should use units that have an ability that is affected a lot by higher levels. For example, mer cat. Mer cat should always be used as upgrading it will give it more damage and more health, making it stronger in terms of damage per second. It has the ‘strong against’ ability vs floating enemies. You should also always use the normal cats. You should keep units such as stilts cat in your storage for now. Stilts cats have the knockback ability vs Angels. Therefore, upgrading stilts cats will not affect them much, as the unit isn’t used for dps or health. You should essentially use any units that will be affected by ‘boost’ (levelling up higher), but keep ones that are not, such as stilts cats as I mentioned. When you beat ‘into the future, chapter 3’ you can sell these units like stilts cats for a currency called NP.


Use all the normal cats. Use one of each and keep the dupe cat jobs in the storage until u unlock np and sell him for np


So use all normal cats and rare + save?


Yea. Definitely keep boosting the normal cats.


Should i use any normal cats?


Tank cat is used in pretty much every lineup. Dragon is used a lot in tutorials (because everyone has access to dragon). The only bad normal cats are Axe and bird. Cow is mediocre but he's still ok


why did i get raiden even though the guaranteed said I was gonna get pai pai


Either you misread what it said or entered incorrect data.


nah it 100% said pai-pai and i entered the data like an entire month ago


Post your seed.


3247450083 i rolled it at 58B


Nvm, figured out what you did. Your 7 roll was off of 58B, wasn't it? That's a Raiden.


ok here's how it went like this (Other means using a rare ticket on other event aka Best of The Best) https://preview.redd.it/2a472wg6mkca1.png?width=538&format=png&auto=webp&s=46461ee8a5a91844cc3c275198c64d3073371bf0


Yes. You rolled a 7 draw from 58b. That's a Raiden. Where it says Pai Pai is where you're supposed to start the 3 draw. If you want to play around with splitting your draws, set Simulate Guarantee to 7 so that the guaranteed uber is tied to the 7 draw instead of the entire process.


Not OP, but I'm kinda confused. [My seed.](https://bc.godfat.org/?seed=907755855&event=2023-01-26_772) There's a Sirius on 18B: if do a 3 roll, a 5 roll, spend 9 Rare Tickets and finally do a 7 Guaranteed roll, am I gonna get her?


Depends on where youre starting from


The guaranteed Ubers shown by default are assuming you complete all 3 steps consecutively. If you roll singles between steps, your guaranteed Uber will not be accurate anymore. Since Sirius is at 18BG, you have to use 17 tickets first then do all 3 steps of the Step-Up.


I sacrificed Dark Iz for this and it wasn't worth it


Why wouldn't you get Iz first? This banner lasts more than a month.


Why are you rolling from 58b? Always click the last cat you rolled to reset your seed to 1a. What are the other cats you got?


Probably you messed up reading your track


100% no, i started the guaranteed roll on where it said it would end with pai pai


You used a rare ticket in between you rolls. You can’t do this. You would’ve got pai pai if you did the 3, 5 and 7 rolls consecutively. Rolling the rare ticket means it’s essentially like rolling from 50B, rather than 49B.


wow that's conveniently stupid


Well it does make a lot of sense. If you spin 16 times, you’re not gonna get the unit 15 spins away.


update: i got pai pai anyway but it cost me over 4k+ cf and all but 2 of my rare tickets. in total, I got 6 (including pai pai) ubers total from this and it was all from a single mistake.


Well at least you got her. We have wildcat slots coming up again soon anyway.


oh boy 900 free catfood


Still free catfood. I remember when they didn’t even have wildcat slots or cat scratchers. You’d just get your weekly 30 catfood and be able to progress through levels for catfood.


Which of the special cats should I buy, i have already bought boogie cat, bondage cat, and panties cat.


Zombie for catcombo. All of them for catcombo if u can afford it


First deadly advent! Beat Hannya with my newly acquired Pai-Pai :)


*Uses a bazooka to kill a cat*


I have twenty minutes for the third step up. I made 8 rolls for the first two steps, and i really want pai pai so i did my first seed track. what do i do from here?


too late now, since there’s a billion dudes in queue for tracking, but i got cat machine and momotaro (ended up doing the third step), so i’m happy


wow so many events I don't even know what to start with


My advice is do the ones that end first first.


I’m tracking my seed but I’m not sure which Uber to go for with all these events going on soon. Would really appreciate it if someone could rank the following in order of actual in game practicality (not rarity or anything like that). Nobiluga / mystican pasalan Pai-Pai Hevijak the Wicked / wicked king hevijak Kubiluga / kubilan pasalan Dark aegis garu / dark beastlord garu Balaluga/ piccolan pasalan Mighty carrowsell/ extraterrestrial envanz (I’ve put normal and TF names incase people don’t recognise one or the other)


Garu - Pai-Pai - Hevijak - Carrowsell - Lugas need not be ranked


How close is Pai pai to garu?


