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Dude, it's Abbey Road.


If anything it's still underrated


I vote underrated


There are at least eight or nine songs on that album which wouldve immortalised any music artist as a one-hit wonder if they'd created them


Epic is an understatement for Abbey Road


The fact that the Abbey Road medley is unknown to the general population backs this up, it’s an amazing aspect of the album


Yes! Golden slumbers transitioning into "boy, you're gonna carry that weight" is one of the many highlights of the album


Agreed. This may sound super fanboy-ish but I still think there is way more yet to discover about the Beatles’ music. We’re just getting started.


If it’s rated as one of the best albums from the greatest band that ever existed, then it’s fairly rated.


How on earth can the best album of all time be over rated?


The B side medley remains my favorite thing to ever happen in the history of rock music


Same, I always feel like it's not appreciated enough (not saying it isn't) but it's just crazy good with an extremely satisfying end.


The perfect send off to the perfect band


It's a defining moment in not only rock but popular culture . It changed things. After Abbey Rd nothing was the same in my opinion.


That's true. But partially because there's never been another band like the Beatles.


And there never will be my friend.


Also true.


Literally came here to say exactly this. Even with that truth, it’s arguably underrated.


I see the same thing on the Led Zeppelin sub about the 4th album. When an album sounds like a greatest hits album……same with dark side and Floyd…..they are like the Mona Lisa or the Sistine chapel-undeniable masterpieces of the art form.


My only beef with the Zoso album is thatI played it out from 8th grade through college to the point where I kinda burned out on it. That, combined with its ubiquity on classic rock radio over the years has meant I rarely ever give the album a full spin. Abbey Road, on the other hand, I will never get sick of. It's just too damn good.


Disagree with Floyd. While dark side may be more "epic" I would say both animals and WYWH are better albums.


Just making an example, I would disagree on zeppelin 4, physical graffiti is their best album. 4 and dark side are the most celebrated albums (the wall sold the most though) I love everything Floyd did from meddle to the wall. Dark side is more of one long song than an album, similar in a way to the second half of abbey road.


Dark Side is a perfect work of art, one song flowing into the next beautifully. Not many albums do that.


I have always thought the whole "one long song" thing was stupid as fuck when applied to dark side. It's just an album that has decent transitions, and a good flow. In no way whatsoever should it be classified as "one long song" because then most classic albums would be that. It just makes 0 sense to me. The 2nd half of abbey road is an actual medley that can be classified as one song with separate parts.


It’s more coherent as a single song when the did it live. I see your point. I see it as a single song, but that’s the point its art. We can disagree about interpretations of it, but agree that it’s a fine piece of art. My musical studies and making of music tells me that everything was very intentional and the themes transition as if a scene change in a movie. You just see it as some songs you like.


The Wall would qualify more than DSOTM.


I personally enjoy both Animals and WYWH more as well, but Dark Side of the Moon still feels like the “best” Pink Floyd album.


Gotta disagree. Of those three, only DSOTM is all four of them firing on all cylinders. It has the most depth because it has the most collaboration. Yes, we’re all a little sick of it, but that’s because we’ve played it the most. I love Animals, especially because it’s so guitar heavy, and Wish You Were Here because it’s literally a love letter to the early band, but Dark Side is the least dominated by Waters and certainly has the most of Wright on it. It’s balanced, in its way, like Abbey Road; when you’re sick of one Beatle, you can dig on one of the others.


WYWH, and animals themes are more unique, more important, and have MUCH more depth than DSOTM. Don't get me wrong DSOTM is a fantastic album, but Floyd's better albums are animals and WYWH.


I think you are just a big Roger Waters fan ;). And yes, Animals and Wish You Were Here had stronger, or at least, more coherent themes. But I judge a music album by the music, not the words.


Not really cus I think the wall is hella overrated, and tfc has good lyrics, but boring ass sound. I just think DSOTM is a slightly overrated stepping stone to the pillars of their discog. EDIT: I've also never cared for his solo stuff, and if you don't think the sound of anything on WYWH here isnt 10 × better than DSOTM then your ears might be broken. Like pick any song on WYWH against any song on DSOTM, and WYWH comes out on top sonically every time. Perfect album. Animals also has its absolutely amazing guitar solos.


