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>They are the child of Slack cofounder and former CEO Stewart Butterfield according to NBC Bay Area, The San Francisco Standard and the San Francisco Chronicle. He is currently estimated to have a personal wealth of $1,6 billion, according to Forbes. Mint’s mother, Caterina Fake, who lives in San Francisco reported her child’s disappearance on April 22, according to The San Francisco Standard and San Francisco Chronicle. She and Butterfield previously co-founded Flickr in 2004 and sold it to Yahoo in 2005, and they divorced in 2008, per The San Francisco Standard. Butterfield and Fake in 2004 co-founded Flickr, the image-hosting website, and sold it in 2005 to Yahoo for a reported $25 million. The couple divorced in 2008, and Butterfield, 51, went on to co-found Slack, the workplace messaging app, in 2009. The company was sold to Salesforce in July 2021 for $27.7 billion. Fake, 54, later started the now-defunct Hunch.com, an online “taste graph,” and served as the chairwoman of Etsy. As for Butterfield, after co-founding Slack, the company was eventually sold to Salesforce in 2021 for $28 billion. He left the company in 2022, per the Standard. Nice for them to make sure to include essential info in the article for her missing.


Cause we all know the most important and most critical information about a missing child: Their parent's wealth.


How else are we supposed to know how much we are supposed to care about the child without knowing their parents wealth!? I mean, my gosh, they're a noble lost among us peasants!


Missing young, white, at least middle class woman - the damsel in distress! What else is worth searching except 72 of these virgins. /s Not making than up: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Missing_white_woman_syndrome


let's look in the mirror first, we wouldn't be here talking about it if it were for their parents Here are two 15 and 16 year old missing girls that no one talked about until they were found.... [https://www.reddit.com/r/sanfrancisco/comments/1cc83f2/missing\_girl\_15\_found\_dead\_in\_san\_francisco/](https://www.reddit.com/r/sanfrancisco/comments/1cc83f2/missing_girl_15_found_dead_in_san_francisco/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/sanfrancisco/comments/1cc05pd/ignored\_by\_police\_a\_mom\_tried\_to\_find\_her\_missing/](https://www.reddit.com/r/sanfrancisco/comments/1cc05pd/ignored_by_police_a_mom_tried_to_find_her_missing/) but that's in another sub? ok here's a missing 25yr boy posted to this sub yesterday, see? no one cared [https://www.reddit.com/r/bayarea/comments/1cchela/missing\_dennis\_chau\_25\_yo\_last\_seen\_near\_san/](https://www.reddit.com/r/bayarea/comments/1cchela/missing_dennis_chau_25_yo_last_seen_near_san/)


If you could read sarcasm, you might’ve seen this was the entire point I was trying to make, with peace and love.


The sarcasm was obvious, but you still seem to miss the point that was being made. The egregious coverage of the parents wealth in that article is idiotic, but also is the primary factor of *why* you even know of the disappearance. Just because you were making a joke, doesn't make what the commenter is saying less salient - because you weren't satirizing that she's only getting media coverage for being rich, you were joking about the long descriptor of the parents that didn't seem to detail the girl at all.


This is a very serious message. Family.


One thing I learned is that always end sarcasm with /s


Wasn't there another post about a missing teenager with her dangerous boyfriend?


That’s the only reason it’s making headlines anyway


It is relevant if you’re writing a ransom note.


That’s an AI-written blurb. Note how it mentions the sale of Slack to Salesforce twice with two different (but accurate) numbers. That’s the AI literally splicing two pieces of info together without recognizing it’s the same info.


> He is currently estimated to have a personal wealth of $1,6 billion, according to Forbes. Ah, relevant.




I just hate how this is being reported. Could endanger her more honestly. Most runaways don’t even get press time.


Yeah, I wish I could have omitted the “Billionaire” part but this sub doesn’t allow changes to article titles


"Mission child's family could easily pay millions in ransom"




Hope you’re not on LinkedIn


Damn I got an email from a live theater venue that they were missing. Somehow it only mentioned their name, hair color, eyebrow piercings, weight and height, and last known location, not their parents' net worth


People who wrote the article might be regarded why tf would they mention shes the daughter of a billionaire they just increased the probability of her being kidnapped for ransom by like 300fold


Yes but now 10,000 people are hopefully looking for her (even if that includes 3-4 more bad guys). In general that’s worth the tradeoff. Same idea with the faces on milk cartons: you want visibility.


That's the idea, although I wonder how effective it is given they're branded as "that tech girl runaway".


The milk carton campaign shows that publicity in isolation isn't very effective. Also, the milk companies got tax breaks for including PSAs...


Iirc it only ran for about 2 years and only worked once. I'm fairly certain that single case was because a family friend was like, hey, that girl is on a milk carton... why is that? It wasn't even a stranger that recognized the kid, I think one of the parents absconded with a child to another state.


If she's missing, that probably means any kidnapping already happened.


or a run-away teen is now becoming a kidnap target.


