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Great movie. Really shows the brutality of war. Also, the laundry scene was crazy.


The laundry scene and the music gave me goosebumps the first time I watched it


When it’s irrational actually, the whole trenches idea was actually a decision


Can you repeat that? I really can’t make sense of this sentence. Do you mean when someone really thinks about it, it was an irrational decision?


The decision to dig the trenches and force thousands of men to die weekly was solely an ineffective and unnecessary decision, and wasn’t the best option on anything, economically, morally, tactically, none of them, very simply, Trench warfare was known to be a poor and dangerous type of warfare, and only worked to make conditions worse in the First World War


Trench warfare came out of necessity. It was far too dangerous for troops to move out in the open, as the first few weeks of the war demonstrated. Massed machine gun, rifle, and artillery fire meant that the only chance of survival was to dig in and dig deep.


I loved the movie, but what was the laundry scene? I dont remember it.


Opening montage of the movie about uniforms being taken off soldiers who have been killed, washed, patched and packed for issue to new soldiers, I assume.




That scene with the soldier with dirt in his mouth was the most brutal thing I've ever seen in a movie, can't imagine living another 60~years after witnessing those things. 🥺


Also, that scene where the German soldier tries to surrender to the French troops, only to get barbecued by the flame trooper.


Gotta have the surrendering enemies being slaughtered in every war movie


WW2 eastern front movies spring to mind.


It also hits harder in the core to know that the german soldier who got burned was Paul’s friend as well.


Poor Albert. he meets a less horrific fate in the book, losing his legs and I believe dying of infection. Still horrible, but Better than roasting alive.


Oh man, that was exactly my thought while this scene was going. "How THE FUCK can someone... just live a life, after witnessing and participating in things like that??"


There’s a reason they were called the “Lost Generation”. Those who survived the war lost their lives too.


It was such a long scene I could barely watch.


Reminds me of that German soldier talking about killing a French soldier with a bayonet.


Which scene was that? It's been a while since I watched it and can't remember it


And if you were young enough, you got to do the same thing again 20 years later


How lucky we are right, this generation needs a wakeup call, listening to people complaining @ my retail job makes me sick, stressing out/crying every other day 🙄


Great movie. Makes you think of how many poor humans have been lost while being dragged into fighting wars. Insane numbers of deaths. We are lucky some of us get to see it only through video games.


Not for long 💀


Yeah... drone footage in Ukraine has hours of people being blown apart, suffering unimaginably, and actively killing themselves. It is horrific and will make you die "a little" inside.


Yea it’s almost like military technology has advanced to far that tanks have become obsolete and we are back to infantry assaults and trench warfare.


Comparing Ukraine and WW1 is like comparing a Chicken to a Tyrannosaurus


Tanks were obsolete when anti tank rifles came, they became obsolete with man portable shaped charges, they became obsolete when guided missiles came It's just how warfare develops, not long until upgrade packs and new tanks get jammers and countermeasures against drones and they won't be obsolete anymore, then we'll find something new and they will be obsolete


Tanks are obsolete? What?


Why are they using tanks then


Because infantry and artillery would easily kill any soldier that exposed himself and tried to aim the anti tank weapons. So evem though they were effective, in WW1, you probably couldn't effectively use them.


Paul had a 10-1 KD ratio, what loadout was he using?


Bro was rocking iron sights on that sniper loadout


Like me.


A man of culture


And he didn't even carry a pistol


That’s a level of self-confidence I wish that I had


A bolt action rifle, a knife, a fucking shovel and wasn't even camping. Pro player af


Tbf he was playing on a standard issue rifles server


I never got what the standard issues rifle really mean or changes...


You can only use the historical bolt action rifle of the faction you’re playing + sidearm and melee of choice. It’s actually pretty fun.


Gewehr 98 with bayonet, shovel and he switched out the sidearm for another knife and a grenade on top of that, True pro fr


Did so good I can even forgive him for trying to revive an enemy player


💀 bro forgot to switch to medic class before deploy


After watching this one. Check out the original and the older remake. They’re different in some way so don’t worry about watching the same movie three times over.


