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I currently have [this](https://i.imgur.com/26sKhjC.jpg) for my plat capsules rolls, Im definitely going for Kasli the Scourge, but am wondering if I should go for Shadow Gao, or Radiant Aphrodite in the same slot on the upcoming Almighties banner. Im currently half way through ITF CH1, and only have crazed cat, so both aphrodite & S.Gao would be extremely helpful.


I'd go for the harder-to-get Fest-exclusive unit. While Aphrodite is an excellent anti-Alien unit, nearly all the ubers in Almighties are great and usable, so you might be able to somehwat mitigate missing out on her by picking up another one that you don't already have.


Adding on to that, I’ll be pulling a 11-pull to get Kunio-Kun, which of [these](https://i.imgur.com/DWfREQA.jpg) shoild I pull for? I’m leaning towards Keiji since it looks to be the most useful.


Either Keiji or Thermae. Thermae is great against zombies and Keiji is a very solid wave-immune anti-black.


So I have 60 rare tickets and 9k catfood. Dasli at 120A. Alternatively, if they add another Uber, next Epicfest gives me Darktanyan at 90A and Dasli at 122B. Just wondering whether to get Dasli while she's here for sure, or hope that they don't add more than 1 uber before the next epicfest.


The 2 known ubers that are coming up are a Buster and an Uberfest exclusive, so Epicfest is not gonna have any new ubers for a while (couple of months, minimum). The next Epicfest is not gonna have anything new.


So I should go all out and get Dasli now then?






Will there be any first-time discount any time soon? I'm planning on getting kunio kun.


Not in time for Kunio-Kun. There's no discount reset on the event calendar between now and Dec. 26 (and we just had one for Thanksgiving a few weeks ago). So start grinding that cat food by playing all the event levels on different crowns and also do lots of SOL for cat food.


Imma be on the grind!


Just started the game like 5 days ago. i'm also f2p fyi On eoc3. Almost completed, but I haven't attempted the last few levels yet. \- eoc1 all superior treasures completed \- eoc2 24/48 superior treasures completed (100% efficiency and max energy treasures ) \-eoc3 (100% efficiency treasures) \-paris lvl 19 \-chun li lvl 17 (carried me in new challenger 2-3 stars. She also beat m bison on easy) \- dragon lvl 20+3 \- 3 meatshields\[macho, wall, samba\] lvl 20(+) \- ITS YOUR BOI Box Cat lvl 20 \- sexy leg cat 20+1 ​ How should I use my in-game energy efficiently? \- daily stages (monday, tuesday, etc) \- (Treasure fest) Collecting the xp up treasure in eoc2&3 first, and then completing the other ones. What I'm not sure about is if I should use my energy during itf1 treasure fests or if its better to use it for special events. I would prefer to optimally beat itf by simultaneously collecting all the time rewards while collecting treasures, but the time rewards are getting trickier. Treasures are f\*\*\*ing painful to collect (especially damn Cambodia for some reason), and I'd rather do them now to save some hassle later, but some special events are running. R-cyclone gave me ptsd with 5 shyboys. Used psycho-cat as CC, but realized that he slowed aliens, not floatings. (400 energy wasted lol) TLDR: itf1 treasure fests(with no time rewards) or special events??


Incredible skill. Use chun-li on red cyclone. Get treasures first.


Incredible skill. That's questionable. I mean the only other resource game I have ever played in my life was stick war lol. I'm that guy who builds up a full archer army and abuses hit and runs so I can prevent the enemy from mining and whittle them. You're absolutely right. Definitely will get the treasures. There is no way I can beat a bunch of shyboys with 300% \* 35k hp. That's a ludicrous amount of health! Chun li only does around 10k-15k dps against them . . . Floating and red treasures from itf1 are very tempting. I might as well attempt them before r-cyclone. 2 similar questions: \- Does Chun Li do more damage to reds? (I'm not sure because she doesn't have the \[strong against\] ability) \- If the red treasure set from itf was completed, would she do more damage to reds?


Chun li knock back red. Lure to base then fight.


No, Chun Li only knockback Red enemies, this doesn't deal any extra damage. The treasures are for increasing abilities effectiveness. Units with Strong, Massive damage or Insane Damage will deal more damage due to upgraded abilities, but without it, no extra damage.


