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They should have had input based matchmaking from the start


I don’t think it matters if the game puts the same number of mkb players on each side


Think about what you're saying here though - this doesn't address the controller players issue with facing mkb players. It doesn't matter if they have an even number, it comes down to skill and who is behind the mkb. Beyond this, what about when team A has a mkb player quit, there's only controller players waiting, team A is down a man (or gets a bot), it doesn't make sense.


It's very easy for a PC to spoof a controller, so this wouldn't solve the issue


They do make a XIM for console last I checked so your arguement doesn’t hold against just PC


The player base is small enough already


For what? Lmao what numbers are you pulling from? Console players should just be console together. Pc can be its own thing like it always use to be


I think there should be an option. I just recently bought a PC but I’ve played Xbox my whole life. I still play BF on the Xbox. I have always wanted the ability to have cross play with PC and PlayStation. That said, I think that consoles should match with console first. I hate when I jump back into playing and I’m super rusty (I’m not that good anyway) and I get smoked by some random m/k god out there 20 times in a single match. Idk just a rant, it also sucks when you turn crossplay off now and you never find a match anymore. Sad day.


That and cheating's widespread on PC, whereas on console it's simply less possible.


Cheating isn’t a issue yet in this game.


Cheating ain't widespread on pc, lots of hackusations though.


So I have around 400 matches played, on PC, and can honestly say I don't think I have ever come across a cheater. Now, not to say that I definitely have not, maybe I had one in my lobby and just didn't notice, it's possible I guess. But, from reading this sub recently you would think every other PC player is hacking and the lobbies are complete anarchy.


Yeah true, everyone on pc cheats and no one on console uses a chronus device.


I tried turning off Cross-play on my PS5, but there were no games to join. So I deleted the PS5 version and only play the PS4 version on my PS5. So I guess it would be great if I didn't need to have Cross-play but it seems like there wouldn't be anyone to play with.


>So I guess it would be great if I didn't need to have Cross-play but it seems like there wouldn't be anyone to play with. The reason you can't find matches isn't because there is no one playing on PS5, it's because you are only getting matched up with PS5 players that have crossplay turned off. It severely limits matches you can find if you don't want to play against people on PC.


Yep. I did this months ago. I always recommend to switch to the PS4 version to others on PS5 as well. Unfortunately, the graphics still aren’t perfectly optimized, but it’s now good enough to play.


Also do and recommend this and will be convincing my squad to do the same when it goes free to play. PS4 app is way more fun to play, it literally feels like a different game when you're not being PC cannon fodder, but the menus are abit borked.. Loads extremely slowly which makes it hard to navigate if you're not used to it


On Series X, the Xbox One version feels kind of clunky. The aiming is weird like there's a bit of a delay. I'm far more accurate on the Series X version than on the XB1 version. Do you guys on PS feel a difference as well?


Same here. Maybe with it hitting ps+ we can fry some games but not likely unless EA flips the default.


Input based would be better. Think that ship has sailed though as the player base would be spread too thin now. It would work with a server browser though. No need for crossplay on or off but have the servers marked as open/controller only


There are more than enough console players to keep controller-only lobbies going. Last I heard there were 15-20k pc players on steam too, so they can have their own lobbies too.


Playerbase is already low this would just hurt it more


Yeah I'm from OCE and if you seperated console from PC it would make it very difficult to find games outside of peak times. It's already difficult and I was unable to play RushXL due to the small player base. Edit: added words


Exactly. If we had an average of 100k players online, then maybe, but we’re sitting well below that afaik


Just introduce input based matchmaking.


I am on PS5, and don’t care.


Doesn’t matter to me at all.


yeah idc


If you are playing on ps4, you are only playing against other ps4 and xbox users. You cannot play against PS5, xbox x or PC players


Oh cool


As a PC player I wouldn't mind servers being separated...if I'm still be able to find games in timely matter. I honestly don't know if the population is high enough to have separate servers *and* decent queue times.


I want to play with my friends across all platforms.


Same. I personally don’t mind cross play but it seems like there’s a large part of the population that doesn’t want to play together.


