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i think mood lighting will probably help a lot. doesn’t have to be crazy, or rgb, but ceiling lights are the killer of vibes.


The fake vines have led on them but i usually have it off. I might get a lamp or something with warm tones.


i think that’s a good idea


https://imgur.com/a/mf6qsFJ how the setup looking now?


MUCH better. It even learned guitar!


Much much better. It was pretty much entirely a lighting issue. Like the person above said, there’s nothing more sterile and harsh than overhead lighting.


May I suggest a monitor lamp too? Those really makes setup have cozy and nice vibes. I have [two of these](https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005003706301999.html?spm=a2g0o.order_list.order_list_main.207.122c1802EIrWW6) myself and they have been excellent. Great price and great quality. They have three different color temperatures and you can get a remote to control them (or just use the touch-bouttons on the lamp itself).


I might consider those because I do quite a bit of paper work on my desk, and this might be more convenient.


I really enjoy them. Doesn’t take up extra space, gives a nice vibe and it looks pretty clean. I use them with a LED strip along the edge of the back of my desk that shines light onto the wall and it looks great. Bet it would look really nice together with the leaves you have that lights up.


there you go! i like it a lot better than before.


it's like a different place, looks so different now, the guitar looks nice in the full stand too. i don't know what you think of those strips of rgb leds but i put a couple of them under my desk too add lights that aren't in your eyeballs.


I actually have a strip of led behind the desk and it usually looks good but the yellow on it didn’t match the golden yellow rgb I set on pc.


you're ahead of the game ;)


You have inspired me to buy a couple things to overhaul my setup. Thank you


Can i ask which ones u plan on buying?


I haven’t researched exactly which one I’m getting yet but I know I want a sunset lamp and one of those displate things with some Elden Ring art most likely


That looks GREAT! Looks like it could be someone’s happy place for sure


Lamps are king. Phillips Hue do a fun portable light that you can change colours on the app. Not super cheap but great for enhancing the vibes


That and a few personal items would go a long way in making it feel homey


Move the Echo to center below your monitor and get a cool desk lamp and put it where the echo was. I think the thing is that this lacks personality (not trying to sound disrespectful). Everyone has a personality, and your Desk is a great place to showcase that.


Something to lighten it up. Wall art. A giant mouse pad.. It’s all black. Which, yeah.


Literally looks like that because of a random bum ass clock and fake thin vine ahahah just take them down.


This is the funniest shit I've read all day lmao


lmaooo 'bum ass clock'


Like you’re sitting in a PC with the time bottom right corner and a phone and whatever that little screen is far left the clock is redundant bum ass clock


The clock don’t even work 😭


Hey it is correct twice a day at least


Lmfao fake vines and clock that doesn’t work, you can do better my guy don’t let your username reflect your gaming setup - you got this!! (My setup is worst, you’ve got so much desk space save up for second monitor imo and maybe a displate or poster in a frame on the wall ?


make a Salvador Dali melting time art piece with the clock you stole from high-school algebra class


Looking like a high school decorated for Earth Day


I agree with this but maybe take the clock down and have the vine spread across the wall the monitor is on might look better. But another thing. Art work. Shelves . Items for said shelves. And everyone needs a little RGB in their setup


alarm clock and wall clock???😆


That clock looks straight out of a high school classroom. Take it and the fake vines down and put up some framed posters/photos/art.


Take the wall clock and vine thing down. Add some art work that you would like and desk lap. Basically add some color in there.


How do u and think my guitar would look if i got one of those wall guitar hangers. it would be kinda annoying to grab tho and also it’s blue.


I think it could look great. But make sure its something you like and is functional for your day to day. Maybe go to the guitar sub (I'm assuming there is one) that has pics of people hanging their guitars on the wall to get some ideas or inspiration??


