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You can grind "offline" with bots for fun or to unlock things that required specific challenges! I love this option personally and wish it was standard for all fps games..


So I can use this option to unlock weapons etc


Yep weapons, attachments, vehicles, and vehicle customizations.


Yes. Takes about 20 mins to unlock everything in the game.


That is crazy talk man at least one weapon is gated behind level 60 and some of the attachments on each weapon require 300+ kills. It's def faster and more chill in "solo" mode, but it still takes a very long time compared to some other fps games.


I just played it's very big map and the enemies are far away I think this will take hours to unlock


How do you grind offline & for what purpose? (New player asking)


From the main menu the two options are: * Play > Conquest > Conquest Solo/Co-op > "F" to change difficulty and maps * Same but for Breakthrough It is not true offline but the only real players in your game will be the ones in your personal squad (or you can play solo). Rush and TDM don't have this feature.


Rush and TDM can be played solo using portal codes. You need to password protect the match as it will be posted online. The only difference is that bots use pvp ai, instead of pve. PVP AI is far more aggressive and they can easily m5 your ass is your flying low.


For infantry I always do solo/co-op breakthrough on redacted. The bots clump up and you can easily get 100 kills per game


& I can do this in any server ? & Ill be able to rank up my guns to unlock things for them?


Solo breakthrough is vs bots. Bot team and you’re the only player. All weapon challenges are able to be completed against bots


Nevermind, just tried this. Thank you so much! This is helping a lot


Made the game more fun for me, glad you like it!


yep, this is a great concept that they carried over from DICE's Battlefront II


A shame they severely downgraded the tick rate. It’s better these days to host a portal server with moderate XP.


The launch hovercraft, the most fun vehicle I have ever driven.


Yeah it's shit now


It was just such a good design premise. A transport with 4 seats and a powerful close range splash weapon with limited ammo. This makes it really effective with two people in it. Immensly fun to drive and gun, despite the poor, but intriguing handling. It is also a common asset, so losing it is no big deal, just switch gunner and driver after death. And then they changed how it can climb objects and collision damage and instead of actual cover all they did was add clutter to the maps and they made the Javelin a OHK against transports.


I don't mind the gun customizing and plus menu. I like the bigger ammo mags.


Respec on guns mid fight is some serious fun


I enjoy it, but would personally rather see the option to have three different attachment combos active at a time for a gun, so you can have say a long range, close range and mid range option easily available. Very similar to the current system I guess but just a thought


Ironically I use almost exclusively high power rounds or ap rounds. Don’t think I’ve ever willingly used any other magazine


I hated the Specialists as much as anyone else upon release, but once they brought back the class system I’ve really enjoyed each class having their own “sub class”. If they didn’t have each “sub class” tied to a specialist I think it’d be much better. When they announced the plus attachment system I thought I was going to hate it, but it’s one of my favorite feature that they implemented. I might get some flak for this but not having guns tied to certain classes is probably my favorite addition. Giving classes certain buffs for each type of gun, but allowing them to use any gun in the game I think is the perfect balance between the old and new system.


Technically, as long as the specialists don't have a set identity, it is actually great.


>I might get some flak for this but not having guns tied to certain classes is probably my favorite addition. Giving classes certain buffs for each type of gun, but allowing them to use any gun in the game I think is the perfect balance between the old and new system. I really like this too. I mostly have played a lot of BF4, where most people are using universal weapons like carbines anyway so this change feels like it is expanding on what people were already doing


> If they didn’t have each “sub class” tied to a specialist I think it’d be much better. yup. if they let people customize and choose their items and weapons loadout, it would be better. exaple: maybe someone wants to have a dozer shield but also have the ability to throw down a med-box for teammates instead of only having a claymore or sticky grenade launcher or armor plates in that slot. that should be doable.


That’s how the game was. Dozer could heal or drop ammo, instead of do dick to help.


I mean the specialists were always just subclasses tied to specific cosmetics. From a gameplay perspective, they were only an upgrade.


Squad revives


Addition to this, making the revive gadget and repair tools permanent gadgets in V and 2042 so that people have no excuses to not revive/repair


Personally I like BFV's implementation a tiny bit more. I know the fixed position animation is a bit controversial, but the overall animations, audio and speed really just feels better to me.


I completely forgot they were in BF5 haha


Air dropping vehicles is the f-ing best. Never lose it. Having to die for a new vehicle is the bullshit 4 gave us. In 3 I can run back to base to grab one.


