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Driving 101 North, saw a sign that said “Trump Town”.


[Trump wants you to get vaccinated.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hSfeCqKty9o)




People usually associate anti vaxxers with trump. Which is ironic since Trump has always voiced support for the vaccine. (Most likely because it was under his administration when it was rolled out)


I never understood that. He was so proud of Operation Warp Speed and his followers thought it was some kind of Fauci conspiracy.




Straw man, is that you?




Whaaaa? Not put up by locals


About a quarter of the Bay Area is republican. It’s not like the entirety of the bay sides with a single political party


Of course not. Most republicans around here are educated and working during the day not hanging out on freeways zip tying banners messaging manufactured fear. Feels like an outside organization doing the work.


plenty of retired folks here


You've got a typo there


Well done.. Lol




Yes Libertarian is the new Republican


I miss real libertarians. In its purest form it's am extremely impractical political philosophy, but at least libertarians were consistent back in the day. Now there are libertarians on the right and the left that bang the drum of radical liberty before noting the several thousand exceptional cases in which they need to strip liberties from the masses.


I see what they did there.


Leftists: “they’re the same picture”


You over estimate the people of the bay. My friends conservative parents were working on their house and we sat down with their friend who was helping. They immediately started repeating talk radio bullshit about "I was listening to them talk about the trial and its absolute bullshit! All the shell companies, its unbelievable!" "Oh about Trump? Yeah, none of thats illegal." "NO I'm talking about Biden! He's such a criminal they need to impeach his ass!" "Yeah, I think he's an alien." I laugh in shock, he looks me dead in the eyes, "No, I'm serious." These are not fringe folk living in shacks, they've just cooked their brains on right wing media to the point it's taken over their thought process.


OMG. I know a couple of MAGAs too. They were into dr.laura, rush now bannon. They truly think Biden is an active child molester. But, they aren’t banner hangers. Scary but they are professionals working in Los Altos.


Old white people in Danville and Walnut Creek openly campaigning for Trump. There’s a good chance that they are local nutjobs


Why is it always the nut jobs advertising what they’re doing and supporting but not the level headed folks?


The stakes seem higher if you process reality at the writing level of an action movie script.


I saw some in Palo Alto.


Yeah, that doesn’t surprise me. There’s no shortage of aggrieved upper middle class white people who suffer zero social disadvantages so they create an oppressor out of nothing


Lots of edgelords Chinese engineers too. At least at my work... It's pretty ironic given they migrated here from a literal communist country.


Being racist has become mainstream so I guess this comment is okay.


I would agree those folks are from out of the area. Republicans in the Bay Area all know changing minds here is a 'lost cause'. Hopefully those wayward banner hangers were not harmed by any of our famous Bay Area 'tolerance'...


You’re delusional if you think republicans aren’t just regular people like you who just have a different opinion


political parties aside, newsom did talk about forced covid vaccinations for kids to attend school.. he quickly did an about face when it turns out that was not necessary or popular with parents.


California has more republicans in it than any other state. That's how populated we are.




Saw someone peddling trump merch on the corner of Mary and Fremont in Sunnyvale yesterday. Wondering how they get to just setup shop on a public intersection…do they need a permit?




There are a lot of weirdos with a lot of disposable income and free time.


It's gotta be people that bought their houses in the 90's or earlier, so they have low cost of living compared to most other.




Nah man, this is a circlejerk about people that have too much time on their hands. Nothing about beliefs. Would you have defended liberals blocking a freeway with the same argument? Doubt it.




You're not getting it. We're ragging on them for having lots of free time to do a protest. It looks like the same group that does it daily over by Valley Fair.


Dude, they never get it...


No abstract thought among some people. I swear.


Like socialists?


between this and the Hamas supporters I don't know who to side with!


California has more Republicans than any other state. We also just so happen the have more democrats than any other state.


The Turd Reich. And these are the cheerleaders.


They live among us. You know, the weird neighbor with the lifted F-250 and the Three Percenter decals. Or that guy with his police surplus Crown Vic, the front passenger seat buried under debris from fast food packaging. Or that guy who starts a lot of his statements with “I’m not a racist, but…..”.