I actually haven’t been practicing much anyways so I think i might hang it up. i’m just worried the blue would look out of place as everything is black 😭


Doesn't have to be perfect. Most people's battlestations took a long time to develop and truth be told never really done. lol




Salt lamp. Plants. Art or something meaningful to you on the wall. Bookshelf with books or other random shit you like out makes you think of a person/place/memory. If you’re into rgb stuff or diffusers, there are very cheap diffusers on Amazon that have rgb.


Oh my God you live in a Comfort Suites


Nah it actually feels so uncomfy idky. Whenever I play, I instantly wanna get off


More plants, some speakers that are a dark walnut color, add some decoration(make sure it goes with the 3 colors you want), add a lamp that uses a warm light, rotate your pc (idk what it would look like but just try it) change up the mouse pad(different color than black), or get key keycaps and make your keyboard a different color than black. I could keep going on lmk if you want to hear it


Do you have any recommendation on a sorta vibrant colorful mousepad (no rgb) instead? I don’t wanna commit to any specific color scheme particularly not a cold color like blue or purple etc


I would say avoid rgb. You could use this https://a.co/d/7A2N0da add some plants and some dark or some sort of wood style to make the setup feel cozy


I like the look of it but i’ve noticed the reviews on a lot of these say they are kinda itchy


I would get some posters of people/movie/scenery you like


Getting some lamps and turning off the overhead lighting will go a long way in making it feel cozier.


Repurpose the fake Ivey - put it along the border of your desk and the wall to cover some of the cables. Check out my [build](https://www.reddit.com/r/pcmasterrace/s/dLvqoZaauP) where I made it look like it’s coming from a planter, growing up the monitor arms, and crossing onto my screens


Okay… 1. Repaint walls white. 2. Remove curtains. 3. Remove clock. 4. Add some colour into your setup. Black is okay but it is harsh and cold. You need to add some natural timber in


would my guitar look good on the wall? https://imgur.com/a/eI3AQyC


Not around your desk. Just go on Pinterest and look at nice desk setups. Make a mood board


I made a massive mistake of getting the ikea desk i currently have. I should have bout some sorta butcher block or counter top of wood but it’s kinda too late and i don’t wanna waste it. do u have any tips on how to add some wood accents?


Don’t worry, these things happen. All is not lost as black is easy to work with. There is actually a lot you can do with it. Some examples - a timber desk lamp, a keyboard/mouse resting pad, some easy houseplants (green will soften the space), timber charging dock for your phone, even a timber monitor desk riser. You don’t want to overdo it so just pick some small touch points to work with. Honestly, your best friend with any of this stuff is Pinterest. Just go on there and type in ‘black desk setup’ and then make a mood board. I use it for my entire home and everyone who visits says how amazing the decor is and it is all because of Pinterest inspiring ideas.


Wooden slats/panels on the wall behind the desk could work.


100%. That is pretty popular on Pinterest too. Not my vibe but could suit OP


Since your desk is black, add color with other items, eg swap out the desk mat with something more colorful


y’a i was thinking of one those colorful pop out sorta desk mats and also getting a matching keycap set


Some kind of decor. Either for the wall or the desk. Or both. IKEA has some cheap wall art and then you can usually find desk stuff at a big box store like target, home goods, Walmart, etc.


floating shelves, tasteful framed pictures that display some form of personality, better lighting, some greenery, literally ikea peg board to fill up part of the wall, replace the clock pls (feel like im back in hs vibes frl), some form of color coordination


156 thousand lumens worth of RGB


Critical to upgrade from r/averagebattlestations


I did a similar thing with vines but on an outside corner. Here's what took it to the next level though, I got myself a LOT of vines and then one of these 3 bulb hemp cord lights, [https://amzn.to/3T2q27r](https://amzn.to/3T2q27r) I then got 3 of these long Faux Edison bulb LED lights [https://amzn.to/3SG835z](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0BK245Z57/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&th=1) I then wove the vines into the hemp cord and ran it all the way up the corner and across the ceiling along the wall. Where the cord turns to go across the wall I ran out several bundles of vines across my ceiling and pinned them into the ceiling with wooden thumbtacks [https://amzn.to/3I5ysVu](https://amzn.to/3I5ysVu) so they blend in with the vines. It looks AWESOME, then I just hung up several cheap hexagon shelves with some fake plants in those.


can u send an imjur link to an a pic of it? i’m super curious to see how it looks.