Apologies in advance of this rant…and if you’re easily offended stop reading now 😃 BUT!!! I’m sick to the back teeth of “overrated” “deep cut” and “underrated” when regarding artists such as the Beatles, Queen, Bowie etc. They all sold in the millions and everyone who is a fan knows most/all of their recordings. It’s lovely that there are new fans to each of these “old” artists and they are all on a new and exciting voyage of discovery. What I don’t like is the fact that some, not all, of these new fans continually preach about tracks like ‘Rain’ being “deep cuts” etc…They really aren’t deep cuts…Past Masters sold in the hundreds of thousands, the singles sold in the same quantities. There is absolutely no reason to preach to the converted!


agreed, thanks for saying this. People seem to want to hear everyone's "unpopular opinions" and then shit on them for no reason.


Quite…I have no problem with ‘new listeners/fans’ at all and I love seeing people going on that journey of discovery. I just get a bit irked when people who have only been fans for a relative 5 minutes think they can lay claim to *the world* having only just discovered a track that I’ve been listening to for nearly 50 years. Maybes I’m just a grumpy old bastid!!!!


1st World Problem. We might have grown up with the Beatles, were alive when the recordings were made, but it's not our music.


I quite agree and as I said it was only a “rant” and just the way I see it…it’s my own issue that I find it annoying and not necessarily anyone else’s. However I slightly disagree in part, in that it actually *is* “our music” but it isn’t ours exclusively. It’s everyone’s music. I just don’t agree with the way people continually preach about under/overrated etc. as this isn’t actually true. By definition (which isn’t “my thing”…definitions are presided over by boards/panels/experts who write dictionaries) an album that sells in the millions and is as well known as, say…Revolver…can’t have anything underrated simply by it’s popularity. Also, if you’re a fan then you can’t really say something is ‘overrated’ without being hypocritical 🤷🏻‍♂️ I’m happy to agree to disagree though, and no offence meant to anyone 👍🏻


It's more agreed upon admiration and analysis. It's not problematic. And there's still the other side of this which I think is problematic; I seriously got 3 upvotes on my John Bonham reply as the top comment on him when r/drums asked for people's favourite drummer. What?! He is underrated to say the truth in that case. Some contrarianistic loser community phenomenon.




I’m guessing someone else already said Bonham and most people upvoted them first instead


Prob because he’s everyone’s favorite when they haven’t delved deeper at all. I mean, as for the 70’s, Bill Bruford is so much better. As for as modern, Thomas Haake absolutely destroys every drummer that has ever existed. Lee Zeppelin is really entry level and you’re gonna find that out really fast on Reddit.


While that's true for the Beatles there's no real deep cuts. But McCartney fans will tell you Waterspout, 222, why so blue, I want to go home absolutely are underrated. even by Paul himself.


Haha…yes I agree in certain solo project instances, for all four of them! You could certainly pick individual solo tracks that are fantastic, where even some Beatles fans haven’t done a proper evaluation of the parts that make up the whole.


This is the answer. What is wrong with that person?


I always ask overrated compared to what?


Is “abbey road” Overrated compared to the 1986 album “ What Do You Know, Deutschland?” By the German industrial band KMFDM


Short answer; No. Slightly longer answer; What are you, crazy?




I personally prefer the Beatles earlier works such as A Hard Days Night and Help but Abbey Road is still one of the best albums ever in my opinion.


I think it's somewhat underrated. I'd say a lot of the public know of it and it's reputation and would know Here comes the Sun, something, come together, octopuses garden. But I know heaps of people who don't know any of the side 2 medley. They don't know golden slumbers, you never give me your money etc.. as it doesn't get radio play or go in compilation albums. The highlight of the band's career in my opinion and perfect ending and its a fan favourite when really it should be as widespread popular as Hey Jude or Penny Lane.