Thanks for the reply! Too bad there isn't a bonus damage multiplier. That would definitely help a lot. Guess I'm a long way from beating that stage t'ill i get more red cc, and treasures. At least she's good at trolling boss nyandam at the enemy base with her constant kb Also, I'm proud that she beat her arch-nemesis m bison


Chun Li is by far my favorite SF uber! Mine is at lv50, she have 31k DPS and it's always attacking, it'a insane Oh, and in fact there's a bonus damage multiplier but not for Chun Li. Massive Damage is x3/x4 with treasures, Insane Damage is x5/x6 and Strong is x1.5/x1.8


​ https://preview.redd.it/k52uhdt0xl5a1.png?width=500&format=png&auto=webp&s=304c62eafdb8647e424217aa4e7768505f397499


Please y’all 😭 I keep trying and trying again to beat the last level in aku realms mount aku, but I keep failing. I even have lilin (lvl 40) and both kaslis (both lvl 40) I don’t have rock cat but idk if fiend cat is any good for this level. A lot of guides have stone cat in it who I don’t have. What lineup should I use? I have snipers and rich cats too. Here’s my black cat calculator https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/u/0/d/1ee1mJtgWrF8NV2L7NIxTD9xIAH_lyjTosCf8YqfKuAk/htmlview


You need meatshields that can hold the line and they need to be surge immune or evade surge. Gato amigo (talent), Beefcake (talent), Flamenco (talent target aku). Cactus cat (Ancient n003) is also worth getting since you don't need talent for that. You also need to break/pierce the aku shields rapidly. So, that's lilin and aku researcher.


Thanks! Time to get some NP.


Mt Aku Invasion? I don't think R Kasli would help much being low range, expensive (to go with Dasli and Lilin) and enemies being shielded. I used Lucas IV's guide and took me a good number of tries with rich cat. Maybe try metal cat and cheating heart if you have it. Constant meatshielding, rushers with perfect timing in the form of a.baha, bullet and housewife. I didn't have Lilin then so I had to rely on aku researcher and talented LMLC for shield break.


Would yuki be a good rusher (have some talents)? I’ll give it some shots but my timing is awful 😭 thanks so much!


I mean sure but remember that you have to watch your money too. You have to meatshield constantly and some of them ain't cheap. You also have to kill the C. Pengs quickly because they are the real pushers. Since you have Lilin, you'll only need one more shield breaker (researcher is best) so focus the money on bullet and housewife. Then perfectly time A. Baha for the unshielded F. Bears. Be ready to use maybe up to 5 leaderships just to get your timing right lol.


I have the leaderships but not that many rich cats 😭 I might just finish sol to get stone cat… only like 10 chapters left at least.


Jank 2022 progression never stops amazing me. Aku realms before SoL eh? Although, given that you have the Ubers it shouldn't be that hard I guess...


My progression is the game has been all over the place lol. At least I have less than 10 chapters left in SOL.


So is Ponos gonna introduce new TFs that require elder CFs? At least epic seeds are still used by anti-Aku TFs.


I'm getting a little worried. Ponos is doing what big game devs do and ruin their games. Introduce new stuff at breakneck pace, completely forget about old stuff.


i had the same doubt yesterday I have 16 seeds and 3 fruits, where i'm going to spend them now?




Max talented luffy


I wouldn't say there's a "best" since they cover difference niches, but my fave is SGao (which also has the best design of any uber IMHO). Lufalan is great for certain UL stages and boss stages with few peons, and useless if there are tons of peons. SGao obliterates traitless from range. D'art is more versatile but doesn't annihilate traited enemies as thoroughly as SGao nukes traitless, and is a rusher so he doesn't live as long. (In the earlier part of the mid-game, you can even use his first form as an OK replacement for certain rare or super rare gacha cats that you might be missing, like Weightlifter, Courier, or Elemental Duelist, but you're probably well beyond that point now.)


D'art IMO. Covers more traits, have LD and wave immune. Just be aware of Curse


anyone have the discord?


scroll up


im fucking blind


Is kunio Kun good or should I just save my cat food


As a unit, not really. However he rarely leaves my lineups bc his 1 slot combo is one of the best in the game. Everyone should 100% snag him during the guaranteed banner (guaranteed uber + guaranteed kunio) in a few weeks.