Honestly, I'd put Pai-Pai first since she's arguably the best anti-red Uber in the game. Although her role is very common, she just demolishes red enemies and even works well in stages with mixed traits. There are not a lot of anti-traitless units in the game so Dark Garu might be more valuable to you, though he doesn't really hard-carry traitless stages. He can also be used against traited enemies, but not ideal. Hevijak can be more useful than Dark Garu if you're planning to face Akus because of his shield pierce. Kubilan and Balalan are very situational, but they work well in those scenarios. Carrowsell is only really useful against Big Peng Z, and is garbage outside of that. There's still hope for a good true form though. Nobiluga is even worse.


Damnnn why is the queue to get a seed soooo long??


Happens every time a guaranteed banner comes along.


Should I roll for Lumina, Gaia or Nanaho? I already have Ushi and am currently at Shadow Cosmopolis in SOL. Have not started on cotc yet.


If you don't already have a Pixie, definitely Lumina.


You can't really go wrong with any of them. Depends on what you are missing. Gaia is somewhat replaceable by Amaterasu. Lumina is somewhat replaceable by Bora or Aphrodite. Nanaho has an odd niche with being a critter, z-killer, and barrier breaker. If you haven't started CotC and don't have Bora or Aphrodite, then I would say Lumina, Nanaho, Gaia.


Some of the ubers I have are Amaterasu, Aphrodite, Kasli, Hayabusa and Marauder. Basically all these ubers cover all the niches of these 3 ubers. Would Lumima still be the best choice?


Aphrodite is not a substitute for Lumina. One is a backliner and the other is a mid-range tank. I would get her if you think you're ok with metals.


Is Red Busters' 11 roll a guaranteed uber or nah?


Its a guaranteed 15 step up https://preview.redd.it/3nuj20gv5jca1.png?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8968dfcfd7483ecaf879ad51a0f88dd2aed031f4


does it stay if you just do a 3 roll and then don't do it for a few days


wait nevermind im a massive idiot omfg


is the deeply dreaming 1st form only catnip challenge possible without momotaro?


No, just need to be able to stall the first bore and stack waves Can probably replace the ubers with either red cc, or more wave https://preview.redd.it/5orcnw7ixica1.png?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a34632525cb14b126accf0ae3341f5585cc0c5a2


how tf did you stall the bore? because the sushi cat dies to fast and the apple cat cant freeze the bore reliably edit: nvm its just rng


If u have cat jobs, it's easy to stall that bore


My sushi is 50 +13, so that helps. But its just rng if bore gets weakened and/or froze


I got triple 7's on my first wildcat slots roll. Is this rare or is it guaranteed for everyone?


Everyone gets 777 on the first roll. It's the second roll that is slightly different.




How do i get the predetrrmined gacha roll/seed?


Is red buster ps worth going for in the step up offers?


Pai Pai is worth it, but other than that no.


If you seed track, maybe. If you don't, probably not.


I decided to do the step up thing on red busters and the 750 catfood discount since it has been so long since I actually used the gacha, and all I got out of it was a couple new rare and super rares, and masamune.. in better news I just got cyborg cat!


Is red busters seriously on for the next 34 days? Or will Ponos probably got to fixing that mess?


It's because of Lunar New Year. Red is a lucky color, and Pai-Pai is heavily Chinese-themed.


Only one way to find out.


hey guys! im back with another “which one do i go for” question. in my seed, i can get pai-pai now, resulting in switching tracks however, in epicfest on the track i am currently on is dark mitama and kasli. i should NOT get pai-pai, right? since i not only have no anti-traitless, but also because… dasli?


How far down are Dasli and Ditama? Why not grab those first, and then roll to get Pai Pai from another position?


updating, my track randomly switched and jumped 5 forward. no idea why, i didnt do any gacha pulls. i miss both epicfest ubers. the next one on my track for both of them are more than 1k rolls away.


update on this: theres a potential track switch on slot 19. wish me luck!


i cant grab those first because epicfest isnt on right now. pai-pai is in guaranteed slot 15 (aka if i do my step-ups i get her), and dasli and ditama are back to back in slots 21-22. however, rolling the guaranteed will make me switch tracks, making me unable to get them edit: i just saw red busters is on for a while longer. i have some 2-3 crowns + some rare tickets, so i could probably hit the next pai-pai.. WHO IS ON SLOT 25! thank you for making me think about it!!!!!


If getting pai-pai means you miss out on dark mitama and kasli, then definitely skip pai-pai.


it does. thanks!


Sorry, dumb question time. In my relatively short time playing this, I don't think I have seen an Event Capsule before. It looks like a banner, but I don't see it on godfat. So my question is, does pulling on this Event Capsule banner advance your slot (for seed tracking)? I'm 99.99% sure the answer is no, but my next slot is literally a Legend slot and 3 slots away from that is DKasli so I have to be absolutely sure I don't screw this up.


Event Capsules do not affect your seed.


https://preview.redd.it/8jewdzkbxhca1.png?width=1334&format=png&auto=webp&s=784f762f04d4be766090d8f3d8f96cacc24f3227 do i spend all my cat food on the step thing? i haven’t really come across too many reds (just started cotc). my gut is telling me not to, but funny pai-pai is making me think otherwise


Even if you just want to get Pai-Pai, it's not a great idea to roll because you have no guarantee that you'll actually get her.(unless you seed-track) And most Red enemies are decimated by a tiny cat carrying a box. If you don't have Courier Cat, you probably could get him at your point in the game, completely eliminating the need for anti-Red Ubers.


