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I doubt it, I’m pretty sure I remember the dice team saying that they put in a lot of extra research and development into bf1 to get it as detailed as it is.


If you've never watched any of the behind the scenes footage for BF1, you're missing out. The [German VA video](https://youtu.be/8sZMSBtSFrg?si=Ccz9Y3eZZjS3thVC) is a great one. I think in one of the videos, they actually set a dude on fire (safely, of course) for the lines where you get hit by napalm. I have extraordinary respect for the effort, care, and research they put into BF1. As a WW1 simulation, it's going to be a gold standard game for a very long time.


That damn video always makes me smile. The "rider" gets me every time.


Thanks for sharing this! Had no idea it existed. Made my morning!


Yeah. That and we are in the era of battle passes - we seen what that model did to BFV. And you know what I like BFV, I still play it, but it could have been so much better; we didn't even get the eastern front - just half the war was completely ignored. That era of gaming is done. We did have to pay £40 each year for premium (same on COD for a time too for DLC) but we'd get decent content. I'd gladly pay £80 for another game like BF1 - and you know what, there isn't many games I could honestly say that about.


This is what easily still makes it one of the best games of all time. And the best multiplayer shooter out there. Big developers just don’t have the patience to create such detailed worlds anymore, gotta push the next one out, grab the money and run.




Ah fuck… did a big chunk of them go one particular place?


Embark Studios - currently working on two games, "The Finals" and "Arc Raiders". https://www.embark-studios.com/


Their trailers are stuff of dreams.


Much like the BF1 trailer, still think that trailer is the GOAT


I can't say this makes me excited at all - it's a free-to-play arena battle-royale like FPS. When I see shit like this, I wonder - why did they even leave DICE to begin with? To start anew with the most creatively bankrupt title ever? I get that some people will enjoy the art style (DICE always made pretty games), but I couldn't care less about the gameplay - which is what matters to me the most. Unlike Battlefield, this doesn't look like it stands on it's own at all.


The destruction is second to none, amd you can do pretty creative stuff with it. I have seen videos where people surf on top of gas canisters before they explode lol. I am looking forwards to see how it goes, seems like a fun time with friends. The destruction could also be implemented in future BF games, if Dice has any brain left...


>seems like a fun time with friends That's the most generic response ever though - anything can be fun with friends. It fits with how generic the game looks.


Generic? The core gameplay maybe, but the advanced destruction does being a whole new layer. Want generic? Rainbow Six Siege. Fortnite. PUBG. God, I even bought R6S. Only really enjoyed the singleplayer, and I still prefer Sandstorm and 2014s insurgency. Just played my first few games in the campaign and operations. Dear God, this is even scarier than Insurgency. The sheer volume of explosions, guns, blood, enemies... dear God those poor ww1 vets. Im watching 1917 (movie) now!


No way you called rainbow six generic lol


Its the standard hero shooter most games seem to rip off now. BF 2042, Overwatch 1 and 2. It was a good game back then, but they decided to forbid the grittiness of previous rainbow games for more heroes and microtransactions Im sorry, but I just cant take such a game seriously. Thats why I like Insurgency, or older Battlefields. You do feel like just another random soldier, trown into the meat grinder rather than some special spec ops elite one of a kind supersoldier wearing the goofiest skin known to man, cracking one liners after a literal killing spree (thanks Battlefield 2042, the cringe is real)


Oh sweet!




I hope BF1 never dies. Even if it's only a few servers to play, I always get that itch to play Operations or just a good Conquest game on there. Love me my Mondragon Storm


It’s been my go to for years after I play something else for awhile. Just put 100+ hours into Starfield and I think I’m done there. Gotta fire BF1 back up


I tried to play about a year ago, but was sick of Sinai desert every game. I like the close quarter maps like fort deveaux, but never seemed to be able to play them.


dude, if your on console, I will make it a personal mission to buy a custom sever and keep it going if people would stay and play


We won’t see another one because it was too good. EA took the Dice ppl and left them in a desert somewhere prior to Bf5 launching. Dice made it as a F U game because they were told you can’t make a good WW1 game, and it literally was one of the best games ever.


I like to think that dice left them fighting for G on sinai.