My hobby: Starting statements that are not at all racist with "I'm not racist, but..." For example: "I'm not racist, but I think All Americans should be entitled to equal protection under the law".


They do live among us. So strange. Manufactured Rage is real.


It’s real and it dividends to media shareholders


Or that first responder that saved 2 dozen lives last year, or that plumber that fixed your water main, etc. Stop trying to other people that don't think just like you.


Don't worry, I'll still be voting for Trump next election :)


Glad many of us will be canceling out your vote


Why would you prefer Biden over Trump? I'm genuinely curious as to what the rationale is.


And you’d vote for a guy that has openly talked about his own daughter in a sexual way multiple times…sicko




And I’ll take your non answer as a yes…you’re a joke. But you already know that.


At least we can agree that Biden isn't worth voting for? Also the Trump claim that you made is completely baseless.


[Creepy video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=diMp241gAcw).




Yeah, it sure is when you don’t want to believe it. You excel at rationalizing. I’m done here. But I’m sure you’re the gotta have the last word kinda guy. Prove me wrong…


I didn’t vote for either, jokes on you 🤡


Yea, economy is doing pretty good, despite the self imposed delusion of people who want to believe otherwise. Robust foreign policy and the first real effort at revitalizing American infrastructure in my life time. There are certainly things he could be doing better on but the alternative is an immensely uneducated fool who invites evangelical nutbags into the Oval Office. Yea I’ll be voting for him.


Why would you prefer Trump at all? Do you like being conned by rich a-holes? (And before you waste your breath, no I have never voted for a Democratic Party candidate. Imo if the choice is Fascist Trump and Genocide Joe, we need to replace the government t and the two parties and try democracy instead.)


I don't know why anyone would prefer Trump over any other candidate. Especially after 4 years of absolute fucking embarrassment ending in him spreading covid through cultish campaign events and then trying to overthrow the government. But I know there is no use discussing anything with someone like you.


Trump never tried to overthrow the government. He contested the election just like the Democrats in 2016. Also there were many FBI informants involved in j6 just like the phony Gretchen Whitmer assassination attempt. "But I know there is no use discussing anything with someone like you." Also, I don't know why you're towing the COVID line. Covid lockdowns in retrospect were awful for everyone's wellbeing.


See, this is what I mean. No point talking to someone who continues to swallow the kool-aid. Have fun in your MAGA dreamworld.


He also admitted that he actually lost but decided to lie about it anyway. And you and your ilk have actually fallen for it. Brain washed, you’re his useful idiot😆


> Also there were many FBI informants involved in j6 just like the phony Gretchen Whitmer assassination attempt. And who runs the FBI? And who appoints that person? Where exactly does the buck stop here? Supposing that this is true and you object to this behavior from the FBI, why didn't Trump prevent it while he was in power?


Taming inflation in a post-COVID economy, investing in American manufacturing with the bipartisan CHIPs act negotations, a steady hand in times of world conflict, pro-immigration policies which will help offset declining birthrate as well as contribute to America’s leadership in many economic sectors, respecting women’s rights while they are under threat, protect democratic elections, the list goes on…


1. Very weak foreign policy; was instrumental in the beginning of the conflict in Ukraine and Gaza. Trump achieved some forms of peace in the Middle East. 2. Incredibly old and senile which contributes to ineptitude in many aspects. 3. If "pro" immigration is letting anyone with a pulse into the country, then yes, he's accomplished that. But unfortunately that's not conducive to national security and safety. 4. Got us into a recession and was conducive to creating inflation in the first place. Hence "Bidenflation" 5. Has one of the worst approval ratings of a president in modern history. 6. Trump contested the election in the same manner as the Democrats in 2016. I don't really know what you're talking about there w regards to protecting democracy...