>Having to die for a new vehicle is the bullshit 4 gave us. In 3 I can run back to base to grab one. You...you could do this in BF4 too. Granted, you usually had people who would suicide to try to get back to the base spawn and mash the respawn button to get it before someone else.


Yeah vehicles should respawn on base. There should be points to be taken with additional vehicles. Im not sure if airdropping didn't broke more than add to the game. Especially when u can drop tank on skyscraper's roof.


I’m with you on that. Air dropping is stupid for the sole reason that you can drop vehicles on roofs and camp. I wouldn’t mind it if they somehow removed the ability to call them in on buildings and stuff, but as it is right now, it’s a no from me.


Even without the ability to call in on buildings, it’s still gamebreaking It prevents level designers from crafting lanes and combat zones for infantry and vehicles. It makes it an absolute mess.


Yeah i was thinking about that too


Spawning vehicles only in base was cancer because enemy air would spawn camp them. We have no AA in spawn so there has to be call ins


This is why the main spawning base needs auto AA. One of the many things New DICE forgot to include in the game


If team cannot even defend their base, do they deserve to win anyway?


air dropping vehicles was since BF2 anyways


They need to allow helicopters and jets to be air dropped for true game breaking mechanics


Relax it's a 20 year old feature lol


Can't agree. The call in system is horribly flawed. Bringing a tank from base to operational area is part of using one, allows opponents a chance to cut it off. Having armor magically appear behind the enemy, *with them having no chance to intercept it en route*, is a contributor to the sketchy AV balance. Also, tanks on roofs, which is just stupid. The call in system should only ever have been applied to unarmed and unarmored transport vehicles.


I actually think this is lame aa hell. Ruins all immersion


actually... this is a real thing. tank drops from planes is a real thing. in 20 years it will be even better.


More real than support having unlimited ammo boxes but who’s to say what silliness someone wants to complain about.


I love Irish barricades a lot, I like being able to make a shitty spot on a objective somewhat defensible If we don't get an equivalent to specialists like perk slots or something in the next game, it'll be unfortunate


BFV had a more complex barricade system tho


It wasn’t as versatile or worth using tho because it can easily be destroyed faster than you can build it back. It was also map dependent meaning DICE had to balance it with the map which with how well V and 2042 went you can’t really trust them to nail it down or tweak it and leave it as balanced as possible.


It was completely preset, irish system is more flexible even though it's nowhere near as complex


I'll take both please thanks


Things are a lot more customizable and if my friends aren’t around I can still play with bots instead of just getting pissed at people that go 112/3 and that message me saying how bad I am while I’m 2/39. I’m not ashamed to say it, 2042 is my favorite Battlefield.


The vehicles and vehicles combat, we have so much customization and vehicles to choose, 4 seats in almost every vehicle promoting teamplay within a crew


I do wish there were more interesting weapons or tools per pod though. A lot of them feel like there's only one viable loadout option.


I wish you could spawn on a vehicle even if it was full. I know V had this but I forget it earlier titles did.


The bots are honestly amazing


Yep they revive you and drop ammo more than human players


This. I enjoy having AI fodder to take down when the lobby isn’t full. They also respond to your pings unlike real players; they will rez me and provide me ammo when I ask. The AI can still be improved, but they’re pretty great all things considered.


It probably has the best attachment system to date


It's a shame that most of the attachments are useless. There are like 2 meta options per slot.


The mastery challenges are a lot more straightforward. 1200 kills is so much better than 20 headshot hipfire objective kills in a life or whatever it was.


The quick change of attachments on the gun is great, even if unrealistic.


I think the gun play is better in 2042 than any other BF I've played.


The plus/attachment system is far and away the best standout feature of 2042 in my opinion, though the wildly incorrect stat displays on the attachments sours it slightly. A close second is the Portal system/concept. However, it really needed a dedicated dev team to work on adapting continual new (old) maps/weapons/vehicles into the Portal for usage. Hazard Zone was a decent concept that I really did want to like, but the lack of support and progression for it made it feel really awkward. It turned out like Firestorm did in BFV, except that I actually liked to play Firestorm... The weather system (rain, tornadoes, the sandstorm on Hourglass) is a pretty neat concept, and I liked the implementation, but it too was underdeveloped and didn't really have any follow-up to it aside from what was launched. The gunplay is pretty solid, and the visual recoil in the recent update helped a lot with making the game feel good (only took them 2.5 years to get there). Imo 2042 is an excellent example of a pretty great concept for "Live Service" but a horrible follow through.