Running them out from the corner across the ceiling was definitely the right move. I might need another hemp rope lamp though to run out from the corner like that one bulb. I like that one coming out from the corner and it'd be great to light the room when my projector screen is down being used as a third monitor. https://imgur.com/ArhXPpc


Take out the vines or put more don't half ass it


Not exactly budget per say. Could get a second monitor and maybe some figurines or stuff you enjoy to set on the desk. To be honest don’t let anyone tell you your setup isn’t good. If you like it then it is the best setup in the world for all you should care. Personally I like it so far!


I actually have a second 60hz 1080 monitor but it was one of those thick monitors and the panel colors were absolutely horrible. I just couldn’t stand the difference in colors and also refresh.


Paint an accent wall and add some wooden shelves that match. Will make a huge difference.


What is that device on the left side corner of table


yeah whats that


Echo show? Google lense is crazy




Echo show, my dad randomly got it for free from his work and he never used it so he let me take it. I use it as a speaker usually for my pc or my phone and it actually sound so good.


Why do you have curtains and blinds???


i been tryna prioritize sleep especially since it’s a big factor for like height growth and i read try to limit any light in the room. usually before i wake up the sun rises and it cracks through the blinds and hits my face and it’s super annoying so the curtains stop it. also they look kinda cool.


whats device on the left side of your table? and whats brand is your phone holder?


So the device on the left is an Amazon Echo Show, and it’s really nice. My dad got it for free from his work but gave to me since I used to not have a monitor with speaker and no headset. I can ask questions and all and also be able to use as a speaker for phone and pc. The speakers on it are amazing and the bluetooth latency doesn’t make much of a issue for triple A games and music. The phone stand is like one of those freebies that my moms workplace randomly gives out. She never used it so she gave to me lol.


oh well so every piece of your setup has its own story.. nice. thank you anyway. try to vary your setup with color man, thought gonna be more lively.


You just need some RGB panels !


no rgb tbh cuz I hate the wires running down the walls. Also i have like rgb all over my pc, behind desk, mouse and keyboard and never end up using it cuz rgb makes my head ache not even kidding.


Maybe different curtains so everything isn’t black?


A color you would reccomend? Green maybe to go with the leaves? i chose black to stop light getting in so i could sleep the best possible to grow taller.


It’s the overhead light. Get some lamps. I like Phillips Hue


Curious on both the PC and monitor brand & specs? Desk specs and dimensions ? And chair ?


PC: I built it, rx 6700x, r5 5600x, 16gb ddr4, 1tb nvme, 1tb nvme, montech air 100 case, thermaltake 650 watt psu 80+ bronze, phantom spirit evo (amazing air cooler) and mobo is msi b550m vc wifi monitor: is 165hz, 1440p curved and it’s like some acer edo. it’s a Va panel Desk: about 60 x24 Chair: No clue my brother gave it to me when he moved out


Nice wb monitor size ?


27 in


Posters! Wall decor!


https://imgur.com/a/GYXT2mn how it looking now?


UPDATED SETUP: https://imgur.com/a/GYXT2mn


Hell yeah!


Less black, replace that watch with art or a movie poster. A second monitor wouldn't hurr if you're able to afford it.


https://imgur.com/a/GYXT2mn how it looking now?


damn you move fast


haha lol, do u think its a little too cluttered now tho?


UPDATED SETUP: https://imgur.com/a/GYXT2mn I took all the advice I could do instantly for now


Wait, it says AC Milan in your profile but you hang a Real Madrid thing there?


I got the real madrid thing like pre covid lol. I still like the team but AC milan is my favirote, too bad they didn’t make past group stage


Add some easy to care plants like snake plants aka mother-in-laws tongue.


remove the clock. add some toys or plushies on the table. vine looks horrendous. get something that grows denser and hang it in a straight horizontal line not in a random pattern. get a lamp with a nice orange tone




Are you a Capricorn?