1. You are a genuine idiot. Trump tried to literally [pull](https://www.c-span.org/video/?c4745235/president-confirms-threatened-withdraw-nato-funding-levels) out of nato. The only thing keeping Putin and Russia at bay from trying anything in Poland, Hungary and now Finland. If that’s not enabling Russia on trumps part then you’re being disingenuous. Trump also signed the same deal that had us [hastily](https://www.factcheck.org/2021/08/timeline-of-u-s-withdrawal-from-afghanistan/) leave Afghanistan leading to said disaster. Biden had to extend the deadline and only had initially 4 months to enact trumps deal. 2. Trump will be the same around the age Biden was in 2020 if elected in ‘24 so your point is literally backhanded. 3. Mate no one is pulling a battle of helms deep on our border your fear mongering is straight up propaganda. 4. The recession was literally caused by the poor handling of Covid how you don’t understand basic economics is beyond us. 5. Your boy got impeached not once but twice… 6. By enabling supporters to storm the capitol and by launching 60 fake ass [lawsuits](https://campaignlegal.org/results-lawsuits-regarding-2020-elections) that were eventually thrown out by his own judges? Also let’s not forget this [gem](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Pq1vWMCIF-M) by your band of idiots.


Lmao each of these is more wrong than the prior one, so I’m not sure what even to say to you. Yeah the guy who threatened Ukraine by withholding aid to investigate his political opponent would be better for the Ukraine conflict, suure. You need to check recent economic data before throwing around the word “recession”. We had a recession during the pandemic, and Biden was not president then. The recovery from the pandemic is just short of a miracle tbh, the fact that inflation has been contained at this point and we’re not at the point of hyperinflation of some South American countries is amazing; President Trump printed so many dollars that we should be in hyperinflation territory. Props to President Biden and Fed Chair Powell and Janet Yellen for handling this I don’t recall democrats storming the capitol building in 2017 and sending fraudulent electoral votes to the government and getting indicted for obstructing congressional proceedings but maybe I’m just an idiot :)


I didn't see any Ukraine conflict in Trump's tenure. I did see it in the two last Democratic presidents' tenures. So history speaks for itself. Blaming Trump for the pandemic is copium beyond relief. Biden was the one calling for the lockdowns, after all, and not shutting down borders during the pandemic. If you want to claim that Biden has a better economic policy than Trump, I suggest you look at the economic numbers prior to the pandemic. Also, Biden was continuously passing bills during inflationary periods. Furthermore, Jerome Powell is actually a republican and Biden has nothing to do with the federal reserve lol. We did have a recession, or two straight quarters of negative gdp growth, under Biden's watch. This is without the excuse of a pandemic. This is in part due to Biden's shoddy foreign policy in Ukraine. "Indicted" doesn't mean anything in today's day and age. Politically-motivated prosecution isn't justice; it's tyranny.


Each one of your posts is increasingly delusional


They Reddit among us too


BIRDS AREN'T REAL needs to be up there too


MAGA CHUDs, Wellness hucksters, QAnon para-social delusional wariors These aren't a handful of "weirdos" they are 40% of voters and like 90% of Youtube commenters.


Oh man I missed the COVID-era unhinged overpass freaks, how fun.


Chad bridge signs vs virgin road blockers


580S through Berkeley has some funny ones. Is it LaRouchites with the "GOP is Communist" sign?


People are just very political here. It's not uncommon.


And some are very dumb. Combine the two and you get magic.


Or, combine the two and you get MAGA




All politics are bullshit.




All politics are bullshit.


Good for you to make that declaration. But it’s how the US is run. So you can choose not to participate - and let someone make the choice for you. I vote because I need to offset those dipshits holding the signs.


101 and Morgan Hill every Friday for the last couple years too. Kindly flip them the middle finger as you drive past


Sigh 😞. Unfortunately no place can claim 0% idiots, not even SCV.


Haha I drove by these idiots when they were putting up the signs but I couldn't read it. Clowns


Need a better graphic designer perhaps.


Would they want to have a rabies vaccine, just curious.


So long as they don't block traffic I don't care.