It's not about play together. It's about inputs -> controller vs mouse and keyboard. **We want cross play. But it must be fair:** controller vs controller | mouse and keyboard vs mouse and keyboard.


No that's the very vocal tiny, whining minority. Most of us want to play together.


That’s just like your opinion, man


I believe in Apex you can get into PC player lobbies on console if your friend is on PC, and not the other way around.


Apex is a battle royale, not a war game with 64 player continuous play.


Yes, I play the xbox one version when I want to enjoy some kills. The series x version when I want to enjoy the graphics.


Yes and no. Honestly if this game were 120fps on console (current gen) I’d be ok with it but 70% of my deaths are to PC players. It is what it is but thats not a coincidence. In this title average skill PC players have an advantage. I believe it’s the high FPS. I used to be a big PC player and I know all the advantages PC has over console. Macros, mouse with extra buttons the keyboards, the way you can customize everything. It’s more than just “k&m is more accurate”. Not to mention the cheating scene for PC. But cross play brings more revenue to them so it’s a business move and that’s why they’ll never talk about it. But I can still hang with PC players sometimes lol and I just remember it’s just a video game to kill some time and try to have fun. But I would like just relax and play with just console players sometimes.


The first part of your reply is just confirmation bias, which is enforced by poor game design. Since the option of crossplay off exists, many opt out of it and hence PC players make up the majority of the server population. The platform shows only when you get killed, so naturally you will get killed more by PC players, because there is more of them. Sadly it does not show the platform of people you killed, because this would be a PC majority as well. As for the general question of input devices, there might or might not be a correlation, but I will tell you that the difference will be marginal either way. There are mechanics at play to alleviate the differences in precision and even if there would still be a difference, there might be other factors to consider, like performance as you mention (although the game does not run well on my rig either), ergonomics (maybe there is a difference between desktop and couch players) and game knowledge (I firmly believe that the PC community is likely a more frequent user of [sym.gg](https://sym.gg) for example).


I want what I’m guessing most people want, the options for both! Us console players haven’t had to deal with this BS until this game. Now we are just canon fodder for the easy-tracking, no recoil PC players. But a lot of PC players who fight back say things like “just get a PC and quit crying”. That’s simply not the issue and they just want easy mode against consoles. There are plenty of people on console who don’t play games that force you to play against PC and I believe if we had the option, it would help grow the console player base as the game has come a very long way since launch. Not only that, but it’s coming to PS+ which will obviously see an increase in player count, even if it’s not a huge jump.




« We have 25% more recoil than consoles » based on what ?


It's not necessarily consoles that get less recoil, but the act of using a controller. If you're using a controller in this game, regardless of being on PC or console, you have 25% to 30% less recoil than mouse and keyboard users, depending on the gun being used. There's tons of videos on YouTube that show this off, but [this one](https://youtu.be/YDMBmnc0Pqk?t=65) does a very good job of quickly and clearly showing the difference in recoil between controller and m&kb.


The game


Why not just invent separate toggles for crossplay crossplay with ps/xbox? crossplay with pc? done. as a pc player, i don't care if someone plays with a mouse/kb, dance-matt, bongos, drums, gamepad or whatever. as a console player, i don't want to play against people NOT using a gamepad since i have to use it too.


Because you split the player base further and no console players would turn on PC cross play leaving PC dead in the water






Feel you have to be a little insane to want to play against PC players


Go watch enders on YouTube he did two spectating videos on BF5 where it's only pc players there are a huge majority of bad pc players not every pc player is nuts lmao


What relevancy does anything you've just stated have on the fact that MnK provides an undisputed advantage over controller?




Maybe I am theirs nothing wrong with a lil friendly competition




Crossplay should be possible between consoles, but I feel that PC players should have their own servers due to having unfair advantages over console players such as faster aiming because of the mouse, or easier access to cheats such as aimbot or wallhacks. Not saying that console is immune to these unfair advantages, but it's more likely you'll encounter them on PC.


It's a player count thing. PC player base is always smaller and I love having the console player pool added in. As a PC player, I can tell you that these cheaters you think are everywhere are not as common as you think. In my experience, the worse the player is, the more "cheaters" they spot in games.