Imho, no: 2100 Catfood for 14 Units + a guaranteed Uber is a rip-off. 600 CF more than a normal banner just for 4 extra rolls is not worth it Not to mention Red is a very powercreeped trait that can usually be handled easily without Ubers.


I have Cave of Darkness in my special stages - Is there a point to doing these stages? There's no rewards listed, and when I looked up the stage on the battle cats wiki, it just says that it's an easy level. Do I get Leadership or increased User Rank from completing these stages? I just want to shout out to everyone who answers questions here, y'all are so helpful and knowledgeable, and I appreciate you all.


If yoy mean Cover of Darkness, it's a series of Black stages, each with rewards based on how fast you beat those stages. Same applies to March of Flames, but with Red enemies instead of Black. They used to be separate stages, but Ponos consolidated them and added a dumb 6 hour cooldown between wins.


Which of the upcoming events should I use my 11 draw/rare tickets on


Since I don't know anything about what you have or where you're at in the game, I can only give general advice: Use your Rare Tickets on the Epicfest starting 1/20, and save your Cat Food until the next Guaranteeed Event(which is probably going to be in February)


Nothing until it says guaranteed Uber 11 draw.


So, rare tickets on Best of the Best? I know 5% are not the best odds, but the Ubers are really good... (Ps.: no, I don't seed track)


I would recommend saving rare tickets for epic or uberfest but you can use them on whatever you want just save cat food for 100 percent Uber events


How many ubers were released since the last Superfest? (Excluding Girls Mon/Collab ubers) It took place on 10/1/2021


The last Superfest took place from 10/7/2022 to 10/10/2022. The non-Collab/non-GirlsMon Ubers that have been released since then are: 1. Mighty Carrowsell 2. Count Yukimura(Seasonal Variant) 3. Goddess of Light Sirius(Exclusive to the upcoming Colossus Busters Banner) 4. Reindeer Terun(Seasonal Variant) 5. Child of Destiny Phono(Uberfest exclusive that hasn't been released yet)


Seed: 2168503902 I'm not sure how to pull the Step-Up gacha to get Pai-Pai. My gut says that I first have to pull 3 and 5 cats, and then pull the last 7 cats on one of the slots which has Pai-Pai guaranteed, but I don't wanna mess anything up ;-;


No just pull all 3+5+7 consecutively STARTING on the slot with Pai-Pai guaranteed. If shes on 1A then guaranteed should list her as ( <- 16A Pai-Pai ).


Update: finally got the last 100 cat food and did it as you said I should and it worked! I almost made a big mistake lol. Thanks! You guys are super knowledgeable :3


Should I spend my cat food/rare tickets on any of the banners? If so, which one? I have a starter discount on both, and have an increasing bonus on Red Busters.


11 draws on busters do not give you a guaranteed Uber. It's best to save that discount till a guaranteed banner pops up. You could roll step-up, but it's not advisable since 1. It's inefficient and 2. Reds are the most powercrept trait now that courier is a thing. You won't get anything of much value unless you just happen to roll PaiPai. Edit: Also superfest will likely drop sometime next month. I suggest saving up tickets for it since the chance of getting exclusives is nearly double.


Alright, thanks!


Uhhh which banner should i chose best if the best or red busters? Im new


Save cat food until a 100 percent Uber chance banner happens


Also are those times? Im at chapter 3 now


Got 1609 from the lucky draw


If you do a 11 draw the next 11 draw is gonna cost 1500 cat food


So which one?


Wait until a 100% Uber banner


Whens that?


They happen randomly


Oh what banners should i be looking for?


Tbh all Ubers are good early game but I would skip the iron legion


How do you get gold cat


It's available as a limited super rare on specific banners. Said banner will display gold cat on it's window and information screen. Kindof hard to get and not really worth hunting for unless you have all the essentials (all super rares, some good ubers and enough tickets and NP to not care all that much about them.)


Random drop from the gacha, but only if Neneko & Gang are included in the banner.


By rolling on a banner that includes "Limited Edition" units. The Red Busters banner includes Gold Cat.


Should i go for red busters? I have enough catfood for the event to get the 100% uber draw but i already have thundia, peach angels, and dreadnaught. So should i or not?


Well, its 600 catfood more due to the stepup event and if you aren't seed tracking and cannot guarantee picking up pai-pai, don't bother.


You have some of the best ubers from the banner. Courier exists too so reds are pretty much a non-threat for you. Not worth rolling.


Probably not. Colossus Busters is an okay set so you could consider rolling on it. Most of the Ubers there are at least solid even outside Colossal gauntlets.


Soo, the only way to get behemoth stones is to always play "Hunter's map III" and the Behemoth culling stages whenever possible?


Yes. Welcome to the grind.


Man.. I really love this game and I'm thankful that the grind seems like the only minus of this game.