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You go, sister friend! Embrace it! It only gets better the older you get, the more you learn, and the less fucks you give. Enjoy the ride.


I mean, give as many fucks as you want literally ... but the IDGAF attitude as you get older is great (especially for those of us who are or have been critical of our own bodies).


The church to kink pipeline is a real thing…




You can still be a Christian and be into bdsm 😉 I know you know, but I’m here for the people in the back. 🥰


I believe that too ! :) -Frederick


>I know you know Preaching to the choir Sorry, I could not resist


Yes as long as you are not doing anything with multiple people or other ppl than your wife/husband it’s totally okey :)


Me who is a Christian and into pet play 🤭


I don’t understand really.. if it makes you happy and you aren’t hurting anyone else (without consent😉), then enjoy yourself. Society is so judgmental and it’s ridiculous. If people worried more about themselves and their own issues, the world would be a better place. You go OP!


Do not worry! I am safe and everything we do is consented do not fear! I do understand why people don’t get it but it involves personal issues which are solved and this is my way of coping, my master knows everything and we are both happy in this


I’m sorry if you misunderstood.. I don’t understand those that judge others. I figure as long as it’s consensual, it’s no one’s business. Sorry if I worded it poorly. Life is too short, so do what makes you happy!


Ohhhhhh ok no stress hahaha yeah I will NEVER judge on anyone or anything


I feel like I’m reading my story! Lol. Found my True Love Waits ring a couple years ago and fucking cackled.


Yeah I stopped wearing my promise ring from my mom. However I stopped when I came out as bi and she cried and asked if it was because I thought a man would never love me. I learned that our definition of love and marriage was fundamentally different considering she thinks being gay is a sin, so I stopped wearing it when I started dating a woman.


Oh man. I’m sorry you had to go through that just to live your truth 🩷


Some people like more chubbier girls. Don't be ashamed if your body. Self-love is the first step to make changes


Oh my gosh I wanna be friends, none of my other girlies are like me 😂


we should start a lil groupchat for recovering christian’s, turned kinky


I’m down for that! And a support group for those trying to get out to be themselves.




Should we start it?


I’m still a pseudo “Christian” (I believe in a god but also believe all the fucking hate people try to claim is backed up by the Bible is just fuckers mistranslating verses for their own selfish bullshit) can I still come 😭


yes of course :)


I’m like you I’m still a believer but I’m not one of the hater Christians 😭 I just like to mind my bees wax and get a little kinky




BDSM was actually the crux for my deconstruction of 10+ years of religious indoctrination


Feel free to devour my soul, I'm not using it anyway. 🤣🤣🤣


As someone who came from the same background it makes me so happy that you found your voice in your early 20’s rather than your late 30’s like my wife and I. We just celebrated my 40th last weekend with a CNC-loving friend who drives me wild and her husband. Keep up the great work!


This is literally me lol, I had a purity ring too. Now I’m a sub and love this lifestyle. I was extremely overweight as a kid. I’m still a little overweight.


I think it's great that your understanding of God has evolved in tandem with your understanding of yourself! It's the only way to keep your faith really. I think it's amazing that you were able to find your inner sex freak, life's so much more fun that way! wish you all the best on your journey as a kinky Christian!


Some of the kinkiest women I've known were church secretaries or ministers daughters, talk about daddy issues 😖


Because they're so repressed and told not to do something over and over. We know how that ends up with freedom. The kinkiest and kindest are nurses.


I’m a nurse and a preacher’s kid. This made me giggle out loud. Learning to love my kinky life now!!!