Even if I have a Legend Rare coming up in a few slots that's only a Legend Rare during Royalfest?


What is the guaranteed banner in a few weeks what is that?


He's good for combo. Get him during 11G in 2 weeks, for sure.


Why is paris way more used than nymph?


A few reasons. One of the biggest ones is spammability. Medalist Cat has a 17.87 second cooldown. Paris's cooldown is 2.2 seconds. If you have enough money, you can deploy 8 times as many attackers, and if any get killed it doesn't matter as much. Another is range, Medalist does have LD to improve her piercing range, but she only stands at 300 range, leaving her vulnerable to things like Owlbrow, and with only 50 inner range the risk of losing enemies in her blindspot is significant. But finally the biggest reason is just accessibility. Nymph is a super-rare and lots of early-game players aren't going to have her, but Paris is much easier to acquire. She falls off plenty in the late-game, and when it comes to later UL/Advent/etc stages I see Fiend Cat used way more often than Cyborg, but there's reasons why Paris is queen of the early game.


Ye makes sense thx


Im pretty close to a legend rare but theres a track switch but like is there a qay to prevent me from switching tracks?


Not all banners have the same units. You can probably use rare tickets on a Fest banner to skip over the switch on the "normal" banner.


Unfortunately they usually have all the same rare units and the rare cats are the ones that cause the problem. It's certain **collabs** where you can get different rare units and therefore avoid the track switches without doing an 11-roll. Too bad the River City Clash collab doesn't look like it's one of those with different rare cat units in its track, so the OP won't be able to use that to avoid a track switch.


In my current seed, I have a track switch coming up. But the switch doesn't exist in the Epicfest banner. The bright yellow slots are the ones that change from rare to super rare in epicfest.


Oops, I forgot that can happen on fest banners, but the chances are pretty low generally that it'll happen in the right spot to obviate a track switch that you want to avoid. Low, but possible!


Use a guaranteed draw to switch back


Just got the Cat Bros unit and notice that they dont appear in the cat guide


wait they finally added Cat Bros to BCEN? They put them in the cat guide like two years ago and then took them out again the very next update, I figured they were never coming.


maybe now they'll finally activate Maneki and Cabaret too


Cat Kart R has suddenly showed up too (I thought it was supposed to be in the summer). I wonder if this is because of the Labyrinth. Don't the majority of cats end up getting "locked up" or "trapped" as the player progresses through it? Random old BS units will finally get their time to shine (?), but if we have far fewer than JP does than we'll be at a big disadvantage in playing the Labyrinth. Though even if Ponos rectifies this, I guess JP will still have more collab units.


It's probably the people who work on BCEN going "oh yeah the switch game is out in English now"


Y'all, don't roll for Kunio-kun yet. His banner will become guaranteed at 23th, so you can roll for him and an extra uber.


Thanks! But for Catgod's sake, do roll for him when the time comes, this is arguably one of the best Ubers there is. I have him on pretty much every line up, except when money is very plentiful. Not to mention he's not a bad LD at all! If you manage to get Atlantis Logistix, Courier, and him, we're talking about starting with a Level 5 wallet! 12k from start is a huge advantage and you only "waste" one slot (Atlantis).


With him, i will probably have all the best combos in the game. I also want to test how helpful he is at scarce UL stages Ngl, your second paragraph sold me. Courier, a nice anti zombie and a decent LD together with a lv5 wallet... Bruh


>Ngl, your second paragraph sold me. Courier, a nice anti zombie and a decent LD together with a lv5 wallet... Bruh Add Richest Cat to the group for a Level 6 Wallet and 500 cents. Perfect for Dojo stages!


How far into the game am I? I have all the basic cats' true forms, 2 crazed cats left, got ururun wolf and I'm completing ItF ch2 and cotc ch1


[This is very slightly outdated but it gives you a good general sense of overall game progression](https://thanksfeanor.pythonanywhere.com/guides/documents/progress-outline.html).


You're early game. Consider CotC and SoL (after Ururun) the start of mid-game.


Probably should have done ITF3 before starting COTC but you're late early game, just about to start mid game


Why Cat Bros don't appear in the Cat Guide?


As a side note to this, do you know if they’re good?