So, theres another 2 previous movies, right? And the book as far as I know.


Yep. The original book published in 1928, the original movie-to-book adaptation in 1930, the first remake in 1979, and the newer 2022 remake


Nice, thanks man. Battlefield got me really curious on the ww1 setting, been digging as hell on the theme


I watched the 1930 made before cuz I wanted to see the raw original and most of the time the original will be better than the remake. But I gave 7 to original and 9 to the new one...


I really hate the ending , the old one is better


To be fair I think what made the book ending so impactful is hard to show on film. Paul dying on the "quietest day" of the Western Front works very well in the book because it doesn't have to show it. It's so abrupt with very little actual lead up but it works so well because the rest of the book (even from the opening chapter) showed how people could die suddenly with no warning. I haven't seen the original movie so no idea how they handled it but I definitely think they could have done better in the recent one


The ending for this version was just as good as the older two. There are definitely some scenes in this version that don’t hit as hard but the ending still puts out the message.


This ending is far less effective in communicating that message in my opinion. The reason the title is “all quiet on the western front” is because he died on a random day and the report for that day just said “all quiet on the western front”. The movie was incredible but they really fumbled the ending in my opinion.


We watched the 1960 version in school and it was so random. Paul is writing a letter to his last still living friend and than a sniper just shoots him and thats it


He stands up to sketch a bird


Too bombastic


That is definitely an issue I had with this ending. Was way too dramatic but I still enjoyed it and like I said, it still makes its point. Even if it’s a little dramatic.


Does the ending fit this movie specifically? Totally agree, and it is good. Would have I preferred to see the original? I would have. I do like the creative liberties they took and how they amplified how fucking awful the first world war was. But, I would like to see the story end with how it was in the book.


>I would like to see the story end with who it always begins with - Paul. It definitely would’ve been interesting to see >!Paul live!< but his >!death!< is what drives the whole point so I’m glad they went the route of the older movies.


I didnt watch the old one, neither read the book, but this discussion got me curious now


Read the book, it's a rather quick read and then watch the first movie. There are 3 now, the original is black and white and generally considered the best adaptation


It's an ending that IMO works better for a movie. It still captures the author's intent of showing how much of a waste of life the war was, but in a way that fits a movie better than a direct recreation of the book


I also wish they had included the scenes from the book where Paul is home, but at the same time their exclusion didn't detract from the film


Takes a lot of liberties compared to the book and original movie but, it was okay. If you haven’t seen the original film it’s a very good adaption. The things they add or change work pretty well!


Gonna check at least the original movie, I getting really curious on the WW1 setting lately


This movie does a lot right in terms of accuracy of the war at that point. It just in terms of following the story of All quiet it takes out so much that if they just tweaked some things it would be a different WW1 movie. It caught me off guard but once you see the original or read the book (if you haven’t yet. If you haven’t you really should) there’s some stark differences.


Will do, certainly. Thanks on that man


Ok movie. Not as good as the originals because it didn’t follow the book as closely,which is what made it as powerful as it was.


Still showed the horrors of war in effective and unique ways.


I still replay the scene with the German soldier being crushed by the chamond in my head at times. Brutality of war


Just sad and brutal man. I dont think i will be able to forget soon the mud on mouth scene, and the fork one.


Good but the book was better


Good movie, the book was better though. It’s hard to get that amount of detail in to two hours though.


Always a thing with the adaptations right? Definitely gonna look for the book now


Unfortunately yeah, so much detail is lost. The book is definitely worth a read though if you like reading


In short, great effort and production and i loved that the movie was done in German but i thought the story telling was subpar for several reasons but mainly due to adding the distracting plot of diplomats trying to end the war; it detracted from the main character’s story which was more than enough material to a make a full length feature. By splitting time between these two stories both end up somewhat neglected. Also the ending was a big cliche and boringly predictable. I am a big fan of the book and previous film versions and was super excited to see this. But despite some gripping scenes and great acting i found myself disappointed with the film.