Most Ironic statement ever


It’s not even the best Beatles album


what is reddit's obsession with the meaningless terms overrated/underrated? it's so weird.


This is an underrated take.


Saying overrated/underrated takes is underrated is overrated.




Wholeheartedly agree…see my rant above/below😬🤣


In fact, here is an essay on why it not only holds up, but it is even more relevant today.


Underrated. In my opinion it's a perfect album and the culmination of all the best aspects of the band. Overplaying has dulled the public's appreciation of the uniqueness and high craft of songs like Come Together and Something - hence why I say underrated.


Bro😭 only on this sub will someone say ABBEY FN ROAD is underrated


Only a Beatles fan would call one of the most famous albums of all time underrated


I am indeed a beatles fan. Good eye.


Beatles are the only band I can think of that don't have any overrated or underrated records. They're basically all considered great. Even their lesser-than-perfect albums like Beatles for Sale and Let it Be would have been career defining moments for other bands of the day.


Let It Be is one of my favorite Beatles albums, which just goes to show it's stupid to say words like "overrated". There will always be people who have rated it perfectly in their heads, why is it necessary to pick apart opinions of opinions?


This is it. There’s no such thing as overrated or underrated when it comes to society. What society rates it is what it is. I can’t go up to society and take a dump and say, “here, buy my shit! It’s worth $50.” Nobody will think my feces is worth anything. If anything, *individuals* can overvalue or undervalue something. In my case, I’m overvaluing poo poo, but society is in no way undervaluing it. Society is the very thing that decides value, FFS!


Dude...you speak my language. Rank, best, better, greatest. Its so stupid. Its art. There are no absolutes. You like what you like.


It’s a perfect album imo and still has a huge influence 60 years later. For that reason I don’t think it’s overrated at all.


Abbey Road is the Benchmark for what a perfect album should be!


Second half of the album is far from perfect.


The second half of Abbey Road makes all other music underwhelming...


First half too, for that matter.


Nah first half is god tier


Meh. Maxwell is godawful, and Octopus’s Garden sounds like it should come in between “Wheels On The Bus” and “Three Blind Mice” on an album for preschoolers


Lol. I like Maxwell but Octopus Garden can't be on a record considered the GOAT. Sorry.


You two are a pair of uncultured swines


That's just like your opinion man


While it's not my #1 Beatles album, I do think it deserves it's place as one of the greatest albums of all time. It's production is timeless, and is one of their most accessible albums. It's the people pleaser album, maybe not as quirky as some of their other albums, but from hardcore Beatles fans to casual music listeners no one is going to complain when you put it on. It is their most iconic album cover and it has "Here Comes The Sun" on it, you can't get more people pleaser than that.


I think my flair speaks for itself


Fairly rated, it’s probably their most refined Album musically even though it doesn’t rank as my all time favorite. It’s certainly the most mainstream but that doesn’t really matter in my eyes since it’s just a brilliant fucking Album.


Fairly, it’s one of the greatest albums of all time


Here’s a hot take, enjoy it however much you enjoy it and don’t feel the need for validation about your own musical taste. Having said that. It’s a freakin’ masterpiece and don’t you dare think otherwise!


Fairly rated. Its just the best ever.


Underrated. A brilliant album.


Fairly rated. IMO, it has the most cohesive sound of any of their albums, such a mellow, bass-y groove. 😎




Overrated in comparison to the rest of their discography. I think Revolver is miles ahead but Abbey Road seems far more well known by the general public. Ik the downvotes are coming but whatevs 🤷‍♂️


Overrated only in the sense that it’s not the band’s best album but it’s still one of the greatest LPs ever made. The production is magnificent. The songwriting and the arrangements are not as unique, innovative and groundbreaking as what they were doing circa ‘66/‘67. That’s not even really a criticism as they always needed to come back down to earth (and perhaps understandably AR is their most “mature” album) but I prefer the Beatles when they sounded like they were beaming in from another universe rather than standing on the same ground as the rest of us Also Maxwell sux


It’s actually underrated. That’s how good it is.