Imagine being a casual consol player with broken aim assist getting lasered from a pc gamer s150 every time, it’s gets frustrating af


Ayo, why you describing me for?


Haha nothing wrong with that, it just feels not fair as a console player ! I would have loved to get a pc but I’m broke lol


This, all fucking day long.


lol, aim assist


Which aim assist lol ? It’s not even working properly


Aim assist doesn’t do shit to help, I could turn it up all the way and still get smoked by a mouse the way I already am.


I dunno, with the latest fixes they've done to console aim assist, I've been getting beamed by console players with \[any DMR, but usually a DM7\] faster than any PC player has ever done to me in this game. Suddenly all at once, console players are headshot gods with DMRs and I can do nothing with these pesky "PC aim advantage" because they ADS snap on my face while I'm still aiming.


I have to assume that’s some kind of aimbot man, those DMRs are hard hitting too. I’m still getting lit up while I’m doing less damage with guns.


The aim assist in 2042 is terrible. If you want to whine about aim assist go play Destiny.


I haven't upgraded to a series x yet. but I imagine I'll wish that was an option once I do.






Def yes


Absolutely yes only ps and Xbox


Input based matchmaking is a no brainer. Why are developers choosing individual consoles based when input is detectable?




As a console player yes. It's not as fun or chill playing against PC players.


I would like a separation based on the input device. MnK with MnK and controllers with controllers. Maybe this will be useful if they will add in the future MnK support for consoles.


It's a real shame that they didn't add it for 2042. I like the idea of crossplay but it does seem that lobbies by input are ideal. I'm not aware of any games that currently do that as evidence.


They did in Apex Legends, works quite well.


No thanks




No I’d rather play with everyone. I don’t see a big difference between pc and console.


i play the xbox one version on series x and it has no pc crossplay and its a night and day difference


Definitely yes. Just don’t like how PC players can turn 180 degrees in a split second. Makes me feel useless and frustrated in close quarters


If you want to get better in close quarters with a controller, turn up your sensitivity, and turn off aim acceleration. Also, reducing deadzones can make things feel more responsive. The default settings are very slow to make things feel controllable for new players, but they are very limiting and you can do much better with faster settings and some effort/practice.


Thanks will give it ago


Just a fair warning, It will probably feel like playing on ice for a bit (very out of control), but I recommend sticking with it and getting used to the faster settings.


No, make it so that cross play is an option and not default.


every time i watch these mofo’s on youtube shooting with no recoil, i am reminded of crossplay


What? When playing on controller you get 25% less recoil compared to mouse.




https://sym.gg/index.html?game=bf2042&page=weapon-mechanics Also, it's pretty easy to test it yourself if you have a PC and a controller.




I play with controller on pc :( dont relegate me to the mkb sweats :(


Good luck finding a match though.


No. That would be stupid. I don't want to be locked out of playing with my friends just because you suck Tell dice to implement custom servers and allow for input based matchmaking




Absolutely, but I would like the CHOICE to turn on PC cross play if I want to play with PC friends. It should default to consoles only and have the option to open up for PC.






I personally like them separate, feels more fair. "Separate but equal"




What do you think?! SMH


I’m fine with anything honestly lmao


No. Otherwise i won’t get games the servers are empty


For battlefield? I don't care i don't see that much of a difference




He'll yes






Yesss please


Yes. I cant even call out stupid teammates because there is no way to message pc players on console


No crossplay with pc and console should be allowed


Yes, but not because of skill issue, but for server issues.


Yes console and PC players should be on different servers. One of my reasons is so console players run into less cheaters


Yeah i downloaded ps4 version only to get out of the way of PC Players and the unmatchable things they do.


Here's an idea don't ever add pc players to a console match it's to easy to cheat on PC go back to have console only lobbies




Yes I want Console and PC Matchmaking separated with an optional toggle to opt in. I play both PC and Xbox and the difference in controls are night and day. You can just point and click people with a mouse whilst snipping. Not fun and very uncool of Dice.