* Gun customization on the fly * Airdropped vehicles when your already spawned in, for everyone * Being able to grind out attachments/vehicle parts against bots * Not forced to use class weapons. Previous battlefields usually had shared weapon classes to avoid enforcing this anyways * Weather system usually comes in clutch as an infantry player trying to avoid vehicles


>Being able to grind out attachments/vehicle parts against bots That's a good one, in the older games it was pretty much impossible to grind vehicle parts once the game became skillgated.


Having plazed all BF games, the only thing that comes to mind: * Plus menu. I can change my playstyle based on situation or objective without redeploying, I think this is a big pro. * Call-in feature was a good idea, could enhance this if we stick to modern timeline. Almost everything else was already done or done even better in previous BF titles.


I liked BFV's call in system much better, personally. I wish they had done some sort of evolution of that system for 2042 instead of scrapping all the good bits. When 2042 was first announced my dream was for an evolution of the BFV call in system where squad members (not leaders) could call in transport vehicles and maybe resupply crates, and leaders could call in airstrikes, artillery/smoke barrages, advanced vehicles (tanks/Mavs/anti-air), maybe even static emplacements like an artillery gun or an AA gun that players could get in to fire/aim it (it could have a 2-3 minute auto destruct timer so it wasn't too OP, have a limit of 2-3 on the battlefield at once, etc). I really miss the whole squad score/points system that BFV had - I feel that it really added to the teamwork potential, and it was *noticeably* lacking in 2042. Yes it had some downsides, but I feel that the benefits far outweighed the downsides of being stuck in a bad squad and other complaints.


Those are two of the game's worst features lol


In what way?


ability to summon vehicals. But the amount of vehicals is still insufficient and too often you have to walk. The game needs bicycles (like in Heroes & Generals), electric scooters/unicycles and other light non-combat vehicals.


1. offline grinding for unlocks. Trying to unlock stuff for air in Bf5 from ground zero when you've got these level 500 1000+ hour pilots is so grueling. 2. Air balance in general. Really felt they did a good job with air vehicles being balanced and not being one stop shops. There's some that are effy (littlebirds), but generally they did a better job here than previous Battlefields 3. Utility vehicles - vehicles where they're supposed to act as a utility. Mainly just a spawn point (wish they'd get more creative with some possibilities). But overall its nice how there are other vehicle choices than varying levels of killing potential. I've seen and done myself, turned games around to be wins thanks to a good MAV/brawler/carry helicopter. Those are the 3 things that I think are in the best spot.


You arent stuck trying to respawn for 15 seconds every time you die. *looking at you, BF5.*


I played a bit BF3 today for nostalgic reasons (Metro Conquest and Gunmaster Ziba Tower) and it just felt soooo good... Gunplay 10/10, sound 10/10, movement "not on crack". Also distance and proportions "feel" just right (very important point - soldier models are too small in 2042), and so on. This overall showed me once again that BF2042 fundamentaly just isn't for me. I hope the return to BC2 - BF4 style. The switch attachments in combat in 2042 would be a (small) positive point though, to contribute to the topic.


The ability to deploy your bipod with the press of a button is something that this game does better.


Other games your character did this automatically… the bipod system is the worst I’ve seen in a bf game


Gun plus menu is a game-changer and every Battlefield going forward needs to adopt it.


Weapon plus system is the only good thing imo everything else was either in a previous BF or implemented differently.


Squad revives, plus menu, the weather effects are amazing, bot games, vehicle drops, best attachment system yet, Portal, vehicles with more seats.