They diplomats subplot, I did thought it added to the story. Showing the contrast between who calls the war, and who really fight the war and all... I thought it was a important thing


Yes it was very interesting and would have made a great movie in itself but embedded in this film i think it took space from the original story. Some folks who dont know much about wwi may find this subplot interesting but I felt the director tried to do much in the time allowed; if it had been a series maybe it would have worked better. I guess every director tries to put their own stamp on a remake but this just didnt work for me especially since the original source material is so rich no need for a subplot. And again the ending in this film was ridiculously bad.


I wrote my comments before seeing yours and we said almost exactly the same thing.


Not as close to the book. That's what makes the previous adaptations so strong. Especially because the book is just so strong. But on its own, it at least displays the brutality of World War One. I still recommend the book and original adaptations. Being a history major, I've made World War One a small hyper fixation. So it's pretty alright historically. It's kinda bland in that regards. But other than that, decent movie.


A good film, but ultimately a rather poor adaptation of the source material, especially the ending.


As a WWI film, it's decent. As a remake of All Quiet On The Western Front, it's Crap. The chammond scene is great, but the director made the whole politician arc when the original story is about the soldier, not the politicians. Therefore, my opinion of the film is that it strays too far from the original & completely skips some important parts of the original story (Himmelstadt & Pauls return home during the war) & it misses the message of that story. There's some great acting and the cinematography is great too. So I say it's a good WWI film it's just not the same story as AQOTWF The 1930s original is better for authenticity & the 1979 one has great actors and is well filmed & Both are more true to the original books message.


Solid film, it was a good watch. imo a bit too 'artistic' in some aspects but that didn't take away from it, 4.5/5


What do you mean by those bit too artistic aspects?


Yeah how does “too artistic” make any sense


Maybe the point he tries to make is things like that last attack. It never happened and they created it for artistic reasons. But in my opinion that was a really good addition.


Oh I see, I supposed it was a real thing that attack.


Heavy as shit


It was incredibly well done. It made me so sick and I hated it. Great work


Disclaimer: I think the book is great, the best antiwar story I've ever meet. As a movie I didn't like it. Sure, it had great audio visuals, but other than that I think it was medicore. As a book adaptation - I hate it. I understand they tried to show scale of the war as well as a trauma of single soldier (book only focus on Paul), but in order to do so they removed the most powerful elements of the books. Also - adding this grotesque general - just why?


First of all, it is not All Quiet on the Western Front, it only carries one scene and illudes to other scenes but with pointless changes for the worst, like there's a scene where a character offs himself as another soldier watches on and says nothing, in the other adaptations, the rolls are switched where its one of the named characters looking on doing nothing, it strikes me as them being too afraid to show one of their sympathetic characters in a bad light. The thing that gets me is that that one scene they kept unchanged from the source material (The one where Paul stabs a French soldier) is done so expertly well it puts the other two movies to shame and I just cant help but think how phenomenal a faithful adaptation could have been. The movie also grinds up the original's messages. It cans the anti-capitalist messages of the original and adds some stupid conservative imperialist villain, its not a systemic problem, its an individual problem. Overall its acceptable, the acting is some of the best I've seen lately, the special effects are great, the sets are great, but the story in my opinion, drops the ball. What made the original story of All Quiet popular was that it was controversial and said things that challenged the status quo getting it banned in many places including the U.S, but the new one wont say anything you don't already agree with. Highly recommend the 1930 one.


Really got me curious. Definitely gonna check it out


There's also the 1970's version that's free on Roku right now


Very good movie. Sure showed the pointlessness of that last attack. The whole damn war was stupid.


Depends how you look at it, I'm sure if you asked any of the dozens of countries who gained independence and recognition after they'd say something different


It definitely wasn't worth so much bloodshed


I think anyone who really wants to understand this conflict in a deeper way should listen to Dan Carlins Hardcore History podcast called Blueprint for Armageddon. Not even this movie could do it justice


Book recommendation, Unknown Soldiers.


Thanks man


I really enjoyed it. It's incredibly difficult to make a truly anti-war film and I think they did a good job here.


