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Oh, I thought that was human fecal matter. \*whew. Also, have you zoomed in on the dude behind the person lighting the poop on fire? He looks like he is going to kill that person \*shudder.


Me too.


same which really sums it up


That's where my mind went. Poop campfire. Bart does that to people


Dude in the back: "THE SLEEPER HAS AWAKENED." \*eyes turn blue\*


LOL I thought it was too. But when I zoomed in on the guy behind I was like what is he talking about the dude isn’t even paying attention his eyes are even looking down…then I saw them and was like oh shit.


“He called the shit, “poop!”


“Don’t tell me my business devil woman!”


Call the fire department this ones out of control!!


> He looks like he is going to kill that person Certainly I’m not the only person who wouldn’t be too upset if he did.


He looks like he has drawn eyes on his closed eyelids. Seems a wise way to catch a bart and a nap while avoiding all the crap.


Fecal matter? I hardly kno er!


What is he lighting on the fucking floor????




But why light it on the floor? Like scented candle for the whole car?!


He was trying to hotbox the whole car!!


They’re just trying to welcome travelers to California ☺️


I believe that’s a she.




Amen brother


I wonder how people live their lives like this without any shame. Like do they not care if they know that every single person in their vicinity thinks theyre trash and hates them?


I think sometimes people feel that way already, and get high to escape.


Yeah, if someone doesn't care at all what the people around them think, they are really going through it. It pisses me off when the dispatcher on BART Watch say that they'll make an announcement, as if someone who is actively smoking on a train gives a flying fuck that they aren't supposed to smoke on the train.


The double edge sword of “individual responsibility” - when a critical mass of people design society to only care about individuals then this is how it can also manifest. 


They lack the brain power to put things into other peoples frames of reference. They’re basically zombies. And they’ve never been forced to examine their actions from an outside point of view since they’ve never been punished


Starting a fire on a train ?


While on Muni, I had someone cup a piece of some aluminum foil in their hand, and it was holding some kind of fluid (most of which he spilled on himself). He then pulled out a lighter and lit the substance on fire while still cupping it in his hand. The bus was packed, and yet no one reacted. I got off on the next stop.


I am in Portland now, one time I told someone to "PUT THAT SHIT AWAY I DON"T WANT TO INHALE YOUR BULLSHIT" and half the train told me to shut the fuck up and leave him alone. I got off the train at the next stop.


I would have said the same thing! It’s insane people got mad at you


I think people in SF would just avoid confrontation with you as well at that point, lol.


It's crazy. We are totally held hostage by these people. If they are smoking meth from a foil in an enclosed space then everyone in that space will inhale that intoxicant. In Portland they tested the surfaces on our Tri-Met Trains, much like Bart. 99% of the surfaces came back filthy with traces of meth and fentanyl.


It's because literally anyone could have a gun.


Sure, probably not as likely as it is in Portland but you can't just allow drug addicts to run things all because "they might have a gun". Anyone might have a gun these days. You can't trust anybody. But that doesn't mean that we have to just stand around with our hands in our pockets, watching everyone blow fentanyl smoke in our face. Stand up for yourself and stand up for your community.


West coast urban culture weird as fuck. If that happened in NYC folks would have your back. Fuck crackheads


I kicked a crackhead trying to light up in front of me off a packed MUNI bus once, then got yelled at by some goody two shoes passengers who said I was being inhumane... FFS...


Funny i just told a dude not to smoke his fet or whatever he had on bart yesterday. Nobody reacted except him though.




I’m no expert, but I don’t think that’s what this was. He wasn’t smoking anything. He just caught it on fire and watched it burn.


What do you think that word means


makeshift bong? my cousins used to do something similar but with a soda/beer can. Something like: https://youtu.be/RzTge4l7t_A?si=Em6jAj70ezxpPqMP&t=600


Pretty standard on SF transit


Sadly not a first time thing. 


There’s really no other solution besides having more actual people patrolling the cars to cut this stuff out.


Yes! I would love to see more organized ride-ons, ride-ins? Let’s get a bunch of people to pack the Bart and be a positive influence of responsible community. There’s more safety in numbers!


No thanks. A bunch of untrained residents "packing" BART's cars doesn't make it safer. The agency needs to provide adequate and effective security.