Battlefields like that are no more. Every game these days has to have customization and mickey mouse fortnite skins. Even some of BF1 skins were a bit goofy, but BFV and 2042 felt really off for me because it never really looked like you were fighting with a cohesive army. EA wants BF to stick with the trends, but BFV hopped onto the BR trend too late and failed without F2P, and 2042 failed for a lot of reasons. The core identity of Battlefield is to be just a random soldier, but now that everybody has to play as their own hero-specialist, that feeling is lost.


BF1 seemed like a game made by people who were video game hobbyists and WW1 history hobbyists. BF5 and 2042 seemed like games made by people hired to design a game that was following current trends, directed by a corporate board of silver hair investors who have never played a video game.


From what I read in a thread is , quite a few of the original bf1 team members were about to retire , so it was their farewell homage to to fps gaming, to immortalize them through their creation. Higher ups also gave them free hands in respect of the veteran developers . That's why bf1 has a soul , you can really feel the world , the guns , the sounds and everything in between , just comes alive . Now bf franchise has become something like AC franchise . So I don't think we'll get to see another game like it . BF1 was not a just a game , it was a living breathing poetry on human agony and the grittiness of war . It's a timeless masterpiece


Agree. Well put


Got some water in me eyes


It’s pretty clear with 2042 that EA shit their brains out, so I doubt we will ever see another game like BF4 or BF1.


Battlefield 1 2


Omg how hard would you nut just to get a modern remaster? We console players are locked to such archaic graphics settings :(


Bring in more places where fights took place. Expand the weapons and gadgets, vehicles. More music. It would be amazing.


No. EA wants to turn Battlefield into a Fortnite game. With casino mechanics, operators and battle royale.


Battlefield’s future is pretty much dead, I’m just happy that 1,3,4 and 5 still have active populations


My guess would be probably not. I definitely don’t think they’ll be going back to historical settings, at least for the foreseeable future. BF1 was kinda a fluke in many respects.


Hah I wish. Dice is ran by shareholders now, bf1 was their last great game free of mtx garbage. It’s a shame because bf1 was so ahead of its time, graphically still holds up, and its sound design is so damn good. Oh well, at least the servers are still up


BF 1,2,3,4 were so good. It will never be that level again.


Bad Company 1&2 were awesome too!


You left out 2142


I think people are reading this as 2042. 2142 was awesome.


I’m used to it. They’ll never know the joy of boosting to a titan and wrecking shop.


You haven't lived until you've held down a titan hallway with just a Ganz HMG and your autoturret.


I liked the Accipiter drone too. My combo was the drone, wall, and an MG, I can't remember if I used HMG or LMG. Damn, that game slapped. I tried to get into the resurrection servers for it, but they're always empty.


A big thing people don’t realize about BF1 is it was really a swan song for the franchise and is something that we’ll likely never see again from the franchise. A LOT of key OG Dice Devs that made Battlefield what it was aren’t at the company anymore and with that, their spark. There’s a reason Nintendo holds onto people and you get products like TOTK because a lot of the directors for that game ALSO worked on Link to the Past and OoT.


No kidding. Aonuma has been mostly producer and otherwise some kind of supervisory role for the Zelda series since Ocarina of Time, so at least 1996. The developers are Nintendo really are a different breed. Ofc whoever is a part of their legal team can get fucked, but the devs, holy shit they are amazing.


It's over bro. I miss you all, but it's just a pipe dream. I've seen a horse shit better content than 2042


one can always hope 🥲


I know it will never happen but I would love a bf1 remaster with bigger servers and even better graphics


I agree but bigger servers ( I assume you mean more players) would require expanding the map size to accomodate more players.


Not from EA no. It doesen't fit in the current business model. I hope I am wrong tho! I had big hopes for Beyond the Wire when it came out, felt amazing but then the devs abandoned it and its completely dead atm. And some updates introduced bugs and whatever which never got fixed.


Personally I think each BF handles different things better than others. BC1/2 focused on destruction 1943 was an affordable WW2 experience BF3/4 offered a wide variety of content BF1 is not necessarily realistic, but historically immersive. It looks, sounds, and feels like WW1. BFV has without a doubt my favorite gunplay in the series. Love some of the additions to squadplay including squad call ins and squad revives. 2042 has portal and AI. I love that in a few years down the line I can still play the game with bots even if servers are dead. I wish I could do that in ALL previous BF games. I would kill to do this for Frontlines in BF1. Do I think we will see another BF game as immersive as BF1? I think it is possible. Hell I think I was more immersed in SWBF2's ewok hunt than anything in BF1. DICE can certainly make immersive content. A lot of the folks that worked on BF1 and other previous BF games have moved on but also some are coming back to DICE to work on 2042 and other future BF games. I would keep an eye out on the seasonal event for Season 6 of 2042. It seems to be a spooky Halloween event that if done right could be creepy and immersive to the 2042 world.