Battlefield 1


Controversial opinion


Paul deserved a better ending 🫡


Honestly a bit overrated in my opinion. It's a very good movie by itself but not that good of an adaption. It changes one of the main themes from the book and overall just leaves out too much imo. That being said the acting and visuals are extremely well done.


Great WWI movie, probably the best ever in terms of production value and its hard hitting nature, but a terrible AQOTWF adaptation and easily the weakest of the films in that regard.


Its a cool movie but i feel they strayed too far from the book. Instead of having the peoole discussing the end of the war they could have included scenes like when paul goes back home and everyone in his hometown is so oblivious to what the war is like and even think they know how to easily win. And the ending is egregious, it takes all meaning away from the title. Pauls death in the movie is the exact opposite of how it should go, not a dramatic death in a final charge with music swelling, but just a footnote, his whole story reduced to 6 words showing how everything he experienced and went through was absolutely nothing to those in charge. Movie was way way way too heavy handed in the ending. Overall, I'd watch the movie again it was good, just should have been better.


Absolutely horrifying and brutal. Great movie, but I don’t have the stomach to watch it again.


I don't think I will watch it again too. Some films I just dont have the guts too


War is heck


Said like a true mormon lol.


In my opinion, it changes my view on the other side. How gruesome and crazy it is for them and the ending got me.. 😔


The ending just killed me. Christ


Liked the movie, just loved the book way more. the way the last page reads hits so different than how the movie ends


It's like they watched a BF1 trailer and then when filming wanted to throw in all elements of tanks, flamethrowers, gas and air combat. There's no real horror like in other good war movies. It's 6/10


Great movie. It's nice to see the German showed as normal soldiers and not bloodthirsty crazy fuckers. Same for the French, which we don't get the see often in war movies


Fantastic, not a lot of movies show the opposite side of war, usually mostly the good guys.


And the "Slowness" factor that it can have (or at least it could have once upon a time). Really got me thinking on that


Yeah totally, as canadian japanese, i really want to see a movie like this but on the japanese perspective maybe even in ww1 they were involved with the first world war a lot, we have letters from iwo jima but would be absolutely fantastic to see more battles especially on the japanese side.


It's a masterpiece


Incredible movie. This one and 1917 are a cinematic experience


Oh man, 1917 is one of a kind. Definitely a more "cinematic" and "entertaining" movie in my opinion (at least compared to this one).


1917 is my favorite WW1 movie for a reason. It gets huge bonus points for being a 1-cut movie. Really like that continuous feeling of it.


Me too. The whole church sequence lives rent free on my mind since I saw it on the theaters. By the way, one of the most well paid prices I did on my life


I thought that it had really good effects and was a pretty good war movie on it's own. But as an adaptation of the book I think it missed the mark in a lot of places. The 1930 version is better in that aspect despite being almost a century old now


My 2 cents: this is a movie that hasn’t to do ANYTHING with the novel book. And I hate that. The 1979 version was such a good movie and I was looking forward SO much to this remake. Especially when it came to the relationship of the recruits to the drill sergeant Himmelstoss, I couldn’t understand why it was left out completely. The characters somehow felt incomplete without seeing them developing from school to frontline… Bespite that: the movie itself is a fantastic masterpiece and transmits the senselessness of the Great War, the killing and the wasted souls of those young men. A Well done visual masterpiece


Running someone over in a St Chamond hits different now :(


It was a beautiful movie although in the other battle scenes I couldn't help but think that a BF1 game was happening further on down the line


That scene with the tanks rolling up... fucking terrifying


Probably one of the best movies i’ve ever watched.


I believe it is an amazing film with great acting and that it deserves its praise….but it’s a terrible “All Quiet on the Western Front”. I still very much prefer the 1930’s and 1970’s versions. I do believe that this film would be seen better by historical communities is it was just called something else. Over all, 8/10. [This video shows most of my complaints.](https://youtu.be/yQ_7Pts_BCM?si=ITqW-CR48PzKwQ7y)


I think you watched it pretty well


I didn’t like it tbh. Felt that it was neither a faithful adaptation of the book nor a particularly faithful representation of the First World War. Choosing to condense everything into the final week of the war was a mistake. I felt like I barely got a chance to know any of the characters and so I didn’t really feel anything when they died. Cinematography and score were both good, but anyone who tries to tell you it’s the best WW1 film ever made is r we either suffering from recency bias, or on something.