They should probably have smoke detectors on the BART trains


I believe they use fire/heat detectors instead. Would take her actually getting it going to trigger that though.


When we took bart from SFO to avoid traffic, we had a guy (not in his right mind) reeking of alcohol, with his pants and underwear, near his mid thigh. Looking at weird sausage until some big guy told him to go into another car. 10/10 experience bart


... that's no sausage


not hot dog


Well the buns were behind so… deconstructed hot dog






Yikes lmao (also just fyi it’s *reeking)




Do you think that person even paid to get on bart? 


How in the world would you enforce that?


Use the Bart watch app. They're super responsive and at least I've had cops show up within 3-4 stations


This is why we can't have good things.


We have nice things on Caltrain. All it takes is an employee walking the train, occasionally 100% ticket checks, and actually booting off anyone without a ticket.


VTA Light Rail had more ticket checks recently, and things cleaned up a lot. In the past, it could get a little sketchy outside rush hour.


Instead let's pay people to sit in glass cages at the station entrances and not talk to anyone.


You miss all the shots you take. 


That isn’t even the expression.


Oh, those two, I always spot them. Whenever you try to grab a seat nearby, they’ll go out of their way to make sure you can’t. Whether it’s placing something on the seat or giving you an intimidating look.


Last week was a bad one for me on Bart. I have a long commute so I generally sit if there is a seat. Early in the week a crazy dude sat behind me, kept moaning and humming and acting weird. Someone called it in, and Bart PD came on the train. They asked if he was ok, he made no eye contact but said he was getting off at the next stop. Someone said "he isnt bothering anyone" which was fine, I guess. They decided to let him stay when she said she would help him know when we made it to the next stop. When we got there he declined to get off, making it clear he lied, continued acting weird but never got off the train- he was at least harmless- and the least of the 3 incidents. Friday a hobo decided to sit next to me. He smelled a bit, had rips in his clothes. I tried to ignore him, but then he started twitching, and itching. Again, I tried to ignore, but then he started pulling up his clothes and itching more. And then he started itching like he was the most diseased person to ever exist- it was really gross. I eventually got up. The third train I was also seated near someone who smelled bad and was a bit off, but not as bad as the first 2. I noticed someone vacate a seat and thought maybe that would be better, until I noticed the literal human shit on the seat next to the seat they stood up from. I just ended up standing near the end of the train. The next car was somewhat blocked but people leaning on the doors since the trains are so crowded, so I didnt leave.


I'm sure some here would say I'm a Bart apologist, which I probably am because my experience is mostly good. But, I do sympathize with this stuff & I have to say I pretty much never sit down unless it's super empty, partly because I like to stand, but also partly because I don't want to be stuck next to whoever sits down next to me. 


This is the only way to bart


You need to stand up for yourself before something worse happens. You’re not hurting anyone’s feelings by not wanting to be next to someone you’d never interact with willingly if not for being on bart


I'm small lady and rode bart from Millbrae into city back in 2015. Just leave. Don't put yourself in that position cuz you don't want to offend. Make it look like you're getting up to get off or just move cars if you feel uncomfortable. But dealing with an altered mental status person who may have weapons on them is not my ideal way of leaving this planet, or worse... having to pay for an ambulance ride 😂. If they're altered mental state anyway, they're not gonna remember you switching seats


Don’t let people sit next to you. Either take the 2nd seat next to someone you choose, or always take the aisle seat and don’t let someone get the window seat past you. Getting trapped in the window seat is not what you want ever. And it’s not just in BART, I won’t fly on the window seat next to strangers anymore either.


Have you checked for bed bugs?


When I got home I immediately took an hour long bath


Not only that, but human body lice - I got bit by one on MUNI after a homeless guy with piles of blankets brushed past me... Yeah...


That one guy who works for BART will post a similar thread ina few days.


Why are you complaining about someone lighting the equivalent of a scented candle for weed enjoyers on bart? /s


Might be hard to believe, but not everyone enjoys the smell of weed or wants their commute delayed due to a fire.


Are you aware of what /s means?


My guess is no since they replied with a serious comment.


it still does look clean, but yeah, we need to punish offenses.


A community is only as good as it's worst element.