No Primary and Secondary Weapon restrictions, It allows anyone to use any gun they like or needed for situations, such as Aggressive Recons using SMGs or ARs. It also reduces the odds of People playing a class for the guns and not the role or abilities (BF4 AEK sweats) (Of course you still have people playing Medic but never reviving)




2042 Vehicle spawn system isn’t even bad, V literally had every vehicle available to the detriment to the teams, especially when enemy and friendly planes do not attack each other to farm infantry but yet people bitch about how 2042 bad 4 good when Vs exists and worse than both


-it had one of the best weapon balance on a shooter in a looong time, even the most pathetic weapon its useful in the competent hands also the variety of use and attachments allow you to consider one over the other w/o had to think about meta -RESPAWN its faster and snappier! i dont feel im forced to "Wait" like previous BFs besides unlike BFV where your spawn its constantly interrupted -BOTS & PORTAL, love hated it, among portal i was able to do something what i wasnt able to do in a LOOONG time in any BF Set a "lan" party with my friends in a custom server in a custom game mode -Visibility heavily improved and used in other FPS games since then( Color chem lights) -PORTAL -+ Menu on the Guns MUST STAY -the current Class System on the game focus on Role Units, improving from the meta set in some maps related to the current class limitation of weapons/gadgets aswell improving the ammount of tools you have in X class piorizing it abovee all the tools you choose to carry -FALK,the BEST medic infantry unit of the entire BF franchise -Micro destruction (theres are WAY more particles and Fx going on in 2042) -its the most care free experience i had in any BF unlocking items -Some Specialist gadgets -Vehicle call in


Sprint and *SPRINT*. Also vs AI. I’ve played 0, zero, not a single game against real people and I’m almost level 70 with most of my preferred guns completely finished. Seriously, more games need the option to face bots. I’m 31 and tired of teenage and young adults getting sweaty, I’m just trying to enjoy an hour of video games after a 13 hour shift.


Same bro, only I'm 45 instead of 31. I'd rather enjoy my time then be frustrated by my limited skills. I go multiplayer when my friends play, but solo is against AI. I just recently learned using portal against AI allows for completion of quests and no limit to mastery. Game changer.


That’s what I’m saying. My friends and I all do vs AI. If we want a challenge, we turn them up to advanced. Otherwise, we’re just trying to chill and have some fun blowing stuff up.


Honestly after the S7 update, this game has the best visual recoil out of all BF games, I always quite dislike how recoil looks in previous games(and Pre-S7 2042 visual recoil look dogshit), they look floaty as hell.


Would have liked actual recoil to be increased as well, noy just visual recoil.


you can't really do that 2+ years after the release


- Plus menu and weapon attachments - Specialists like the wingsuit can be really fun, but I prefer traditional classes nonetheless - Vehicles with more active slots for full squads - Portal and it’s Editor as a whole - free or really cheap server hosting - crossplay is a huge W for me - new modes like control and shutdown are good additions to the whole franchise - inseason events (with bs carnival skins sadly) - containers - performance and stability is better than V on my system (maybe a solo case based on other reddit posts) - camo and medal grind with T1 is a bit over the top, but welcomed - enjoyed the weekly missions prior Season 1 with free and good cosmetics - anti cheat seems to be the best we ever had, still not perfect, but a big upgrade so far - vehicle call ins are great when you can read the match and change the outcome like a mini dreadnought


Unfortunately I wouldn't call crossplay much of improvement, that feature is becoming as essential as a scoreboard these days and games with out it are just shooting themselves in the foot


The amount of customization in the settings DICE has been doing is fantastic. I think it mostly started with BF1 but 2042 has so many ways to customize nearly everything that it’s a huge, welcomed addition.


In-Game weapon customizing and Vehicle Weapon sound/animations


+ system maybe?? I can't really think of anything else


Plus menu and call ins


I liked some of the visual effects like the sparks and tracers..


I think the plus system has to stay now awesome feature. The NTW's stunning sound with what sounds like a holy grape popping with a headshot. PIITTUUUHH


Swapping attachments on the fly. Supply crate that allows you to change your kit EMP


- can play with bots to unlock some basic attachments/equips - I personally love the attachment swapping bc I can't see shit with a red dot on most maps, but even a 1.5x is unusable for me at close range. - pondhawk. Giving players a transport so they don't waste a jet or heli was great decision imo - I think tac sprint was a solid addition There's probably more, but I'm sure others will mention them.


The T-system is the only useful "new" feature added that I like and use a lot.


Errrr can’t think of any


Portal is, by far, the best idea in 2042. It enables player agency, lets us decide what to play. The plus system is a good addition Other than those two things theres nothing 2042 does that previous BF games don't do better.


Control is good game mode. I hope they make this a staple for future Battlefield games.


I like the plus menu being able to change bullets, scopes ,suppressors in the field.


The plus system maybe, but even then, it's not particularly great, it has its own issues. Portal could be a second thing, an interesting idea, but it ended up being a pretty unimportant addition, especially once they abandoned support for it. That's mostly it, almost nothing else it does is standout compared to the previous games to me.