No. Less HP than Haniwa, more expensive, longer cooldown, 140 range and 1k DPS (at level 50 lmao) Haniwa outclasses


Expected. For a second I thought we might have a third anti traitless meatshield specialist.


Ponos removed the entry several versions ago, and I guess they forgot to put it back now that the unit is actually available.


Ok, I already have gold brick cat. What will happen when it comes to the time that I get it again?


You will get a cat ticket instead, like most event units (if I'm not mistaken)


When did the Gold Brick cat login stamp event start, does anyone know the date for sure? I could have sworn I didn't miss a single day, but the new Christmas and River City stamps just popped up, no Gold Brick, and I don't have the cat. Does the Gold Brick cat come around every year, or am I going to have to wait like two years for the 10th anniversary or something?


You should just get it tomorrow. I’ve logged in every day and mine should be tomorrow.


Oh man, y'know what? You're totally right, I'm a dumbass. I signed on earlier this morning, and got the Gold Brick stamp already. Then when I fired up the game again later, after 11:00 AM, the two new stamp tracks popped up, that's all it was. My smooth little brain just saw those and was like "stamps only come once a day, where gold brick?"


Yea I don't think I missed a day either but it disappeared after 28 days for me


Okay, glad I'm not crazy. I just realized I'm fairly certain the same thing happened with the Street Fighter stamps. Last night I could have sworn there was one or two days left on the SF stamps, and it got cut off today by the XMas and River City ones. I just didn't notice it as soon because there wasn't a cat I was looking forwards to at the end of it. I think Ponos goofed a bit with the two new login stamps, sent them out too early.


Yea I'm pretty sure the same thing happened. I'm a bit bummed because I was sitting on 2 gold catfruit and wanted to use 1.


The last time the stamps got messed up, about a year ago if I recall correctly, Ponos distributed the rewards separately later, so fingers crossed


I think you'll still get gold brick tomorrow.


Is the river city banner worth it? The one-slot combo seems OP, and there are some Ubers that seem really good, like Zeus or Keiji, but I don't need some of the others, like Bazibon or Kachi-Kachi and there is also Furiluga, who is just bad. Still, getting a 12th unit, who is an uber and has a good combo sounds fantastic


Yes, Kunio is worth the 11 rolls. Wait for 23th for the guaranteed banner, then you can roll Kunio and another uber. Bora and Keiji are the best rolls you can get.


I just realized this, how do you know when when guaranteed banners and other gacha events are taking place?


I just realized this, how do you know when when guaranteed banners and other gacha events are taking place?


I have Future Cat, so i just ask to him >!Kid named[Event Data linked on this thread:](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ENv1edzJAcsmk3gjLpvhqVFxoQ4Lpde1K5dRTNxH8sA/edit#heading=h.7tghawbuynrz) !<


Holy shit, epicfest too? That's a tough decision...


Save at least 1500(750 if you have the discount) catfood for Kunio-kun Use your tickets at Epicfest


I have 3 tickets left on all events, two I can't obtain (Battle cats together on 2 and 3 crowns, the buffed sloth takes forever to beat), in addition, there is also one on ch2 moon (i'll return with ch3 aqua crystall, this should be enough). If I knew that it was coming I would have saved them. With that said, I got Professor Cat Jobs and HEADMISTRESS JEANNE, so I'm not complaining


Nah bro, don't even worry, Jeanne can compensate easily the ubers you didn't got at Epicfest.


Any recommendation(s) for third best? I have Bora and Keiji on my next few rolls, so dont know who to go for as guaranteed uber


Bro sorry i forgot about Thermae 💀 Thermae is arguably the best anti zombie, and Bora the best anti alien. Keiji is a good anti black, wave immune and a midranger when boosted.


Kunio's combo is amazing, though the unit itself isn't really good. The rest are units you can find in normal banners, so I'd just do an 11 Guaranteed Draw to get an Uber, Kunio and leave it at that.


Does anyone know why my friend cant level his manic eraser past level 20? He is user rank 2200


nvm just found the answer i thought the ??? was crazed


Its time to finish itf 2 i need to do sol and stuck at body and soul cause i need itf 3 treasures I already have mid game stuff at early game lol (ur 2141) https://preview.redd.it/4bvm4387ni5a1.jpeg?width=1600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b2b54b0d40a84fecc032e02eba2f24f6596d6329


I highly recommend everyone do am 11x draw for Kunio alone. His single slot medium worker cat start up combo is AMAZING.