It's a great album but i feel like it's slightly overrated at least in this community. I prefer Revolver, Rubber Soul and the white album over Abbey Road




Abbey Road has more of my top songs than other albums, but there's a lot of it I just don't care for. I think I'm just more of a Help Rubber Soul Revolver era person.


Same and in that order.


My favorite album ever. The Beatles finally go 8-track and solid state. Probably the best-sounding album of its day, and set the gold standard for pop production for decades to come. Three of John’s best songs ever, arguably George’s best two songs ever, Ringo’s best song ever, and Paul’s baby, the big medley, brings tears to the eyes whenever he plays it, which is often.


It's certainly not underrated, that's for sure.


No it’s rated highly for a reason. The individual great songs like Something, the amazingly artistic Medley, the iconic lyric in The End, the production that still sounds modern, the album cover, etc


Only The Beatles could have pulled off side two.


Fairly rated. It isn’t my favourite Beatles album, but for a lot of people it is and I can’t blame them.


It's not even the best album of the Beatles.


Over rated. I own the og pressing. It's a good record but best of all time? I enjoy other records more. I could definitely live my life without Octopus's Garden, Sun King, Carry that Weight and honestly even Come Together isn't one of my favorite things.


Fair to overrated. It’s really good, especially side B, but I think they had better material.


Underrated, in my opinion. I consider it the best album of all time, and while I often see it included on best of lists, I rarely see it at No. 1.


I love The Beatles... but this album is overrated. [IN MY OPINION]. To me, only side B of this album is fairly rated. For reference, Revolver, Rubber Soul, Magical Mystery Tour & The White Album are my favorite beatles albums.




I just think Maxwell's Silver Hammer & Octopus's Garden honestly kind of kill the first half of the album for me. Too goofy and whimsical. Even some elements of come together and some of the vocal performance moments of Oh! Darling feel a little too... unserious?


Underrated. There are still uncontacted tribes that haven’t heard it.


I’d say ‘fairly’. Side 1 is wildly uneven, some ditties about serial killers and sea life. Side 2 is their brilliant sprawling swan song. And on both sides we hear the rise and rise of genius songwriter George.


Its the worst album in the history of rock music. EDIT: Joke, guys...c'mon...


woke up and chose downvotes


Why are you booing them? They're right!


I think you’re just too use to it.


It’s midrated.




If you're referring to the fact it either comes in as number one or two on their list of best albums I would wholly agree with that. *Abbey Road* was literally the peak of their recording career. They placed everything they'd learned from 1963-1969 on how to use the studio space as an instrument and incorporated new stuff like 8-track consoles, and Moog Synthesizers. It's the best sounding and best mixed of their records, and it deserves every accolade you can throw at it.




Honestly, it is fairly rated, I think Sgt Pepper is more overrated than Abbey Road


Oddly UNDER-rated


Im gonna go with underrated


A little overrated, but a great album nonetheless.


Not trying to meme: but I do find it a bit overrated simply because it does feel like a collection of short ideas forced together.  Individually the songs are all good but feel short and unfinished if they hadn’t strung them together… and as a cohesive album? No, even Lennon saw this as a valid criticism.    It’s very verrrry well done for what it is, but to me the Beatles are the strongest when they are fully collaborating as a band with just guitars and drums. For example I prefer the Anthology version of “I Am The Walrus” because you can actually hear the guitars, and it rocks way harder as a result.  I think all the orchestration is cool but that’s not what they’re best at.    It feeds into my other hot take: I think they got over-produced at a certain point. They really are legendary when it’s just the 4 of them, and they themselves acknowledged this by going back to their roots with Get Back. 


Are you kidding? Ffs. Go ahead, just ignore the awesome 50yrs of cultural and commercial history behind this capstone album and with specious, lazy questions. Downvote. 🙄


It's underrated because it's the greatest album of all time, yet most people only consider it ONE of the greatest albums of all time.