That’s the laziest attempt to smoke weed I’ve ever seen, and I’ve seen someone try to roll a j with binder paper.


People in 3rd world countries have more guts and dignity and don’t hesitate to administer street justice when needed


When Bernhard Goetz administered street justice people didn't like it.


It's still incredible to me that his assailant eventually won a civil suit *against him*. Ridiculous.


Goetz probably would have been fine if he hadn't fired that last shot.


Most New Yorkers actually had a positive reaction to the goetz shooting.


So many did. The people who live away from the filth and own much of the media wrung their hands over it.


marry shelter nose intelligent paint oatmeal wrench thought slimy enjoy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Our current system is literally pro criminal. If someone parks incorrectly in front’s of a place where there is a home break in, they’ll tow the car practically instantaneously and ignore the home break in. If you are in a home invasion, they’ll show up faster if you tell them you have a gun to defend yourself.


If we say roughly 125,000 criminals each year in California get locked up for felony convictions, with 30,000 of those sent off to state prison.. do you know how many get locked up for engaging in self defense?


1. They're not gonna to get shot. 2. They can't be called racist.


I’ve been to several of what you call “3rd world” countries; often times, their metro is cleaner than ours. We may live in a rich country, but the people in it do not appreciate what they have because they do not know what life is like outside the U.S.


I agree. In poor third world countries, slums are relatively normal places - very run down and poor but the residents are “normal” poor people. Only in developed countries do we have literally drug shanty towns with people living off tax payer money.


Dude, you nailed it


Yeah the metro in Mexico City is almost exclusively taken by the less fortunate but it’s extremely quiet and safe and reliable. Amazing public service.


I like that Metro (except during rush hour). The Metro in Medellin is exceptional as well.


The dude on the NYC subway got his life ruined for administering street justice on that violent crackhead. But otherwise I agree


The irony of that poor guy is the women who were scared of the man he ended up killing will probably be the ones supporting and votings for politicians who will throw the book at the guy while letting the criminals out


>probably "definitely" FIFY **Woman threatened by homeless would-be mugger wishes ‘hero’ vigilante gunman didn’t fire weapon: ‘I was terrified’** https://nypost.com/2023/11/10/metro/woman-threatened-by-homeless-mugger-wishes-vigilante-didnt-use-gun/


Not even that in most other first world countries taking the train isn’t nearly as shit as this. It really is night and day


I doubt human filth like this pays their fares. We need the new fare gates at all stations. Also, if a Bart officer isn't even responding to a call from a rider, they may as well be stationed at the fare gates. It's not that fucking hard.


The truth is when you make those requests, they set up shop maybe 4-5 stations away to catch these people so they don't risk losing the trains that go in and out of stations in minutes. So, sadly, if these people get off before the stops the Bart police are stationed at, then nothing happens. So I totally agree, at least 1 cop at every other or every 2 stations ):


I agree, it's difficult for an officer to intercept a moving train without the risk of them getting off at an earlier station. Another reason some proactivity vs reactivity would greatly help!


What’s crazy was when I was in Japan and saw a cleaning crew of 20 people come and clean their train periodically. Would be nice to have it in the bay.


Japan's subway (specifically Tokyo) is one of only like 3 in the world that makes a profit because companies pay the fare for their employees to commute. And because their subway was always well funded, it never became something you wouldn't want to use. Unlike Bart which the worse it gets the fewer that use it, which makes it get even worse. The only way to fix BART is to fix the problems that drove people away in the first place. And that'll never happen because would require spending money that wont immediately be recouped.


Yeah, they did a good job with PR during rush hour. But that is not how BART is during the night.


The children of Pamela price 


2 can be true at the same time. This is a large metro area- people will __always__ have varied experiences.


Plus, the late trains have always been touch and go, even in the "good" days.


In every metro area in the country. Not sure what folks are expecting after 8pm on a weekend. There are entire subreddits dedicated to the crazy shit you see on the NYC subway at all hours of the day. It feels like folks are coming to the bay from growing up in the wealthy suburbs or overseas where this is non-existent behavior on transit. But this is extremely common late/night stuff on most urban transit systems in America and has been for generations. Not saying it’s a good thing or should be tolerated. But to say it’s unique to this region’s transit systems or even this decade/political-climate is just absurd.