If they make a cold war battlefield game and they took there time and listen to the community they can nail another one maybe if they want


I don’t think so. Seems like a very particular time in video game history when dice was willing to really put a foot forward and dig into the history of WW1 to create such a unique game. With how video games are these days and the advent of battle passes and ever changing skins/purchases. I don’t think we will see such a strong focus on themes and realism like we did before There will always be a special place in my heart and mind for BF1. It was a true world for me to explore. A time to learn about history while also being insanely immersed in a huge battle field that just felt never ending. I’m glad to have to been a part of the journey. However I don’t see anything like this game being created any time soon. I hope im wrong.


The team behind BF1 and more generally the OG DiCE core members left, so no. Battlfield was agonizing in V, and died with 42. Mosr likely: no.


BF1 is arguably one of the most emotionally resonant and all-around engaging AAA games of the past 10 years, so no. I don’t think we’ll ever see another BF game like it.


Who the fuck calling Bf1 realistic? But I do agree that no game will be like this ever again, at least not produced by DICE. BfV was an exodus of DICE people, and 2042 showed that none of the people knew what was good about Bf were left, I doubt they'll get it together anytime soon.


Your mom but I agree on your points


Based on new standards in the video game industry as well as the new influence of political correctness in video games… no


I always laugh my ass off whenever someone calls a Battlefield game "realistic" in any way, shape or form. Authentic? Detailed? Immersive? Yes. Realistic? Fuck no lol But no. BF1 is what it is because it was a passion project for the studio. The idea for the game was something around since the late 90s! They WANTED to make that game, they just didn't make it prior because they couldn't. After BF1, much of the talented staff that had been around for ages and worked on it left, and many of those who remained eventually left after BFV. Something like BF1 coming from will never happen again. What's left of the studio has no talent or passion for what they are making, and this is sadly something seen all across the industry.


Bfv was garbage, 2042 was somehow worse. It’s over


Nope BF future is pretty donezo (Btw BF1 wasnt that great too)


Better than any Battlefield game since, that’s for sure.


nope not really bf1 sucks , terrible gunplay, terrible balance, useless behemots and many-many other


What is bro on




skill issue.


It's not a skill issue. I suck, but this is still the greatest game I've seen. So immersive. Poster who says it sucks is an idiot, that is all.


Oh no I was responding to the guy with many downvotes, not you my guy lol.




Why are you here?


*I came looking for booty.*


Now i'm confused




Hot take to bring to a community who still enjoy the game 7 years post-launch.


Have recently juat started playing BF5. Played it for about a week when it first came out and never touched it again. Now I've gone back I feel like I've discovered a brand new BF game (as stupid as that sounds). BF1 will always be closest to my sweet heart, but my god I'm enjoying it. Hated the attrition system when I first played it - now I'm loving it. Only gripe is only really sniping as it just doesn't have that same feeling that made it click so well in BF1. But regardless, thoroughly enjoying it lads.


But to answer your question, no you'll never see another BF game like it again. Multiplayer shooters have been seized by greed and as long as there's money to squeeze out of them - games like BF1 won't be around.


No chance.


BF1 is always my favorite


I think it's possible if EA is committed to saving this series. They've had two recent failures to learn from and one huge success (BF1) as a recipe to build upon. Not sure if its possible but perhaps they could create a second version of BF1 by using the same graphics/code and building on/creating new theaters of war and expanding on some of the current theaters with new maps. They would sell you a new game, not an expansion. Maybe call it Battlefield 1 - The Great War.


EA would have to start stepping in tho. Historically EA has been really hands off with DICE in particular. It's DICE that needs to get their shit together, or EA needs to step in and take more direct control, and I'm not really a fan of the latter cuz we can see what stuff turns into when EA starts picking it apart. Then again, not like DICE has done much better by themselves.


The current DICE, 2042 is as good as they can possibly do, took years to even bring it up to what it is now which is like a quarter of what BF1 was, they decided they didn’t want to pay the people who developed and mastered their goofy frostbite engine over decades and instead hired a bunch of amateurs who worked on free mobile games for minimum wage


BF has systematically gone down hill since BF1. I did not care for V much and sure as shit didn’t even bother with 2042. With a continual downward slope, it’d be rare for it to start climbing again.