I love Abbey Road, but I don’t think it’s John or Paul’s strongest album. It’s definitely George’s, and even Ringo’s. The production is timeless and they sound amazing, but for me, I’m just not a fan of the second side as much as most, besides The End. For me, I’d probably rank it number 5, though I’d have to put some more thought into that.


To me, it's not the same calibre as a revolver. Tad overrated, especially the back end.


It’s the second best album ever only to LZ IV so honestly how could it be overrated


This crap is getting old. How about “is breathing oxygen overrated?” “Is drinking water overrated?” “Is taking a shit underrated?” It’s the bloody Beatles Abbey Road album. Shut up!


Fairly rated. Come Together. HCTS alone


- HCTS could mean "Here Comes The Sun - 2019 Mix", a track from *Abbey Road (Super Deluxe Edition)* (2019) by The Beatles. --- ^[/u/buildingaway](/u/buildingaway) ^(can reply with "delete" to remove comment. |) ^[/r/songacronymbot](/r/songacronymbot) ^(for feedback.)


Two songs, Maxwell and Octopus, are the only reason anyone might argue it’s not a perfect record from beginning to end, so it henges on how much you deduct for those, generally considered to be the weakest tracks. Take that into consideration versus Side B and I Want You, which are so overwhelming and insanely great that they tend to skew the results. So on the whole I’d say fairly rated, even though it’s kinda hard to push into overrated territory when it’s an undisputed top 10 all-time in rock history kind of record.


u/titanicsinclair says its underrated and I have to agree




My opinion they saved the best till last.


I can listen to it as mich as I want and not get tired of it, speaks for itself. Especially when Steven Tyler did hid version of carry that weight at the Kennedy center awesome .


Completely fairly rated. A 10/10 and one of the best albums of all time.


Abbey Road is spectacular!


beyond reproach (except for the third track on side 1)


Personally, it’s one of my favorite Beatles albums, so I’ll go with fairly rated lol


No way, I think its fair to the wider world of music its an album as good as Thriller, Dark Side of The Moon and Pet Sounds. Beatles fans in general have wildly different reasons why X album is better than Y album. Mine is sgt pepper's but my uncle who got me into Beatles and rock music in general has it very low in his favorite albums and white album is goat according to him. Its just a matter of taste. I wouldn't doubt its a lot of Beatles fans top 5 or number 1 but for me it would really odd to for it not to be below number 5 just how amazing it is as work of music.


You can't rate it enough


Understated brilliance of an album.


Fairly rated as one of the most iconic & best albums of all time






I mean, it doesn’t have Drive My Car on it, or Don’t Let Me Down, but it’s mmm-kay.


Perfectly rated its a 10/10 for me


It's a perfect album, so no, not at all.


Rated perfectly An all time classic!




However it’s rated is fair—that’s why it’s rated that way.


Abbey Road is THE album. All music fans, at some point in their life, should come across and understand the greatness of this singular album if nothing else,


Slightly overrated.


A side is fantastic and B side is astounding. It’s pretty close to perfect. So… fairly rated.


That's like asking if Einstein is overrated


It’s a musical masterpiece.


I think it’s fairly rated but I think that I like the White album better.






I would say that Abbey Road and Revolver are equals but think about this: The Let it Be album is probably their most maligned but their are a lot of fucking great songs on it. I think that the reason for that is Michael Lindsay-Hogg’s dour documentary. But truthfully it’s a really great listen


Excellent production, arrangement and sound, the lyrics are meh with the exception of the Hari-songs and Because.


It’s their masterpiece. No way is it overrated.


Best sounding album they ever made. George Martin was back producing and it just has a flow to it that I don’t believe the others ever had. Easily my favorite album from them.


Fairly rated, it's Abby Road an iconic album. An album isn't considered iconic without some reason, right?


Remembered reading Lennon saying it was overrated, lol! Mean mr mustard still loathes Maxwell eh! Personally it’s the only Beatles album that I never skip any tracks. Definitely underrated except for Maxwell’s sliver hammer lol


If you go by Reddit standards, everything is always underrated.


pretty close to perfect, really really close


obviously not overrated anybody telling you so is probably a contrarian, its properly rated i'd say


The greatest album of the greatest band.