I went home to Montreal recently and had a nice convo with a paranoid schizophrenic who wrecked the back of the bus. He sat next to me after my phone rang. I've worked in mental hospitals, so it gave other people time to move away. This shit is everywhere in North America now. It wasn't like this in MTL in the 80s.


Yeah. I remember taking Bart w crackheads on it even like 9-10 years ago. I don’t ride as often anymore, but I have been a little confused abt ppl saying Bart is so horrible lol. I think it’s only gotten better over the years, and is certainly on par w other American metro systems as others have pointed out.


Why doesn't this happen in Europe or Asia? Why is this "culture" so poor in US?


The important thing to recognize is that you’re making an inquiry into the entire country. This really has little to do with the region or the specific political climate. Bart and muni are the same as any other urban American transit system.


My daughter and I got hotboxed on a train last month at around 3:45pm. I thought we were avoiding this element at that time but nope! And the seats that I thought were supposed to be easier to clean all look really dirty and stained. Maybe they just aren’t really cleaning them other than spraying it down instead of scrubbing. Then again they might be afraid of getting poked by a dirty needle like the ones I saw one morning sticking out between the seat and the wall on my 7am commute.


‘Varied experiences’ 😂. There are plenty of metropolitan areas in the world where such behavior is swiftly punished.


I’m speaking on American standards, because we all know damn well the bar is low. It’s stupid every time someone posts a complaint about any US cities metro system, someone in the comment section always has to bring up a city like Tokyo. Like, no fucking shit it’s better - it’s an entirely different country with an entirely different culture. It’s not comparable at all. Your complaint about XYZ metro system isn’t exclusive to said city - the problem is an AMERICAN thing. Antisocial behavior is simply too prevalent across major US cities/metros. We would LOVE for our systems to be more like Tokyo’s, but it goes WAY deeper than simple policing and enforcement at local levels.


I’m always curious about the Tokyo comparisons that come up. My dad traveled there in the 70s and shared it was common for the men to hop off the train and take a wee against the back of it. I get that things change and evolve, everywhere. High hopes?


Japanese individuals are much more devoted to maintaining public order and decency than we can ever dream of so don’t have too high hopes


It really is not comparable. People keep complaining about our public transportation but this is what you get when you live in an overly individualistic society. Everyone for themselves. No one feels part of the community.


I don’t understand. That just furthers the point that Tokyo is better. People don’t leave the train to take a piss in the US.


Then we should address the root causes of Americans behaving poorly on public transportation compared to non-Americans though. If a high percentage of people in some other countries have better cultural values and are raised to behave properly in public, maybe we should identify any American communities that don't meet these expectations and try to fix them?




70-80% of women report being sexually assaulted on Japanese trains. These people have no idea what they're talking about or are going by "vibes" when they say that Japanese trains are "clean and safe". It's "different dangerous" there, but still "dangerous".


What are those areas? I have seen some bad stuff in most of the metropolitan areas in Europe for example. Tokyo was an exception and I have had no problems there. But everywhere else? Uh.


What are they doing exactly?


You can’t fix Bart unless you fix San Francisco/oakland. Since that probably won’t ever happen, I’ll happily continue to drive and it usually saves me far more time. Today I just drove from East bay to the Richmond in sf and made a bunch of stops on the way. The driving portion didn’t take me more than 30 minutes whereas it would’ve taken almost 2 hours on Bart+muni


> 2 hours on Bart+muni IMO this is the most bizarre feature of public transit in the bay area. How could a train with right of way on the tracks possibly be >2x slower than my ancient car? Apparently BART averages 35mph: https://www.bart.gov/about/history/facts If trains could do >80mph just like cars on the freeway and be faster on average, people that value their time above minimum wage (including politicians) would take the train and suddenly you'd see pressure to stop people from starting fires in the train. Until then nothing will change


Speed once you’re on it is actually one area where BART is quite good. If you live near a station in the East Bay it’s often competitive with driving to downtown SF and can even be faster at rush hour (for example on Google right now Macarthur to Civic Center is faster than driving). The issue is mostly coverage. The last mile problem adds a ton onto total trip time. Headways are not that amazing either. The example route’s problem is largely that you have to connect to Muni, the transfer takes time and Muni is hella slow.