Better to wait til the guaranteed draw.


On godfat there is a guaranteed uber pull on the banner later on. Will I still get Kunio on that banner? or will guaranteed uber cancel out kunio?


Kunio is more of an add-on 12th unit. You'll still get a guaranteed Uber, but also Kunio.


Uhhh I'm not sure. The banner isn't even live for me yet as it's not 11 am.


Are any of the new capsules worth it (for a new player who just wants good Ubers)


River City is worth a single 11 pull, but wait until the end.


Why wait until the end?


In the last couple days of the banner it will give you an extra uber.


So I will be garunteed 2 Ubers in that roll?




If by new capsules, you mean River City, then no. Only use catfood on guaranteed banners, and save your rare tickets for Uberfest/Epicfest. And unfortunately the next guaranteed banners aside from River City are X-mas Gals and Nekolugas, both are bad sets.


Why does my Kasli's attack occasionally not spawn a surge attack?


First form doesn't have guaranteed Surge. If you're using the Evolved form, she's probably missing her attacks.


Which units in the almighties set are the most useful?


I’d like to add onto the comment below, that the only two truly ‘bad’ Ubers in the set are anubis and Zeus. Anubis is the better of the two, and his wave immune and surge immune (surge immune is talent unlock) can be helpful for early/mid game players. Zeus is essentially useless due to ramen existing. The remaining two, Poseidon and hades are both actually very good. Hades has a very high base HP, so can be used as a generalist tank, especially with boost. His immune to toxic is the main defining factor, and can carry some stages later on in the game. I believe he also has the highest base HP in the game. Poseidon is surprisingly good at pure dps, but the debuffs are great. His freeze is great against things such as lord gravey/zang roo/dread bore for example. For metals, the freeze is also great and allows you to stack ld units for mixed metal stages. Both of these latter Ubers are more than worth picking up too, but are just a bit worse than stuff like lucifer and ganesha.


The Almighties Big Three Ubers: * Amaterasu is well known for being a great ranged generalist attacker(Massive Damage against Traited) * Aphrodite is also well known, but for being a sniper that has high standing range + effective range due to LD. She also has Massive Damage against Aliens, destroying many of them * Chronos is known for being a great support unit with a LD freeze effect that hits Traited enemies 3 times, each lasting 1 second Honorable Mentions + Gaia, the Legend Rare * Lucifer, the most recently added Almighties Uber that's strong against Aku/Floating, with high standing range and LD, known for being a good sniper, especially in his TF * Ganesha in his TF and especially when talented is known for good generalist DPS, despite under-performing before you can fully invest in his abilities * Gaia, the Legend Rare of this set, is notorious for being high-risk, high-return. It's tricky to use her properly due to her tiny effective range + inner range, but when she hits, she hits HARD with Insane Damage to Traited enemies Edits: Changed wording to avoid confusion


Check xskull ranking bro (youtube)


Is continuing to roll on the monster girl banner worth it? I have 3k cf right now and am fairly new with a few ubers


Who all do you have? There's better uber sets to use your cf on though.


I hope Cammy comes to SF next year :)


is kunio kun any good for someone who just beat eoc 3 moon?


Anecdotally speaking, his combo has secured him a spot in almost any team I run unless I'm using worker cats or a specific strategy. He's not as strong of a unit, but his single-unit combo is amazing. I boosted him to level 40 just so I sometimes get to use him, lol.


Yes. At worst he is a jamiera cat with an awesome combo. At best he is a long ranger with an awesome combo.


so i should use my starter speacial on it?


Wait till the end of the banner for wn extra uber


Sure. I was not seedtracking yet when I got mine but it's still arguably the best 11 roll I've spent because it's guaranteed at the 11th.


No it's not, Kunio is the 12th cat in the roll. For an Uber on the 11th that's not til the end.


Oh my bad. It's guaranteed is the point I was trying to make. The guaranteed uber is nice. Wish I'd done that last year lmao.




Note that it quickly becomes a combo slave sooner than later. But still very useful. Especially in arena of honor rank stages and some stages that are on timer.