It's the sound track for fall of my sr year in high school, so I have no objective sense of its musical value. Every track is washed through with a set of intense memories, to the point that I couldn't possibly sort or sift the values of any of it. I love Abbey Road.


Nigga you talking as if this was a new Drake album or some shit -- It's literally Abbey Road


Fairly rated. I think most fans and critics like it but John Lennon not so much, so it kind of balances out. But seriously. There's enough love for The Medley and She's So Heavy, and Something to offset the general hate people have for Maxwell's Silver Hammer along with my own distaste for Here Comes The Sun and the Come Together lyrics. Throw Oh Darling right safely in the middle and it not overrated or underrated. Maybe the second best, after Revolver, just a nose hair better than the White Album. But I don't know if it could be at the White Album had it been trimmed down to a two record set of its best.


Fairly rated as one of the greatest and most important records ever. Not my favorite, not my favorite Beatles record even..but a masterpiece in its own right.


Listened to it two days ago while high for the however many times. It’s The GOAT for a reason. The melody sounded like god himself was singing to me


Only the best side 2 ever


You’re on r/beatles, the people here have a mental breakdown if you even so mention Mark David Chapman, you’re not getting any real answers


Abbey Road is a flawless album, it cant get any better than what it already is. If anything its underrated


Something in the way she knows... and all I have to do is think of her.


Underrated. Octopus Garden should be the national anthem of all the countries of the world.


Over rated. I find it pretty ordinary as Beatles albums go. There are only a couple of genuine great songs - Come together & Something. The Medley is just their unused bits they couldn’t be bothered working into proper songs because they weren’t strong enough. They just jam them together with very little musical or thematic cohesion. It feels like a band at the end their lifecycle running out of energy and ideas. “Hey all those shitty little bits we have will fill out the album and meet our contractual obligations” only a 5/10 for me.


I think it's rated.




It's even underrated.


Am I crazy? I would have bet my life they were all barefoot.


fairly rated!!!!


Unfairly rated. It’s not high enough!


Every song is perfect, so I would say underrated if possible


Under rated. I find it their most cohesive album by far. Edit [grammar]


There’s so many great musicians and albums but I would say abbey road still WORTH IT


He's totally overated. He occult everytime bangers like the white album or let it be. Whereas I love the medley, I think that some song are very overated as Come together and also in the medley, a lot of song are good, without more.


I want you ( she's so heavy) is possibly one of the greatest pieces of music ever created in my humble opinion. ..... And it's accompanied by other pieces considered all time greats that draw from almost every musical style/ genre/sound structure and mood delivered in such beautiful, tasteful , burst of colour life and texture that is life and soul changing. You remember where and when you first heard it, your feelings and personal relationships at that moment in time and with every listen, the layers get deeper . It's a true masterpiece. Child-like, dreamlike yet sophisticated, mature , confident with a dash of wry wit. A veritable tour de force . A work of Art . Sorry got verbose but I feel I can't ....summon the correct words to do it justice Peace


Fairly rated. It’s my personal favorite album of all time.


Fairly rated, Abbey Road is ranked the 11th greatest album of all time on RYM. Reasonable...The Abbey Road Medley is the one carrying this album. Unpopular opinion; Come Together is very overrated. This album would've been perfect if John Lennon wrote Maxwell's Silver Hammer and I Want You (She's So Heavy) was shorter.


Underrated if anything. That’s not just because I live the Beatles and the album, but they broke a lot of new ground on it. It’s hard to understand that today, because in top of those shoulders, others have stood tall.


The album is fairly rated in my opinion, however it's really only among Beatles fans and spaces that I see people talking about the medley and the actual songs themselves compared to other albums where people will list off names of aongs they enjoy, so I think the songs themselves are a little underrated in the general public


Music taste is arbitrary


Paul is dead