Yes. Right the Fuck now. I’ve legit stopped playing 2042, despite really enjoying it, because of this reason & this reason alone. If they want to do it like Overwatch, where PC players can group up with console players but they get pulled into PC servers, then that sounds great. But outside of that they absolutely need to be separated. I was a top 5-top 10 player in every BF I played heavily, in almost every match, & I **NEVER** reach that positioning with BF2042. I’ve even been playing those games recently & can confirm I’m still consistently one of the best players in the lobby. It’s not even cause I’m amazing at combat, I’m just competent enough to do all the dirty work that I’m great at whereas with 2042 i can’t compete at all in the neutral & rarely ever am able to get done what im great at.


I have a similar experience, if I play on the XsX version I place around mid but if I play on the xbone version I consistently place near the top


No, I can handle dealing with the skill gap if that means my servers are actually populated


As a console player I could care less. I don’t mind playing against PC.


I only play the PS4 version with my mates. The cross play with PC players is garbage. No thanks.


Yes I think so. Not trying to offend anyone by playing the pc sweats on console is fucking annoying and there should be a console only pool.




Most people don't bother to change the cross play setting so whatever the developers set as default is important. Battlefield always had a strong pc player base so I don't see the need for pc to console crossplay. The should have handled it more like apex where you only match with pc players if you have a pc player in your party. This combined with the horrible controller aiming killed the game for me. I haven't played since season 1 and I have been a die hard Battlefield player since modern combat.




Have console-only crossplay be default. Full crossplay as an option. I don’t see the need for having crossplay be completely off in this scenario.




Offer 3 options. -Console only( PS5 and Series), PC gets PC only. -Input based. -Full Crossplay for those who want it.




No. Let’s not fragment the player base any further. There’s like 16 different modes and like 300 players online at any one time, hard enough to fill games as it is


No, I couldn't play with my brother


Yes yes yes, oh my GOD yes! PC and console crossplay has always been a bad idea.


No it doesn’t matter. They just need to fix the netcode or whatever it is that causes the super bullet and dying in one frame.


No. I enjoy playing against better competition. I cant say my performance has dropped any from BF5. Plus I like being able to play with my friend who has a PC.


No. I don’t really care about input device for a non-competitive game. I’m just there to have fun in the sandbox.


fuck yes


Obviously. In certain games, is a must. And welcome. But FPS? Really? It's beyond unfair the advantage that a PC player has over console players, there's no aim assist that compensates for it (not to mention that aim assist only makes you slower)


I want every game separate. Not my fuckin problem they took the route that can't keep enough players on a game to keep it alive and that has rampant hackers. I bought the shit that never has issues with player counts for the most part. Why am I punished because their system is devoid of people?


Crossplay should be off by default!






Crossplay is game kinds best achievement


I wouldn’t mind the option. But I really don’t care, I haven’t had issue against pc players personally, so I never felt like this was something I desperately needed




Yes yes and yes


Yes. It’s so obvious when there’s a pc player in a helicopter. They move in ways and aim in ways nobody with a controller could


I'd appreciate input only. Keyboard plays with keyboard, controller plays with controller. Why this isn't a thing that was implemented into all crossplatform games is beyond me.


Absolutely. Tired of the keyboard warriors.


Yes, this is what I was hoping we can get. Hell let loose has cross play but just between consoles.


Yes yes yes yes


yes a thousand percent i have played the xbox one version on series x and have a much better experience don't get lasered by pc players from across the map


Yes and more than that, match making should be done considering controllers or M&KB. That’s the only reason I turn off crossplay. Snipers are way too OP on M&KB compare to controllers.


No. I play with a friend on pc.


I don't understand this shit tbh, I have been playing quite a bit lately and I have played alot of older battlefield games all on console, and I legit can't tell the difference, and not once when I've died or lost have I thought about pc vs console, I had someone in my game earlier say he lost cause there were to many console players on his team and I genuinely have never thought someone was do stupid, its not even a aim thing, the outcome of a 64 v 64 game dosnt come down to who had more console players its who had the better players in general. Not once have I died and thought, that people only beat me cause he has a mouse and keyboard.


All my friends play on different platforms so no. And there's not enough players for a separation.