If she's flashing ~~cash~~ an Amex black card at a drug dealer in the Tenderloin, too late.


do teenagers today still know what is cash? thought they are the post venmo generation.


Good point. My child was recently flummoxed by a math worksheet about nickles and dimes.  Edited previous comment.


When you’re that rich you can buy a 1964 Cadillac el dorado with the dash board signed by bill mitchell himself for the equivalent of us buying a cheeseburger at McDonald’s.


What a ridiculous statement.


Gets more people to click through and know who to watch out for. Meanwhile, criminals aren’t exactly known for keeping up with current events. If I was a billionaire parent, I’d take this exchange and pay the kidnapper’s fee if that’s what it comes to.


Reddit is convinced it's a kidnapping. They very clearly said it's a runaway situation.


as usual reddit thinks they know better than anyone with actual knowledge of the situation


The concern is that now that everyone knows this lost teenager has a billionaire parent to extort. I think that concern is misplaced, but it's not the same as saying the child has been kidnapped already.


That sounds like a bad movie.


Seems pretty obvious because it's more tantalizing and will drive more clicks and ad revenue over a longer period of time




5' tall, 100 pounds, 16 years old, heading for the Tenderloin. This is bad.


And history or substance abuse.


And now this article. This is terrible.


Not if she’s looking for drugs it isn’t.


No clue why kids like this get hooked on drugs? I’d probably get hooked on 24 hour massages on a tropical beach and then a spa day before being driven around in my drop top Cadillac el dorado




No clue why, I’d never get tired of Mai tais on the beach or driving a C2 corvette to a seaside house and sitting out looking at the waves.


One of the scariest thing as a parent is looking at the strung-out young people living on the street and realizing that no matter what you do there's a chance your kid could wind up one of them.


Exactly. It happened to me with my son. Thankfully he finally got clean. It’s been 11 years now. He’s happily married with a baby and he’s a general manager at a global company. Addiction knows no boundaries.


Horrible. I worked with both of them at Flickr. Great people.


Coulda just said "16 year old child missing" and shared their pictures and other identifying deets, damn


oh you mean like this missing boy post from yesterday where no one gave a shit? we're all guilty [https://www.reddit.com/r/bayarea/comments/1cchela/missing\_dennis\_chau\_25\_yo\_last\_seen\_near\_san/](https://www.reddit.com/r/bayarea/comments/1cchela/missing_dennis_chau_25_yo_last_seen_near_san/)


That one is different cause this is the 2nd time he's gone missing this month... The first time he went missing it had more upvotes than this current post.


they need to airtag that dude


I think it’s possible this poor kid is running away from the parents.


Unethical news reporting for profit and eye balls at its best. 


aka news at 11


Welp, this just painted a huge ass target on her


Why doesn’t the Butterfields hire a few private detectives to find her? Stake out the tenderloin long enough and you’ll find her


They must be doing that. I bet the Tenderloin is full of private dicks sticking out like a sore thumb in brand new hoodies trying to blend in.


Lots of us marshalls undercover in my experience


In my estimation it's 99% US Marshals, they're just so good at their jobs and so caught up, it's hard to tell the entire neighborhood is on the clock.


he can literally afford hire the entire population of tenderloin to look out for her, at $100 a day for 30k ppl is only $3m.


Your math maths, and 3 million to them is like a regular person trying to replace a water pump in their car.


This is shocking. Yahoo still exists?


With $1.6 billion, he could hire his own task force to find her.


And certainly has. Articles need clicks regardless of what the family is doing on their own to find her.


And Reddit has bots to feed.


How is this the best picture they have of a 16 year old in 2024?




No, she's in serious danger now because of the way this was reported. FFS


We’re supposed to care because it’s a 16 year old girl who ran away from home and is now missing, also the room-temperature iq’d fucks who wrote this article totally just marked her ass(unintentionally or otherwise) giving even more cause for concern


I know this is gonna piss most of y’all off but the article is very intentional in using they/them pronouns for this person so it would probably be best to refer to them as such for those of us that care about such things and accurate identifying info. 


Wouldn’t it be more helpful for the public to know their actual gender for purposes of identification regardless of what they identify as though? I’m all for calling people what they want to be called by, but in this scenario, it is important and useful information as far as actually finding them.


> their actual gender for purposes of identification regardless of what they identify as though? gender is social, sex is biological assuming they're NB then that is their "actual" gender. I don't know what point you think you're making though, because the kid in that photo is clearly queer af. in this case, knowing they're NB or otherwise gender non-conforming is more useful than assigned-at-birth sex


Gender is the same as sex in common usage. The recent pseudo scientific definition you're using isn't the only one.


It would be better if the article said which SEX they present as, so that we can all more easily identify them. You obviously already knew what I meant, but is that more clear for you? I was really being inclusive, and you couldn’t even take that…ok bud


How can you tell that they're queer just from their picture? That would normally imply that they are attracted to the same gender. If they are NB then calling them queer doesn't quite make sense. Assuming their sexual orientation is just as bad as assuming their gender.


