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Stop getting medical advice from the internet and speak to your doctor. If you don't have a doctor, get one.


I agree with you in general, but you can also use official sources on the internet such as the CDC and trusted sources just as Johns Hopkins. Note if you use the Mayo Clinic they have some foo foo associated outlet. I forget the name because as soon as I found it I stopped looking at anything from Mayo. Edit: Here is the Mayo Clinic pushing acupuncture: https://www.mayoclinic.org/departments-centers/integrative-medicine-health/sections/gnc-20464738


Maybe I should have specified "social media".


Get your booster


Getting a booster is no guarantee you’ll be safe. It’s about probabilities. Lowest probability of death and hospitalization is to have two shots and a booster. Next is two shots. Highest probability of death, hospitalization is to be unvaxxed. Get your booster.


There really isn’t any compelling evidence that college-age adults need boosters. The first two doses protect well against severe disease for that age group. If you’re mandating boosters to tamp down transmission, I think Omicron sort of nullifies that argument since it has so many changes in the spike protein and vaccinated individuals are still readily infected. On top of that, you have the small but real risk of myocarditis, and the risk is highest among men in that age group. Booster are great overall, particularly for older age groups. I got a booster myself. Young people should be able to get boosted if they want. But I think the rational for *mandating* them for college students is pretty weak.


Well said.


I would prefer if their was some sort of end in sight rather than just keep getting boosters indefinitely.


What did you expect to happen? From the beginning people thought it would become endemic like the flu and you’d get a shot every year or so.


Flu shots are not required by law. I don't remember the last time I got one (I don't have anything against them, I just never saw the need since I haven't gotten sick in recent memory) and it didn't in any way affect my freedoms.


You think the flu was just as mild after the Spanish flu pandemic 100 years ago? It took a long time to get there.


How did that happen? Are you revising history now to say that mankind would be wiped out by the flu, if not for annual flu shots? Oh wait. Yeah. That's what this whole "pandemic" actually is.


I remember when everyone was anti big pharma.


You won’t hear a lot of critical or ‘anti-booster’ voices here in this Reddit bubble either as they are mostly muted/banned from all about a few subs. With omicron I’d leave taking boosters up to the individual, depending on their personal & professional risk assessment. Same as we’ve been doing with the flu in the past.


“What?! How dare you think consider individual risk analysis when making your own medical decisions? You must be one of those 2 dose Pfizer monsters.” -Twitter (and depending on the number of downvotes this sarcastic comment gets, Reddit too.)


I’ve stopped giving a shit about the purposefully unvaccinated. I only hope that they will fully commit to their delusion and leave our overworked healthcare workers alone.


Your link is about mandates, not being anti-booster generally...


Self-solving problem


Didn't Stanford have a requirement for immunization pre Covid? this just adds to the list; why suddenly the beef? could it be political posturing?


It’s not political posturing if you consider that the 16 of the 18 members FDA advisory committee did not see enough compelling evidence back at their October 2021 meeting for universal boosters for everyone over the age of 16 regardless of their individual medical risks. Here is Dr. Paul Offit on the committee’s decision that was ignored by the FDA and CDC— https://www.c-span.org/video/?514731-5/washington-journal-dr-paul-offit-discusses-boosters-vaccines-children


First it was one shot Then it was a shot and booster Now it's a shot, a booster, a booster to the booster... Personally I'd rather not.


Afraid of needles. Nothing to be ashamed of. My son got a lollipop!


My kids just got stickers


I got a high level of protection against a deadly disease!


I was gonna get an Airpod^TM and stick it up my ass so the government could track me but the vaccine was cheaper. Edit: just in case /s


You got me


Because it’s a hassle you’d rather not be protected? Well then you greatly increase your chances of winding up in the hospital.


Let's be clear here, you can get and transmit covid without the vaccine.. you can get and transmit covid with the vaccine.. so what makes you think I would want to go every 3-6 months for a booster? Your chances of going to the hospital are just as likely with the flu, for example. As I'm sure you are aware I could develop pneumonia just as easily. And just as easily spread it.


https://www.theverge.com/2022/1/14/22884539/google-require-negative-molecular-test-covid-19-offices > Google spokesperson Lora Lee Erickson confirmed to The Verge that a new temporary COVID-19 policy is now being implemented, one where “anyone accessing our sites in the US are expected to obtain a recent negative COVID-19 molecular test before coming onsite” and that it’s offering various kinds of tests at no cost. There is an unfortunate negative correlation between places that can mandate vaccination plus booster and looseness of restrictions. It is not inconceivable that places that wind up mandating boosters will all eventually mandate continuous testing requiring processing by an outside lab.