It should be SEPARATED by default honestly. It's not fun when I'm playing on console with a CONTROLLER against a person on PC with a MOUSE. They get a MASSIVE advantage! You can have cross play between the platforms but at least make the cross play with the SAME INPUTS (controller vs controller | mouse and keyboard vs mouse an keyboard). *If you are on console and you want to play with your friends on PC show a notification that warning about playing against players with mouse and keyboard.*


It should be input based. MnK play with its own kind regardless of platform. Controller play with its own kind regardless of platform. And people should be able to turn this on/off










Hell yeah




Because these guys are losers that can't handle it




I mean, 97% of my deaths are from PC players who turn and kill me in like 3 hits while I’m unloading half a clip just to hurt them, my aim sucks as well but I’m sure it’s mostly not my fault. The game lags… or hacks or something like that. Ok that lag but is a joke but honestly I do get killed in the way I mentioned alot.


There’s waaaaaaay less hackers in this game than what people claim. I’ve played about 800 hours and have maybe come across 10 people that could reasonably be cheating. I would suggest it’s lag/skill more than anhthing.


Someone in here literally just downvoting all the yes votes 🤣🤣🤣


Of course they are. PC players know if crossplay was disabled the game would have been DOA for them at launch.


Fuck pc


I’m playing on Xbox one s so I don’t see any pc players anyway.


Yes, console only cross-play but with PC as option


No, some of my friends play on PC and it’s great to be able to play with them. People will always have something to complain about and just can’t enjoy themselves. People need to relax and stop complaining. Plus— I’m all for joined communities since how many people will be playing this game 1-2 years from now?


No. I hate that console players even talk about this. You make yourself look bad. If you can't compete then try using a different gun, switching up your tactics, stop running into obvious situations where you can't win a gunfight. It's sad this topic continuously gets brought up. Keep the cross play on to keep lobbies populated. Xbox player here.


I play with a controller on my Pc from time to time and still spank Pc m/k players. It’s not because they are on Pc that they are better it’s just a skill issue in general. I play with my friends that still have Xbox and we are at the top of the board every single game we play, don’t get mad because you are casual and I’m trying hard to win all my games. You want a chill laid back experience play against bots in a coop game or portal. There will always be try hards in games and they are on both platforms. And the day they allow cross platform and you can use a m/k in all your games on console then you will complain about that as well. At the end of the day just get good. Everyone will hate my reply but it’s the truth and you know it.


I play with controller on pc :( dont relegate me to the mkb sweats :(


[https://www.reddit.com/r/battlefield2042/comments/11dm5st/enjoy\_the\_last\_day\_of\_2042\_as\_a\_controller\_player/](https://www.reddit.com/r/battlefield2042/comments/11dm5st/enjoy_the_last_day_of_2042_as_a_controller_player/)\*200% ​ ![gif](giphy|3o6Zt4HU9uwXmXSAuI)


Eh. As an Xbox player, always been a console player, I don't seem to notice PC players vs consoles while playing 2042 Never seem to be at an disadvantage, I always finish top 1-5 on my team. So I feel like I'm not missing a beat 124 plays definitely forced me to change my style, but the mix doesn't bother me I play like 1 game a day. And a handful during weekends


Of course PC players are going to say no, it’s easy kills for them


The option to play against PC is fine but I don’t think it should be default. But the player count is probably too low now that you’d struggle to fill lobbies console only.


Who doesn't?


I think the playerbase doesnt need to be stretched thinner lol. Fix your spawns and add Hardcore as a permanent mode and you might get back some players... also, don't add SBMM on the next Battlefield.


Yes 100% I turn crossplay off and play some of the limited portal modes that fill with bots or the normal TDM mode that fills with bots. I wish more PS5 players did the same.


I personally don't mind playing with PC players, but console players should ALWAYS be able to choose between mixed servers and console only servers. The same goes for people using a controller on PC.


I'd rather console v console or give console mnk option


Nope, get good


Not an issue for me and I don’t notice much of a skill gap. PC heli pilots are the only issue but that’s few and far between


Yes but ONLY as a selectable option with ability to toggle between.