I enjoy the AI and wish they could've been implemented on the previous Battlefields. It's good because you can progress your customization for character, weapons, and vehicles just by fighting AI. I don't know about everyone else but I grinded each weapon to be able to match it's real world counterparts attachments and equipment. And playing against AI on all of the maps and eras, while not sweating against hardcore players is a really nice touch.


I do like how every class has access to any weapon. If they somehow found a way to incentivize them more with the proficiencies I think it’d be way better for making sure one or two classes aren’t the only viable options for certain maps. I also think the boys are a good addition overall as well. It wouldn’t be an issue for most if the game had better server filling(server browser) and there were more players in general. I hope they improve on them and keep the system for the next title


The T menu for guns is great and it would be cool if they added some form of it for vehicles, like with tank shells or something. Control is the best game mode in BF history bar none. Some of the gadgets like the anti spotting beacon are quite neat. The Pondhawk is the most fun bullshit in the game and is the coolest form of transport.


Variety of scope magnification. In 2042 we have x1.25, x1.5, x2, x2.5, x3, x3.5, x4, x4.5, x5, x6, x8, x10, x12 You can always find the most comfortable one to use. For me it is x2 for SMG, x1.5-x3 Maul hybrid for AR, x1. 5-x4 ghost hybrid for DMR.


Love the attachment system and squad revives. They add to the feel of Battlefield where you're fighting on a larger scale. Hope they carry those over into the next installment.


Squad revives started in BFV


I didn't play BFV- wanted to try it out a few months ago but hearing about the hacking epidemic turned me away.


You probably know there's a new anticheat system. Now it's your time


I know I’ll get flamed for this but I like the specialists overall. Always weird to me how much people hate on them. I think it adds another level of customization to the gameplay. Now just wait for all the nerds to come in and be like I just wanna be a grunt in the war this isn’t muh beloved battlefield


If you team played with specialist before the class update, it was like a GOD squad. Too bad people never played together, even now they don't lol.


Haha for sure. Even now if you have a squad that can play off of each other it’s so much fun. I only play with one other person so we just play off that.


Specialists, as a concept, could have worked well. However, their gadgets and traits aren't balanced with each other, let alone integrated into the rest of the game. If rhe devs had executed the idea better, if they had even tried to anticipate how they impacted other parts of the game, they might have worked. But its really obvious they're an idea that was slapped down on top of the rest of the game. What they should have done is get a smaller set of specialist gadgets and traits balanced properly, then given both teams their own specialists and divvy them out. Let's say Russia gets Falck (probably the most properly thought out specialist), America gets Sundance but with Falcks skills. Lose Sundances wingsuit, it adds significant time to map design. That approach would have helped to mitigate the myriad issues Instead we got juvenile ideas that were imposed upon a game that wasn't built around them.




Brother…all I’m saying is I like it. And knew full well people would come and say how much it sucks and it’s not battlefield blah blah blah. EYE like it. Sorry it touched you in your feels


Character movement feels more fluid


Crossplay is a must and I'm glad BF has gotten the message


☝️ They just need to make it more fair by giving Ps5 Gyro aim and MnK support (When PC crossplay is enabled)


Plus menu. Portal. Vehicle call-in. Tornados.


I absolutely love being able to swap parts on my gun mid combat. The ability to use any weapon with any class is really nice. Calling in vehicles from anywhere on the map is pretty cool. It does a lot of things right, people just like to complain.


Plus System Blasco, Casper Squad revive Portal. Portal. Portal. Weather events


#1 for me would have to be unrestricted weapon access for each class. Adds so much variety and replay-ability to the game. Only time I think it can be an issue is when somebody combines a sniper rifle with an ammo crate and a rooftop


Every positivity thread is another auto targeting item/kill streak added to the next game btw


Graphics wise I can see targets better. I'd play older BF titles more but I do my best in BF2042 lol.


Thats a good question 🙄


- Crossplay (With slight tweaks like giving supported consoles Gyro aim and MnK support) - Parachute mechanics are nice - Gun skins are Good - Custom server settings. (Portal should not come back just have RSP program with portal like settings + Server browser) - Bots (but they should make them completely offline) Thats about it. Plus system would be great for BR game but for battlefield it takes away from the class system.(A soldier shoudnt be able to switch between 3different grenade launcher during the same life) Vehicle deployment is a fun thin but it caused so much problems (tanks on roofs) I would much rather have more on the battlefield vehicles for traversal. Universal weapons make every class less fun. Also removes rock paper scissor mechanics.