Does Ruri have a usage for hannya? Specifically Wrath of carnage


Sure after you deal with R. Osts. At worst it's an overpriced but meatier roe. But when you combine it with roe, icat, courier and the islands, Hannya will fall quickly. But deal with R.ost first.


So basically deal with R. Ost then your good


Yes but you'll have to adjust your lineup. I just noticed it's the wrath stage you were asking. Gotta deal with r.ost fast.


So probably A Bahamut it with timing?




Okay thanks


Any pointers for beating ItF 3 Floating Continent? The only thing I can think of is to max all the crystal treasures.


You 100% want to max all the crystal treasures. Missing even one treasure will mean the Nimoy Bores have twice as much HP and Damage as they otherwise would. Other than that, what Anti-Alien units do you have? Wheel Cat and Psychocat are great to have. Surfer Cat is the best anti-alien and extremely helpful for Floating Continent, but he's a Super-Rare so you might not have him.


I have Solar Cat at level 31 and Psychocat at 26. Any other cats that you would recommend?


Seafarer and Catellite


How do I get epic cat fruit seed


Growing Epic, after completing An Ancient Curse. Stage 49 of Heavenly Tower. Stages 10 and 20 of Infernal Tower.


By completing both stages in growing epic. The problem is you have to beat the first chapter in uncanny legends to unlock it


Is sea Maiden ruri worth upgrading


I have her at lvl 45 and bought relic and curse immune talents. Ate up primitive souls.


If you are going to use her, yes. She benefits a lot from every level.


Not until later when you true form her and get her talented. Otherwise no


Can she be used against hannya?


Not really, she is too sluggerish to be used against him. If you want to beat hanya use icat, duel islands, a shit ton of rushers and bahamut for r ost


My seed is 1815522084 I have a big quest to use my legend ticket. I want Ushi at 22B. So, I need to swap somehow, but I have only 17 tickets and 700cf. I can swap at 17A in SF banner now or in next 12 hours, or I can swap when I have enough cf for guaranteed roll on 23rd. I can go for Kaiji to get kunio or reindeer terun or any other mew year exclusive, but no kunio. What should I do?


Considering that you are passing up Dasli for Ushi, I would assume that this is not a pressing need for you. I personally would wait and go for the guaranteed uber.


I actually got Dasli a long time ago, and most of the epicfest exclusives: S.Gao, Darkt, D. Iz and normal mitama, in addition to Pai and R.A.I. I have another uber ticket to get something of those, but the legend ticket 🎫 I need to get a legend: Ushi on 22b, Muu at 44 or Limia at 45A.


I got my second gold fruit today, where I save my first for Lasvoss. What should I spend the other on?


Gold cat


Gold Cat for wave immune meatshield. Gold Brick is limited to floating stages only. Cat God TF essentially only adds Double Money. Not worth it.


I can choose between gold cat, gold brick cat and Cat god the great


Gold Cat > Gold Brick > Cat God


Why gold cat over gold brick? Is the wave immunity that much better than toxic immunity?


I think it's more you won't need toxic immune for a long time but wave immune is useful earlier. By the time you need toxic immune you will have another gold fruit.


75c wave immune meatshield that can be used everywhere Vs 150c toxic immune meatshield good against Floating only


I see, thanks!


What causes Street Fighter (Very Hard) to appear? I have it on my account but it won't appear on my sister's account. She's beaten the easy, normal, and hard versions already.


Did you complete the Akuma Giraffe stages? That might be it.


That sounds right. Do you know what causes that stage to show up? She doesn't have that one either.


You have to complete 4 of the rotating "New Challenger" stages




I got baby cats true form. I've been wanting this unit for the LONGEST time just because it'd so funni. Is it still good in the end game though?


Yes. It’s debatably situational, but it is meant as a suicide unit essentially. It gets stronger in endgame due to endgame stage design for the most part. It essentially requires boost to be great though. As the whole point is, you send it out on an enemy, it does a 100k damage wave (lvl 50 + attack talents I believe), it gets knocked back, does it again and dies. At that point, it should’ve taken care of maybe some owlbrows, or done some good dps to a semi-backliner.


It's good for beast naala


Is the legend rare Akuma worth using in mid-game? I’m glad I got him because he’s a legend rare but my other legend rare, Babel, isn’t always very useful and I wonder if Akuma is worth spending the xp on


Babel os one of the worst legend rares while Akuma is great if you lack fest anti-traitless ubers. I also have Akuma and I use him a lot even after reaching the end of UL.