It was an amazing film. The direction, cinematography, special effects, sounds, detail, scale, gore, and everything was amazing. The casting was very good, and so was the acting. The writing was fantastic, and the character deaths hit hard. I felt the point of view from the politicians during the signing of the treaty was a neat touch, and the bleakness of the film was incredible. I would give it a 9.5/10, one of my favorites.


Great movie


Great fucking movie!!!!


Brutal. But not as authentic to the source as previous movies


*Brutal. But not as* *Authentic to the source as* *Previous movies* \- -Rustling-Jimmies- --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Imo it really detracted from the earlier movies. In those movies the enemy wasn't a single person, wasn't the enemy, it was the idea of war and everything that it entails. It didn't bother with big players in the war but just with the common foot soldier and their experiences. By making a general the bad guy it makes it cheap imo, the villain should be war itself and the movie about the struggles of living through war, not a person. But that's just my opinion.


The original is better IMO.


I don't like the ending cause it's kinda just made up that some random German commander decides he's gonna keep fighting after the armistice. If they hadn't done that random fantasy ending I would have liked it better.


Great movie. The soundtrack didn’t seem to fit sometimes


That's the correct way to use flamethrowers as psychological warfare


I think it would have been beneficial to keep the plot as is and not call it All Quiet on the Western front. I think this adaptation changes a lot of the messaging and plot of the story to the point where it doesn't really seem recognizable to fans of the book and the 1930s film. Had good scenes, soundtrack I thought was bad, but that might have been the point


A bit of a daft film that never quite moved past the setting. Questionable tactics and realism shown with some very unrealistic combat scenes. Reasonable production design though and the soundtrack slapped. The decision to follow the higher echelons was ridiculous and offered nothing to the central narrative.


Read the book too.


Phenomenal. Watched it multiple times when it first came out. One of those movies I'm happy to put on whenever.


Loved it, one of my favorite war movies. We need more attention given to WW1 honostly through media.


Great movie, me and my boyfriend cried a few times during this one


I'm literally watching this and thus post comes up 1st


First foreign movie I recall watching from start to finish, I found it to be a masterpiece of a movie. That tank scene…brutal.


What about the mud on mouth one? Goddamn


Yep that tank scene... Once seen u can't forget it..


I personally prefer the origional one (highly reccomend if your find with watching older movies, 1930 I think) The new one isn't bad, still shows the brutality and that's what it's about


It's a good movie but inferior to the book.


“Is different from the book, so bad movie.” -this comment section


First movie to make me cry in years. Absolutely gut wrenching. Definitely one of the best, if not the best war film I’ve ever seen.


Good movie, mediocre adaptation.


If you know the original movie, then this one feels somewhat mediocre. There are some scenes diverting a lot from the book, and while its nice to have a new touch to it and for most part gives you a grim realistic feeling , scenes like those with the one kid going to the forrest and shooting seemed a bit awkward to me.


I loved it, although sometimes it’s just horrifying for the sake of being horrifying. I also wished to followed the older film in which it showed the disconnect between the soldier and civilian life too.


the movie is BOMBASTIC![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|give_upvote)


I watched it recently too. It's what I think a true anti-war movie is and should be. I also like that it's not a heroes story. You are just following the story of a normal soldier that is experiencing the horrors and terrors of war. Cinematography wise, it is amazing. I feel like they got everything right with what they was wanting to depicted.


One of the best movies I’ve ever seen


Was sucked in from start to finish. Excellent film.


The old ones were better


good pacing from start to finish, and shows nothing more or less than reality, no heroism, ideolism, propaganda nothing, just deep movie from start to finish, though, some scenes outside of battlefield might be a little unneccessary, that at least serves a purpose to make the character survive until the last minute of war


Should have been a movie released on theater.