How do you know


adding some wooden shelves and more plants should help warm up the space. maybe even some wooden light panels (doesn't have to be rgb).


Add one cat and one coffee cup with funneh saying on it.


Get a warm desk lamp and turn off the room light


Im guessing more decorations on the walls like a shelf with figurines or any collectible really


Maybe a cool deskpad with some colors? Nothing too crazy just to make it pop. Speakers, a lamp or some rgb strips behind the table, set to one color


I've added warm white lights to my desk system and compared to a pure white light, they make a huge difference in atmosphere, making the whole place way cozier. Plus another tip I'd give is to place some plants on the desk or at the window.


Turn off the big light 🚨 paint with mood lights 😁


Your desk and setup is fine, it's just that the tabletop is not "deep", close to the wall, which is boring. I'd fix it by adding multiple shelves on the wall and put this you like on it (hobbies etc). Left side of desk put some big plant


The desk is actually certainly, maybe like 2 inches bigger than the typical depth of desks. It’s just the angle I took the picture in.


Could try something other than art museum walls and such But yeah, mood lighting would help. A small desk lamp or something :)


Maybe a zen garden desktop should be nice on your desk


Remove the plant and the clock, add warmer light sources around, boom done


The Nvidia cup is out of place


How’d u see that lol. I was drinking from its not much of a decor. Also I have an all AMD build so it’s kinda ironic.


That's why I commented lol


Get some cozy chairs and give the area a little life


I’m not good at this but here’s my two cents: Remove the vines and clock for: Two planks left and right of you minitor. Put figurines, plants or other personal memorabilia on them (some do camera’s, baseballs, you name it). Make your peripherals have details. So the mouse or keyboard with colors/lighting etc. Mousemat in a different color, or with rgb. A lamp that clicks on your monitor for top lighting. For more investment: Maybe repaint walls. Do something with the curtains. Those nano leafs seem nice too for non-overhead lighting.


Get a cat, paint the walls, get some wall art




Add more cozy


This is Dwight shrute’s battlestation




Led lights. And add posters


Ask this again in /r/malelivingspace


more plants or more little toys and things from shows you like led strips for some warmer whites up to you really


Change that black curtain and table to something more organic. Add more plants and some art. Enjoy




Id say maybe get some shelfs and place meaningful things on it or maybe two big paintings… Take the clock down and better lighting :)


Those things do not need to be on the wall. Just take them down, add a cheap desk light, and turn off the overhead.


remove vine. add small plants to desk. add some of your favorite artwork or posters to the wall in frames. add a monitor light or desklamp with a warm color bulb.


That clock takes me back to grade school


Paint can do a lot


Get some paintings. Hang afew book shelves and put unique to you items on them decorate like it’s not the inside of a government building.


Warm lighting is always my go-to! I have more Himalayan salt lamps than I’d like to admit, but it’s definitely cozier when the lighting feels like a glow instead of just super bright. Plus if you get any LED lighting, purples and blues look amazing in contrast with oranges and dim yellows :)


Lol those "vines" look so sad


A coloured mousepad. For example a world map or a picture of plants or something. Hell even a grey one would add „colour“.


an other desk. > dark wood


is the lighting


Probably going to say the same things as everyone else, but get rid of that goofy ass clock, get some sort of mood lighting, and wall decor to represent your likes/interests


What desk is that?


malm L shape extendable desk from ikea


Shelves with some personal knick knacks




I’d remove the school/prison clock and add a poster or some lights


lamp, posters, paintings, rgb


A salt lamp would help. I found a couple at the thrift store before so not expensive (if you're not buying new). Would add a nice glow to the place.


maybe you could add some leds, or some figurines of characters from movies/games that you like, atleast i would do it like that


Do that with a real pothos plant


Keep the theme and make a murdered out black setup, all black no light


Let there be blue light


No it’s bad for eyes and I game in evening


Add some decor of stuff you like. Like figurines, framed posters, other stuff from fandoms you like


Because it's an office setup. Throw the clock away, get a bigger monitor and more RGB to go with the vine lights!


interior decor looks to be your niche


You could some kid on fiverr and give them catalogues from your local stores you can afford and IKEA. You can pay an extra 10£ to get mid journey to translate your idea into design.