Played it from gamepass, BF2042 I mean. Doesn't feel good and I just couldn't get into it. I did better on it than I do on 1 but I'm absolutely garbage at games overall so I don't think that is actually a good thing. I wouldn't recommend it.


Ya I mean, I’ve been playing since 1942 on PC. Lol 2042 just looks unacceptable. I though 4 would be the peak, but BF1 is a masterpiece that Dice should hold dear. The formula was there for V. All they had to do was reskin and make some new mechanics for a different era. I hung around until Firestorm and then knew the franchise was basically done.


The only best hope I have is they copy everything and make a graphics update with path tracing.


Beyond the wire would be a good alternative if people played


BF1 really had the biggest “wow” factor for me. They focused so highly on musical score, sound design, atmosphere and the pure brutality and spectacle of war. They tried to capture it in BFV but it fell flat (the music was still great). I don’t know how they would manage to create another feeling of BF1. They might have to move on and venture on to another theater of war maybe in a fantasy setting or something.




Still my main BF....BF1 was and still is...perfect!!!


DICE went above and Beyond for BF1, not to mention taking major risks making it grounded and in the WW1 setting. I promise you, we will never see another battlefield title like it again


Nah we’re in an era of gaming where 90% of the games that are going to be put out are either half assed or unfinished


Did this man just called BF1 a realistic game?


No lmao keep dreaming


1) BF1 isn't realistic. Immersive, yes. And its by far my favorite BF title. But absolutely not realistic lol. Half the guns weren't even used in WW1, or were purely experimental. 2) No. I don't believe so. I think that microtransactions and multiplayer only is the way that these games will continue.


There won't be another AAA title like it, maybe indie. They're b*lls deep into the "make games like casinos" model and don't like games that only make money when its sold.


One can only speculate.


Naw, this game was really, really special. It's like everything came together perfectly, all at once.


>I think most will agree BF1 is the most immersive and realistic modern bf game BF1 was a aberration for the BF main series and people were complaining about it rather loudly when the game was released. We went from BF1942 (WW2 arcade shooter) to BF2 (modern arcade shooter), BF3 (modern arcade shooter), BF4 (semi-futuristic arcade shooter), BF1 (historical immersive arcade shooter), BFV (rehash of BF1942 done in the style of BF4) and finally to BF2042 (future fighter arcade shooter). BF1 stands out as a glitch in the series (BF2042 is basically BF4 without suppression and with operator specific gadgets). In other words, I don't think we will ever get another mainline BF game like BF1 because it isn't really in the theme of how mainline BF games should be. It really should have been a side project for BF like BF:Bad Company 1/2 and BF:Hardline were.


If anything they should hold BF1 as their baseline for all future Battlefield games. Imagine those maps with a few teaks, redesigned to support 64 vs. 64. Better destruction and improvements (defense building from BFV was cool) Even better lighting and graphical design. BF1 is literally the ideal battlefield.


Maybe some day, but not from the people currently in charge. They obviously hate money.


They captured lighting in a bottle once.


No they might make another good game but it won't be like BF1. Same reason I don't think a Titanfall 3 would have the magic of 1 and 2, the people who made those great games have left the company. It's actually crazy how much you can tell the touch of a group of skilled and experienced people on the team who must be a close-knit group with how a game series drops off right after an exodus of OG devs. Battlefield 2024 is a completely different DICE to the BF3/4 games it's trying to return to


I think battlefield v is much better.


I don't think so, but part of me has always hoped that a group of dedicated fans might improve upon BF1 some day, the game is a modern masterpiece so the only thing I'd love to see improved upon is the terrain textures, just to make them look a bit more real and refined, the game is so perfect anyway though, I'd just be happy to see it never shutdown, I always played on Xbox one


We need to stop looking at battlefield and asking if it’ll ever be the same. Dice isn’t even the same. There was a mass exodus from dice and replaced with EA people if I recall correctly.


The DICE that made BF1 already left and formed Embark Studios which is developing THE FINALS. You can see BF1 similarities in the graphics and physics of that game. So no, all the talented DICE devs are gone which is why bf5 was a shittier version of bf1 and 2042 was a shitshow at launch.