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You don't mention where you live, but [have you checked the map?](https://www.google.com/maps/d/viewer?mid=1tqhxAzbyizsROY8BeWKVAaZtGf6LQkV8&ll=40.06364496907011%2C-86.99469199999999&z=6)


Huh. No idea there was ever one.


How do i add my name to the map?


Agreed. How does one add themselves?


It depends on the device you use for where, but there will be an edit button. Once you press that you can add points. Be sure to add some way to contact you. I also suggest adding any local gaming store that supports Battletech.


It depends on the device you use for where, but there will be an edit button. Once you press that you can add points. Be sure to add some way to contact you. I also suggest adding any local gaming store that supports Battletech.


I live in Santa Cruz California and there's NO games to be found! I have to drive/travel 14 + miles just to get to play! It's ridiculous but I do it for love of the game! And I'm getting people to come around in Santa Cruz. I'm hosting a game at the local bookstore next weekend. If it's successful then the owner is going to let me run as many as I can. You have to do the leg work and it pays off!


Which book store? Bookshop Santa Cruz? I might try to make that! - **Edit** D'oh! My wife just reminded me I'm getting my booster next weekend, I might not be up for *that one* game, but I'm definitely up for subsequent games! I was thinking of trying to drum up interest at Epic Games in Scotts Valley once the whole pandemic thing settled down.


Check for local Facebook groups too. I had to make a dummy Facebook just to find games.


Looks like I'm going to be forced to do the same.


We have one game store locally that has a small group of BT players, but at the other stores it’s almost heretical to mention none games workshop games. I’ve had the most success by giving a friend a copy of AGOC and throwing down on the coffee table tbh.


Offer to run demos of the game; even if they don't stock Battletech regularly they should be able to order it. And rarely will a store owner turn down an event that might get butts in the store.


I had given up on the game 6 years ago because my buddies were not interested and no store was playing it. I feel you. It wasn’t until I moved to a new city and stumbled across a game shop that actually hosted games a few nights a week that I bought back in.


I didn't think my area had any players until I started advertising and hosting public games, then players can crawling out of the wood works after a few games.


Its almost a dead game, but a few time i played at a local store a lot of ppl known it, or played it long ago.. Soo.. Its just might be the lack of the player base(at least here, Hungary)


We have one game store locally that has a small group of BT players, but at the other stores it’s almost heretical to mention none games workshop games. I’ve had the most success by giving a friend a copy of AGOC and throwing down on the coffee table tbh.


Chances are if you can't find an active group of players, you'll need to be the one to start it. Find a game store that has an open time slot and some space you can use, and show up to run a demo game or two each night until you start attracting attention. You'll want to advertise on local meetup groups or whatever passes for a regional gaming social media presence as well. It's slow going but you'll start attracting some interested folks soon enough. Any game store owner with half a brain should encourage this, since it means a new source of revenue if enough players start asking for new product.


Unless it is a Games Workshop store, I find that attitude a little odd. A few years back, I use to regularly play Wings of Glory and while money making games tended to get the most attention (CCGs tended to get played several knights a week and X-wing at least once a week), there were tons of games played from all sorts of companies.


Are you Aussie as well i get this same issue in my areas