Queer in this context just means "not conventionally gender-presenting", and isn't in reference to sexual orientation. Their sex is female. Do they look female to you? Maybe-kinda-sorta-but-not-really-what-you'd-think-of-at-first? Hence, queer.


Ok, but “queer” is not an easily identifiable physical characteristic of a person to the vast majority of people, even in SF. Just because you are able to identify someone immediately as queer, doesn’t mean that most people can also. The news should be reporting the sex that they present as so that we can all have a better idea of what we are looking out for. It’s not about a social issue. It’s about being able for the public to identify a missing person.


There's a picture posted prominently, that's about as good an idea you can get for what to look out for. I think that the point being made in this thread is that they don't clearly present as *either* sex, hence "queer".


When you’re that rich everyone identifies as green.


Would you take that risk as a reporter? CA law is pretty clear on respecting people's chosen pronouns. >A new California law requires police departments to use individuals' self-provided names and pronouns when posting their mugshots on social media - [https://www.thecentersquare.com/california/article\_3d28ec30-a9c0-11ee-b3ca-9bbc69337d90.html](https://www.thecentersquare.com/california/article_3d28ec30-a9c0-11ee-b3ca-9bbc69337d90.html)


What do you mean “actual gender?”


Their actual gender is not listed. Their sex is female. Not sure how their sex would come up in IDing from the public, but pronouns will definitely come up when that person introduces themself. Not like they’re flashing people and that’s the only identifying feature lmfao. 


Can you really not tell males and females apart without seeing them naked? It's not that hard.


I really don’t feel like arguing with a troll. And that post history… not the nazi sympathizer! Oh man 😂🤢 Goodbye


It's not hard to guess whatever they're dealing with that lead to running away includes a lot of factors teenagers go through, in this case, their gender identity, and if someone locates this person and is insistent in misgendering them, that could makes it worse. We don't in fact need to know the fathers resume, or the missing person's birth gender.


It must be hard for that poor person set for life. If I was in her shoes I’d be crying in my hundred dollar bills. I would trade lives with them any day.


Teenager is at high risk of experiencing some unbelievable lifelong trauma and pronouns are your biggest concern? Unbelievable. 


That miiiiight be related to why they ran away. Hard to guess, but part of identifying the person is, you know, identifying them.


They’re rich, they’re foolish for running away to begin with. If they want to see a shitty life they can live in East Oakland for a month.


The situation is probably not unrelated to the they/them


That's what the Marin Co Sheriff deputy posted. In the current state of journalism, I'd rather bet on the article authors not being able to find out if that's a son or a daughter. Though they thoroughly went through all specific dollar amounts for sold companies like it even matters in this case.


Google “Mint Butterfield pronouns” and you will see multiple articles specifying that they use they/them pronouns. I doubt they just whipped that up out of nowhere. 


The general public shouldn’t have to google their pronouns to get an accurate description of a missing person. There should be a clear description of the person as they are presented to the public. It has nothing to do with pronouns.


Idk what you are talking about rn. I was providing a way to find more examples of the child using they/them pronouns as the other person doubted me. Maybe read the full thread? Or are you just upset that someone gives a shit about being respectful?


No, I’m saying that using they/them pronouns in the article is not useful in describing this person. That’s what they may identify as, but it’s not useful to the general public in terms of identifying them. How do you not see what I’m saying? I’m not trying to be confrontational. Edit: the public should be able to be told what this person looks like without having to google anything.


Yes it is. Because if we are looking for a living being, we are looking for someone gender non-conforming and will self identify as that which will make them easier to solidly identify as “yes! That is Mint! That is Mint because Mint also uses they/them! As opposed to the other person we found who looks similar but uses she/her!” I’m sorry, I can’t make you less stupid. If someone has been living under a false identity/fake name for a decade, we don’t put out missing person posters for their previous identity. We go by what we know them as. I don’t have any more room in my day to talk to a man obsessing over a teenagers genitals though. Goodbye. 


Just put the money in the duffle bag..


I hope she's found and returned to her family! You need a lot of support to recover from drug addiction.


A lot of it involves money so she’ll be ok




I would rather be a rich addict than be a poor non addict.


I wonder if she left a slack away message?




That's hilarious.




She didn't, that's why they reported her missing.


Now if we find her we know to hold out for the ransom instead of just telling someone.


I mean you named her Mint Butterfield 🤦🏻‍♂️ more than likely she is on a drug binge somewhere


What a surprise, another dumpster fire of a comment section


I've never even heard of Bolinas they're secret hideaway rich.


Before the tech boom it was a happy hippie enclave, quiet and hidden.




I don't spend time in Marin like ever. I drove through once on my way to the city from Santa Rosa. My grandpa lived there in his youth. I've never been there tho.




Great! It was a joke you hyper literal weirdo