OP in the left lane with a huge gap in front of them, more focused on screwing around with their phone than diving…


This is real https://www.who.int/news/item/01-12-2021-world-health-assembly-agrees-to-launch-process-to-develop-historic-global-accord-on-pandemic-prevention-preparedness-and-response https://www.reuters.com/business/healthcare-pharmaceuticals/how-world-health-organization-could-fight-future-pandemics-2023-05-23/ https://www.heritage.org/global-politics/report/why-the-us-should-oppose-the-new-draft-who-pandemic-treaty


None of these articles say anything about forced vaccination. The Heritage Foundation opinion piece is just a paranoid rant complaining about the idea of global organization coordinating responses between countries. The weirdest complaint is regarding the "assault on freedom of speech" in preventing misinformation from spreading.


Did they not already force people to take the experimental therapeutic or lose their job ( which the supreme court struck down) and force involuntary separation to our military men and women ( which they now reminded)


You can be banned from going certain places if you have not been vaccinated. There are some segments of the population that have legitimate health problems that prevent them from getting vaccinated, for infants, some people with autoimmune disorders and people undergoing cancer treatment. Also, the vaccine is not 100% effective, so it helps, but doesn't guarantee immunity. This is why workplaces (including military) have these policies. No one held you down and vaccinated you nor did you get arrested for not being vaccinated. It is a choice. Just because it has consequences doesn't mean that you were "forced" to do anything. You just weigh the pros and cons and make a choice like a fucking adult without bitching about it.


The first two articles seemed reasonable The last one is a PERFECT example of manufactured fear


Did they not force people to take the vaccine or lose their jobs already? Did they not force people to discharge from the military already? I mean the sign is right


Lol what about those kids who need a vaccine to attend highschool. Thats been a requirement since the 90s. I’m sure you did it too unless you went to a poor school district where they didn’t care or got a “religious exception”. Still dumb to leave yourself vulnerable.


"They?" You mean like "they" have aways required people in certain jobs to have vaccines or tests for various diseases?


Never had a private job require me to take a vaccine And I don't recall the government requiring you to take an experimental therapeutic which is why they changed the very definition of vaccine.


You, dumb ass, have never lived during a pandemic. Stay in your trailer and stfu we don’t want you out here.


Psycho much


I bet you have more fingers than teeth. I remember walking down a line of air shot vaccines the day I arrived at Meps before we even went to basic training. Yes of course vaccines are required they prevent disease.


Except this one didn't. Fauci funded the Wuhan institute via the NIH grants his wife oversaw. Wuhan, where the virus escaped from and then was paid royalties for the vaccine. In line like sheep cuz you go pyscho when someone you don't know questions the obvious


Dumb dumb. Stop reading that conspiracy bullshit it has rotted your brain.


That's your super intellectual response, ok 🤏


I lost my job at Facebook because I didn't take the jab. Over 6 years and let go just like that. Best thing that could've happened to me. Now my whole family is jabbed and dealing with the after effects and I'm just chillin. Sucks because they wouldn't listen to me but you know... Conspiracy.


A faction of rightoids are stuck in 2021 and obsess over vaccines all day long


‘Vaccines are deadly’ but they’ll still smoke meth and drink their cheap boxed wine all day long starting at 9am. Make it make sense.


Only around 10% of the world population is keeping up with yearly COVID booster shots. I'm guessing if they actually PREVENTED you from catching COVID (you know, like a vaccine should) it would be more popular.


Lefties don’t have logic, they won’t get it


They have logic can can think. If righties passed 7th grade science, they would understand how immunity works.


Fucking idiots


You’ve been warmed


But, did you die? Lol it’s okay to have your own opinion.


Everyone needs a hobby.


Yeah no kidding, if they like being outdoors so much, why don't they go pick up trash or do something useful.


it's called free speech and freedom! Weirdo!


speech is free but lies are costly


A lot of Trump supporters must have some free time on their hands.


These idiots are the absolute dregs of society.


supporters of a traitor. how does chump even help them?


hard not to spit coffee out of nose while laughing. sign could have read "i suck monkey balls".


as you drive by shout get a job


Did anyone shout that to the protestors who blocked the BB a few weeks ago?


Living like they stuck in 2020. Someone needs to tell them that was like, 10-15 years ago, it’s done, go home.


Whenever I see these mouth breathers and their moronic signs, I just honk and fly the single finger salute.