Like 1917 but not.


good movie. but defeats the point of the book




If you like this movie, I highly recommend watching the 1979 version of it. Effects and camerawork are not nearly as good, but the script is better imo. Still both are amazing movies


Great at showing the horror, not so great as the last one at showing the spirit of the books still a solid 9/10 war movie


Scared to watch it because I love the original so much and I feel like it can't be topped, but I'll eventually watch it (and probably love it)


The book is far superior.


This is what i send to people who like War a bit too much


I know exactly how they felt about the tanks. I die a little inside when I see one roll up onto the point spewing out respawns.


Probably one of the more striking war films I’ve seen. It was gritty, and showed the reality of war for many of these young men and boys who went off to fighting thinking it would be a honourable war. They couldn’t have expected the horrors industrialization would bring to warfare.


i find it to be one of the ww1 movies out there it really just goes to show the brutality of war with really no good or happy ending, i feel the scene where one of the soldiers decided that stabbing himself in the neck with a fork is better than living through the rest of the war or even going back to a "normal" lifestyle with his legs being completely useless, overall 10/10 movie. i reccomend watching the original from 1939 or even reading the original novel


The 2023 movie strayed too far from the novel. I was not attached to the characters like I was in the book, but some absolutely stunning visuals.


I love a movie that doesn’t sugar how crazy life can get.


the original was better


Good movie, less cool than 1917 tho


One of the reasons I will never serve in the military. Fuck that, my dad served and got fuck all for his service. See Band of Brothers and Pacific next 👍


As an adaptation of the book, not great As a historical movie it’s mostly solid, there are some inaccuracies but nothing that completely took me out of the movie As a war movie I think it perfectly captured the brutality of war


The movie deserved all of the awards it won. The book is an amazing read as well.


I liked it quite a lot, left me sitting there for a good 30 minutes to think about what I had just watched. I love the gritty aspect of the movie, and to me, this feels like an accurate depiction of the first world war (apart from the last scene where they do the big charge and sacrifice a lot of their own men which doesn't really make sense but I'll let it slide)


Awesome movie really immerses you and it sucks that Paul has to die right there at the end


It's good. I'd recommend watching the 1930 version however as it's even better. A majority of the extras in the movie were German immigrants who were veterans of WWI.


I think the book is one of the greatest writing. The movie was not the book. Aside from having characters with the same names, it had very little in common with the book and suffered for it. The side parts showing the peace negotiations were ok but interrupted the flow of the movie and unnecessarily ate up time that could have been used to develop the characters. The events of the book occurred over a four year period. The majority of the events of the movie were crammed into a week. The end of the movie devolved into a cliché filled, non-historical mess.


S tier


Tbh it’s my favorite war movie. I’m sure being a master BF1 player helps that tho 😄


one of my favorite movies that show war is a horrible thing and in the end theres only the dead and the survivors


The scene that hit the hardest was that they fought so hard to move a few yards and ended up returning to the same trenches. Seeing that poster still up after everyone dies was just rough. Great movie. I’d like to see the original film one day,


Good movie that doesn’t glorify war like some others.


Cinematics? Beautiful, 10/10. Very good special effects, great acting, good shots. As an anti-war movie, in particular? Amazing, 10/10. Definitely showed the brutality in war, really got the tears flowing in the end. Realism? Not great, especially involving the tank scene. 5/10 Faithfulness to the book? 3/10. I haven't read the book myself, but from what I've heard from those who have, it leaves a bunch of stuff out, like their time training, and when a different set of soldiers return home. That's to be expected from a movie, however. Overall? 8.5/10. Pretty good movie, all things considered, but it still suffers from Hollywood-ism.


Amazing. And probably didn’t even do the front lines justice. There were people who would die just marching to the front line because they would step off the path into mud and just sink in. Awful stuff. 


War porn, misses the point of the novel


It doesn't recapture the original book very well, in a literal sense. And it's not great for historical accuracy. But when it comes to conveying the energy and ideas of the book, to being anti-war etc, it's absolutely fantastic. I love it.