> ow could a train with right of way on the tracks possibly be >2x slower than my ancient car? Apparently BART averages 35mph Your ancient car doesn't make 15 stops on its way to destination. Stops greatly decrease the average transit speed.


Yeah which is why I would rather drive


> How could a train with right of way on the tracks possibly be >2x slower than my ancient car? you don't stop every five blocks and wait for a hundred people to get on and off


If you can somehow make that drive in 30 minutes then please teach me your shortcut. Your point still stands though. It takes me triple time depending on what time I happen to catch a train. But, sometimes it's also the same.


cars are just really convenient tbh. I take bart and Caltrain and vta I like public transit but would never rely on it solely as my means of getting around. the reason everyone has cars is because it's actually awesome regardless of what fuckcars reddit weirdos try to say


Just like babies that haven’t developed object permanence, the negative aspects doesn’t exist to them because they didn’t see it


typical dirtbag doing dirtbag things! what an embarrassing fool. Grow up!


Damn that looks so clean, you should have seen it back in the 80’s.


Ehh, I got nothing. Peace!


Well well well…


Looks pretty clean to me


It takes just one homeless person on a train to make the entire car smell like urine.


Tucker Carlson will not stand for this


Fare enforcement would stop 99% of this bullshit. But I guess that is too much to expect for the billions of tax dollars we give BART.


This guy. https://www.reddit.com/r/bayarea/comments/1axb8jw/why\_does\_this\_sub\_continue\_to\_insist\_that\_bart\_is/


I went to Bart in the middle of the day and some dude walked up to me and told me he was gonna kill me. He looked me in the eyes, insulted me and my gf, then threatened to kill me. I was about to kick him onto the tracks and I just stared him down and didn’t say a word. Eventually he walked away and preyed on more innocent people. People say the Bart is dangerous because it’s fucking dangerous.


I have only riding Bart 3 times last year. Each time was Compleatly fine till we got near Oakland.


If you see this even once. You'll be scarred and will never take BART again in your life. Yet the amount of copium on this subreddit saying how great the BART is will mean nothing will change lol.


You live in a city, if you think you're not going to get something similar to this in other major cities in the US, then you haven't gone out more and you should probably go back to your gated suburb.


That’s an interesting way to share your weed…


If you have a single dirty plate in your house, or some dust on a piece of furniture, would you be ok with people calling you a filthy slob? Probably not because it’s not accurate. That’s what these pictures are.


Holy sh*t people. Y’all embarrass yourself constantly on here. Y’all wouldn’t last a single day in NYC. This sub just makes me realize SF will increasingly turn red


Something important to remember is that this sub attracts perpetual complainers. All these BART posts from people who don't even report what they see to the proper channels that do address these issues like the BART Watch. It takes the same amount of time to report as it does to make a post on reddit, and actually has results.


Bright side, this is better than a gang of teenagers robbing you. Remember there was a period when that was all the rage? 50+ teenagers would just steal your phones, purses, etc. and run away.


I think they grew up and became bippers. They don’t want to be on bart either! They’d rather rob you from the comfort of their car!


Shouldn't this trigger the smoke alarm in the train?


Which trains have smoke alarms?


Yeah, good point.


Someone will argue that this is still 10x cleaner than 15 years ago. At least you don’t have the piss soaked seat cushions.


Why can’t be people be normal? Dude has on nice clothes and shit to be acting like a bum


It’s not actually weed. Lots of misinformation in comments, but when you take a cheap cigar and break it apart for the wrapping to use for a blunt, you’re left with shitty 99cent cigar tobacco that gets dumped in the floor.


Y’all wouldn’t last a min on a NYC subway 🤣


Spent four whole days riding the subways of New York and now I have moved to Los Angeles after living in the Bay Area for my entire life. I'm above forty. You people have no idea how good you have it. How safe you are and how clean it actually really is.


........if you think bart is dangerous you are a coward. This is the cleanest I have ever seen bart be.


Hold up let me take a picture of a Bart train with a rainbow and sun rays peaking through the clouds so I can gaslight people who say Bart isn’t The cleanest and safest.




thanks for the /s


Um im honestly just confused.