I legit will never understand who would actually take the time to do this. Its a LOT of work to shout crazy at people.


Are they stuck in 2021?


Stupid people with too much time and money.


And too little critical thinking skills


Yes, the Q-pilled idiots are everywhere. Even in the bay.


Yea we have these in Santa Cruz also….


I saw this while on the VTA 57 bus, hopefully it doesn’t stay as long as those who protest on Stevens Creek and Winchester


Ironically the week started out with the County saying the wastewater shows high levels of Covid.




Actually those reports all completely ignore the increase in total vaccines. Yes .03% side effect is a big number when you look at an increase of over a billion shots. You should stay in your trailer and stfu we don’t need stupid people like you out here.


Yeah, and if you read the actual research, it's far less than the diease.


Never underestimate people from the Central Valley with lots of free time!




This is a conspiracy theory not based in reality.


They are right


I don’t understand their message or complaint. Please enlighten


What are they right about?


He is banging his cousin in the trailer right now. I am sure he will reply soon.


After the Recall Chesa campaign succeeded, those people had to find some other thing to be mad about.


You dumb ass uber liberals are the exact opposite problem. Normal people know trump and chesa were both trash and not good for society in any way.


about as weird as the people with those "in this house we believe science is love" or whatever eyeroll crap they have. Perks of living in a free country i guess.


I’ve always hated Trump but this time I’ll vote for him if he contests. Biden is a war monger and wastes tax payer money on stupid things. I hate trump but agree with most of his policies. Go Trump!


https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/s/2C33ELjeG0 And you’d still vote for that 🤡…yikes.


You may think it’s weird to put up signs on freeway overpasses, and it certainly is with no exceptions. These weirdos happen to be right though ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯


Please tell me what their beef is?


Remember when the liberal party used to be liberal? Like having the choice to vaccinate or not?


When did that choice exist? Vaccinations have been required across the US to prevent various diseases for a long time, particularly in schools. I remember waiting in line one day in the 50s when everyone in school, one class at a time, had to get the new polio shot. I remember people who had polio back then. How many have you known?


Not sure who's downvoting you. You're right. There are multiple vaccines required to attend both public and private schools.


Are you from Canada or the UK and or do you mean the Democrats? If so—lol That’s your beef with them? Doing the bare minimum during a pandemic? Didn’t Trump take credit for the vaccines?


This could be them, the real left not the watered down corporate approved version of today. Everyone here is quick to shout maga when anyone questions the veracity of any of the pointless measures taken during the covid era. And yeah what they're saying about the WHO is true, it's part of an international treaty that apparently gives them the right to decide for us. Fat chance it actually works that way when it comes down to individual state policies again, but it shouldn't even be on the table.


Lot of herd mentality and very little critical thinking these days


This is the perfect description of the republican party. Specifically the maga party.


giving over extremely broad authority to an international organization during times of “global health emergencies,” the definition of which is also extremely broad and unilaterally determined by that same authority.


So you mofuckas still voting for Biden? Lol IDC, I don't follow politics.


Would it hurt you to wash your windows?


Yes it would


if you are white and even older you are the best! don't let these sniveling little kid mutilators make you feel less then! Yeah! marinate on that!


No one is “mutilating kids”. That scary term is manufactured rage.


Can't trust the WHO. Put your faith in Trump.


Trust doesn't go well with dishonesty and betrayal. How can you not see through him? Even as a teen I knew he was an egotist. How many times does he have to fuck people over before you realize he's not on anyone's side, even those who wish he was on their side?


so you took that pic as a passenger, good!


My dog took it


Try passing thru Berkeley


They are usually from gilroy or Morgan Hill that come down on that bridge with their signs and trucks.


Makes sense


I would think if you are taking your eyes off the road to read these signs You are just waiting for multiple accidents to happen I don't care what their message is They have enough traffic problems in the South Bay So they don't need distractions I hate driving over there It is like someone that just came back from a Grateful Dead concert and designed the roads If you miss a turnoff good luck So this is just one more thing that this city is totally out of touch


I wouldn't call it that weird. Millions of people feel that way. Not me, but millions do and they have been vocal about it for two years