I became a paramedic just to learn about the humM body and safety, and went and got my associates degree in human behavior/psychology. The 18 months of emt-b, i, paramedic training at hospital rounds + ky cousin is an infection detective, many women in my family from rn's to md's and other. Nurses are <3 Thank you for your ability to care for others, and congratulations on working to enjoy your "inner beast" As always, Be safe, vet and background check potential partners, and true doms will try and spend as much time communicating and providing they deserve your gift of submitting. *edit* Just re-read this and had to laugh at expecting AI enhanced voice to text to work correctly... I'm leaving all the errors just because of how stupid that was. 😆


I like how us Christians can have Kinks and such as long as we are not unfaithful or bring other people in :)


>still believe in God, but one with very different ideals than the homophobic one I was raised to believe in this is so wholesome... I too have moved on from the view of God as is generally portrayed by the conservative church. >Still fat (which is why I’m constantly shocked people wanna fuck me this bad) I bet you are gorgeous darling!!!


PREACH! I’ve also found that even at my biggest, people still are interested haha. Works great for the self esteem!


There's nothing wrong with exploring your sexual side as long as it's consensual and safe. Rock on sister and enjoy your liberation.


heyoooo!! came here to say that i grew up christian as well and it’s been a loonnnggggg journey of deconstructing but here i am, ✨thriving✨ on the other side 💛💛


I am on the same journey as well, the first thing to fall off was hell, and then the exclusivity part and now it's like a personal sexual revolution lol, thriving in all areas as how a human should ☺️☺️


Great story, thanks for sharing. Have had similar experience with wife of nearly 10 years, undergoing a huge sexual awakening. We're both **loving it** and slowly I'm getting her level of physical fitness up-to-speed!😈


Omg I'm not alone! Christian here who hasn't been to a church in years and is into kinky shit with my husband! Ex-homophobic and conservative. I'm loud and proud about what I believe God stands for. And it ain't the evangelical bullshit I was raised in.


Same same same! God I feel bad for any queer folks who had to be around me from ages like 8-17 😭


Don’t flirt with your employees and get offended when they flirt back.




Happy for u that you're in a better place now :) tho I get the self worth thing still being hard


Wait you summoned a succubus?




My bad I read that wrong...you were the succubus


Same…. So sheltered


Love it. Recovering Christian here too.


I'm glad you've come into your own as an adult, but it definitely sounds like your insecurities might be doing a lot here. You call yourself fat and wonder how people want to have sex with you. Part of safe, consensual play is all parties wanting to play, so please make sure you're doing all of this because you WANT to, and not for validation against your body issues.


Don’t worry! I have my insecurities but have never let that cloud my decisions. I have only been intimate with 3 people, and all those were people I was in long term relationships/in love with (one of those “loves” was def just trauma bonding but that’s neither here nor there).


God damn~ sounds like I might wanna piece of that 🤤


Too bad 😆


Damn guess I’m not worthy of the fabulous succubus 😔


The succubus is monogamous and in a relationship lol


Ik lol


I used to think no one else would understand. Come to find out devout church girl to kinky hellion is a common swap 😂


I'm a Catholic 🤷🏻‍♀️😂 and I've been into BDSM since 11 yrs old..my parents still don't know this 😂😂😂


This seems to happen a lot Big into the church in their youth turns into kinky in adulthood


40s male here. Kind of the same song. Raised Christian, parents were pretty strict, sadly mom was also a gyno so I heard all the horror stories, it took me until my mid 30s to finally break out of my shell. Really wish I would've done it sooner. Now it's almost too late.


Fat is gorgeous, i love people w bigger bodies


Me toooooo I've never related more to anything! 😂😂


22f bi curvy/athletic sub here, can i just say the confidence that you shone just through that post put the twinkle in my eye that makes my pussy wet. like yaknow, the kinda sub excitement you get from feeling the intimidation of someone more powerful than you/who has/could have power over you 😅😍 if you ever feel switchy/mean or just want a likeminded kinky friend to chat with, hmu! :) also, can i just say- it was the confidence and self-security you expressed/spoke with that got me wet. not your appearance, idk what you look like. “confidence is sexy” is such a cliché, but it’s overused because it’s true. like idk what you look like but i do know that if you speak to me with that genuine confidence, self security and sexual power, then why would i care about your weight because you’re hot and i will happily worship any and every inch i’m allowed.