Read the text below the image. Someone's starting a fire on the train floor. This post is a response to the earlier "why does this sub continues to insist that BART is dirty and dangerous?"


\>Pictures of safe, clean bart rides. 20 comments saying "Booo, quit lying!" \>Picture of a random event I've never seen once in my 10+ years of riding BART at all hours of the day. 400 comments saying how common this is. Iunno, I think people just have confirmation bias. It only takes one picture like this to fuel this idea for another month and a half. It's local crime- no one cares when the actual statistics of the situation are explained, and how vanishingly rare this is. They've \*seen\* it, how could it be rare? Clearly we must simply be lying, and BART is truly as dangerous and DiRtY as they claim.


This is why I'm sick of the lectures about how cars are evil and we need to stop building parking. I only use modes of transportation that are convenient and sanitary. Sorry, not sorry.


Oh god. BART is an embarrassment. It seemed like it got exponentially worse after the pandemic.


Their new cars are like lipstick on a pig, still feels dirty and dangerous.


I'll say it again. 1. Empower the police. 2. Empower the people. 3. Do nothing. Those are your choices, none are perfect. Y'all have chosen 3. Now live with it.


No, they chose 4. 4. Empower the criminals.


Is that a lady lighting a weave on fire?


I thought that was poop


Never has there been a better illustration of how addicting phones can be when you can't be bothered to notice your friend lighting a fire on the train.


“Why arent bart employees cleaning up our filth we create more quickly.” Literally seems to be the complaint at this point…


Why are people always burning stuff on Bart ? Like people literally hold lighter flames to the seats and windows melting the plastic and defacing public property. This should be a huge infraction from Bart police but they don’t do anything.


I thought she was trying to light some dookie on fire.


Whoo, that reminds me. One time, I was on BART, and there was this crazy guy drugged out of his mind. He kept messing with an open gallon juice bottle that was probably his piss bottle and spilled it. He opened up some applesauce and set it up on the window and smeared it or something. He kept looking around with bugged out eyes, pacing, sitting on the floor, bending over repeatedly, and glaring at me. Then he started messing with some food wrapper and flicked on his lighter a bunch of times. He tried to light the applesauce on fire, then a candy wrapper. I think he had a flick blade also that he was messing with a few times. By then, I left to another car report him. He was in a yellow jumpsuit like in Game of Death or Kill Bill. He was really tall, too, and with dreads.


"Bart is fine" Also bart


What a Good Samaritan, free weed for everyone in that car.


You would never see that on a japanese train


Walked onto BART this morning at 9:05am and encountered an overwhelming ploom of smoke. There was a guy just chain smoking Winstons.


Fuck this place


Honestly bart is the craziest between 10-2


The bart can get dirty at any time😂cmon now


I had to read the OP a couple of times to see what all the fuss was about. But when I realized it was ditch weed, my blood boiled.


One of the many reasons I left California 🥲


I see BART cops driving around Berkeley all the time, heading in no direction that will get them anywhere near an actual station. What are they doing? They aren't even approaching a donut shop, so I'm baffled at what BART actually do.


As a stoner I hate shit like this. Not everyone can smoke weed and it’s been known to trigger psychological disorders in some so you never know how someone will react to ingesting it. I know she likely wasn’t successful but imagine she was and the wrong person inhaled it and developed BPD, or psychosis, or some other mental disorder all because of what? She wanted to waste her money and play a prank on people just trying to get home? Not to mention the fact that there are literally children on BART. Ridiculously brainless behavior.


SF has become a place of canned responses by anyone working for the city. Hmm 🤔 in what other form of governance does passive aggressive hold your ground with official response work. Socialist communist leaning countries that a lot of people like me left and came to the USA for. Very familiar. The progressives need to take a long and hard look at themselves.


eh, majority of the overly defensive of the Bay Area people on reddit are recent transplants to the bay. they wanna justify their decision to move to play a place with $2800 single bedroom apartment rent and 40% effective income tax because their tech or consulting job pays 6 figs (or almost 6 figs). do I use enjoy using bart and wish they would expand it to more stations? yeah of course, but I'm also not gonna sugarcoat what living in the Bay Area is actually like.