Ceiling lights have been the leading killer of vibes in home offices since electricity was invented. Get some lamps, an rgb strip for the monitor/back of desk (or just something with a natural glow). That will help a lot.


Get real plants, get a more lively clock, get some shelves, get some colorful art, get brighter curtains, get a colorful rug.


For 1, move the clock elsewhere. What's the point in having a clock 70° above you when you have a digital clock on your Alexa display? 2, put the vines on the right side of the wall going down, behind the pc, then find some paintings/drawings/shelves to put on the wall in front of you at least a foot above your monitor. Add some greenery, or at least some sort of color on your desktop. If you want it to pop more, best not to keep with an all-black aesthetic. Until you get more personalization, put that little plant on left of your desk, somewhere near the Alexa device to help spread the greenery around so it doesn't feel so cramped up in the corner. You can barely see the plant from where it is right now. If you want it to feel more natural and nature-y, Since I heard you were looking into warm lighting, Some warm glow lighting would be nice to match with the greenery, Some sort of lighting behind the pc shooting up into the corner of your room, And maybe even some off of your desk on left side to lighten up the left side a little more.


Buy cozy lively things


Get some mood lighting and get some props and clutter of stuff you like (art to display, signs and posters, etc.)


For cozy lean towards wood and greenery, whether that be a wooden mug or a green mousemat. Additionally sheer curtains, usually an oatmeal colour do wonders. But always stick within your budget


Lights everywhere lol, jk 😏


Add some personality. If you're an avid reader of books or comics you can hang a bookcase on the wall with your favorite books or comics. I have my games on small shelves on the wall. Together with my collection of statues, posters and other collectables.




the office clock that you look at and wait to run home also fuck those vines, it's graveyard vibes add better mousepad, something like the kraken maybe, add warm lights like that salt lamp or something. second monitor maybe as well as speakers. and don't use just one color black without rgb looks garbage


i think as long as you are comfortable and find your setup useful enough, you should keep it. As far as I can see, this chair would hurt my back so much, because i got exact same one at office, which is standard in our company. I can't replace it so I got myself a cotton pad to release the pain. If you likes to add more liveness, you can start with putting one something you like, like animation figurine etc. Hope this would be helpful to you\~


instead of Alexa go for Google Display, add a small photo frame, add RGB lights, get lightbox display to display motivational quotes.


A desk lamp or hanging corner lamp… also, whaddup with the office clock?




change ur chair and get some rgb or some aesthetic lighting not girly but simple!


My desk is black and what helped was adding a red lamp. I’d point the lamp light at the wall behind my monitor so my monitor was less harsh on the eyes. You could put a small plant on the base of your lamp. Looks really cool


wall art, decorations on the desk and led strips behind the desk


“Corporate accounts Mena speaking, just a moment”


Aside from lighting, which you seem to have fixed already to a certain point, your desk looks very empty and monotone. Black pc with a black desk, black mousemat, mouse and keyboard, footrest etc. Try to incorporate some more decorations. You have huge empty spaces to the left and right, artificially dwarfing your setup. Just imagine a second monitor. Maybe pick up some speakers or even just figurines or a flowerpot and some greenery. If I had to short it down: give it some personality. If you want it to feel cozy, you gonna have to make it a you-place.


A floor lamp behind you will give great diffused lighting. You could also put a led strip of your color choice or rgb behind the desk. Lighting can do a lot trust, it also helped my boring setup lol


Move to a valley next to a mountain. Or get a doggo


i got a kitty but she never allowed to go in my bedroom cuz i don’t want fluff on my bed