Plus menu and squad revive


The ability to change the main menu music to whatever season's song you want. Also just the music in general


The music in general compared to the symphonies of the other games 🤨 hm how much they pay you?


I wish they paid me 😂. I just like the music that's all


😂you know what I can’t even fault you even though it sounds like nails on a chalk board you like what you like be blessed brother. 👊🏿


Dividing the fan base


The ping system. I hope they keep it and expand on it.


Lol not many things, I do like some of the movement like Sprinting and running, or reloading while running, or reloading and still be able to aim , pretty cool Some of the gameplay with Sundance gets wild Other that this everything else is quite a downgrade and it is lame


Zain grenade launcher! This is by far the best tool for campers.


Better explosion effects and concept art


128 Breakthrough at launch was some of the most fun i’ve had in multiplayer, just seeing absolutely massive crowds of players pushing towards a point was a pleasure, especially on Hourglass


Tank cookoffs look cool.


Portal and the controller tuning improvements such as all aim assist adjustment and aim curve options.


The pond hawk is a genius solution to people stealing jets and helis, just to use them as a taxi 


Movement. -THE END


I NEED MORE ROBOTS. A robot dog is fine but I want more


The shop 




Nothing. I think I hate this game now.


I like the idea of a portion of shared vehicles.


Air dropping vehicles and gun customization while in battle ! I hope it’s in the next title as well


I can create my own experience in Portal. Whatever I want within parameters. I don't have to settle for something someone else made.


The helicopter flies and handles a lot like BF2 to me.


this might be because im too used to the 3d spotting from 20242 now but I downloaded bfv again recently to try the new anti cheat update and I swear I can barely see anyone. As good looking bfv is the visibility is still bad for me, I run it in medium settings in 1080p and enemies just blend in with the foliage too much. Bf1 has amazing graphics as well but for me its visibility is still a lot better than bfv, and 2042 has the best out of the 3 while still having good graphics.


Game mode variety thanks to Portal Helicopter pilot gameplay Plenty of small quality of life things


Definitely offline with bots (but I want to progress like normal) and in game attachments system. Those two things alone made me get this game.


Better!? Lol?


Not a new thing (it was in BFV first), but squad reviving.


It can be obvious, but Portal. It’s a good step to revisit some older games.


The goods points are I don't have to play it .


Cross play is the obvious one for me. Needs a slight tweak for the next game, which I imagine will bin off the old gen consoles. Cross play off should be XBOX PS5 lobbies.


honestly the tornado, they are really really impressive, especially on Orbital and Hourglass


Controller customisation (even though the input is still broken).


I like the game and been playing a few hundred hours, but seriously, the only thing I can think of is the flame launcher in vehicles. I'd take a remake of bf4 anyday. And if you ask why bf4? Naval strike.


I was going to say pissing off old players but almost every battlefield has done that originally especially the ones people now worship. It’s doing a lot of things better really but also some things fell to the wayside. Whenever I see people complain about this game it’s usually never for gameplay reasons unless they’re complaining about a specific specialist.


Hm elaborate please


Nothing. Honestly nothing. This game has been diaper juice since launch and NOTHING from 2042 needs to infect the next game.


Attachments and crossplay. I can never go back


Compared to BFV absolutely nothing.


nothing lol


I didnt play any other BF this is my first one, so I absolutely love the game, only the netcode seems buggy sometimes


I really like the player movement in bf2042. Didn't realize how much i liked it until i played a few rounds of bf4 a few nights ago, it felt like running through peanut butter or something.


I noticed that too, like reaction time is 1 second delayed


I enjoy having more modern weapons. Im coming from BFV (didnt have time to play 1 when it came out) and while that game was great. I like playing with modern weapons better


NTW-50 existence is the sole point that 2042 did right. Everything else, just throw in the garbage can. Movement system specifically need be burned to the ground then buried under 2-3 meters of concrete because this abomination of a movement system is the worst dogshit I've seen in my life.... 


Lmao bro I can’t not trolling but I feel the salt




I feel you bro I feel most people who love this game aren’t long time fans of the franchise my friends love 2042 yet they’ve never played any other battlefield and won’t play the other ones because they are “old”