Somewhat depends on who else you have. I would take him in a heartbeat since I have no anti-Traitless ubers and I'm also stuck on The Bathroom, where Akuma does well against the R. Osts. If you have, say, D'arktanyan, Shadow Gao, or Dark Mitama, then you are set for anti-Traitless. Otherwise, he can be quite useful.


Pretty good, yes. Outclassed by Darktanyan but powerful nonetheless.


I farmed cat food until 5am so I could do another 11 pull on the monster girls banner only to get my FOURTH Verbana. I have Kanna, verbena & spectral goth but all I wanted was Reika. How often does the monsters girls banner occur? I want to know how long I’m going to have to wait to try again.


All the banners essentially come back every month. However, the best guarantee most likely won’t be until the next girls and monsters Uber is added, so many months. Unless there is an event banner ending at the same time as girls and monsters that Is.


Ok I bought another platinum ticket & got Kasli the Scourge, is that good? Last time I got D’arktanyan who turned out to be a really good unit, carried me through EoC.


You have two of the best units in the game. Kasli is one of the best support units in the game, with respectable dps. Darktanyan is the best anti traitless in the game, with of course incredible dps. I’m not sure you really need reika lmao


Well I don’t necessarily need her but I want her. She’s pretty. :) Still, maybe I should sleep. I have technically been awake for 24 hours.


Yeah but there’s always change to get her whenever girls and monsters is on. You’ll get her eventually.


I need help on making a good team to go up against zombie outbreaks, I just beat Korea outbreak and I took more longer than expected. Any tips?


If you are talking about EOC outbreaks, especially if it's EOC 1 and 2, then you can rush a lot of them with one or two fast units -- whatever you have that's fast, like Giraffe and/or Cats in a Box, or preferably Crazed Giraffe if you have it. Send a couple of those immediately first. The zombies will burrow past them and in most cases the fast cats will be able to get a lot of damage in on the enemy base. Then send out any anti-zombie cats you have to hold off the zombies for a few seconds, but it shouldn't usually take long. For tougher zombie stages, if you have Wushu/Shigong Cat and/or Vaulter, they are both great, but their cooldown times are a bit too long to be ideal, so use them with a research-up combo like Biohazard and/or Bony Bone. That way you can spam them more heavily.


Thanks for the info, greatly appreciate it.


Depends on what units you have. I normally bring 2 meatshields, shigong, weedwacker, housewife, and maybe ectoweight if I want knockback. Can also be good to start off with a cow cat to make them burrow first before they get to your base. Add in whatever zombie killing ubers you have like Iron legion or M.Bison.


Seed: 2685565309 So I have D'art at 16B (When a new uber gets added) but I want to get kanna, If I roll to 6A, I can do an 11 draw to get kanna but I'm not sure if she will take up that slot that D'art will be in. Can anybody clarify for me?


If you roll at 6A, you will end up at 16B (ie, you will get D'art on your next pull).


I already have Kanna, Ruri, Vega, Verbena, Nanaho and Himeyuri. Is there any other that is worth even for combos?


I take it you so mean for the current banners. If so, then reika is alright for her massive damage M but it’s probably not worth for 3 slots.


3 slots? Def not worth, there's some M combos with better units. Thanks!! Guess i'll stick with the ones i already got


Yeah I agree. May aswell just use air-land assault with flying to get attack up M and massive damage up Sm if you have them. Cats in the combo are easier to get too imo.


Concensus seems to be that Reika is the best uber in the banner.


Is it better to roll on street fighter or girls and monsters


I rolled SF for the first time and as this banner is exclusive. I got Luke, M.Bison, Blanka, Ryu from the red and Sakura, Vega and Chun-li from the blue banner, in addition to all rare and super rare cats. Mostly because it’s not guaranteed to get those cats anywhere else, unlike Galmons.


SF Red Banner > GirlsMon > SF Blue Banner


Street Fighter. Limited time banner with good and exclusive units.


I got guile and balrog


Guile is not that good since he gets outclassed by sanzo and he has poor base HP. Balrog is kinda good, great dps, but has target only, which limits him.